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LNG - liquefied natural gas

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 29 mei 2014 14:05
    Gascontract Shell met Japans stroombedrijf

    DONDERDAG 29 MEI 2014, 12:30 uur | 155 keer gelezen

    LONDEN (AFN) - Shell heeft een contract getekend over de levering van vloeibaar gemaakt aardgas (LNG) aan het Japanse elekriciteitsbedrijf Chubu Electric. De overeenkomst betreft tot twaalf leveringen per jaar voor een periode van 20 jaar, zo maakte het Nederlands-Britse olie- en gasbedrijf donderdag bekend.
    Chubu Electric levert stroom aan de centraal gelegen regio Chubu, een belangrijke industrieel gebied in Japan. Hoewel het bedrijf al langer een grote klant is voor Shell in Japan, is het de eerste rechtstreekse leveringsovereenkomst tussen de twee partijen.

    Met de overeenkomst versterkt Shell naar eigen zeggen zijn positie als belangrijke gasleverancier in de op een na grootste economie van Azië. De eerste levering vindt naar verwachting in oktober plaats.

  2. forum rang 10 voda 11 juni 2014 16:10
    GAIL India to sell US gas cheaper than LNG from Qatar

    Financial Express reported that state gas utility GAIL India Limited is offering gas supplies from the US at USD 12 to USD 13, at least a dollar less than the price at which India currently imports the fuel from Qatar on long-term contracts.

    GAIL, which has agreed to buy 3.5 million tonne of liquefied natural gas a year for 2 decades from Cheniere's Sabine Pass terminal in western Cameron Parish, Louisiana, proposes to resell it to Indian customers at prices tied to the US benchmark as an alternative to contracts linked to oil prices.

    Mr B C Tripathi, CMD of GAIL, said that "We had recently signed LNG procurement contracts from US indexed to Henry Hub prices. We are offering the same Henry Hub indexation price to customers in India."

    The delivered price of US gas at Indian ports will be in the range of USD 12 to USD 13 per million British thermal units.

    He said that "It will certainly be less than USD 13."

    In comparison, the landed cost of the LNG that India buys from Qatar on long-term contracts at oil-indexed prices is USD 13.8. Natural gas produced in India is priced at USD 4.2 and may double after it is revised shortly.

    Mr Tripathi said that supplies from the US are expected to start from 2017 to 2018.

    He said that "GAIL has an internal requirement of about 1 million tonne a year and we are hopeful of tying up customers for the remaining 2.5 million tonne."

    Natural gas was trading at USD 4.7 per million British thermal unit at Henry Hub, the Louisiana clearing house and North American benchmark.

    After adding the cost of turning the gas into liquid and shipping it to India, the landed cost will come to between USD 12 to USD 13 per million British thermal unit.

    Petronet LNG Limited, the nation's largest liquid gas importer, buys 7.5 million tonne a year of LNG from Qatar. At an oil price of USD 100 per barrel, the landed cost of Qatar LNG is USD 13.8.

    LNG contracts tied to oil make them vulnerable to spikes in crude prices. The US has some of the world's lowest gas prices.

    Apart from the 3.5 million tonne of LNG from Sabine Pass, GAIL has booked 2.3 million tonne a year capacity in the Cove Point LNG liquefaction terminal at Lusby, Maryland.

    Mr Tripathi said that GAIL was confident of booking all of the US volumes by offering Henry Hub-indexed rates in next 2 to 3 months.

    Source - The Financial Express
  3. forum rang 10 voda 17 juni 2014 16:29
    BP en CNOOC tekenen miljardencontract gas levering

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--BP plc (BP.LN) en China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) tekenen dinsdag een miljardencontract, waarmee de Britse energiegigant het Chinese staatsbedrijf van vloeibaar aardgas (LNG) zal voorzien. Dit heeft chief excutive Bob Dudley van BP dinsdag verklaard tijdens een olieconferentie in Moskou.

    Het contract heeft een waarde van $20 miljard en bestrijkt een periode van 20 jaar. De ondertekening vindt dinsdag plaats in Londen onder toeziend oog van premier David Cameron en zijn Chinese ambtsgenoot Li Keqiang.

