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  1. forum rang 10 voda 14 januari 2016 19:29
    Groen licht voor megazonnepark in Delfzijl

    Gepubliceerd op 14 jan 2016 om 18:01 | Views: 1.059

    DELFZIJL (AFN) - In Delfzijl kan binnenkort begonnen worden met de bouw van het grootste zonnepark van Nederland. Donderdag namen havenbedrijf Groningen Seaports, projectontwikkelaar Sunport Energy en de Duitse financier en bouwer Wirsol het definitieve besluit voor de komst van het park.

    In de zuidwestelijke hoek van het Delfzijlse havengebied worden ongeveer 123.000 zonnepanelen geplaatst op een oppervlak zo groot als zestig voetbalvelden. Volgens de initiatiefnemers is het park daarmee het grootste van Nederland. Het zonnepark zal straks de industrie in de regio Eemsdelta van duurzame stroom voorzien.

    Met het project is een investering gemoeid van ruim 30 miljoen euro. De bouwvergunningen en subsidieregeling waren eerder al rond. Wirsol begint in het voorjaar met de bouwwerkzaamheden. Het is de bedoeling dat het park voor het einde van het jaar is aangesloten op het elektriciteitsnet, waarna de eerste zonnestroom kan worden geleverd.
  2. Nakatomi 14 januari 2016 20:20

    Dankjewel voor je uitnodiging voor dit forum. Wat zijn je verwachtingen van fondsen Canadian Solar, FirstSolar, Yingli Solar? Zit ik zelf in op dit moment.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 14 januari 2016 20:27

    Nakatomi schreef op 14 januari 2016 20:20:


    Dankjewel voor je uitnodiging voor dit forum. Wat zijn je verwachtingen van fondsen Canadian Solar, FirstSolar, Yingli Solar? Zit ik zelf in op dit moment.
    Fijn dat je hier bent. Deze vraag(en) krijg ik vaker gesteld.

    Mijn laatste antwoord?

    Zie mijn post op 31 dec 2015 om 16:06

    Verder veel leesplezier hier gewenst.
  4. [verwijderd] 15 januari 2016 01:30

    voda schreef op 5 januari 2016 20:43:

    @ Hosternokke.

    Je zat nog te twijfelen of je bij Delta zou blijven of niet?
    Ben je inmiddels overgestapt?

    Ik ben gisteren van Delta naar overgestapt.
    Netto premie van maar liefst 230 euro, voor 1 jaar vast tarief voor gas & elektra. Meteen contract etc. binnen. Perfect via

    (Je kan ook opgeven of je panelen hebt, en hoeveel die ongeveer opwekken.)
    Ha,Voda, zie je bericht nu pas.
    Ben inderdaad over, naar Nuon via Flinke overstappremie. Overgestapt in juli, handiger is om dit te doen in januari of zo als je panelen hebt, maar dit zag ik later pas. Overstappen is zonder problemen gegaan, tevens alert ingesteld via genoemde site indien contract op z'n eind loopt. Dan maar weer eens kijken voor een volgende deal.

    Heb iets meer opgewekt maar ook meer verbruikt afgelopen jaar, zowel gas als elektra. Ben verder op zoek naar een plug & play-setje (3 panelen, omvormertje, etc.), heb hier nog wel ruimte voor.

    Oh ja, gisteren m'n beide vriezers nog ontdooid. Lades gaan op d'n duur slecht open en dicht vanwege aanvriezing dus om het 1/2 jaar even de stekker eruit om de boel weer ijsvrij te maken. Bijkomend voordeel: scheelt direct de helft in verbruik heb ik gemeten.

  5. [verwijderd] 15 januari 2016 01:33

    Nakatomi schreef op 14 januari 2016 20:20:


    Dankjewel voor je uitnodiging voor dit forum. Wat zijn je verwachtingen van fondsen Canadian Solar, FirstSolar, Yingli Solar? Zit ik zelf in op dit moment.
    Hi Nakatomi,
    Ik weet het niet en had Voda dezelfde vraag gesteld. Naar mijn mening is de concurrentie op de Solar Panel markt enorm hoog en het is moeilijk in te schatten wie het daar gaat maken. Daar geef ik de Chinesen meer kans dan de Amerikanen (dus eerder Canadian Solar en Yingli dan FirstSolar). Echter vind ik het model dat de Solar firma de panelen betaald en onderhoud en de gebruiker dus gewoon zijn dak ter beschikking stelt en de stroom koopt erg interessant. Dat model past ook zeer goed in de Amerikaanse markt (maar het is er nu in Duitsland ook). Echter als de FED in de USA verder gaat met de rente verhooging word dit model moeilijker om (rentabel) door te zetten.

