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LNG - liquefied natural gas

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 10 december 2021 08:49
    Kawasaki Bags Order for LPG Fueled LPG & NH3 Carrier

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    09 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd has concluded a shipbuilding contract for an 86,700 cubic meters liquefied petroleum gasand liquefied ammonia gas carrier powered by LPG fuel for Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha. This is the first LPG/NH3 carrier for Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha. The vessel is equipped with separate cargo tanks designed to carry LPG and NH3 at the same time. This contract represents their 75th LPG carrier, 12th LPG-fueled LPG carrier and 5th LPG/NH3 carrier to be constructed by Kawasaki. Kawasaki plans to complete the construction of the vessels at its Sakaide Works in 2024.

    The advantage of this dual-purpose vessel is its capability to simultaneously carry LPG, which is already used as a low-carbon energy source, and NH3, a new fuel contributing to the establishment of a decarbonized society. Another feature is the greater capacity of the cargo tanks as compared to conventional carriers, which was achieved without significantly changing the vessel’s length, breadth, or other main specifications.

    Fueled by low-sulfur fuel oil and LPG (which significantly reduces the emission volumes of sulfur oxides [SOx], CO2, and other pollutants in the exhaust gases as compared to marine fuel oil), the vessel meets SOx emission standards set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO)*1, as well as the IMO’s Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI)*2 Phase 3 regulations, which are scheduled to adopt stricter CO2 emission standards in 2022. In addition, the vessel is equipped with a shaft generator that converts the rotational energy of the main engine into electric power. This enables the vessel to stop all the diesel generators under the normal sea-going condition.


    Length overall Approx. 230.00 m

    Breadth 37.20 m

    Depth 21.90 m

    Summer draft 11.65 m

    Tank capacity 86,700 m3
  2. forum rang 10 voda 10 december 2021 09:01
    McDermott Completes Net Zero LNG Construction Study for Shell

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    10 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    McDermott has recently completed a liquefied natural gas construction study identifying tangible reduction pathways toward net-zero construction emissions on behalf of Shell Global Solutions International BV. The results of this study provide a strategic framework for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in LNG facilities during the project execution phase.

    Study results include emission reduction opportunities, in order of magnitude, based on mapping key sources and the identification of low-carbon alternatives during construction. These include site efficiency improvements, replacing diesel powered equipment with lower GHG intensity alternatives, module fabrication and construction and sourcing lower intensity raw materials. The study also provides more clarity on the associated environmental, social and economic considerations of future projects.

    Building on this study, McDermott is also engaging with Shell to identify low-carbon solutions to help reduce GHG emissions in McDermott's operations.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 15 december 2021 08:28
    NYK to Build 2 Very Large LPG & NH3 Gas Carriers

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    15 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    NYK announced the order of its first two liquefied petroleum gas dual-fuel very large LPG & ammonia gas carriers from Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Both ships will be built at the KHI Sakaide Works shipyard and are set for delivery in 2024. Unlike conventional VLGCs, the vessels will be equipped with separate cargo tanks designed to carry LPG and ammonia at the same time to flexibly respond to various trade patterns.

    Furthermore, in addition to the LPG dual-fuel engine, the ships will have a shaft generator that can generate electricity during the voyage by using the rotation of the shaft that connects the main engine to the propeller. Since the diesel generator can be stopped during normal seagoing transit, realizing full navigation with LPG fuel will be possible except for the use of a small amount of pilot fuel.

    Outline of Vessel

    Length overall: approx. 230 meters

    Breadth (moulded): 37.20 meters

    Depth (moulded): 21.90 meters

    Summer draft (moulded): 11.65 meters

    Tank capacity: approx. 86,700 cubic meters

    When LPG is used as fuel, exhaust gas from the ordered VLGCs will contain at least 95% less sulfur oxide and 20% less CO2 compared to NYK’s conventional VLGCs using heavy-oil fired engines.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 16 december 2021 11:50
    NOVATEK & RWE Sign MOU on Decarbonization & LNG

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    16 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    PAO NOVATEK and RWE Supply & Trading GmbH have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to mutually cooperate in the field of LNG supply and decarbonization. The MOU envisages the supply by NOVATEK to RWE of low-carbon ammonia and hydrogen to be produced at the Company’s planned project Obskiy GCC (Gas Chemical Complex) and delivered to German and European markets.

