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  1. forum rang 10 voda 27 augustus 2015 16:26
    Bouw grootste zonnepark Nederland van start

    Gepubliceerd op 27 aug 2015 om 12:20 | Views: 3.589

    AMELAND (AFN) - De bouw van het grootste zonnepark van Nederland op Ameland gaat in september van start. Dat maakte mede-initiatiefnemer Eneco donderdag bekend. Het 7,4 miljoen euro kostende project moet begin 2016 worden opgeleverd.

    In Zonnepark Ameland, zoals het project heet, worden 23.000 zonnepanelen geïnstalleerd op het terrein van vliegveld Ballum. Met een piekvermogen van 6 megawatt kunnen deze stroom opwekken voor de ruim 1500 huishoudens op het eiland. Ameland sprak eerder al zijn wens uit in 2020 volledig energieneutraal te zijn.

    Voor Zonnepark Ameland werkt Eneco samen met de gemeente Ameland en de Amelander Energie Coöperatie.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 27 augustus 2015 17:24
    Uzbekistan starts work on 300 MW solar power projects

    Clean Technica reported that Uzbekistan has taken its first major steps towards setting up large-scale solar power projects.

    The central Asian country has announced that work on three large-scale solar power projects has been initiated. The total installed capacity of these projects would be 300 MW, and will require an estimated investment of nearly USD 700 million.

    According to media reports, at least one of the projects was announced through a tender in 2014, and will require an investment of USD 274 million to be developed in the Samarkand region. The winner of the tender has not been announced yet and will be finalised soon by Uzbekenergo Joint Stock Company.

    The other two projects will be set up in the Namangan and Surkhandarya regions, with aggregate costs of about USD 420 million. The Asian Development Bank and the Uzbek Fund for Reconstruction and Development will finance the projects.

    All three projects are expected to be operational by 2020.

    Uzbekistan is rich in renewable energy resources, including wind and solar energy. Wind energy potential is estimated at around 520 GW, enough to meet a quarter of the country’s energy needs. It is imperative for Uzbekistan to increase energy production from renewable energy sources as it is almost completely dependent on oil and gas imported from Russia.

    The first solar power project in the country was commissioned in December 2014. The 130 KW solar photovoltaic power project was set up in the Namangan province. The project was implemented through cooperation with South Korean companies.

    Uzbekistan has set a target to generate 21% of all its energy from renewable energy sources by 2031. This includes having an installed solar power capacity of 2 GW in the near to medium-term.

    Source : Clean Technica
  3. forum rang 10 voda 28 augustus 2015 16:16
    Indian distributed solar power developer attracts USD 150 mln investment

    Clean Technica reported that there’s no stopping foreign investors and private equity funds investing in the Indian renewable energy sector.

    Global infrastructure investment fund I Squared Capital has announced plans to invest USD 150 million in Amplus Energy Solution, a distributed solar power project developer in India. Unnamed sources linked to Amplus stated that the company has already received the investment from I Squared but an official announcement is pending.

    Amplus plans to use the investment to expand its operation in India as prospects of distributed solar power in the country are tremendous. As per the revised targets under the National Solar Mission, India plans to have 100 GW installed solar power capacity by 2022, including 40 GW of small-scale projects including distributed projects like rooftop solar power systems.

    While the Indian government has so far given emphasis to large-scale solar power projects, it is likely to soon give a similar thrust to the rooftop and distributed solar power market. The government is reportedly considering several incentives to increase the uptake of small solar power systems among the domestic, commercial, and industrial sector.

    While industries have taken the lead in deploying rooftop solar power systems and captive solar power plants with an aim to reduce dependence on costly and, at time, inconsistent power supply from the utilities, consumers in the commercial and domestic segment are yet to adopt solar power systems in a major way.

    Several utilities across Indian states have come out with programs to promote installation of solar power systems in the domestic segment. Some Indian banks, too, have started offering loans specifically for installation of rooftop solar power systems.

