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  1. forum rang 10 voda 21 september 2015 16:41
    Stagnant investment hurts China's solar industry development

    While fresh investments in the photovoltaic industry in China are focused on building solar power stations, makers are struggling to get the financing needed to develop more key manufacturing technologies for PV components and equipment which constitutes the core of the industry, reports Guangzhou's 21st Century Business Herald, citing remarks by Mr Wang Bohua, secretary general of the China Photovoltaic Industry Association.

    At a recent annual forum on investment in China's solar power stations, Mr Wang stressed that the country's PV industry is at a critical juncture for technology upgrades and new investment is badly needed to finance the change, although the country is technically capable of manufacturing high-performance monosilicon cell or polysilicon solar cells.

    According to Mr Wang, in a document sent in June to the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, China pledged that its non-fossil energy will account for 15% of primary energy consumption by 2020 and the ratio will rise to 20% by 2030. This should paint a bright future for China's solar power market, as the nation's aggregate installed solar power capacity should reach 150 GW in 2020 and rise further to 400 GW in 2030 to honor these commitments. Given total installed capacity reached 35.78 GW in the first half, the average annual growth scale could reach 20 GW by 2030.

    The paper said that the PV application market in China has grown slowly in recent years, with additional installed solar power generation capacity reaching just 11.3 GW in 2013, 10.6 GW in 2014 and 7.73 GW in the first half of the year. The figures have made China the largest PV application market in the world.

    Industry insiders said that it should no wonder that investors are willing to funnel their funds into the construction of solar power stations, as such stations can be sold, listed on the bourse, and promise a robust investment return rate of 8%-10%, higher than that of PV component manufacturing. As investing in solar power stations can help digest their solar cell production capacity, almost all the top 20 makers of solar modules in China moved to invest in downstream solar power stations in 2014.

    It will usually take 20 to 25 years for investors in solar power stations to make back their investments and so the quality of solar cells and other PV components play a key role in determining whether a solar power station can last that long. It is also pivotal for the industry to keep upgrading the related manufacturing technologies and boost the quality of components.

    While Chinese investors show little interest in investing in upgrading key PV manufacturing technologies, those in the US and Europe are rushing to do so. SolarCity, an American provider of energy services including installation of solar power systems, recently announced its acquisition of Silevo, the first company in the US to commercialize a tunneling junction solar cell and is looking to establish a 1GW solar module factory in New York. The European Union is also implementing the xGWp project to establish a Gigawatt-scale photovoltaic cell and module based on next generation technologies.

    Source : Want China Times
  2. forum rang 10 voda 22 september 2015 16:44
    Morgan community reacts to plans of solar power farm reported that the saying goes make hay when the sun shines, but developer Mr Dave Blittersdorf, is making money when the sun shines.

    Mr Blittersdorf, said that "We're making solar when the tax and investment climate is correct."

    The latest example: a proposed 100 panel farm in Morgan, near Lake Seymour.

    He said that "We make solar trackers that follow the sun and if you make panels that follow the sun, you produce about 40 percent more energy."

    Mr Blitttersdorf has yet to convince everyone his plan is in the town's best interest.

    Mr Larry Labor, Morgan select board member, said that "What value does this project have for the benefit of the residents of the town of Morgan."

    Mr Blittersdolf said that "You will get tax revenue for the town."

    Some residents worry about what wind and solar projects might do to the quality of water in the lake, but the developer reminded residents that the net metering benefits of solar far outweigh what they perceive as the risks.

    Mr Blittersdorf said that "The runoff will not impact the lake."

    The energy produced would not power Morgan, but would be stored and sent to Jay Peak to help power the resort.

    At an informational meeting called by the select board Monday, Mr Blittersdorf, received support from an unlikely source the man that may soon live right next door to the arrays.

    Mr Corey Carpenter said that "I'm not a fan of solar but I believe he has a right to do as he intended with the property after all."

    Some leary residents believe Mr Blittersdorf, ridgeline land purchases mean he also wants to bring wind to the small kingdom town.

    Mr Blittersdorf said that "I can't tell you straight out whether there will be wind someday somewhere in Vermont because I'm buying land in other towns and other places for many reasons."

    Mr Bob Kern, Morgan, said that "If you move it away from the lake and out of sight, I don't have a problem with it, but if you bring turbines we'll have a major fight."

    It's a warning from a resident who hopes when the sun sets on his generation, Morgan is just as pretty as he found it.

    Right now the project is under review by the Public Service Board. At the end of the meeting, locals voted 62 to 7 to have the select board try to intervene to stop the project.