    "Het is een LNG-contract van 20 jaar om vloeibaar aardgas te verspreiden in Zuidoost-China. Het is een grote overeenkomst met een eerlijke prijs voor ons en een goede brug tussen het VK en China in termen van handel," aldus Dudley.

    Volgens Britse media zal Royal Dutch Shell plc (RDSA) dinsdag ook een contract ondertekenen met CNOOC.

    Door Marleen Groen; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 5715 200;

  4. forum rang 10 voda 17 juli 2014 20:42
    LNG-terminal in Eemshaven stap dichterbij

    DONDERDAG 17 JULI 2014, 18:37 uur | 65 keer gelezen

    GRONINGEN (AFN) - De komst van een terminal voor vloeibaar gas (LNG) in de Eemshaven in Groningen is weer een stap dichterbij. Donderdag meldde een consortium van onder meer GDF Suez, Gasunie en Vopak dat er een samenwerkingsovereenkomst is getekend voor de ontwikkeling van een LNG opslag- en bunkerfaciliteit.
    Lng wordt als een schoon en stil alternatief gezien voor diesel of zware stookolie. Met een mobiele installatie verwacht het consortium, waarin ook stichting Energy Valley en Groningen Seaports participeren, dat al begin 2015 de eerste schepen lng kunnen tanken in de Eemshaven.

    Motoren die op aardgas draaien, stoten tot 20 procent minder koolstofdioxide (CO2) uit dan motoren op diesel of stookolie, 85 procent minder stikstofoxiden en vrijwel geen zwavel en fijnstof. Daarom stimuleren de Europese Unie en de Nederlandse overheid de ontwikkeling van lng als brandstof voor de transportsector.

    Nieuwe banen

    Minister Henk Kamp reageerde volgens de samenwerkende partijen positief op de bouw van de nieuwe faciliteiten. De introductie van lng betekent onder meer nieuwe banen en economische groei voor de regio.

    Eerder deze maand werd bekend dat de Gate-terminal op de Maasvlakte bij Rotterdam wordt uitgebreid met nieuwe installaties voor de distributie lng via kleine tankers en bunkerschepen. In 2010 ging een plan voor een lng-terminal in de Eemshaven om financiële redenen niet door.

  5. forum rang 10 voda 4 december 2014 16:38
    Shell bouwt schip voor levering vloeibaar gas

    DONDERDAG 4 DECEMBER 2014, 09:34 uur | 2606 keer gelezen

    DEN HAAG (AFN) - Shell laat een speciaal bunkervaartuig bouwen waarmee schepen van vloeibaar gemaakt aardgas (lng) kunnen worden voorzien. Dat meldde het olie- en gasbedrijf donderdag.

    Het bunkerschip krijgt de Rotterdamse haven als standplaats, waar het gebruik gaat maken van de nieuw te bouwen lng-laadpier bij de 'Gas Access to Europe'-terminal (Gate). Shell ziet het innovatieve bunkerschip als “een volgende stap in de ontwikkeling van lng als schonere brandstof voor scheepvaart”.

    Door strengere milieu-eisen neemt de vraag naar lng in de scheepvaart toe. Schepen zijn vooralsnog echter aangewezen op tankwagens voor de levering van het gas. Het schip van Shell, dat een capaciteit krijgt van 6500 kubieke meter lng, kan het gas leveren aan grote en kleine terminals en aan een grote variëteit schepen. Het zal zelf ook op lng varen.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 5 december 2014 15:45
    MoS seeks South Korean support to indigenously build LNG carriers

    It is reported that the Ministry of Shipping has sought the Ministry of External Affairs' help to convince the South Korean shipbuilding giants to provide technology support to domestic shipyards so that liquefied natural gas carriers could be indigenously built under the ‘Make in India’ campaign.

    It is learnt that GAIL India requires nine carriers to ferry 6 million tonne of LNG from the US starting September 2017, of which three carriers would be built in India.

    However, Indian shipbuilding yards lack expertise as they have never built LNG carriers, which require highly specialised technology in order to store the gas in cryogenic conditions.

    In this scenario, an international partner has to be finalised to provide quality assurance, training and supervision and, therefore, the Ministry of Shipping wants leading shipbuilders, including Hyundai, Daewoo and Samsung to step up and offer to partner Indian shipyards. All the formalities have to be expedited as the process of finding a global partner has to be finalised by next year.