    Source : Clean Technica
  4. forum rang 10 voda 28 augustus 2015 16:21
    WAUW, goed nieuws lijkt mij!

    South African prototype may solve solar power problem

    The Associated Press reported that by thinking small, a group of South African scientists may have pioneered solar technology that has stumped Internet giant Google.

    The Helio100 project, based at Stellenbosch University in the Western Cape province, is a cost-effective heliostat that harnesses solar power to generate electricity.

    A heliostat uses mirrors or lenses to reflect sunlight, concentrating the solar energy onto a receiver tower, which then uses centuries old steam power to generate electricity, explains Mr Sebastian-James Bode, a 28-year-old research engineer working on the South African project.

    Until now, building heliostat plants has been prohibitively expensive. In 2011, Google announced that it halted its own heliostat project after researchers could not design an inexpensive model.

    At this point, other institutions are better positioned than Google to take this research to the next level, Google said back then in a statement, making its findings freely available in a 10 page report.

    Beginning their work in April 2014, the Helio100 team came up with a much smaller heliostat made of six triangular mirrors that does not need a concrete foundation. They've also devised wireless, smart positioning technology that ensures the beam of light is always on target.

    Mr Bode said that this compact construction, makes it plonkable, meaning it can be plonked down, without only two people needed to set it up.

    He said that the device was designed specifically with South Africa in mind, where electricity blackouts have become common.

    He added that the next step is to produce the heliostat on an industrial scale, and international investors are already interested. The device is aimed at large-scale production, to generate electricity or heat. It can also be used with other renewable energy sources, like wind and rooftop solar panels. The solution for South Africa and indeed the world's energy problems, is not a single technology that will do everything.

    Source : Yahoo News
  5. forum rang 10 voda 28 augustus 2015 17:02
    Delhi to produce 2,000 MW solar power by 2025 - Mr Jain

    Mr Satyendra Jain, Delhi Power Minister, said that the state will produce 2,000 MW electricity by 2025 through solar power generation.

    Mr Jain said while inaugurating a conference on 'Solar Power: 1,00,000 MW @2022 - Accelerating Deployment', organised by ASSOCHAM that "We want to achieve 1,000 MW target in next 4-5 years' time and we aim to generate 2000 MW electricity by the year 2025 in a phased manner."

    He said that "Our target would be 30-40 MW in the 1st year, 100 MW in the 2nd year, then 200 MW in the next year followed by 400 MW and so on."

    Stressing upon the need for innovation and new inventions in solar power generation, the minister said that "We aim to fast-tracking solar power projects in Delhi by about 20 per cent. Solar panels could be installed at railway platforms, metro stations, bus stops etc."

    Terming financing of solar power generation as a challenge, he suggested the financial institutions to introduce "solar power mutual funds", and luring the investors by providing assured units of power at a fixed rate.

    Source : IANS
  6. forum rang 10 voda 30 augustus 2015 14:39
    New 30 acre solar power project just announces - Report

    KCCI reported that an Iowa power cooperative says it plans to add solar panels to the state to generate another source of energy.

    Central Iowa Power Cooperative said Thursday it plans to have the panels operational by the end of 2016.

    They're currently accepting bids for the work, which will determine where the panels are located and how much will be spent.

    CIPCO said that the panels will be located on the ground. Officials expect to use at least 30 acres of land for the project, which may be split into several sites.

    Ms Karen Morrow, a CIPCO spokeswoman, said that generating solar energy is another way for the cooperative to provide clean electricity. Officials say they use resources including wind and hydroelectric.

    Source : KCCI
  7. forum rang 10 voda 31 augustus 2015 16:57
    SECI to set up four solar parks in UP - Sources

    Sources said that Solar Energy Corporation of India is setting up four solar parks in Uttar Pradesh, totalling a power generation capacity of 600 Mw, predominantly in the arid Bundelkhand region.