    The Parties also intend to deepen their cooperation in supply of LNG (including carbon-neutral LNG) by NOVATEK to RWE by expansion of existing spot supplies as well as possible long-term supplies of LNG to be produced by the Arctic LNG 2 and other NOVATEK’s projects.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 21 december 2021 16:20
    Eerste tankers met vloeibaar gas uit Azië naar van kou bibberend Europa

    Updated 3 min geleden
    1 uur geleden

    AMSTERDAM - Enkele grote tankers met vloeibaar gemaakt gas uit Azië hebben volgens handelaren hun steven richting Europa gewend. Binnen enkele weken komt dit gas aan. Landen als Nederland hebben schaarste aan gas zoals dit LNG, terwijl ze de winterkou in gaan.

    Grote LNG-tankers zijn vanuit Azië op weg naar Europa, waar inkopers de aanbieders forse premies betalen voor schaars gas. ANP/HH

    Omdat Aziatische landen al eerder dit jaar er wel voor hebben gezorgd dat hun voorraden goed gevuld zijn voor de winter, kunnen partijen met daar overtollig gas die op de zogeheten spotmarkt worden verhandeld naar Europa. Energiebedrijven hier betalen momenteel graag de enorme premies op dit gas uit Azië, aldus persbureau Bloomberg.

    Ondanks het bericht van toekomstige levering steeg de gasprijs dinsdag weer naar een record. De beeldbepalende Nederlandse termijnmarktprijs voor een TTF-contract tikt na 16% stijging €173 per megawattuur aan. Inmiddels is de gasprijs dit jaar ruim 600% gestegen. Het duurt gemiddeld bijna twee weken voordat een Aziatisch schip zijn lading in bijvoorbeeld Rotterdam kwijt kan.

    Klimaatplannen Timmermans liggen EU-lidstaten zwaar op de maag

    Meerdere schepen met LNG worden nu uit Azië omgeleid omdat landen in Europa de portemonnee willen trekken om maar aan wat gas te kunnen komen, aldus een gashandelaar die anoniem wil blijven.

    De energieprijzen schoten eerder dit jaar in Azië de hoogte in toen China voor de winter alles van steenkool tot meststoffen wilde inslaan. Nu de winter in Noordoost-Azië zacht is begonnen, zitten de kopers van Japanse nutsbedrijven tot Chinese fabrieken voldoende vol met LNG.

    De Aziatische spotprijzen voor dit vloeibare gas zijn, vrij uitzonderlijk, dinsdag in de regionale handel gedaald tot onder die van Noordwest-Europa. Die daling is ongekend, omdat Azië tot nu toe veel meer afhankelijk is van LNG-import dan Europese landen. Vooral in pittige winters, als de vraag uit Japan, Zuid-Korea, China en Taiwan het hoogst is, kopen bedrijven er alles wat maar voorradig is.

    De hoge gasprijs heeft er in Nederland toe geleid dat meerdere aanbieders onderuit zijn gegaan: zij konden zich de hoge markttarieven niet meer veroorloven.

    Waakhond denkt na over buffer voor energiebedrijven

    In Europa hebben inkopers afgelopen maanden de grootst mogelijke moeite om hun voorraden in afzonderlijke landen aan te vullen vanwege de onzekerheid over de toekomst van de Russische Nord Stream 2-pijpleiding richting Duitsland. Het gas van Gazprom wordt er tegengehouden, omdat het bedrijf voor het laatste stuk in Duitsland geen vergunning heeft en een Duits kantoor voor beheer van dit deel van de pijp ontbreekt.