    Globally, South Korean and Japanese shipyards are considered experts in making such vessels, that too at competitive prices compared to the European yards.

    Source - Exim News Service
  7. forum rang 10 voda 5 december 2014 15:46
    India receives biggest LNG shipment by ship at Dahej import terminal

    PTI reported that India has received its biggest shipment of LNG by ship as it looks to diversify supplies and economise parcel size to meet growing energy demand.

    A Q-Max LNG vessel, the largest LNG carrier in its class, with a capacity of about 261,000 cubic meters, was received at Petronet LNG Limited's Dahej import terminal in Gujarat.

    The company said in a statement that the receipt of the ship, carrying cargo from Ras-Laffan, Qatar, has set another benchmark.

    Last year, Petronet had successfully unloaded 1,000th cargo at Dahej in a short span of about 9 years.

    Mr Ashok Kumar Balyan, MD & CEO of Petronet, said that "We are glad to receive first Q-Max LNG vessel, one of the biggest size LNG ships available today, at Dahej Terminal and expect to receive more such cargoes in future."

    In April, Petronet had signed a short-term contract with Qatar's Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Company to import 800,000 tonne of LNG over 12 months to supply to refineries.

    Petronet currently imports 7.5 million tonne a year of LNG from RasGas on a long-term contract that was signed in 2004.

    Source - PTI
  8. forum rang 10 voda 23 december 2014 16:55
    Outokumpu to invest in utilizing liquefied natural gas in Finland

    Outokumpu invests approximately EUR 30 million into using liquefied natural gas at Tornio mill instead of propane. The vast majority of the investment, phased over 2015 to 2018, is used to make the required equipment modifications at the Tornio mill.

    The transfer to LNG is made possible by the construction of a liquefied natural gas terminal at Tornio harbor, Northern Finland. Manga LNG Oy, a joint venture of Outokumpu Group, SSAB, Skangass and EPV Energy Ltd, will build and operate the terminal, and procure LNG for its owners. Outokumpu’s share of Manga LNG Oy is 45%.

    Outokumpu and its stainless steel mill in Tornio will be the main user of the natural gas imported through the terminal.

    Mr Pekka Erkkila, Outokumpu Chief Technology Officer and responsible for energy strategy said that “Replacing the use of propane with liquefied natural gas sourced directly from the global market will reduce production cost through lower and more stable energy prices, and thereby increase the competitiveness of our Tornio mill. It will also positively contribute in our continuous drive to further decrease our carbon dioxide emissions.”

    Source – Strategic Research Institute
  9. forum rang 10 voda 15 januari 2015 16:30
    Shell investeert in lng-terminal India

    DONDERDAG 15 JANUARI 2015, 09:08 uur | 812 keer gelezen

    KAKINADA (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Olie- en gasmaatschappij Shell gaat investeren in een lng-terminal in India. Dat bevestigde een woordvoerder van Shell India donderdag, zonder in te gaan op verdere details. Naar verluidt worden binnenkort de handtekeningen onder het contract gezet.

    De drijvende terminal die gebruikt wordt voor de op- en overslag van vloeibaar gemaakt gas moet voor de kust van Kakinada komen, aan de oostkust van het Aziatische land. Het project kost omgerekend ruim 206 miljoen euro en moet medio 2016 zijn gerealiseerd.

    Naast Shell investeert ook GDF Suez in het project. Beide bedrijven zijn goed voor een deel van 26 procent. De overige 48 procent is in handen van de joint venture Gail Gas en Andhra Pradesh Gas Infrastructure.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 21 januari 2015 16:48
    'Shell sluit lng-contract in Jordanië'

    WOENSDAG 21 JANUARI 2015, 16:30 uur | 276 keer gelezen

    AMMAN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Shell heeft een vijfjarige overeenkomst gesloten met de overheid van Jordanië voor de levering van lng aan de nieuwe terminal in de havenstad Aqaba. Dat maakte de energieminister van Jordanië, Mohammad Hamed, woensdag bekend.
    Shell start de levering van het vloeibaar gemaakte aardgas naar verwachting op 1 juli. Op basis van het huidige prijspeil betaalt Jordanië Shell 500 miljoen dollar per jaar voor het gas.