    The parks have been proposed at Jalaun 350 MW, Allahabad 50 MW, Mirzapur 100 MW and Sonbhadra 100 MW districts of the state. Land for the projects has been identified at the four places, which totals over 1,200 hectares

    Source : Exim News Service
  8. forum rang 10 voda 31 augustus 2015 17:10
    Madhya Pradesh’s 3 GW additional solar power capacity in 2 years

    According to an announcement made by senior government officials, the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh plans to enhance its solar power generation capacity to about 3 GW in the next two years.

    Domestic as well as international developers are bidding aggressively for new projects in the state due to availability of vast barren land, high solar irradiation, and favourable solar policy in the state. The government of Madhya Pradesh has introduced single-window clearance for solar projects that is helping the developers in speedy implementation of the projects, the approval process was once considered to be the major reason for the project delays in the state.

    The state government plans to build one of the largest solar power parks in the world, one with 750 MW of capacity, in the Rewa district. The project will be built on 1,500 acres of land and is expected to be operational by 2017. The state’s energy Minister, Rajendra Shukla announced that global tenders for the solar project will be sent out shortly.

    Madhya Pradesh has always been on the forefront of the development of solar power. The current installed capacity stands at 650 MW, and 1,500 MW of projects are under implementation. The state’s installed solar capacity is currently placed third after Rajasthan and Gujarat. The state is also home to the largest solar power project in India developed by a single company.

    Recently, Madhya Pradesh offered a capacity of 300 MW to prospective project developers. The tender was oversubscribed over 12 times with project developers offering to develop over 3.7 GW of capacity. The action yielded the lowest-ever solar power tariff in India.

    Mauritius-based SkyPower Southeast Asia Holdings secured rights to develop 3 projects of 50 MW capacity each at tariffs ranging from INR 5.051 per KWh to INR 5.298 per KWh.

    Source : Clean Technica
  9. forum rang 10 voda 31 augustus 2015 19:39
    Hallo zonnepanelen (en zonne- energie) fans.

    Enige tijd geleden meldde ik al dat ik 10 panelen (260wP), dus in totaal 2.6 kWp gekocht had. De paar dagen in maart tel ik even niet mee.

    Opbrengst in april 343 kWh. (Dit was een extreem zonnige maand)
    Opbrengst in mei 381 kWh. (Een erg koele maand (wel goed voor de opbrengst))
    Opbrengst in juni 2015 389 kWh. (dit had de top-maand moeten worden, een vooral koude zonnemaand met relatief weinig zon.)
    En de juli maand 364 kWh. (Laatste week viel erg tegen, zwaar weer, weer record met de juli storm, veel regen).
    Een ietwat tegenvallende augustus maand. Toch nog goed voor 314kWh!

    Totaal vanaf start nu 1,815 kWh (in totaal 162 dagen)

    Uitgerekend jaarrendement 2,200 kWh. Dit moet toch echt haalbaar zijn lijkt mij. (Ik denk dat ik er overheen ga).
  10. forum rang 10 voda 1 september 2015 16:59
    Duke Energy starting customer solar generating program

    GSA Business reported that Duke Energy is seeking proposals for about 53 MW of utility scale solar capacity that would start operating in the company’s S.C. service areas by the end of 2016. Customers can sign up for rooftop and ground-mounted solar rebates starting October 13th.
    The request advances Duke Energy’s Distributed Energy Resource Program that was approved July 15th by the S.C. Public Service Commission and stems from the Distributed Energy Resource Act of 2014. Duke Energy Carolinas and Duke Energy Progress have about 720,000 customers in South Carolina.

    The request asks bidders to offer a power-purchase agreement to the company or provide a proposal that allows Duke Energy ownership of the project or both. Utility scale projects should have a capacity of more than 1 MW and no more than 10 MW.