    Deze week liepen prijzen verder op vanwege de door Rusland gestopte leveringen via de Yamal-pijpleiding, een belangrijke toegangspoort vanuit Rusland naar Duitsland.

    Landen binnen Europa zijn afgelopen weken begonnen met het tegen elkaar opbieden om ladingen gas voor de winter veilig te stellen. De stroomprijs loopt ook nog op, mede na de beslissing in Frankrijk dinsdag om een viertal kernreactoren uit te zetten voor extra onderhoud.

    Gasvelden Noordzee door torenhoge prijzen weer profijtelijk voor Nederland

    Verwacht wordt dat 30% van alle nucleaire capaciteit in Frankrijk begin januari 2022 buiten werking zal zijn. Frankrijk is afhankelijk geworden van de invoer van elektriciteit. Het is nu juist een exporteur van allerlei energie. Vanwege de energiecrisis heeft de regering in Parijs aan producent EDF gevraagd om enkele kernreactoren eerder dan gepland weer op te starten. Maar dat proces duurt weken.

    De vier Franse kernreactoren zijn doorgaans goed voor 10% van de nucleaire capaciteit. Uitbater EDF ontdekte vorige week problemen. De Fransen gaan nu zelfs stookolie gebruiken voor de opwekking van energie, en verhogen daarmee hun CO2-uitstoot.

    ’Einde prijsstijgingen gas nog niet in zicht’

    De energietoevoer wordt verder afgekneld. In Duitsland sluit de overheid voor het einde van dit jaar 50% van zijn kerncentrales. Dat zorgde ervoor dat de Duitse stroomprijs voor levering volgend jaar, beeldbepalend voor Europese markten, dinsdag met nog eens 7% is opgelopen.

    Energieprijzen torenhoog: 5 simpele tips om te besparen
    Hoge gasprijs eist tol: stekker uit eerste energieleverancier getrokken
  6. Joni-2 23 december 2021 18:55
    Intussen is Dutch TTF Gas Futures l vandaag met 27,12% gezakt
    Van € 164 naar € 122 op 1 dag

    Futures voor april 2022 is ook gezakt naar € 105
  7. forum rang 10 voda 25 december 2021 15:46
    Gasprijs schiet omlaag nu Amerikaanse schepen met aardgas koers zetten naar Europa

    De Europese gasprijs daalt ineens hard, waarschijnlijk vanwege Amerikaanse schepen met vloeibaar aardgas die hun koers hebben gewijzigd naar Europa. Minstens tien tankers hebben midden op de oceaan besloten hun gas aan Europa te verkopen, vanwege de hier hoge tarieven.

    Wouter Peer 25-12-21, 08:31 Laatste update: 13:33

    Waar de prijs van een megawattuur gas op de Nederlandse markt - leidend voor Europa - afgelopen dinsdag nog een recordhoogte aantikte van 188 euro, is deze nu flink gedaald naar 126 euro.

    De gasprijzen stijgen al maandenlang explosief. De Russische aanvoer van gas naar Europa is onzeker, de voorraden zijn aan banden gelegd en spanningen met Oekraïne brengen twijfels bij Europese landen of de Russen hun gasexport zien als politiek middel. Daarnaast zijn er op Europees niveau steeds meer bewegingen om andere energievoorzieningen zoals kerncentrales en kolencentrales te sluiten. Dat drijft de gasprijs op en maakt de brandstof tegelijkertijd schaarser. Nog nooit is de prijs voor gas zo hoog geweest, en kleine energiebedrijven worden daar de dupe van.

    De prijs voor gas in de VS is zo’n dertien keer lager dan hier, en dus loopt de Amerikaanse gasexport op volle toeren. Normaal leveren de Amerikanen voornamelijk aan Azië, omdat Europa het meeste gas importeert uit Rusland. Maar nu dit geen optie meer lijkt te zijn, en er hier een tekort aan gas gloort, denkt Amerika ons te kunnen verlichten.