  11. forum rang 10 voda 6 maart 2015 15:58
    Gujarat to build 2 new LNG terminals of 10 mln tonne per annum

    Business Standard reported that Gujarat government has planned to set up 2 new Liquefied Natural Gas terminals of 10 million tonne per annum capacity.

    In her written response to a question raised by Mr Harsh Sanghvi. BJP MLA, during question hour in the Gujarat Assembly about future plans regarding LNG terminals, Ms Anandiben Patel, CM of Gujarat, who handles the ports portfolio, said that 2 such LNG terminals are already operational in the state.

    At present, Gujarat has 2 operational LNG terminals, 1 at Hazira in Surat and the another at Dahej in Bharuch district.

    In her reply, she said that both these terminals have a combined capacity to handle 17.5 million tonne LNG per annum. The Gujarat government plans to set up two more such LNG terminals to handle imported LNG.

    Ms Patel said that “The Gujarat government plans to set up 2 new LNG terminals, 1 near Jafrabad in Amreli district and another at Mundra port in Kutch district.”

    She said that an LNG port terminal with Floating Storage and Re-gassification Unit with a capacity of 5 million tonne per annum would be built in Jafrabad.

    Earlier, the state ports authority, Gujarat Maritime Board had selected Swan Energy Limited as the developer of this project on a Build, Own, Operate and Transfer basis.

    After being selected by the GMB in December 2013 to set up this project, Swan Energy had informed the Bombay Stock Exchange that it would develop a greenfield LNG port terminal with FSRU at Jafrabad in Gujarat.

    In a related development, Adani Group and the state government-owned Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation have joined hands to set up an LNG import terminal at Mundra with an initial capacity of 5 million tonne per annum.

    Ms Patel said that "In Mundra, the government plans to set up an LNG terminal to handle 5 million tonne per annum of LNG."

    According to the GSPC website, GSPC LNG Limited plans to set up the Mundra LNG terminal to import LNG in order to meet growing demand.

    According to the statement on the GSPC website "The 5 million tonne per annum LNG terminal, which would be expandable to 10 million tonne per annum, is designed to have a berth to receive LNG tankers of sizes ranging from 75,000 cubic metres to 2.6 lakh cubic metres. It will also have 2 LNG storage tanks of 1.6 lakh cubic metres capacity each."

    It also said that construction is in full swing at the site and the terminal is expected to be commissioned in the first quarter of 2017.

    Source - Business Standard
  12. forum rang 10 voda 10 april 2015 20:38
    LNG projects nixes amid lower oil prices - Moody's

    Moody's Investors Service said in a new report 'Lower Oil Prices Cause Suppliers of Liquefied Natural Gas to Nix Projects' that LNG suppliers are curtailing their capital budgets, amid low oil prices and a coming glut of new LNG supply from Australia and the US.

    Moody's said that low LNG prices will result in the cancellation of the vast majority of the nearly 30 liquefaction projects currently proposed in the US, 18 in western Canada and 4 in eastern Canada.

    Mr Mihoko Manabe, SVP of Moody's, said that "The drop in international oil prices relative to US natural gas prices has wiped out the price advantage US LNG projects, reversing the wide differentials of the past 4 years that led Asian buyers to demand more Henry Hub-linked contracts for their LNG portfolios."

    However, projects already under construction will continue as planned, which will lead to excess liquefaction capacity over the rest of this decade. Notably, through 2017, Australia will see new capacity come online from roughly USD 180 billion in investments, which will result in a 25% increase in global liquefaction capacity. Likewise, the US is poised to become a net LNG exporter after the Sabine Pass Liquefaction LLC project goes into service in the Q4 of 2015.

    Moody's expects Cheniere Energy's Corpus Christi project will be the likeliest project to move forward this year, since it is among the very few projects in advanced development that have secured sufficient commercial or financial backing to begin construction.

    Lower oil prices will result in the deferral or cancellation of most other projects, especially this year. While some companies like Exxon Mobil Corporation can afford to be patient and wait several years until markets are more favorable, most other LNG sponsors have far less financial wherewithal and some may be more eager to capitalize on the billions of dollars of upfront investments they have made already, sooner rather than later.