    Source :
  3. forum rang 10 voda 22 september 2015 16:45
    Dubai opens 800 MW solar power tender - Report

    Clean Technica reported that the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority has officially opened tender for the 3rd phase of its iconic solar power park.

    Tender for the 800 MW 3rd phase of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park will remain open until 29th September 2015 and is the largest issued so far for the planned 3 GW solar power park. The additional 800 MW capacity is expected to be commissioned by 2018.

    The 1st phase of the solar park involved the installation of 13 MW worth of capacity, and through the 2nd phase tender, 200 MW capacity was famously auctioned to Saudi Arabia’s ACWA Power at record-low average tariff of 5.84¢ per kWh. In March, ACWA Power announced that it had secured a debt financing loan worth USD 344 million for the project. The 27-year loan will be provided by Abu Dhabi’s First Gulf Bank and 2 Saudi banks the National Commercial Bank and the Samba Financial Group.
    Mr Paddy Padmanathan, Chief Executive Officer, ACWA Power announced at the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week 2015 that the company would secure debt financing at a low interest rate of just 4%.

    The initial installed capacity target for the solar power park was set at 1 GW by 2019. However, earlier this year the authority announced that it would boost the park’s capacity to 3 GW by 2030 with a total estimated investment of USD 3 billion.

    The solar power park is central to the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority’s target to source 7% of Dubai’s total power output from renewable energy sources by 2020, and 15% by 2030. The United Arab Emirates plan to source at least 24% of its total electricity demand from ‘clean energy’ sources like renewable energy and nuclear power.

    Source : Clean Technica
  4. forum rang 10 voda 22 september 2015 16:47
    Gurgaon goes all out to tap solar power - Report

    Mr Vinay Pratap Singh, Additional Deputy Commissioner (Gurgaon) who is also the nodal officer of the Haryana Renewable Development Agency, has said that a single window “solar facilitation centre” would be opened at the Rajiv Gandhi Renewable Park near Leisure Valley here to promote solar energy.

    Mr Singh was speaking at a workshop titled “Getting Started on Energy Management and Solar” organized by the Gurgaon First, an NGO, in association with HAREDA. More than 120 delegates, including solar consultants, green architects and several residents’ welfare associations attended the workshop.

    The event was organised to boost the use of solar energy in the city before September 31st, by which date a State government order has asked buildings covering 500 square yards and above to switch to solar energy to cater to certain needs. The workshop helped in updating delegates about the latest guidelines of the State government, as well as clarifying doubts on subsidy issues. Mr Singh also said that the local administration was focused on bringing energy management into focus in the city and coordinating the efforts of HAREDA with Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam to benefit residents, institutions and industries in Gurgaon.

    Mr Balwant Singh, Chief Engineer, DHBVN informed that the net-metering policy had been clarified by the State regulator and the utility will soon come out with specifications for dual-meters, which could deal with both conventional and solar energy. With this, consumers could feed surplus energy into the grid and be compensated for it in their energy bills.

    Mr OD Sharma, Project Director, HAREDA, said that solar energy should be installed given its merit and not because of its subsidy support.

    Mr Rajendra Kaura, vice-president, Solar Energy Society of India said that “The cell and module industry should come up in a big way in Haryana. This will contribute to the employment and socio-economic upliftment of the State. Engineering colleges should take up solar generation on rooftops. Besides, farmers in Haryana villages could have solar rooftops on their storage facilities and make additional revenues.”

    Source : The Hindu
  5. forum rang 10 voda 23 september 2015 20:45

    Herfst laat regen verdwijnen en brengt veel zon

    Hoewel het weer van afgelopen week doet vermoeden dat de herfst al lang en breed zijn intrede in Nederland heeft gedaan, is sinds woensdag officieel herfst. En de eerste week van het nieuwe seizoen begint meteen goed: het wisselvallige weer verdwijnt en de zon breekt door, meldt

  6. forum rang 10 voda 23 september 2015 20:47
    Zonnepanelen? Time uw overstap goed!

    Als u zonnepanelen heeft, zijn het gouden tijden. In de afgelopen honderd jaar scheen de zon zelden zo vaak als tot nu toe in 2015. Leuk voor uw portemonnee, maar let wel even op als u wilt overstappen van energieleverancier. Dat is niet op elk moment in het jaar even aantrekkelijk.