    Het roer om
    Meerdere schepen met lng, zoals vloeibaar aardgas ook wel wordt genoemd, gooiden de afgelopen week plotsklaps hun roer om en kozen Europa als bestemming. Uit data van persbureau Bloomberg blijkt dat sowieso tien schepen van koers zijn gewijzigd, en van nog eens 20 schepen lijkt het ook alsof ze naar Europa gaan. Op de live tracking-kaarten van Marine Traffic zijn zo'n 15 lng-schepen te vinden die onderweg zijn naar Europa. Dat worden er waarschijnlijk dus nog meer.

    Op de live kaarten van Marine Traffic kun je volgen waar de lng-tankers heen varen. Momenteel zouden er zo'n 15 op te zien zijn die richting Europa gaan. © Marine Traffic / Printscreen

    Belgische krant De Standaard geeft voorbeelden van de vreemde routes die de schepen nu hebben afgelegd. Zo is er een tanker die ter hoogte van Singapore rechtsomkeert maakte en naar Europa vertrok. Een ander schip was al bijna bij eindbestemming China, maar wijzigde de koers naar het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Een schip vanuit Nigeria spant misschien wel de kroon: na Kaap de Goede Hoop gerond te hebben, werd de kapitein verteld via het Suezkanaal richting Europa te vertrekken, een route die tweeënhalf keer zo lang is als het normale traject van Nigeria naar de Europese kust.

    Korte termijn
    Dat dit soort schepen tijdens hun vaarroute van koers veranderen is niet heel gek, aldus Tie Schellekens, woordvoerder van de Rotterdamse haven. ,,De prijs is heel belangrijk voor de goederenstroom van gas. Het gaat dan om de verhouding van wereldwijde prijzen. Als de gasprijs hier ideaal is, dan kunnen goederenstromen daarvoor verlegd worden.”

    Dat schepen plots van koers veranderen vanwege de gasprijs is op zich niet bijzonder. Het effect van de verkoop van Amerikaanse lng heeft hier meestal een kortdurend drukkend effect op de gasprijs.

    Vaak wordt de bestemming van een schip kort voor vertrek pas duidelijk, soms is het ook zo dat een kapitein pas tijdens de reis te horen krijgt waar hij heen gaat. Soms liggen schepen zelfs te wachten voor de kust op een goed moment om de haven binnen te varen. Dat kan soms miljoenen euro‘s aan inkomsten schelen. Toch komt het niet vaak voor dat zoveel schepen ineens naar Europa komen, omdat normaal de prijzen in Azië gunstiger zijn.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 28 december 2021 09:22
    TotalEnergies to Develop Low Carbon Natural Gas Projects in Oman

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    28 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    TotalEnergies has signed with the Ministry of Energy and Minerals of the Sultanate of Oman a series of agreements for the sustainable development of the country’s natural gas resources. These agreements include:

    The establishment of Marsa LNG, an integrated company between TotalEnergies (80%) and Oman National Oil Company, OQ (20%). Marsa LNG will produce natural gas from Block 10, with a view to subsequently develop a low-carbon LNG plant in Sohar, powered by solar electricity, for the production of LNG for bunker fuel.

    A concession agreement for Block 10, to develop and produce natural gas from this block. Marsa LNG will hold a 33.19% interest in Block 10, together with its partners OQ and Shell Integrated Gas Oman B.V. (operator). TotalEnergies’ production from Block 10 is expected to reach approximately 24,000 boe/d in 2023.

    A Gas Sales Agreement, under which Marsa LNG will sell natural gas from Block 10 to the Government of Sultanate of Oman, for a duration of 18 years or until the start-up of Marsa LNG plant.