    In a separate request, the company is seeking up to 5 MW of solar capacity for its Shared Solar Program. The program allows customers such as nonprofit organizations, churches, community centers, renters and schools to subscribe to the output of a specific solar facility and receive credit on their monthly bill for the energy produced from that facility. The customer receives a bill credit of approximately 6 cents per kilowatt-hour produced.

    The programs are expected to add up to 110 MW of solar energy by 2021. Currently, less than 2 MW of solar capacity is connected to Duke Energy in the state.

    Mr Clark Gillespy, Duke Energy’s South Carolina president, said that “The collaborative vision to bring solar to South Carolina is now becoming a reality to the benefit of our customers, communities and the state.”

    Source : GSA Business
  11. forum rang 10 voda 2 september 2015 17:01
    India’s installed solar power capacity crosses 4 GW milestone

    Business Line reported that grid-connected solar power installed capacity has crossed the 4 GW-mark, according to data released by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.

    Against a target of 1,400 MW for 2015-16, the achievement in the first four months of the financial year was 358 MW, or 25%. On the basis of projects awarded in the recent months, both under the federal and States’ schemes, solar industry experts are confident that installations in the current year will exceed 2,500 MW. This contrasts favourably with the 1,112 MW installed in 2014-15 and 948 MW in the previous year.

    Solar capacity reaching the 4-GW milestone is said to be creditable considering that as recently as in 2010, India had only 12 MW of solar capacity.

    The MNRE has set a target of 100 GW of solar capacity to be achieved by 2022. An ambitious target, and the big question is whether it would be met.

    A Citi group report, titled Energy Darwinism II, has projected that India’s solar installations in 2020 would be 26,523 MW a respectable number, but way below the target. Such installed capacity would make India the fourth largest solar market, after China, Japan and the US.

    Wind installations in the first four months of the current financial year were 412 MW, according to the MNRE data. Wind industry experts feel that, due to a variety of factors, the target of 2,400 MW for the full year is not likely to be met.

    The Citi report forecasts India’s wind capacity at 38,690 MW by 2020. The government’s target for 2022 is 60,000 MW.

    Source : Business Line
  12. forum rang 10 voda 2 september 2015 17:04
    Adani Green Energy wins 50 MW solar power plant in UP

    Business Standard reported that Adani Green Energy Limited has won the competitive bidding for a 50 MW solar power plant in Uttar Pradesh.

    Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency under its Solar Energy Policy 2013 had invited competitive tariff based bidding from private companies for setting up of on-grid solar power units totalling 215 MW.

    While, technical bids for 355 MW were received by NEDA, the bid evaluation committee had recommended bids for 215 MW power generation capacity. Later, a high powered committee on July 4th 2015 had vetted the proposals and found 15 quoted tariffs as eligible.

    The state cabinet meeting chaired by Mr Akhilesh Yadav, CM of UP, approved these proposals. Apart from Adani, Essel Infraprojects has also won the bid for setting up 50 MW unit.

    Other companies have also been selected for setting up solar power plants for various capacities viz. 20 MW, 10 MW and 5 MW.

    Under the policy, the on-grid solar power plants would be set up by the respective private companies on land purchased by it. The entire investment would also be borne by the company.

    However, the state government would compensate, the UP Power Corporation Limited, with the difference in the solar power tariff approved by the cabinet and the weighted average tariff of conventional power purchase under case I bidding.

    The compensation would be made out of its own Budget and through NEDA, which is the state nodal agency.

    Source : Business Standard
  13. forum rang 10 voda 3 september 2015 16:40
    Deze Chileense zonnecentrale levert 24 uur per dag goedkope stroom

    Gepubliceerd: 03 september 2015 09:44

    Het Amerikaanse bedrijf SolarReserve bouwt in Chili een 260 megawatt grote zonnecentrale met energieopslag. Dankzij gesmolten zout kan het project zonnestroom leveren op afroep.

