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LNG - liquefied natural gas

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 11 april 2019 18:16
    Shell stapt uit megaproject met Gazprom

    Energieconcern Shell trekt zich terug uit de bouw van een LNG-fabriek aan de Russische Baltische kust. De Russische partner Gazprom kondigde eind maart aan naast de installatie ook een fabriek te willen bouwen die vetgas kan verwerken, afkomstig uit West-Siberië. Daar voelt het Brits-Nederlandse olieconcern niets voor.

    Hoofdkantoor van Gazprom in Moskou in 2015.
    Hoofdkantoor van Gazprom in Moskou in 2015.Foto: Reuters

    ‘Na de aankondiging van Gazprom op 29 maart over het definitieve ontwikkelingsconcept van Baltisch LNG, hebben we besloten onze betrokkenheid bij dit project stop te zetten’, zegt voorzitter Cederic Cremers van Shell Rusland in een verklaring.
    Hij voegt eraan toe dat andere gezamenlijke projecten met Gazprom, reeds beklonken in 2015, geen gevaar lopen door de beslissing van Shell.

    Omdat er nog geen contracten waren getekend voor de LNG-installatie aan de Baltische kust, zijn er voor Shell geen financiële gevolgen.

    Gazprom moet nu de kosten voor het project, ruim €10 mrd, zelf ophoesten.

    Lenen is lastig voor Gazprom
    Gazprom zit wel met een probleem. De kosten voor het Baltisch LNG belopen omgerekend ruim €10 mrd en die moet het Russisch staatsgasbedrijf nu zelf ophoesten. Lenen op de internationale kredietmarkt is door de Westerse sancties - ingesteld onder meer wegens de agressie van Rusland in Oekraïne - vrijwel onmogelijk.

    Volgens zakenkrant Kommersant is die €10 mrd te optimistisch berekend, omdat de plannen inmiddels in grotere installaties voorzien en Gazprom een aantal kosten, onder meer voor het gastransport, niet heeft meegenomen in zijn berekening.
    Bovendien zal het de techniek die Shell in huis heeft node missen. Shell wilde de technologie die het speciaal voor het Sachalin 2-project (op het gelijknamige Russische eiland in het oosten van het land) had ontwikkeld ook voor Baltisch LNG aanwenden. In februari had het daarvoor een joint venture met Gazprom opgezet die Shells LNG-kennis moesten helpen Ruslands eigen technologie te ontwikkelen.

    Druk van Washington
    De samenwerking moest Rusland ook afschermen van nieuwe sancties door de Verenigde Staten op het gebied van LNG, een sector waarin maar een handvol spelers (naast Shell, Exxon en Total) over de sleuteltechnologie beschikken. Washington zet Europese landen en bedrijven steeds verder onder druk af te zien van olie- en gasdeals met Rusland.

    Op die manier wil het Europa minder afhankelijk maken van Rusland dat de olie- en gasexport als politiek drukmiddel kan gebruiken. Moskou beweert het tegenovergestelde: de VS willen van de Russische grondstoffen af om hun eigen voorraden (vooral schaliegas) in Europa af te zetten.

    Nieuwe partner komt uit Rusland
    Gazprom kondigde na het afhaken van Shell direct aan in zee te gaan met een nieuwe partner voor het project, het Russische Roesgazdobytsja (‘Russische gaswinning’). Dat bedrijf heeft geen enkele ervaring met dit soort grote projecten, maar is opgericht door Arkadi Rotenberg, een oude vriend van president Vladimir Poetin.
    Door Rotenbergs nauwe banden met het Kremlin kunnen zijn bedrijven al bijna twee decennia lang rekenen op het uitvoeren van de duurste bouwprojecten in Rusland. De vraag is echter of het Roesgazdobytsja het wegvallen van technische kennis van een in dit soort klussen gepokt en gemazeld bedrijf als Shell kan compenseren.

    Immense hoeveelheid gas
    En het gaat om nogal een karwei: het Baltische LNG-project en het nieuwe gasverwerkingscomplex in Oest-Loega gaan bij elkaar zo’n 45 miljard kubieke meter gas op jaarbasis opslurpen. Dat is de jaarlijkse hoeveelheid die heel Frankrijk verbruikt.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 15 april 2019 16:51
    Keppel Marine & DNV GL to promote LNG as ship fuel

    Classification society DNV GL and Keppel Marine and Deepwater Technology, a subsidiary of Keppel Offshore & Marine, announced that they have signed a framework agreement to boost the uptake of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as ship fuel. The agreement covers potential newbuilding projects including LNG bunker vessels, small-scale LNG carriers and floating storage regasification units (FSRUs), as well as LNG related assets employing battery and hybrid technologies.

    As the first delivery in the agreement, DNV GL will issue Approval in Principle (AiP) certificates for two LNG bunker vessel designs from KMDTech:

    a 7,500 cbm small-scale LNG carrier with bunkering capabilities and
    a 7,500 cbm small-scale LNG carrier with bunkering capabilities and hybrid battery propulsion.