    Salderen is interessanter dan de terugleververgoeding

    Als u overstapt streept uw huidige energieleverancier de hoeveelheid stroom die u heeft opgewekt weg tegen uw verbruik. Dit heet salderen. Als u meer heeft opgewekt dan verbruikt, krijgt u over het overschot een terugleververgoeding. Die vergoeding is veel lager dan de prijs die u zelf betaalt voor een kilowattuur stroom. Zo krijgt u bijvoorbeeld maar 7 cent terug, terwijl u zelf het drievoudige kwijt bent. Dat komt door de energiebelasting en opslag duurzame energie. Benieuwd naar de actuele terugleververgoeding per leverancier? Het is financieel gezien dus aantrekkelijker om te salderen.

    In de zomer wekt u veel op en verbruikt u weinig

    Zo kort na de zomer is de kans het grootst dat u meer heeft opgewekt dan verbruikt. Dat komt natuurlijk omdat juni, juli en augustus de zonnigste maanden van het jaar zijn. Tegelijkertijd verbruikt u minder omdat u op vakantie gaat, meer buiten bent en het langer licht is. Normaal gesproken slinkt het overschot aan opgewekte stroom vanzelf weer in de wintermaanden. Dan verbruiken de meeste mensen juist meer dan ze opwekken.

    Overstappen na de zomer

    Wanneer u nog nooit bent overgestapt en een contract heeft voor onbepaalde tijd is het moment van overstappen belangrijk. Wanneer u vóór de zomer uw jaarafrekening heeft gehad en net na de zomer wilt overstappen, kan dat onvoordelig uitpakken. U heeft op dat moment waarschijnlijk meer opgewekt dan verbruikt, en krijgt hiervoor dan een terugleververgoeding. Deze is veel lager dan wanneer uw huidige energieleverancier de opgewekte en verbruikte stroom tegen elkaar wegstreept.

    Hoe bepaal ik het juiste overstapmoment?

    Dat is afhankelijk van uw situatie:
    1.U stapt jaarlijks over. Dan is het, net als voor alle andere overstappers, belangrijk om ongeveer 2 maanden voordat uw contract afloopt uw overstap in gang te zetten. U maakt dan het contractjaar volledig af en kunt dan ook een volledig contractjaar de saldeermogelijkheid gebruiken.
    2.U stapt voor het eerst over. Dan is het advies om de laatste jaarafrekening erbij te pakken en de meterstanden te bekijken.
    a. Meer verbruikt dan opgewekt? Stap met een gerust hart over.
    b. Meer opgewekt dan verbruikt? Wacht nog een paar maanden met overstappen tot u ongeveer evenveel -of meer- verbruikt dan opgewekt heeft.
    3.U bent langere tijd niet overgestapt (2 à 3 jaar). Hiervoor geldt hetzelfde als bij 2.

    Tip als nu overstappen onverstandig is: stap alleen over van gasleverancier. Het gastarief is op dit moment behoorlijk laag en er zijn ook diverse aantrekkelijke gas-actiecontracten.

    Etc. zie link:
  7. forum rang 10 voda 24 september 2015 21:08
    Solar to become disruptive force in energy industry - Report

    Tallahassee reported that solar energy is about to be a disruptive force in the energy industry.

    The interest in solar power is evident in the Sunshine State, where activists are working to place two solar power constitutional amendments on the November 2016 ballot. The city of Tallahassee also is planning a solar farm on 75 acres near the city’s Hopkins Power Generating Station.

    Mr Matt Chentnik, Tallahassee solar executive, said about 40 people who gathered Wednesday during a League of Women Voters Hot Topics Luncheon that "Where we are with solar is where we were 20 years ago with wireless–cellular telephones.”

    He said that “Solar power is now economically feasible. It’s cheap, reliable and will provide utilities competition they never have had, just like cell phones did to AT&T."

    Industry experts expect the cost of converting sun rays to electricity to continue a downward trend. Chentnik, an engineer with Independent Green Technologies built a solar powered home 10 years ago and estimated today a similar project would be 90% cheaper than what he paid. The energy pouring out of the sun is equivalent to 1,000 watts for every square meter of earth. Solar panels currently on the market are able to harvest about 20% of the sun’s energy, and Chentnik says once technology is able to boost the rate to 30 or 40%, he expects they will become as omnipresent as telephone poles

    Last year Germany produced 74% of its electricity with solar and other renewable energy sources and in five years it expects to have the world’s first electric grid system powered totally by renewable energy sources. Earlier this year, Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud speculated his country would become a major solar-energy producer and be out of the oil business by 2050.

    Mr Chentnik, who competes with international companies for components and supplies, said that “It is no longer a niche. It's more mainstream and is a huge global industry with world-wide mass production deployed on scales we’ve never seen before."

    In the Sunshine State, the league and about 40 other business, environmental and conservative groups have lined up behind the Floridians for Solar Choice constitutional amendment proposal. It would allow third-party purchasing of electricity, enabling an individual to go solar and bypass the local power company and purchase electricity from a private firm.