    De prijs per opgewekte kilowattuur van het gehele systeem ligt naar verwachting onder de 0,10 dollarcent. Daarmee kan de zonnewarmtecentrale van SolarReserve volgens het bedrijf direct concurreren met fossiele energiecentrales in Chili, schrijft

    “Met dit concept kunnen we in principe heel Chili van stroom voorzien met twee bronnen die in het land in overvloed beschikbaar zijn, zonlicht en zout”, zegt Tom Georgis, ontwikkelaar bij SolarReserve.

    Baseload zonne-energie

    Het zonnepark in de Chileense Atacamaregio krijgt geen zonnepanelen die het zonlicht direct in stroom omzetten, maar maakt gebruik van spiegels om de zonnewarmte te concentreren. Deze warmte brengt een stoomturbine in beweging, die er elektriciteit mee maakt.

    De spiegels leveren overdag meer warmte dan de stoomturbine kan verwerken. Het overschot wordt gebruikt om zout te smelten. Het gesmolten zout dient als warmtebuffer en houdt de stoomturbine ook ’s nachts en bij bewolking in bedrijf.

    Met deze thermische opslag kan de centrale 24 uur per dag naar behoefte elektriciteit leveren, net zoals energiecentrales op kolen of gas. Dat soort installaties worden baseload-energiecentrales genoemd, omdat ze de basisenergiebehoefte van een land kunnen dekken.

    Omgekeerd stuwmeer

    Normale zonneparken leveren alleen stroom als de zon schijnt. Een ander radicaal plan is bedacht door het Chileense bedrijf Valhalla Energy, dat een omkeerbaar stuwmeer wil gebruiken om de elektriciteit van een 600 megawatt groot zonnepark in op te slaan. Ook Valhalla denkt zo met fossielgestookte centrales te kunnen concurreren.

    Bekijk een filmpje over het Crescent Dunes-zonnepark van SolarReserve, dat gebruikmaakt van dezelfde technologie die het bedrijf in Chili zal toepassen.

    Voor video, zie link.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 3 september 2015 17:23
    Global green energy firms eyeing India’s renewable energy

    Live Mint reported that global green energy firms seems to be making a beeline to take bets on India’s renewable energy story as companies including New York Stock Exchange -listed NRG Energy Inc and Canada’s TransAlta are planning an India entry.

    While NRG has an installed capacity of 50,000 MW, TransAlta is Canada’s largest publicly traded power generator and marketer of electricity and renewable energy. India needs as much as USD 250 billion to meet its target of installing 100 GW of solar power and 60,000 MW of wind power by 2022.

    A person aware of the firm’s plan, requesting anonymity, said that “These firms are actively scouting for an opportunity to invest in India, given the scales involved here and also the rate of return. These firms have big plans. A case in point being NRG, which has one of the largest global renewable energy platforms.”

    A senior government official, also requesting anonymity, said that many firms are scouting for investments in the green energy development and manufacturing space.

    The National Democratic Alliance government has pushed renewable energy to the top of its energy security agenda and is looking to provide green power at less than INR 4.50 per unit. According to the government, the Indian clean energy market is largely driven by asset-based finance to the extent of 94% of total investment in the sector.

    Speaking at Mint’s fourth annual energy conclave, Mr Tarun Kapoor, joint secretary in India’s ministry of new and renewable energy, said that most renewable energy companies are scouting for opportunities to set up base in India.

    With affordable tariff holding key to the success of India’s green energy plans, state-owned NTPC Limited plans to supply electricity from 10,000 MW of solar power capacity that it is setting up on its own, at INR 3.20 per unit, by bundling it with unallocated power to bring tariffs down. In addition, it plans to sell electricity at around INR 5 per unit for 15,000 MW that it is buying on behalf of the ministry of new and renewable energy.

    Queries emailed to NRG Energy and TransAlta remained unanswered at the time of going to press.