    Persoonlijk zet ik op SMA Solar omdat die geen panelen maar stroom wisselaars maken en daar wereldwijd de leider zijn. Er is een Israelische firma (SolarEdge, IPO in 2015) waarvan men zegt dat die een nieuwer en beter produkt hebben echter moet die ook op een andere plaats in het system worden ingezet. Afgaande op de koers ontwikkeling van bijde firmas deed SMA het in 2015 veel beter maar dat zou kunnen veranderen.

    Verder denk ik dat SunCity zeer goede kaarten heeft al is het maar omdat ze met "Elon Musk" verbonden zijn. Die is in de USA zo populair dat alles waar hij naar kijkt goud word.

    Mijn conclusie/strategy. De overproductie van zonnencellen en panelen is zo groot dat ik het niet aan durf om in een firma te investeren die alleen maar cellen en/of panelen bouwt. Dan liever in een firma met een uniek product (SMA of SolarEdge), danwel een firma die de Solar business breed afdekt. Dus met zowel aanbiedingen voor partikulieren en/of het runnen van grote solar farms. Maar heb daar nog geen een echte super kandidaat gevonden.

  6. forum rang 10 voda 15 januari 2016 16:33
    Haryana discoms to generate 165 MW solar power in 2016-17

    Economic Times reported that Haryana's power distribution firms Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Ltd and Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Ltd have made arrangements to produce 165 mw solar power during 2016-17 to help meet the state's target.

    Mr Nitin Yadav MD of Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Ltd said that the utilities are persuing solar power projects in accordance with the state's renewable purchase obligation as notified by Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission.

    For this, Haryana Power Purchase Centre had on behalf of the distribution firms invited bids to provide power produced from solar plants in Haryana and finalised 165 mw of solar power from different solar power projects to be installed in the state at a fixed tariff for a period of 25 years.

    Currently, Haryana has installed capacity of 12.8 mw of solar power.

    Mr Yadav said that in order to promote energy conservation and to provide sustainable and affordable energy to consumers, the state requires increased focus on renewable energy sector.

    Source : Economic Times
  7. forum rang 10 voda 15 januari 2016 16:39
    India solar sector funding drops to USD 25.3 bn in 2015

    PTI reported that solar sector globally attracted corporate funding worth USD 25.3 billion in 2015 against that of USD 26.5 billion in 2014.

    According to a report by clean energy communications and consulting firm Mercom Capital Group "Total global corporate funding in the solar sector, including venture capital/private equity (VC), debt financing, and public market financing, raised by public companies came to USD 25.3 billion, compared to USD 26.5 billion in 2014."

    Mr Raj Prabhu CEO of Mercom Capital Group said that overall it was a good year for the solar sector considering the turbulence in the stock markets and trouble with "yieldcos in the second half of the year. The extension of the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) was a much needed boost for the sector, paving the way for a strong 2016."

    The statement said that global VC investments came to USD 1.1 billion in 83 deals in 2015, compared to USD 1.3 billion in 85 deals in 2014.

    Source : PTI
  8. forum rang 10 voda 15 januari 2016 16:42
    Grupo Clavijo and Brazilian steel structure manufacturer Brafer enter strategic partnership

    Spanish solar tracker provider Grupo Clavijo has entered into a strategic partnership with Brasilian steel structure manufacturer. The two companies will provide Brazilian project developers with fixed structures and trackers for the development of PV projects across Brazil.

    Clavijo stressed that the projects will rely on trackers manufactured in Brazil and will be financed by the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES)

    Source : Photon
  9. forum rang 10 voda 19 januari 2016 19:19
    Mena region to attract USD 35bn renewable energy investment - Experts

    Experts from the International Renewable Energy Authority (Irena), said that With increasingly lower-cost solar photovoltaic modules helping the countries in Middle East and North Africa (Mena) to diversify their energy mix, the region is set to attract $35 billion worth of renewable energy investments every year by 2020.

    They were speaking at the World Future Energy Summit 2016 (WFES) which opened today (January 18) in the UAE capital.

    Hosted by Masdar, WFES is being held at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre till January 21, co-located with International Water Summit and EcoWaste.

    The organisers said that it is a global platform for open dialogue between government and industry leaders, international policy makers, investors and experts.