    The opposing amendment offered by Consumers for Smart Solar, a group backed by the power utilities, establishes a right to own or lease solar equipment and includes a prohibition against non-solar consumers subsidizing the cost of backup power and grid access for consumers using solar power.

    Consumers for Smart Solar argues the Floridians for Solar Choice proposal would shift the cost of maintaining the electrical grid to low-income consumers and those who do not install solar equipment or contract with a solar energy provider.

    Mr Chentnik said that “Whether you go solar or not, you are still going to want to have the grid that is built, stable and reliable maintained. Someone has to pay maintain the grid and solar does not want to take that away from the power companies.”

    Source : Tallahassee
  8. forum rang 10 voda 27 september 2015 17:13
    China's solar power analysts can't agree why shares are plunging

    Bloomberg reported that China’s solar companies are plunging on stock markets, and analysts can’t agree why.

    Since peaking in May, the NYSE Bloomberg Global Solar Energy Index of 127 companies has plunged 47%, more than quadruple the pace of the MSCI World Index. Yet panel makers anticipate record installations this year and have mostly recovered from a plunge in prices that slashed margins at the beginning of the decade.

    So why are shares not following industry fundamentals? Analysts offer a number of explanations ranging from the slump in oil prices hurting confidence in all energy companies to the fact that developers in China, the world’s biggest market for the technology, aren’t getting paid on time.

    Ms Louis Sun,said that “The environment for China’s photovoltaic power market is bad, an analyst at BOCOM International Holdings Co. in Shanghai. “This will spread to the entire industry chain, especially those producers with a larger market share in China.”

    Yingli Green Energy Holding Co. is the worst performer among big panel makers in the last quarter, losing two-thirds of its value after saying in August that its outlook for profit and sales would be lower than previously expected for the rest of the year. It hasn’t recovered from the drop in solar panel costs that started in 2009.

    Shunfeng International Clean Energy Ltd. is down 57% in the past three months and Trina Solar Ltd., the leading panel maker, by 31%. Canadian Solar Inc. has fallen 47% in the past three months, while JA Solar Holdings Co. is down by 15%.

    BOCOM International’s Sun said that the industry “is still worried about a continuing supply glut, and competition is intense,” leaving investors less certain the companies will benefit from rising installations worldwide.

    The world may install as much as 61 GW of solar panels in 2015, up 36% from the previous year, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance. The London-based researcher expects installations to rise to almost 70 GW next year.

    Net income in JA Solar more than triple in the Q2 from a year ago. Trina in August posted its biggest profit in four years as surging demand prompted the company to boost its shipment forecast by as much as 16%.

    Ms Nick Duan, an analyst at New Energy Finance in Beijing said that even so, China’s solar companies are tumbling because of systematic risks.

    Ms Duan,said that “Orders are concentrated on top manufacturers as demand grows, while one or two of them have cash flow issues.”

    Source : Bloomberg
  9. forum rang 10 voda 27 september 2015 17:14
    US City of Atlanta set to belatedly embrace solar power

    It is reported that the US City of Atlanta is on the brink of implementing a new solar power plan after state representatives deemed the technology sufficiently advanced to make a positive impact.

    Former State Representative Ms Stephanie Stuckey Benfield, director of Atlanta’s Office of Sustainability said that Atlanta Progressive News that she’s working with various departments to finalize a plan to install solar panels at municipal buildings, landfills, water treatment plants, and airports.

    Ms Benfield said that “We see the potential for approximately 13 MW of solar capacity if the City executes the full range of solar options.”

    That’s enough to power about 2,132 homes, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association.

    The Office of Sustainability had considered solar power in the past but rejected it in 2012 due to perceived cost for the solar panel technology and the return that the city would receive from the installation of the panels. But recent innovations around the technology have seen a change of attitude.

    Ms Benfield said Quarles was looking at engaging in the Advanced Solar Initiative, which offered less attractive financing options for the City.

    In 2013, Environment Georgia released a study showing that, by 2030, 21% of Atlanta’s electricity use, or 1,400 MW, could be generated by solar panels if they were installed on municipal buildings, businesses, and homes.

    Source :
  10. forum rang 10 voda 27 september 2015 17:15
    Chinese firm Amur Sirius to build solar power plant in Russia

    Chinese power company Amur Sirius is to start construction of a solar power station in Russia’s Samara region soon says the region’s head Mr Nikolay Merkushkin.

    The company may become the largest investor in the Russian solar power industry. The project is expected to cost 8 billion rubles, and construction will be undertaken by the Chinese company’s subsidiary Solar Systems.