    The government has put a lot of focus on the solar energy space. CARE Ratings wrote in a report that “Solar power capacity is projected to grow 24 times from 2015 to 2022. Concomitantly, a lot of policy action has also been taken in the sector at the centre as well as state level. CARE Ratings believes more than central scheme, it is the states who would be the key driver in facilitating solar capacity addition.”

    Source : Live Mint
  15. forum rang 10 voda 3 september 2015 21:26
    Acumen Investee brings solar power to masses in India

    Mr Damian Miller wants to transform emerging market economies from fossil-fuel dependent to self-reliant on clean solar energy.

    Mr Miller isn’t just a dreamer; he’s making it happen. As the founder and CEO of Orb Energy he’s quickly scaling up his business in India and recently launched in Kenya. He is also a recent recipient of the SAP Social Entrepreneur Fellowship in collaboration with Acumen.

    He explains Orb’s mission as follows:

    Our company’s mission is to make solar energy affordable, accessible, and hassle-free to millions of customers looking for a better energy alternative. To do this, we first design and manufacture our own products for superior quality and cost. Then to deliver and install them to our customers in the right way, we have set up our own branch network, which is totally unique in the the solar market in India. This network is key to gaining customer trust, and effectively providing after-sales service. Finally we team up with banks for financing, but we are now looking at ways of bring this critical activity in-house to make it more streamlined.

    Mr Miller is also looking for help, he said that “We are looking for investors, who believe in and share our mission for emerging market economies. Emerging markets are where the bulk of future greenhouse gas emissions will come from, and where there is an enormous opportunity, based on the prevailing solar resource and still emerging infrastructure, for solar to gain an early foothold. We hope that others will join us, so that we can strengthen and accelerate our activities.”

    On Thursday, September 3rd 2015 at noon Eastern, Mr Miller will join me live from India for a live discussion here about his work. Tune in here then to watch the interview live.

    Source : Forbes
  16. forum rang 10 voda 3 september 2015 21:27
    Solar power supplies 10pct of Japan peak summer power - Report

    The Asahi newspaper reported that solar power generation contributed to about 10% of peak summer power supplies of Japan's nine major utilities, equivalent to more than 10 nuclear reactors.

    The paper said that though solar power accounts for about 2% of annual generation of all power sources, summer's favourable sunlight conditions increased power output, generating up to about 15 GW of power in total in early August.

    Japan has been pouring billions of dollars in clean-energy investment after introducing a feed-in tariff programme in 2012, aiming to help the world's third-biggest economy shift away from its reliance on nuclear power after the March 2011 Fukushima disaster.

    Asahi's survey showed that the ratio of solar power at peak hours was as low as Hokuriku Electric Power's 5.9% and as high as Kyushu Electric Power's 24.6%, depending on access to ample land with favourable sunlight conditions.

    The installed capacity of solar power taking advantage of FIT scheme has reached more than 24 GW at the end of April, government data showed, up from about 5 GW before the scheme started.

    Source : Reuters
  17. forum rang 10 voda 4 september 2015 17:08
    Acumen Investee brings solar power to masses in India

    Mr Damian Miller wants to transform emerging market economies from fossil-fuel dependent to self-reliant on clean solar energy.

    Mr Miller isn’t just a dreamer; he’s making it happen. As the founder and CEO of Orb Energy he’s quickly scaling up his business in India and recently launched in Kenya. He is also a recent recipient of the SAP Social Entrepreneur Fellowship in collaboration with Acumen.

    He explains Orb’s mission as follows:

    Our company’s mission is to make solar energy affordable, accessible, and hassle-free to millions of customers looking for a better energy alternative. To do this, we first design and manufacture our own products for superior quality and cost. Then to deliver and install them to our customers in the right way, we have set up our own branch network, which is totally unique in the the solar market in India. This network is key to gaining customer trust, and effectively providing after-sales service. Finally we team up with banks for financing, but we are now looking at ways of bring this critical activity in-house to make it more streamlined.