    In Oman, the Company’s production was 39 kboe/d in 2020. TotalEnergies produces oil in Block 6 (4%), as well as LNG through its participation in the Oman LNG (5.54%)/Qalhat LNG (2.04% via Oman LNG) liquefaction complex with an overall capacity of 10.5 Mt/y. In 2020 TotalEnergies also signed an Exploration Production Sharing Agreement for Block 12 with the Ministry of Energy and Minerals. TotalEnergies is operator of Block 12 covering 10,000 km2 with a 80% share alongside its partner PTTEP of Thailand (20%).
  9. forum rang 10 voda 29 december 2021 07:51
    NYK & GAIL (India) Sign Pact for Charter of LNG Carrier

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    29 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    NYK has signed a multi year time charter contract with GAIL (India) Limited, India's largest natural gas company, for a liquefied natural gas carrier. NYK and GAIL held an online ceremony on December 20. Grace Emilia, the vessel that will be chartered, is equipped with a WinGD-made dual-fuel slow-speed diesel engine (i.e., X-DF diesel engine)* that has superior fuel-consumption efficiency and can operate on marine gas oil or boil off gas stored in the cargo tank. The vessel also features a re-liquefaction system that can use re-liquefied excess boil-off gas and return it to the cargo tank.

    The cargo tank is a 174,000 cubic meter capacity membrane-type tank that makes use of advanced insulating materials to suppress the boil-off rate (percentage of gas volume that vaporizes during navigation) in the cargo tank and realize superior efficiency and economical LNG transportation.

    Vessel Particulars

    Length overall: 297.16 meters

    Breadth: 46.4 meters

    Main engine: X-DF diesel engine

    Cargo tank capacity: 173,955 cubic meters

    Shipbuilder: Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

    Flag: Bahamas

    Delivery year: 2021
  10. forum rang 10 voda 18 januari 2022 08:55
    SCHOTTEL Propulsion Systems for New Italian LNG Bunkering Vessel

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    18 Jan, 2022, 5:30 am

    The German propulsion expert SCHOTTEL has been selected to supply main and auxiliary propulsion systems for an 8,000 cbm LNG bunkering vessel. Currently under construction at Chinese Nantong CIMC Sinopacific Offshore and Engineering shipyard, it is the first LNG bunkering vessel ordered by Italy-based shipping group Fratelli Cosulich. After its delivery in summer 2023, the 5,300-dwt-vessel is intended to serve customers in the Mediterranean region.

    The main propulsion of the LNG bunkering vessel consists of two diesel-driven SCHOTTEL EcoPellers type SRE 360, with a propeller diameter of 2.3 m. In addition, two SCHOTTEL TransverseThrusters type STT 1 CP will be installed in order to ensure maximum manoeuvrability also in port areas. With this thruster configuration, the 113 m long and 20 m wide vessel will achieve a free sailing speed of 13 kn.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 18 januari 2022 08:55
    Wartsila Pact for Enhancing Reliability & Uptime for LNG Carrier

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    18 Jan, 2022, 5:30 am

    The technology group Wärtsilä has signed a long-term Optimised Maintenance Agreement with Singapore based NYK Shipmanagement. The 13-year contract is designed to ensure maximum uptime and equipment reliability, with assured maintenance costs, for an LNG carrier vessel featuring three Wärtsilä 50DF dual-fuel engines. The agreement was signed in November 2021. The agreement covers maintenance and planning support.

    It includes Expert Insight, which enables dynamic, data-driven maintenance planning, optimising maintenance needs and monitoring equipment and systems in real-time through the use of artificial intelligence and advanced diagnostics.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 18 januari 2022 08:58
    McDermott Awarded Mega EPCI Projects by QatarEnergy

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    18 Jan, 2022, 5:30 am

    McDermott International continues its winning streak in the Middle East with a mega offshore contract from QatarEnergy, a long standing key customer, to deliver engineering, procurement, construction and installation for the North Field East Topsides and the North Field East Offshore Pipelines and Subsea Cables projects, with an option included to also award the North Field South Offshore Topsides, representing one of the largest single contracts McDermott has been awarded in its company history.