    Mr Merkushkin said that "Our Chinese partners are ready to invest in the Samara region. Thus, the company Amur Sirius plans to build one of Russia's first solar power stations in Novokuybyshevsk. Solar Systems is going to start working on the preparation of land for the construction."

    He said that China is among the top five trading partners with the region, with turnover of almost USD 293 million in the first six months of the year.

    Last year Solar Systems won a tender to build solar plants with 175MW capacity in three Russian regions. The company also wants to take part in other Russian tenders, and plans to build a solar panel factory in Tatarstan.

    Source :
  11. forum rang 10 voda 27 september 2015 17:16
    Enel Green Power acquires India’s BLP Energy in EUR 30 mln

    Clean Technica reported that Italy’s Enel Green Power has finally completed the transaction to acquire a majority stake in Indian renewable energy project developer, BLP Energy.

    According to media reports, after months of rumours Enel Green Power has acquired a majority stake in BLP Energy, for approximately EUR 30 million. BLP Energy is the project development subsidiary of Bharat Light & Power Limited, and over the last few weeks several media outlets were quoting highly varied numbers associated with the suspected transaction.

    In June, the first stories published by Indian media stated that Enel Green Power would infuse USD 140 million into BLP Energy. The figure, one would assume, included the cost of acquisition as well as additional investment towards development of projects in pipeline. Last month, Enel’s CEO Mr Francesco Venturini told an Italian newspaper that his company had initiated the acquisition process, which would cost around EUR 50 million, however, no details were given regarding the actual cost of acquisition or additional equity investment in project development.

    Bharat Light & Power came into the limelight following its acquisition of 150 MW worth of wind energy capacity from India’s largest real estate company, DLF Limited, in 2013. Last year, Bharat Light & Power also announced plans to increase its operational capacity to 1 GW over a period of 5 years at an investment of USD 1 billion.

    This acquisition adds to the long list of investments made by foreign companies in the Indian renewable energy sector over the last few months. In June, SunEdison bought out Morgan Stanley Infrastructure Partners from Continuum Wind Energy to become the majority stakeholder in the company in a deal estimated at USD 600 million.

    Several other foreign entities are also planning acquisitions.

    ENGIE, formerly GDF Suez, is planning to acquire a majority stake in Kiran Energy Solar Power for about INR 1,200 crore, while Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners is reportedly looking to acquire an equity stake in companies including Mytrah Energy and Leap Green Energy.

    Source : Clean Technica
  12. forum rang 10 voda 27 september 2015 17:20
    Hindustan Clean Energy to issue bonds for Gujarat solar projects

    Business Line reported that the clean energy arm of Hindustan Powerprojects Limited has become the first and largest Indian solar power player to enter the credit enhanced bond market having the issue fully underwritten by Yes Bank Limited.

    With this, the clean energy arm is set to issue secured, rated, listed, and partially guaranteed debentures of INR 370 crore on a private placement basis to Yes Bank for three of its AA+ SO rated projects at Porbandar in Gujarat. The successful placement of these credit bonds would help in releasing of long term debt from the books of the developers into bonds thereby aid in infusing financial inflow into the sector, according to a company statement here on Thursday.

    These debentures will be listed on the wholesale debt market segment of the National Stock Exchange of India Ltd pursuant to and in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India Regulations, 2008.

    Under the partial credit guarantee scheme, IIFCL will provide a “first loss” partial credit guarantee to the bondholders and has gotten an irrevocable back-stop guarantee with the Asian Development Bank. Placement of these bonds besides opening a new market for financing infrastructure projects, would also significantly bring down the cost of capital for the projects.

    Mr Ratul Puri, Chairman of Hindustan Power, said that the climatic conditions in Gujarat ensures higher yield due to the prevalent ambient temperature. Choosing the solar projects in Gujarat from the renewable portfolio of the company, this state has been the hub for solar energy development in India.

    He said that “Hence, we have placed enhanced bond market for three of our AA+ SO rated projects in Porbandar.”

    With the announcement of this transaction, the company will be refinancing the existing debt in three solar SPV’s through the placement of INR 370 crore worth of bonds with Yes bank at a coupon of 10.05% for a tenure of 10 years.

    Source : Business Line
  13. forum rang 10 voda 27 september 2015 17:21
    M-Kopa Solar connects 250,000 homes to its network

    A local pay-as-you-go off grid energy provider has announced connecting 250,000 homes across Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.

    M-Kopa Solar, which provides a payment plan for supply of a solar lighting system, a radio and phone charging apparatus, said the achievement is in line with its target of connecting a million customers to its solar power systems by 2018.