    Greenfield projects on undeveloped property are much more expensive, involve more construction risk and take longer to build than brownfield projects, which re-purpose existing LNG regasification sites. Greenfield projects are also frequently challenged by local opposition and occasionally by untested laws and regulations. Based on the public estimates of companies building new LNG liquefaction capacity, the median cost to build a US brownfield project is roughly USD 800 per tonne of capacity, compared with the more advanced Australian greenfield projects, now estimated at around USD 3,400 per tonne.

    Through the end of the decade, Moody's expects LNG demand will grow more slowly versus supply. China will be the biggest variable and most important driver of global LNG in that timeframe. India will see rapid growth, but not be as big of a player as China. Other more mature LNG markets in Japan, South Korea and Europe, which represent the bulk of demand, will have flat growth.

  13. forum rang 10 voda 17 april 2015 16:00
    Masterplan voor veilige omgang met vloeibaar gas

    Frank Straver

    AMSTERDAM (Energeia) - Een consortium van havens, bedrijven en organisaties heeft een masterplan ontwikkeld voor een veilige omgang met vloeibaar gas (liquified natural gas, LNG). Volgens de partijen is LNG een "hot topic", nu het "steeds meer de brandstof van de toekomst wordt". Het masterplan moet als leidraad dienen voor veiligheid bij transport en inzet van LNG.
    Omdat LNG, gas dat vloeibaar wordt gemaakt door het te koelen tot -162 graden Celsius, vaak per schip vervoerd wordt -en dus in havens arriveert en wordt opgeslagen en doorgevoerd- trok een clubje havenbedrijven samen op bij het creëren van het masterplan. De zogenoemde Rhine Port Group, die bestaat uit het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam en de havens van Antwerpen, Mannheim, Straatsburg en Basel, was initiatiefnemer.

    De ontwikkeling van het masterplan werd ondersteund door een subsidie van EUR 40 mln van de Europese Commissie via het zogeheten Ten-T programma, bedoeld voor koppeling en eenwording in de Europese markten. Het project werd gecoördineerd door Pro Donau Management GMBH en het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam.

    Het bedrijf Falck Risc kreeg binnen het traject voor het masterplan de opdracht om samen met de Gezamenlijke Brandweer te onderzoeken in hoeverre nooddiensten en de verschillende havenbedrijven zijn voorbereid op de opkomst van LNG. Een goede voorbereiding op mogelijke gevaren en incidenten zou van groot belang zijn voor betrokken partijen.

    Falck Risc opende op de Rotterdamse Maasvlakte vorig jaar al een trainingsterrein waar gasbedrijven, maar bijvoorbeeld ook brandweerlieden kunnen zien wat de gevaren zijn van werken met LNG. Die liggen vooral op het gebied van ontvlambaarheid na verdamping in gasvorm, bevriezing en verstikking.

    Ook afspraken tussen overheid en bedrijfsleven moeten leiden tot veiliger gebruik van LNG n de transportsector. Eerder dit jaar ondertekenden staatssecretaris Wilma Mansveld (Infrastructuur en Milieu, PVDA) en het Nationaal LNG Platform hiervoor een convenant, dat op termijn mogelijk leidt tot nieuwe regelgeving.

    © 2015 Energeia.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 4 juni 2015 16:57
    Total to boost gas output and shipments and exit coal mining

    Published on Wed, 03 Jun 2015 65 times viewed

    Bloomberg reported that Total SA plans to raise production and trading of liquified natural gas by 2020 and pull out of coal mining as part of a new policy on fossil fuels and climate change.

    Mr Patrick Pouyanne, CEO of Total, said that “Total is gas and gas is good.” The company plans to produce and trade about 32.5 million tonne of LNG at the turn of the decade compared with about 18.5 million tonne currently. Total also intends to charter a dozen LNG tankers for future trading, 2 of them currently under construction.

    Mr Pouyanne said at a news conference that the targets could be achieved by completing projects in Australia, Russia and elsewhere while trading shale gas exports from the US, where prices are expected to stay relatively low for the coming years. Deals to boost supplies are possible though not essential.