    McDermott has decades of experience delivering world-class EPCI projects in Qatar, a historically strategic market. The project will be managed and engineered from the McDermott Doha office with significant fabrication taking place at QFAB, the McDermott-Nakilat joint venture fabrication yard in Qatar, building end-to-end execution capability in Qatar and significantly enhancing the localization Program.

    The NFE development will provide feed gas into the four new LNG Trains currently under construction and, together, with the NFS infrastructure, which will provide feed gas for the future additional two LNG trains, will enable an increase in total LNG production in Qatar from 77 million tons per annum to 126 MTPA.

    The scope of the contract includes the fabrication and installation of eight wellhead topsides (WHT) for NFE and a further five WHT for NFS. The significant subsea pipeline scope includes over 300 miles (500 kilometers) of pipelines and, in addition, McDermott will install over 140 miles (225 kilometers) of 33kV subsea cables and associated works. For the first time, four of these WHT, plus all subsea infrastructure, will be fabricated in QFAB, improving the in-country execution platform to support future energy developments. The remaining fabrication will be done in collaboration with McDermott's facility in Batam, Indonesia.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 18 januari 2022 09:03
    NOVATEK to Supply LNG to ENN Natural Gas

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    18 Jan, 2022, 5:30 am

    NOVATEK announced that its wholly owned subsidiary NOVATEK Gas & Power Asia Pte Ltd and ENN LNG (Singapore) Pte Ltd have signed a long-term LNG sale and purchase agreement for the LNG produced from the Arctic LNG 2 project. The SPA stipulates the supply of approximately 0.6 million tons of LNG per annum from the Arctic LNG 2 project for a term of 11 years. The LNG will be delivered on a DES basis to ENN’s Zhoushan LNG Receiving Terminal in China.

    Arctic LNG 2 envisages constructing three LNG liquefaction trains of 6.6 million tons per annum each for the total LNG capacity of 19.8 million tons, as well as cumulative gas condensate production capacity of 1.6 million tons per annum. The Project will utilize an innovative construction concept of gravity-based structure platforms to reduce overall capital cost and minimize the Project’s environmental footprint in the Arctic zone of Russia. As of 31 December 2020, the Utrenneye field’s 2P reserves under PRMS totaled 1,434 billion cubic meters of natural gas and 90 million tons of liquids.

    The Project’s participants include: NOVATEK (60%), TotalEnergies (10%), CNPC (10%), CNOOC (10%) and Japan Arctic LNG, a consortium of Mitsui & Co, Ltd. and JOGMEC (10%).
  14. forum rang 10 voda 18 januari 2022 09:08
    NOVATEK to Supply LNG to Zhejiang Energy

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    17 Jan, 2022, 5:30 am

    NOVATEK announced that its wholly owned subsidiary NOVATEK Gas & Power Asia Pte Ltd and Zhejiang Energy Gas Group Co Ltd have signed a long-term LNG sale and purchase agreement for the LNG produced from the Arctic LNG 2 project. The SPA follows on from the Heads of Agreement signed by parties on 2 June 2021 during the Saint-Petersburg International Economic Forum, and stipulates the supply of up to one million tons of LNG per annum from the Arctic LNG 2 project for a term of 15 years. The LNG will be delivered on a DES basis to Zhejiang Energy’s LNG terminals in China.

    Arctic LNG 2 envisages constructing three LNG liquefaction trains of 6.6 million tons per annum each for the total LNG capacity of 19.8 million tons, as well as cumulative gas condensate production capacity of 1.6 million tons per annum. The Project will utilize an innovative construction concept of gravity-based structure (GBS) platforms to reduce overall capital cost and minimize the Project’s environmental footprint in the Arctic zone of Russia. As of 31 December 2020, the Utrenneye field’s 2P reserves under PRMS totaled 1,434 billion cubic meters of natural gas and 90 million tons of liquids.