    Mr Jesse Moore, the firm's MD and co-founder, said that the growth in connected customers is satisfactory as the region shifts focus on renewable energy.

    Mr Moore said that "Last September, we celebrated 100,000 customers, and a year later we are already at a quarter-million. With hundreds of great customers coming on board every day, we are helping East Africa leapfrog over the grid to enjoy cheaper, cleaner, and more reliable solar power."

    Kenya is emerging as a hot spot for off-grid solar power. A 2014 study by M-Kopa Solar and InterMedia showed that 14% of the surveyed population use solar as their primary lighting and charging source.

    M-Kopa is one of the fastest-growing power providers in the region, connecting power to over 500 new homes each day.

    The battery-powered 8W home system has three lights, a phone-charging facility and a chargeable radio.

    The savings generated by using off grid solar over kerosene are said to be substantial for individual households and the broader East African economy.

    Source : All Africa
  14. forum rang 10 voda 27 september 2015 17:22
    Delhi Metro steps up solar power push to cut carbon emissions

    Times of India reported that It's not just ease of commuting that Delhi Metro is offering. According to the Delhi Metro chief, Metro is also contributing to the environment by reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

    At the launch of the first solar plant in a parking lot in the HUDA City Centre station, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation head Mr Mangu Singh said that it would help in reducing 12.45 million tonne of CO2 emission by 2021. A chunk of that will be from the modal shift of passengers to the Metro, accounting for 11.8 million tonne.

    He said that "In 2014, Delhi Metro reduced 6.7 million tonne of carbon emission."

    That's not all. By 2031, this figure will go up to 26.6 million tonnes of reduced carbon emissions. 94% of that figure will come from the modal shift. Delhi Metro's revolutionary regenerative braking technology as well as use of solar power and "green", that is, energy efficient buildings will also contribute to the emission reduction.

    Mr Singh, who also cited Metro's various environmental initiatives, added that "Though Delhi Metro doesn't need environmental clearance, we have tried to adhere to a progressive environmental policy." This includes recycling of water, setting up of sewage treatment plants as well as construction waste along with use of solar power and rainwater harvesting. The average carbon dioxide saved per passenger per trip in the Delhi Metro is 144 gm.

    According to Delhi Metro, the total cost of all benefits of DMRC's environmental policy is INR 10,364 crore. Mr D S Mishra, additional secretary in the ministry of urban development who inaugurated the solar plant, added that the benefits from the Delhi Metro system would be documented and presented at the world environment summit in Paris later this year. This will go a long way towards showing India's commitment to reducing carbon emissions to the rest of the world.

    The Delhi Metro also launched the first ever solar plant at a parking lot in the HUDA City Centre Metro station. The plant will have a capacity of 100 KWp and will power escalators and elevators at the station. DMRC has so far commissioned solar power facilities with a capacity of 2.8 MWp with plants at Dwarka Sector 21, Anand Vihar, Pragati Maidan, Metro Enclave, Yamuna Bank station and depot, ITO as well as the stations on the Badarpur- Escorts Mujesar stretch on the Faridabad line.

    Source : Times of India
  15. forum rang 10 voda 27 september 2015 17:22
    Ilumexico to bring solar power to 50,000 homes By 2020

    In the developed world, we focus on how solar power will interrupt traditional grid systems, but in many parts of the world, such as Africa and Mexico, there is no electrical grid. Hundreds of thousands of people live their lives never knowing the benefits of electric power.

    Illumexico-TeamIluméxico, a Mexican social enterprise focused on solar power, has joined the Business Call to Action and made a commitment to install solar home systems on 50,000 off-grid rural homes in Mexico by the year 2020. The project will benefit approximately 300,000 people and will create 180 new jobs, half of which which be reserved for women. 70 of the jobs will be located in those rural communities.

    The company plans to increase its “ILU Centros” support network from five to 50 locations nationwide and strengthen alliances with both public and private institutions. Anticipating up to 70% growth within the next five years, Iluméxico also plans to expand its business into two new Latin American countries by 2020.

    Mr Manuel Wiechers, Iluméxico’s CEO, said that “Delivering affordable, sustainable solar power to off-grid rural communities brings Iluméxico one step closer to realising its vision of ensuring access to electricity for all Mexicans by 2040. Bringing clean, long-lasting illumination to people at the bottom of the economic pyramid is furthering the country’s development through income generation and learning opportunities for client families, along with cleaner, more sustainable energy use. We are pleased that our work has been recognised by the Business Call to Action and look forward to working with the organisation and fellow members to advance our mission.”