    Speaking at the launch, leading industry experts have urged governments, banks and landlords in the Mena region to join forces to promote solar rooftop adoption, thus saving on energy costs and creating 'green' jobs.

    One of the key supporters of solar rooftop innovation is Dubai Water and Electricity Authority (Dewa), whose Shams Dubai initiative connects solar rooftops to its power grid, in support of Dubai Plan 2021 and the Smart Dubai initiative.

    Part of the objective is to make Dubai one of the ‘smartest’ cities in the world for energy supply and demand.

    Owing to these initiatives, the GCC’s solar capacity is expected to reach 10 gigawatts, representing a market opportunity of at least $10 billion to 2020, with solar rooftops in the UAE reaching 2.5 gigawatts and a $3 billion opportunity, the experts stated.

    With the UAE aiming for 10 per cent of power generated by renewables by 2030, according to Irena, Dewa is furthering the UAE’s solar sector through the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park, the world’s largest single-site solar project at 5 GW by 2030.

    Mr Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, the managing director and chief executive of Dewa, said that "Dubai Clean Energy Strategy aims to provide seven per cent of Dubai’s energy from clean energy sources by 2020, 25 per cent by 2030 and 75 per cent by 2050."

    Source : TradeArabia News Service
  10. forum rang 10 voda 19 januari 2016 19:25
    MP inks pact with IFC to set up world's largest solar plant

    PTI reported that the Madhya Pradesh government has inked a pact with IFC, member of the World Bank Group, to set up the world's largest solar energy plant with a capacity of 750 MW.

    The Rewa Ultra-Mega Solar Power Project will be set up in Gurh tehsil of Rewa district over an area of 1,500 hectares at an estimated cost of INR s 4,500 crore.

    The report said that the project will be the largest single-site solar power project in the world. The MoU was signed between Madhya Pradesh Renewable Energy Development Corporation and IFC.

    Mr Rajendra Shukla, the state's Energy Minister, said that "Successful implementation of the Rewa Ultra-Mega Power project will be a key milestone for Madhya Pradesh's outstanding efforts and leadership in renewable energy and the Centre's remarkable vision on solar power."

    IFC, which is working with the Union government to assist in meeting its large-scale solar energy generation goals, is also supporting the state government for the project.

    Moreover, IFC will extend its global expertise to structure and implement the transaction to help attract private investments of about USD 750 million.

    Madhya Pradesh Urja Vika Nigam Limited (MPUVN) and the Solar Energy Corporation of India have created a joint venture company --- Rewa Ultra-Mega Solar Power Limited --- to implement the project.

    Source : PTI
  11. forum rang 10 voda 19 januari 2016 19:26
    India to add 2,000 MW solar capacity in January-March

    Economic Times reported that India will add 2,000MW of solar power capacity between January and March, which is equal to the capacity added during the entire 2015.

    The major projects expected to be completed in these three months are in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh. These projections by solar consultancy Bridge to India indicate that the country will comfortably surpass its target of 2,000 MW of solar projects for 2015-16. Already around 1,100 MW have been added in the nine months to December 2015.

    The target for 2016-17 is much stiffer at 12,000 MW.

    In the first three quarters up to December, India is expected to add another 2,839 MW of capacity. This means that over 9,000 MW will have to be added in the last quarter if the target is to be met. The majority of projects completed during the year will be in the five southern states. India wants to achieve 1 lakh MW of solar power by 2022.

    Solar tariffs fell drastically in 2015, culminating in an all-time low of INR 4.63 per unit offered by both Sun Edison and SB Energy while bidding for separate projects - of 500 MW and 350 MW respectively - for NTPC in Andhra Pradesh. There is disagreement over whether they will fall any further in 2016.

    Mr Vinay Rustagi, managing director, Bridge to India, said that "Maybe in the middle to long-term, a reduction might take place due to a fall in equipment pricing. A 10-12 per cent drop in equipment prices is expected."

    But Mr Prashant Panda, president, solar business at ACME Solar, said a correction was likely.

    Mr panda said that "I feel tariffs have bottomed out. I don't expect them to go down any further."

    In 2010, the price used to be INR 17.91 per unit. Analysts are already wondering whether given the sliding prices, solar projects in India will remain attractive for foreign investors.