    The Project’s participants include: NOVATEK (60%), TotalEnergies (10%), CNPC (10%), CNOOC (10%) and Japan Arctic LNG, a consortium of Mitsui & Co, Ltd. and JOGMEC (10%).
  15. forum rang 10 voda 19 januari 2022 09:36
    NOVATEK & Fortum Sign Renewable Power Supply Pact

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    19 Jan, 2022, 5:30 am

    NOVATEK announced that its joint venture Cryogas-Vysotsk signed a power purchase agreement for renewable electricity produced by the European energy company Fortum in Russia. The Agreement builds on the cooperation of NOVATEK and Fortum under the Memorandum of Understanding that the Parties signed at the Saint-Petersburg International Economic Forum in June 2021. According to the Agreement, the electricity requirements of the Company's Cryogas-Vysotsk LNG plant will be fully covered with energy produced at Russian wind farms of Fortum and its joint ventures. Purchasing the green electricity will allow NOVATEK to reduce Scope 2 carbon footprint (purchased electricity) of the LNG produced by the Vysotsk plant.

    Cyrogas-Vysotsk is a medium-scale LNG project located in the port of Vysotsk, Leningrad Region of Russia on the Baltic Sea. The LNG is mainly exported to the Baltic countries, including Finland, Sweden, Lithuania and Estonia. The project’s design capacity is 660 thousand tonnes of LNG per annum, and its infrastructure includes a 42 thousand cubic meters LNG storage tank and an offloading jetty capable of handling LNG carriers with a capacity of up to 30 thousand cubic meters. NOVATEK acquired a 51% participation interest in Cryogas-Vysotsk in July 2017.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 21 januari 2022 08:00
    McDermott's CB&I to Build LNG Storage Tanks in Wisconsin

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    21 Jan, 2022, 5:30 am

    McDermott's storage business, CB&I, has been contracted by We Energies to design and build two liquefied natural gas storage tanks for peak shaving facilities in southeastern Wisconsin. Both facilities, slated for construction in Bluff Creek and Ixonia, Wisconsin, will each have the capacity to store twelve million gallons of liquefied natural gas and will be accompanied by an above-ground water storage tank for fire protection.

    Mechanical completion is expected in the fall of 2023—in advance of the winter peak heating season.

    CB&I is the world's leading designer and builder of storage facilities, tanks and terminals. With more than 59,000 structures completed throughout its 130-year history, CB&I has the global expertise and strategically located operations to provide its customers world-class storage solutions for even the most complex energy infrastructure projects.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 26 januari 2022 08:13
    NYK Signs Charter Pact for LNG Carrier with EDF LNG Shipping

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    26 Jan, 2022, 5:30 am

    NYK affiliated company France LNG Shipping SAS has signed a long-term charter contract for a new liquefied natural gas carrier with EDF LNG Shipping SAS. The new vessel is scheduled for delivery in 2025 from Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries Co Ltd. The newly built LNG carrier will be propelled by WinGD-manufactured, dual-fuel slow-speed diesel engines. The carrier will also feature an Air Liquide manufactured Turbo Brayton refrigeration system that can tap surplus boil-off gas. Manufactured by GTT, the 174,000-cubic meter capacity membrane-type tank will be made of advanced insulating materials that reduce the vaporization rate.

    Outline of Vessel

    Cargo tank capacity: about 174,000 cubic meters

    Length overall: about 297 meters

    Breadth: about 46.4 meters

    Gross tonnage: about 118,300 tons

    Main engine: X-DF diesel engine

    Speed: 19.5 knots

    Shipbuilder: Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

    Delivery year: 2025

    Flag: France
  18. forum rang 10 voda 26 januari 2022 08:16
    OQ LPG Project Inaugurated in Oman

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    26 Jan, 2022, 5:30 am

    Petrofac announced the inauguration of OQ Liquefied Petroleum Gas plant in Salalah in Southern Oman. The plant processes natural gas liquids extracted from gas networks into LPG. In 2017 Petrofac was awarded the engineering, procurement and construction contract for the project. The scope of work included construction of the LPG unit and associated facilities, including tie-ins to existing pipeline infrastructure, together with LPG storage and jetty facilities at the Port of Salalah.