    More than 3 million Mexicans, 600,000 households, live in remote, rural locations, according to The Guardian. Their geographic location and isolation make it difficult and expensive for government infrastructure and electrification projects to reach them. Iluméxico’s business model taps into this unmet need through the design and manufacture of a wide range of solar systems for bottom-of-the-economic pyramid markets. Approximately 60% of Iluméxico’s customers are indigenous and all live in isolated areas in communities of less than 100 households.

    Mr Suba Sivakumaran, BCtA’s programme manager, said that “Consistent access to clean, efficient energy can transform lives and livelihoods, with widespread impacts on a country’s development agenda. This includes income-generating opportunities, reduced use of biomass and other unsustainable solid fuels, greater opportunities for education and healthcare, and more engaged, productive households and communities.”

    Source : Clean Technica
  16. forum rang 10 voda 28 september 2015 20:50
    Solar power free to Washington DC’s low-income homes

    Voice of America reported that solar panels are an increasingly common sight on the tops of homes in wealthy parts of Washington, D.C. Now the costly technology is moving into a poorer area of the city. And, the people who live there are getting the panels for free.

    Southeast Washington D.C. is an area known more for low-income housing than new technology. But several homes in Southeast now are topped with solar panels.

    Mr Tila Felder is among those who have received solar panels for her home. She praised the lower energy costs.

    He said that "I am very excited. My electric bill has really dropped. The last few months it's been USD40 per month."

    Local officials make these solar panels available to residents whose yearly earnings are at or below USD 50,500 for a family of three. A family of four can make up to USD 60,000 a year and qualify for the panels.

    Ted Trabue is with the local government program, DC Sustainable Energy Utility. He says they plan to put solar panels on hundreds more homes.

    "We're doing about 135 this year; next year the goal is 200. We've been able to hit ours goals every year for the last four years. In the years after that, the funding looks secure. I see no reason why we shouldn't be able to do more like 250 homes."

    Atta Kiarash installs solar-equipment. He says he will set up as many as 1,200 solar panels this year. That is not a high number compared to states like California. But Mr. Kiarash and other Washington officials believe the number of installed panels could double by 2016.

    Most of the time; most of our clients hear us through word of mouth, through other jobs we've done in the past or through existing clients, and what they do is they reach out to us and we do the income qualification and we come out and do a site visit and make sure that they qualify. And if they qualify, we just put them on our construction schedule and we get the job started.

    The program is paid for with fees from factories and oil processing centers for their carbon dioxide emissions. Government officials expect millions of dollars in savings as the solar panels become more popular. They believe energy subsidies to poor families will be cut and electric costs will go down. They add that new jobs will be created.

    Mr Edwin Amaker, also lives in Southeast Washington. He is pleased with the 16 new solar panels on his roof.

    He asid that "Well, I was told that I would save between 30-40% which is major, you know, when you start talking about the price of energy nowadays. So I like that; the less money out of my pocket, the more money I have for the family."

    Source : Voice of America
  17. forum rang 10 voda 28 september 2015 21:01
    Lanco Infratech surges 20pct on power purchase pacts

    NDTV reported that Lanco Infratech shares surged 20% to hit upper circuit at INR 3.84 on Monday, after a subsidiary entered into power purchase agreements with Telangana and Andhra Pradesh distribution companies.

    Lanco Infratech said in a regulatory filing after markets hours on Thursday\ that Lanco Kondapalli Power, a step down subsidiary of Lanco Infratech, entered into agreements with Telangana Discoms and Andhra Pradesh Discoms on September 23rd 2015 and September 24th 2015 respectively aggregating to 1108 MW to operate at 50% PLF under the gas pooling mechanism for the period October 1st 2015 to March 31st 2016 at INR 4.70 per KWH."

    The filing further said that another subsidiary Lanco Amarkantak received a favourable order from the Supreme Court for coal supply.

    Lanco Amarkantak Power Limited got a favourable order from the Hon'ble Supreme court directing South Eastern Coalfields Ltd to supply coal to the 300 MW Lanco Amarkantak unit II treating it as a unit having a subsisting long-term PPA.

    Lanco Infratech also said that its subsidiaries have entered into agreement with lenders for financial closure of under-construction power projects the coal-based Barbandh and Vidarbha power projects each of 1320 MW capacity, and the 76 MW Mandakini hydro power project.

    The engineering, procurement and construction order book of Lanco stands at INR 28,158 crore, the filing noted.

    Source : NDTV
  18. forum rang 10 voda 28 september 2015 21:04
    Sindh to establish five solar power projects to meet the needs

    Daily Pakistan reported that Sindh government has planned to start as many as 5 solar power projects to meet power needs of the province.