    Mr Miller is also looking for help, he said that “We are looking for investors, who believe in and share our mission for emerging market economies. Emerging markets are where the bulk of future greenhouse gas emissions will come from, and where there is an enormous opportunity, based on the prevailing solar resource and still emerging infrastructure, for solar to gain an early foothold. We hope that others will join us, so that we can strengthen and accelerate our activities.”

    On Thursday, September 3rd 2015 at noon Eastern, Mr Miller will join me live from India for a live discussion here about his work. Tune in here then to watch the interview live.

    Source : Forbes
  18. forum rang 10 voda 6 september 2015 15:08
    ParkerSteel adds 1.8MW rooftop install to Shoreham facility

    Shoreham-based steel manufacturer ParkerSteel has partnered with installer PerPetum Energy to fit a 1.8MWp rooftop solar array to the roof of its manufacturing facility.

    PerPetum has supplied the installation free of charge but it will be owned by Larimin, a company supported by Guinness Asset Management’s Enterprise Investment Scheme, and ParkerSteel will purchase the electricity under a PPA.

    It’s the second large rooftop installation Guinness Asset Management have been involved with in as many months having funded a 3.8MW project on the roof of Lyreco’s Telford distribution centre in August.

    PerPetum UK chief executive Anthony Middleton said that the South coast location of the manufacturing plant was “fantastic” for solar generation. “When you take a look at the high-tech cranes and cutting equipment, all of which use electricity, it’s easy to see why ParkerSteel has opted for a solar solution,” he said.

    ParkerSteel managing director, Mr Guy Parker, said that the company was taking the next step into renewable energy, which he added highlighted the company’s commitment to decreasing its carbon footprint.

    The array’s operation is expected to negate the emission of around 70 tonnes of CO2 each year.

    Source :
  19. forum rang 10 voda 6 september 2015 15:36
    ABB installs 2 GW of solar power inverters in India

    The Indian arm of the Swiss engineering major said that ABB has supplied 2 GW of solar power inverters in India, doubling it from 1 GW in five months.

    India has a total 4.1 GW of solar power capacity, which means that ABB now owns almost 50% of the market share.

    The company said that the additional orders came from leading solar power developers and from selling components to solar engineering, procurement and construction companies.

    India has a target of 100 GW of solar capacity by 2022 under the National Solar Mission.

    Mr Pekka Tiitinen, President of ABB's Discrete Automation and Motion division, said that "India is one of the world's fastest growing solar markets, and ABB has steadily built this business up over the years. This has provided invaluable insights into the local needs and allows us to continue innovating in-country-for-country solutions.”

    He said that "Our Next Level strategy is built around expansion opportunities into promising growth markets and today we can deliver up to 3 GW of inverter capacity from Bangalore each year, supported by local engineering and service expertise."

    ABB's Bangalore unit manufactures central inverter series rated from 100 to 1 MW, which are designed for multi-megawatt photo-voltaic (PV) power plants as well as large PV installations on commercial and industrial buildings.

    Source : Economic Times
  20. forum rang 10 voda 8 september 2015 17:19
    India govt orders coal power plants to subsidize 15GW of solar power

    Live Mint reported that Mr Narendra Modi’s government has ordered some of India’s oldest coal-fired power plants to help make solar farms more competitive by bundling together electricity from both technologies for sale to the grid.

    The decision dated July 17th requires state-controlled NTPC Limited to sell cheaper coal power along with more expensive solar as a single unit. The effect of the order, which was released to industry officials and seen by Bloomberg News, is to reduce the price distribution companies pay for solar power and force them to take more of the cleaner form of energy.

    Mr Bharat Bhushan Agrawal, a solar analyst for Bloomberg New Energy Finance in New Delhi, said that “The lower price ensures the competitiveness of this power in the wholesale market, thus easing the search for alternative buyers.”