    The facility has been built to the highest standards in safety, quality, and technical integrity. At its peak, more than 4,800 people worked onsite, with more than 15 million work hours without any lost time incident. Creating in-country value was a key consideration, from conception through to final delivery. Across the project Petrofac engaged with more than 300 locally based businesses, including many small and medium sized enterprises.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 27 januari 2022 07:10
    Linde Severstal to Supply Heat Exchangers for Ethane & LNG Plant

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    27 Jan, 2022, 5:08 am

    Russian steel maker Severstal and German company Linde joint venture Linde Severstal will manufacture and supply spiral wound heat exchangers, SWTO, for a natural gas liquefaction plant as part of the Gas Processing Complex, part of the Ethane Gas Processing Complex, in the Ust-Luga in Leningrad Region of Russia. The production and supply of SVTO will be carried out under the EPC contract for the construction of a natural gas liquefaction plant, signed in September 2021 by RusKhimAlliance LLC, GPK operator, a joint venture between PJSC Gazprom and JSC RusGazDobycha, Linde GmbH and Renaissance Heavy Industries LLC. Orders for the manufacture of SVTO for two phases of the plant were received by Linde Severstal from Linde.

    Spiral heat exchangers are the main technological equipment of a liquefied natural gas production line. As a liquid, natural gas occupies 1/600 of the volume in gaseous form. This ensures its more economical storage and the possibility of transporting it over long distances to areas remote from main gas pipelines. To produce LNG, natural gas must be cooled to cryogenic temperatures of minus 162 degree Celsius. The LNG plant in Ust-Luga will be the first large-capacity LNG project in Russia to be fully equipped with Russian heavy fuel tankers.

    Each stage of the plant will include four SVTOs. The largest of them is the main cryogenic heat exchanger, consisting of two tube bundles (liquefier and subcooler) combined in one housing. The length of such a heat exchanger will be about 51 meter, the approximate diameter is 4.9 meters, and the weight is about 736 tonnes. In the process of manufacturing heat exchangers, components manufactured by Russian enterprises will be used. The main production processes will be carried out at the Linde Severstal site in St Petersburg.

    The complex for the processing of ethane-containing gas and the production of LNG in the Ust-Luga region will become the largest gas processing enterprise in Russia and one of the most powerful in the world in terms of processing volume of 45 billion cubic meters of gas per year, as well as a leader in terms of production liquefied natural gas in the region of North-West Europe with 13 million tonnes of LNG per year.
  20. forum rang 10 voda 28 januari 2022 07:46
    NYK Orders Four LNG-Fueled Capesize Bulk Carriers

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    28 Jan, 2022, 5:30 am

    NYK has decided to order four new LNG-fueled capesize bulk carriers, two from Nihon Shipyard Co Ltd and one each from Namura Shipbuilding Co Ltd and Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co Ltd, the latter of which is a subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited. The vessels are scheduled to be delivered sequentially from fiscal 2024 to fiscal 2025.

    These ship orders are part of a capesize bulk carrier fleet development aimed at achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in the NYK Group's oceangoing businesses by 2050. The four ships will emit approximately no sulfur oxides, 85% less NOx, and 40% less carbon dioxide (CO2) compared to existing conventional heavy oil-fueled vessels. Additionally, the vessels will be compliant with the IMO’s NOx (nitrogen oxide) emission regulations (Tier III).

    NYK is positioning LNG fuel as a bridge solution until future zero emission ships can be realized and has already decided to build the world's first LNG-fueled large coal carrier in 2019 and its first LNG-fueled capesize bulk carrier in 2021.

    On February 3, 2021, NYK released the NYK Group ESG Story, which aims to further integrate ESG into the company’s management strategy and promotes activities that contribute to the achievement of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) through business activities. To strongly promote ESG management, the NYK Group will actively promote the replacement of its bulker fleet to next-generation eco-friendly ships and encourage new value creation as a sustainable solution provider.
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