    He made his remarks ahead of the World Gas Conference this week when promoters are expected to highlight the energy as the cleanest burning fossil-fuel compared with coal and oil.

    The International Energy Agency said in November that gas production is expected to grow almost everywhere but Europe by 2040. LNG exports will almost double, taking market share from pipelines, according to the Paris-based adviser to 29 developed countries.

    Mr Pouyanne said that “There will be a profound change in the world energy mix.” Total will produce more natural gas than crude in the future compared with a 50-50 ratio this year. Total’s gas projects under development include Yamal LNG in the Russian Arctic and in Papua New Guinea.

    He said that “I still have a coal business and I have to get out of it. I can’t say that coal is the enemy of gas and then continue to produce coal like some of my colleagues. I will get out of coal.”

    According to its latest annual report, Total marketed 8.5 million tonne of coal on the international market last year, at least 70% of it from South Africa. Almost 3 quarters of the coal was sold in Asia, the rest to Europe.

    Source : Bloomberg
  15. forum rang 10 voda 4 juni 2015 16:59
    LNG a key to ensure sustainable energy future - Qatargas

    Mr Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa al-Thani, CEO of Qatargas, said that LNG will play a major role in a sustainable energy future as it represents an 'attractive' alternative to 'unsustainable, higher priced, higher polluting and less reliable' energy options.

    He was delivering a keynote speech on the theme 'Natural Gas: A Core Pillar of a Sustainable Energy Future' at the World Gas Conference 2015 in Paris.

    Mr Sheikh Khalid said that as the global focus on climate change continues, countries around the world are seeking to diversify their energy mix with a focus on clean-burning fuels. Qatargas is proud to play an important role in meeting this global demand for reliable and cleaner sources of energy.

    In his speech, he dwelt upon Qatargas’ commitment to responsible resource utilisation and the highest standards of environmental protection, which are fundamental requirements enshrined in Qatargas’ direction statement and vision.

    He outlined the various initiatives through which Qatargas continues to promote the use of state-of-the-art solutions to further improve the environmental performance of its production facilities.

    Mr Sheikh Khalid said that as the world’s population continues to grow, the demand for power generation will rise. However, at a time when there is an increasing focus on climate change, and specifically, on the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the use of fossil fuels needs to be properly managed.

    He called for greater use of natural gas as a key solution to this challenge. The increased use of natural gas-fired power plants is inevitable due to their significantly lower emissions.

    Mr Sheikh Khalid’s speech also forecast increasing synergy between renewable energy and natural gas, allowing for reduced dependence on coal and resulting in a low-carbon, clean environment.

    He said that the wide availability and comparatively lower cost of coal were greatly outweighed by the serious negative impacts of its use on people’s health and the environment.

    Mr Sheikh Khalid said that “Renewable energy sources alone cannot meet the world’s demand for sustainable, clean energy. No energy portfolio can be considered reliable without natural gas. The increasing use of natural gas is indispensable to ensuring the supply of cost-effective, clean and reliable energy to the world.”

    Source : Gulf Times
  16. forum rang 10 voda 5 juni 2015 15:33
    Fugro ontvangt opdracht van ExxonMobil Alaska LNG

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Fugro nv (FUR.AE) heeft een opdracht ontvangen van ExxonMobil Alaska LNG LLC, een consortium van ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, British Petroleum, TransCanada en de staat Alaska, aldus het concern vrijdag.

    Financiele details worden niet vermeld.

    De opdracht betreft de levering van geotechnische en geofysische diensten, waarbij het bedrijf de bouwlocatie voor een lng-terminal en de bijgehorende offshore-pijpleidingen in kaart zal brengen.

    - Door Patrick Buis; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 571 52 00;

  17. forum rang 10 voda 18 juni 2015 14:54
    Shell project Canada goedgekeurd door lokale en federale milieu instanties

    CALGARY (Dow Jones)--Een faciliteit voor de export van vloeibaar aardgas voor de westkust van Canada heeft woensdag een positieve beoordeling gekregen van provinciale en federale milieu-autoriteiten, waarmee een definitief besluit voor de bouw van het miljardenproject dichterbij komt voor Royal Dutch Shell plc (RDSA).