    India to add 2,000 MW solar capacity in January-March, major projects in states like Andhra Pradesh and Telangana

    Source : Economic Times

  12. forum rang 10 voda 20 januari 2016 17:17
    India solar power capacity crosses milestone of 5,000 MW

    On the auspicious occasion of Makar Sankranti/Pongal, the installed capacity of solar power in India crossed the milestone of 5,000 MW yesterday. The cumulative installed capacity has reached to 5,130 MW with installed capacity of 1385 MW in current FY.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute

  13. forum rang 10 voda 20 januari 2016 17:24
    Haryana targets 4200MW solar power by 2022

    Economic Times reported that the Haryana government is targeting 4,200 megawatt of solar power by 2022, including 1,600 mw from roof top solar power plants.

    Mr Ankur Gupta, principal secretary, renewable energy, said that surplus power generated through installation of rooftop solar panels by any type of building, if any, could be fed into the state grid under net-metering regulations

    Mr Gupta said that the cost of solar power is declining, making it a viable option for not only industrial and commercial buildings but also for individual households. A typical 1 kw solar power plant costs about INR 70,000 to 75,000 and produces about 1,500 units of electricity annually. That means the payback period is just about four years whereas life of the system is more than 25 years.

    He said that to encourage installation of grid connected rooftop solar power plants, the government is providing financial incentive of INR 20,000 per KWp, or 30 per cent of the benchmark cost of the plant, whichever is less, to all categories of users except the commercial and industrial establishment of private sector.

    Source : Economic Times
  14. forum rang 10 voda 21 januari 2016 19:59
    Solar power starts ascent in Texas

    Dallas News reported that for years, Texas consumers have been buying electricity through renewable energy plans. Now TXU Energy, the state’s largest electricity retailer, has added a twist: 100 percent solar power.

    For those who want to support solar, it’s an alternative to investing in a rooftop system, the company said in a recent release. But if you want solar panels, TXU has a program for that, too, which it launched in November with partner SunPower.

    As a marketing campaign, this isn’t groundbreaking, given that consumers have so many choices already. But the push says much about the coming boom in Texas energy.

    Mr Peter Sopher, a policy analyst for the Environmental Defense Fund in Austin, said that “Solar is poised to take off in Texas.”

    He compared it to wind power a decade ago, when turbines were popping up in West Texas. In 2005, wind generated 1.4 percent of electricity on ERCOT, the grid that handles most of the state’s electric load. For the first 11 months of 2015, wind’s share was over 11 percent. And in November, it was over 18 percent.

    Texas is easily the No. 1 state in wind, with more than twice the capacity of California.

    However, on solar, Texas has been lagging. It ranked No. 10 among the states in solar power as of September. Texas doesn’t match the incentives of some states and has an abundant supply of other cheap energy, including natural gas.

    Source : Dallas News
  15. forum rang 10 voda 21 januari 2016 20:00
    India solar power tariff at record low, drops to INR 4.34 a unit - Mr Kapoor

    The solar power tariff fell to an all-time low, with Finland-based energy firm Fortum Finnsurya Energy, quoting INR 4.34 a unit to bag the mandate to set up a 70MW solar plant under NTPC's Bhadla Solar Park tender.

    Mr Tarun Kapoor, New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) Joint Secretary, said that "This (Rs 4.34 a unit) is the lowest solar tariff so far in India. This has happened because of confidence in the balancesheet of NTPC and solar parks that come with all clearances and confidence in the market."

    In November last year, the solar power tariff had touched an all-time low of INR 4.63 per unit following aggressive bidding by the US-based SunEdison, the world's biggest developer of renewable energy power plants.

    Mr Kapoor said that NTPC bid out 420 mw in six blocks of 70 mw each.

    He said that the other winners included Rising Sun Energy Pvt Ltd (two blocks for INR 4.35 a unit), Solairedirect (two blocks for INR 4.35 a unit) and Yarrow Infrastructure (one block for Rs 4.36).

    Mr Sanjay Aggarwal MD of Fortum India in a statement said that "We understand that we are among the successful bidders in the e-reverse auction process conducted by NTPC for the selection of grid connected solar PV projects... in Bhadla Solar Park Phase II in Rajasthan for 70MW."

    Mr Aggarwal said that "Based on the general procedure, a letter of intent (LoI) shall be issued within 15 days from the completion of the reverse auction and PPA shall be signed within 30 days after the LoI is issued. Hence, Fortum will be in a position to disclose more details once the company signs the PPA with a relevant authority in India."

    Source : PTI
  16. forum rang 10 voda 25 januari 2016 17:23
    ArcelorMittal wants to setup solar plant at Bellary instead of steel plant - Report

    Deccan Chronicle reported that ArcelorMittal decided to back out from its much hyped investment of USD 6.5 billion in a steel plant at Ballari as ArcelorMittal group CEO Mr Sanjay Sharma and his team met Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Friday at his official residence seeking permission to change the use of 2,800 acres of land at Ballari to set up a 600 megawatt solar power plant.