    The mechanism is unique to India, where the state-run distribution companies have been losing money because they’re unable to charge customers enough to cover the costs of electricity they buy in the market. The programme will help persuade distributors to buy solar power and support Modi’s goal of having 100 GW of solar capacity by 2022, up from less than 4 GW now.

    The order from the ministry of power says plants that complete 25 years shall be used for solar capacity being established by NTPC. NTPC will set up 15 GW solar plants by 2019 under the programme, according to a transcript of an earnings conference call released on its website in the last week of August. An NTPC official declined to comment.

    Questions sent by text message to the power ministry’s spokesman and to the power minister weren’t immediately answered.

    Mr Praveer Sinha, CEO and ED of TATA Power Delhi Distribution Limited, said that “Power distribution companies may resist buying bundled power because the average cost of procurement is already higher than the billing rate. Bundling will make it go higher.”

    The plants covered by the programme include coal-fired units named Singrauli, Korba, Rihand Stage I and Ramagundam, which will complete 25 years in service in 2016. Another, Vindhyachal Stage I, will pass that threshold in 2017. Together, the plants have a total capacity of 8,960 MW.

    The power ministry order said that Singrauli in north India is the first coal plant to take part in the programme. The 1,700 MW unit’s output will be sold along with power from 3 GW of solar installations.

    Mr AK Jha, CMD of NTPC, said in the earnings call that “In case of Singrauli, if the present tariff is INR 1.80, then the bundled tariff will be only INR 3.12 or INR 3.15.” He said that it may be cheaper than the current price of power from thermal plants in the market.

    The price would be an improvement over the INR 5 to INR 6 that solar power costs in wholesale markets. The order prevents the aging plants from depressing wholesale prices by selling their power into the market without solar energy included.

    India’s clean energy sector is struggling with the reluctance of electricity distribution companies, saddled with over INR 2.5 trillion of losses, to buy more expensive green power.

    Mr Rupesh Agarwal, a partner at BDO India LLP, said that there’s questions whether the coal plants involved will last long enough to be much use to the solar industry.

    Mr Agarwal said that “These plants are already 25 years old. Will they function for that many more years? Do we need to extend the lives of these plants to bundle with solar energy when solar on a stand-alone basis is becoming competitive?”

    Source : Live Mint
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Forum # Topics # Posts
Aalberts 466 7.070
AB InBev 2 5.518
Abionyx Pharma 2 29
Ablynx 43 13.356
ABN AMRO 1.582 51.730
ABO-Group 1 22
Acacia Pharma 9 24.692
Accell Group 151 4.132
Accentis 2 265
Accsys Technologies 23 10.747
Ackermans & van Haaren 1 191
ADMA Biologics 1 34
Adomos 1 126
AdUX 2 457
Adyen 14 17.753
Aedifica 3 916
Aegon 3.258 322.870
AFC Ajax 538 7.088
Affimed NV 2 6.297
ageas 5.844 109.894
Agfa-Gevaert 14 2.051
Ahold 3.538 74.340
Air France - KLM 1.025 35.057
Airspray 511 1.258
Akka Technologies 1 18
AkzoNobel 467 13.042
Alfen 16 24.912
Allfunds Group 4 1.475
Almunda Professionals (vh Novisource) 651 4.251
Alpha Pro Tech 1 17
Alphabet Inc. 1 406
Altice 106 51.198
Alumexx ((Voorheen Phelix (voorheen Inverko)) 8.486 114.822
AM 228 684
Amarin Corporation 1 133
Amerikaanse aandelen 3.837 243.334
AMG 971 133.664
AMS 3 73
Amsterdam Commodities 305 6.696
AMT Holding 199 7.047
Anavex Life Sciences Corp 2 491
Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 15.011
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 383
Arcadis 252 8.784
Arcelor Mittal 2.033 320.741
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.326
Aroundtown SA 1 219
Arrowhead Research 5 9.745
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.240
ASML 1.766 107.945
ASR Nederland 21 4.500
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 495
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.681
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 64
Azerion 7 3.403