    De geplande faciliteit 'LNG Canada' is e e n van circa 24 voorstellen voor de bouw van liquified natural gas (LNG) terminals voor de westkust van Canada, waarbij de 'hongerige' Aziatische markten per schip worden voorzien van LNG.

    Geen van faciliteiten is nog gebouwd, vanwege zorgen over de operationele kosten en obstakels in de regelgeving, maar vorige week meldde het Maleisisch staatsbedrijf energiebedrijf Petroliam Nasional Bhd., ofwel Petronas, verder te gaan met het verkrijgen van aanvullende goedkeuring van provinciale en federale overheden in Canada voor een soortgelijk LNG project.

    "Het verkrijgen van zowel provinciale en federale goedkeuring voor onze "Environmental Assessment" is een cruciale mijlpaal in aanloop naar het maken van een definitieve investeringsbeslissing", aldus LNG Canada Chief executive Andy Calitz.

    Shell heeft eerder aangegeven "halverwege het decennium" een besluit te nemen over de bouw van de faciliteit en dat de kosten van het project naar verwachting oplopen tot C$40 miljard. De faciliteit is ontworpen om 13 miljoen ton LNG per jaar te produceren, met een optie om het volume in de toekomst te verdubbelen.

    - Door Chester Dawson; Vertaald en bewerkt door Patrick Buis; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 571 52 00;

  18. forum rang 10 voda 18 juni 2015 16:31
    Federal appeals court refuses to stop LNG plant construction

    A federal appeals court has refused to halt construction of a liquefied natural gas export facility in southern Maryland while it weighs a legal challenge to the project's approval.

    A three-judge panel of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia denied an emergency motion for a construction stay on the Dominion Cove Point LNG project, saying opponents had not met the strict legal requirements for such action, nor given strongly compelling reasons for doing so.

    Environmental and local citizen groups had asked the court to stop construction while their lawsuit proceeds over the Dominion facility's approval last year by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. They contended that local residents are suffering from noise, dust and heavy truck traffic related to the work, and that some are trying to sell their homes because of the disruption, plus fears for their safety once the facility is operational.

    The motion was filed by Earthjustice on behalf of the Patuxent Riverkeeper, the Maryland Sierra Club and Chesapeake Climate Action Network.

    The environmental and citizen groups had filed suit last month contending that FERC violated federal law by failing to consider how construction of the facility would pollute the air and water and contribute to global climate change. An Earthjustice spokesman said the court has yet to rule on the merits of that challenge and opponents will continue to pursue the lawsuit.

    Dominion has said that it was confident the court would deny the bid to halt construction and ultimately uphold the project's federal approval. FERC had concluded that the project poses no significant risks to nearby residents' safety and no major environmental impacts.

    A Dominion spokesman said that construction continues on schedule. Dominion, based in Richmond, Virginia, has said it expects to finish work on the USD 3.8 billion project by 2017 and begin liquefying natural gas piped to the site. The super-cooled gas would be loaded on tankers in the Chesapeake Bay and exported to customers in Asia.

    Source : Baltimore Sun
  19. forum rang 10 voda 18 juni 2015 16:31
    Gazprom considers India as a promising LNG market - Mr Medvedev

    Mr Alexander Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Board at Gazprom, said that Gazprom considers India as a promising LNG market, but it is not working on supplying natural gas to the country.

    Mr Medvedev said that “We see the Indian market as a very promising one for the sales of natural gas, but we have not undertaken work in any of the possible directions of supply.”

    In early June, after a meeting between India’s Energy Minister Dharmendra Pradhan and Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak, it was learned that India had expressed interest in importing oil and LNG from Russia.

    Source : RBTH
  20. forum rang 10 voda 18 juni 2015 16:32
    Oil Search could double LNG production within seven years

    Oil Search said that it could double its LNG production within 7 years after the PNG LNG JV project was delivered ahead of schedule.

    The Papua New Guinea-focused oil and gas producer reiterated its 2015 full year production guidance of 26 to 28 million barrels of oil or equivalent and said it was well-placed to significantly expand LNG exports over next 5 to 7 years.

    In an investor presentation Oil Search said that there was potential for Oil Search to more than double production by 2021/22, however shares in the company fell 11c to USD 7.39 at noon.

    Source : The Australian
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