    During the meeting with the Chief Minister, company officials reportedly briefed him about the practical difficulties in starting steel companies and also explained to him the delay in auctioning iron ore blocks to start a captive mining project in Ballari. Instead of the steel plant, the company has placed a proposal for a solar plant at the same place and also stated that proposed solar plant would be India’s largest.

    Sources revealed that the company did not want to lose the land in Karnataka. Chief Minister Siddaramaiah reportedly assured the delegation that after a discussion with top officials and the Industry minister, he would spell out his decision.

    As per report “Since the 2,800 acres has already been allotted to ArcelorMittal for a mega steel plant, the company has sought permission for land use change to a solar power plant.

    Sources revealed that the stiff competition from other steel giants was the reason for ArcelorMittal to reconsider its decision to set up the steel plant. JSW Steel Limited, Uttam Galva and NMDC have plants in Ballari.

    Source : Deccan Chronicle
  17. forum rang 10 voda 25 januari 2016 21:35
    Domestic solar EPC prices plunge as global companies raise bar

    Economic Times reported that a significant drop in global commodity prices and fierce competition among domestic cash-strapped power project contractors have led to a steep fall in prices of solar EPC ( engineering, procurement and construction) contracts, benefiting power asset owners and consumers.

    Solar EPC prices plunge as global companies raise barEPC contractors are learnt to have quoted the lowest ever prices of around INR 5.6 crore a megawatt for solar power projects of NTPC in Rajasthan (260 MW) and Madhya Pradesh (250 MW) in the first-ever re verse auctions in the domestic content category.

    The development comes at a time when global and domestic solar power developers have been aggressively participating in the auctions, pushing down solar pow er tariffs to the lowest-ever levels of INR 4.34 a unit in the latest auctions in Rajasthan.

    Fortum Finnsurya, part of Finland's state-owned Fortum, emerged the lowest bidder in 420 MW of solar projects in the reverse auction by NTPC for its solar park in Rajasthan. The lowest tariff until now had been INR 4.63 a unit, offered by Sun Edison (500 MW) and SB Energy (350 MW) - the joint venture of Soft Bank, Foxconn and Bharti Airtel - in the open category for projects in Andhra Pradesh.

    Solar power experts say the stage has been set for discovery of yet another competitive EPC price during the forthcoming reverse auction for 750 MW of NTPC's open-category project in Andhra Pradesh. With the open-category projects allowing use of cheaper imported cells and modules, they say the EPC prices may now see a new low of below Rs 5 crore a megawatt.

    Mr Rajinder Kumar Kaura, national convenor of Solar Energy Society of India, said the costs of solar projects, both for developers and EPC players, were witnessing new competitive benchmarks owing to various factors that include the fall in global commodity prices, cheaper sourcing of imported cells and modules, and the large sizes of solar units in the reverse auctions.

    According to Kameswara Rao, PwC partner, energy and utilities, the continued decline in solar tariffs was due to a combination of several factors. These include lower imported module prices and competitive interest from project developers.

    Tendering agencies were also playing key role in shaving costs by offering larger projects, more secure contracts, and pre-developed facilities.

    Mr Rao said that "Despite stiff competition, EPC contractors are benefiting from buoyant project activity and, with growing experience are delivering projects in shorter time. In fact, some are taking ownership positions now, albeit funded by global investment banks."

    Mr Ashish Khanna, ED and CEO of Tata Power Solar Systems, an integrated solar power player into production of solar cells and modules, developer and EPC contractor, said that integrated players would have the advantage of cost optimisation of efficiencies that help them quote low tariffs and EPC bids. Finding no significant changes in input costs of solar cells and modules of late for solar prices to fall, he viewed that the aggressive price bids by domestic and foreign players could be based on certain assumptions on future trends of prices.

    Source : Economic Times
  18. forum rang 10 voda 25 januari 2016 21:36
    Govt to soon launch new policy for solar zones - Sources

    As part of efforts to boost the solar sector, the government will soon come out with a new policy for setting up solar zones in the country to give a fillip to renewable energy projects and manufacturing of equipment.

    Each solar zone will be spread over 100 sq kms and 25 per cent of the area will be reserved for the small and medium industries.

    New and Renewable Energy Secretary Upendra Tripathy, said that "We are bringing new policy which would be called 'solar zone'. It will be spread over 100 square kms (10 X 10 KM). It will be divided into three parts. It (policy for solar zones) will be out in a month's time."