    According to a statement these projects will be established in Thatta, Shaheed Benazirabad, Sukkur, Jamshoro and Larkana districts.

    Each of these solar power plants will produce 20MW of electricity.

    Sindh government has reserved over 16th billion rupees for power sector in in annual budget of 2015-16.

    The provincial government is also keen to establish wind and coal power projects in interior Sindh.

    Source : Daily Pakistan
  19. forum rang 10 voda 28 september 2015 21:06
    Madhya Pradesh to focus on wind and solar power sources

    Business Standard reported that the government of Madhya Pradesh seems no more interested in coal-run power projects. Its focus is on non-conventional power projects using solar and wind energy sources.

    Five thermal power plants in the state with a combined capacity of 8,500MW have been awaiting coal linkage for the past 5 years. Three of these are to be developed by NTPC at Gadarwara, Barethi and Khargone.

    The INR 8,000-crore thermal project at Khargone was supposed to be completed in 42 months from signing of the memorandum of understanding between Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company and Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, in 2010.

    Mr Rajendra Shukla, power minister of Madhya Pradesh, said that the project has been aborted.

    Mr Shukla said that "The 1,320-MW Rewa thermal power project in Khandwa is also likely to be shelved,Why should we buy costly power?"

    Another project is being curtailed. The state government's original plan for the Dada Dhuniwale project was to generate 20,000 MW by 2020.

    Now, the government wants to cut it to 17,000 MW and from unconventional resources.

    Mr Shukla said that "After feeder separation, we saw demand was lower than what we had expected. We are more focused on non-conventional energy sources."

    In response to queries from Business Standard, NTPC said that "Work is in full swing at the 16,00-MW Gadarwara project. Key land acquisition activities for the main plant, ash dyke and township are complete for the 1,320-MW Khargone and 2640 MW Barethi super critical thermal power stations. Also, the initial civil work like boundary wall, etc, is in progress at both the sites." NTPC already operates the 4,260-MW Vindhyachal thermal power station in Madhya Pradesh.

    The Minister said that The company did not respond to questions on coal availability for the projects.

    He said that "We are more interested in non-conventional energy sources like solar and wind. We plan to add another 3,000 MW of power from solar energy by 2017. It would augment our power availability to approximately 17,000 MW."

    Source : Business Standard
  20. forum rang 10 voda 28 september 2015 21:07
    Fees levied on solar parks behind price hike - Producers

    Economic Times reported that Power producers have said the fees levied by the government on solar parks under various heads has forced them to increase prices by at least 10% at a time when the trend is towards declining cost of clean energy.

    The fees levied by the government on the solar parks announced in Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Karnataka includes that for development, operation and maintenance, lease rentals, solar power development, processing, security deposits and additional taxes.

    Mr Jasmeet Khurana, senior consulting manager at Bridge to India, said that "High charges for solar parks can make solar power costlier by INR 0.16-0.36 per unit."

    According to estimates made by Bridge to India, power generation at solar parks in Rajasthan will be higher by 16 paise per unit, while it will be 26 paise per unit more in Andhra Pradesh and 36 paise per unit higher in Gujarat.

    The average cost of solar power generation is about INR 5 per unit at present in these areas.

    Power producers say fees levied on solar parks behind price hike

    Mr Sunil Jain, chief executive and executive director Hero Future Energies, said that "Charges for land lease and power evacuation are 30-35% higher than that outside the park. Additionally, the government will be charging a security deposit which can be as high as INR 10 crore depending on the capacity installed."

    Mr Jain, said that the security deposit will bear zero interest which will be returned after 25 years.

    He said that "This component has also been adding to the cost of generating power, apart from the 1 per cent locality development change."

    The average rate of return on investments made for solar projects outside parks is about 15%. However, when levies are considered, this will decline to about 13%.

    Mr Jain,said that "We have already pointed out that several levies will enhance cost of power generation at pre-bid meetings. However, the government, decided to stick to its decisions and power producers are being forced to bid higher than average."

    Bridge to India's Khurana said that "Infrastructure land and power evacuation facilities for solar parks is being provided by states. They will be receiving central grants of up to 50% of the cost of providing infrastructure or INR 20 lakh per MW of capacity installed, for developing infrastructure. Levies are proposed to be charged despite the grants."

    According to Mr Khurana, the cost of leasing land inside the park is turning out to be more expensive for companies than buying land outright and creating their own evacuation infrastructure. The key reason for this inefficiency is the structure of solar park implementation agencies and their implementation of the project, he added.

    Source : Economic Times
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