    India has set an ambitious target of achieving 100 GW of solar power generation capacity by 2022 under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission.

    Mr Tripathy said that "We will provide INR 1 crore each to states for preparing detailed project report (DPR). In the DPR, we will supply the connectivity points (transmission link). The (issues related to) land will be settled among the owner, company and the states."

    He said that hese zones will not be confined to promoting solar energy only as the area will have wind potential as well.

    He added that "We show them solar richness in different zones through satellite map. If there are places where solar and wind both are available then we will indicate those. We try to make it (zone) hybrid where solar and wind both will exist."

    He further added that the 25 per cent area will be for small and medium size industries to put up plants with capacities such as 3, 5 and 10 MW. They will not require any permission and respective state governments can guide them.

    Source : PTI
  19. forum rang 10 voda 27 januari 2016 16:59
    Haagse solarstart-up haalt concurrent van de Nasdaq

    •Rutger Betlem

    Gisteren, 06:00
    Update: gisteren, 09:52

    Het Nederlandse solarbedrijf Eternal Sun neemt voor een onbekend bedrag zijn Amerikaanse branchegenoot Spire Solar over. Het aan de Nasdaq genoteerde fonds test een kwart van alle zonnepanelen in de wereld.

    Spire Solar maakt een zonnesimulator waarmee de opbrengst van zonnepanelen wordt berekend. Eternal Sun, opgericht in 2011, is in hetzelfde domein actief, maar vindt zijn klanten vooral bij de grote wetenschappelijke instituten zoals National Autonomous University of Mexico, Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland en het technische conglomeraat Avic uit China.

    Marktpositie in de VS

    Met de overname, die dinsdag bekendgemaakt wordt, koopt Eternal Sun niet alleen aanwezigheid op de Amerikaanse markt, de onderneming boort ook een nieuwe klantengroep aan. Daarnaast worden er sprongen gemaakt op het gebied van R&D en certificering op het Amerikaanse continent. ‘Met de overname zijn we mondiaal een van de grootste spelers in deze markt geworden’, aldus Chokri Mousaoui, ceo en medeoprichter van Eternal Sun.

    Chokri Mousaoui (Foto: Eternal Sun)


    Hoeveel de Hagenaren voor het bedrijf betalen, willen de oprichters niet zeggen. Wel willen ze kwijt dat het ‘een goede deal’ was. Spire Solar staat op het moment aan de Nasdaq genoteerd als penny stock. Er wordt nog nauwelijks gehandeld in het aandeel.

    Het veertig jaar oude bedrijf, dat ook productielijnen voor zonnepanelen levert, kwam in de problemen nadat het een te ambitieus groeipad koos. ‘Er is een aantal strategische beslissingen genomen die achteraf gezien niet erg verstandig waren’, zegt Mousaoui vanuit China waar hij is om de afnemers van Spire Solar gerust te stellen.

    Doordat de levering en de betaling van productielijnen ver uit elkaar lagen, is het bedrijf in acute liquiditeitsproblemen gekomen. De divisie die testapparatuur voor zonnepanelen levert is volgens Mousaoui zeer gezond. De technologie van de Amerikanen wordt bij een kwart van alle productielocaties van zonnepanelen gebruikt.


    Eternal Sun wordt bij de overname ondersteund door Vermec, een investeringsfonds dat in handen is van de Belgische familie Verhaeren. De durfinvesteerder stak eind vorig jaar €?2 mln in het bedrijf en zal ook nu weer investeren. De Vlamingen zullen onder meer het werkkapitaal van de Amerikanen versterken. ‘Dat gaf de doorslag bij de keuze voor Vermec’, vertelt Mousaoui. ‘Ze kunnen ook investeren in vervolgrondes en de familie heeft veel ervaring met groei door overnames.’

    Spire Solar wordt de komende maanden van de Nasdaq gehaald. Dat kan relatief eenvoudig, aldus Mousaoui. ‘De oprichter heeft een substantieel deel van de aandelen in handen.’ Het bedrijf zal onder zijn eigen naam blijven opereren met het hoofdkantoor in Boston.

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Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 383
Arcadis 252 8.785
Arcelor Mittal 2.034 320.756
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.326
Aroundtown SA 1 219
Arrowhead Research 5 9.745
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.244
ASML 1.766 107.994
ASR Nederland 21 4.501
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 507
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.684
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 64
Azerion 7 3.403