    The LNG carriers are each designed to carry up to 7,500 cubic meters of LNG in Type C-tanks. An optimised deck arrangement for the modular LNG gas supply, filling and safety systems increases the cargo capacity and efficiency of the vessels. They are equipped with engines that can run on both diesel and LNG, and will also have a class notation for bunkering which enables the provision of LNG bunkering services if required.

    In light of the upcoming IMO 2020 SOx regulations, LNG as marine fuel is viewed as one of the most viable options for deep-sea shipping. DNV GL’s Maritime Forecast to 2050, part of the research behind the DNV GL Energy Transition Outlook 2018, projects that more than 10 per cent of the world’s shipping fleet will be powered by LNG by 2030, compared to less than 0.3 per cent in 2019. The report anticipates that LNG powered vessels will make up 23 per cent of the world’s fleet by 2050.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  3. forum rang 10 voda 15 april 2019 16:54
    South Korea’s LPG imports expected to increase 9.5% in 2019

    South Korea’s LPG imports are expected to increase 9.5% in 2019 on account of stronger demand from the petrochemical sector as well as the recent policy change that will allow LPG-fueled vehicles in the private sector. South Korea’s LPG market was starting to look saturated with low demand, but as the government is reconsidering cleaner fuels, its demand is likely to shoot up. Severe air pollution in the country caused mainly by vehicular emissions has forced the government to rethink its earlier strategy.

    Until February 2019 only commercial vehicles such as taxis, rental cars, vans and small buses in the country were allowed to use LPG as auto fuel. But from end-March, the government has permitted anyone in the country to buy LPG-powered vehicles, or to modify their cars to run on LPG as part of its efforts to improve air quality. The move makes sense, as LPG vehicles emit less fine dust compared with conventional gas or diesel-fueled cars.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  4. forum rang 10 voda 16 april 2019 17:27
    NYK inks charter pact for LNG carrier with Edison SPA

    NYK has signed a contract with Edison SPA, a Milan-based energy company, to charter out a newly built liquefied natural gas carrier for up to 20 years, including optional extension periods. The vessel is scheduled for delivery in 2022 from Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. The newly built LNG carrier will be propelled by WinGD-manufactured, dual-fuel slow-speed diesel engines. The carrier will also feature an Air Liquide–manufactured Turbo-Brayton refrigeration system that can tap surplus boil-off gas. Manufactured by GTT, the 174,000-cubic meter capacity membrane-type tank will be made of advanced insulating materials that reduce the vaporization rate.

    Outline of Vessel
    Cargo tank capacity: about 174,000 cubic meters
    Length overall: about 297 meters
    Breadth: about 46.4 meters
    Main engine: X-DF diesel engine
    Speed: 19.5 knots
    Shipbuilder: Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
    Delivery year: 2022

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  5. forum rang 10 voda 17 april 2019 16:00
    Keppel completes first LNG cargo import from North America

    Keppel Gas Pte Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Keppel Infrastructure Holdings Pte Ltd, has completed its first Liquefied Natural Gas cargo import under Singapore's Spot Import Policy, which allows up to 10% of Singapore's total long term contracted gas supplies to be imported on a spot cargo basis. The spot cargo of 160,000m3 of LNG originated from an LNG liquefaction project in North America, marking the first time that Keppel Gas has diversified its gas supply portfolio beyond Southeast Asia. The LNG cargo reached Singapore on 10 April 2019 and will be regasified as feedstock for downstream customers and end users, including Keppel Merlimau Cogen, over a continuous period of 30 days. Such recurring spot LNG import opportunities help to bolster Keppel Gas' gas supply portfolio, complementing its long-term pipeline gas import business.

    Ms Janice Bong, General Manager (Energy Infrastructure), Keppel Infrastructure, said, "We are pleased to have deepened our collaboration with industry partners across the gas value chain to deliver competitive gas supplies promptly. By tapping the opportunities offered by the spot LNG market, we are able to ride on global trends to support our integrated energy business over the long term."

    Keppel Gas is an importer, shipper and retailer of natural gas in Singapore's liberalised gas market. Its imported natural gas supply portfolio comprises long-term piped natural gas and LNG contracts, and is supplemented from time to time with spot LNG import. The imported natural gas is supplied to a portfolio of major refineries, petrochemical companies, industrial companies and Keppel Merlimau Cogen, a 1,300 MW combined cycle gas turbine generation facility.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  6. forum rang 10 voda 18 april 2019 16:28
    POSCO to reorganize LNG processing operations to enhance efficiency

    Yonhap reported that POSCO said that it will reorganize its liquefied natural gas operations as part of its efforts to enhance its business efficiency. It said “Its board of directors last week approved the transfer of its LNG terminal in Gwangyang, 423 kilometers southeast of Seoul, to its power generation affiliate, POSCO Energy. It will, in exchange, take over the off-gas combined cycle power plant run by the energy affiliate.”

    The power plant uses excess gases, generated by the steel mills blast furnaces and coke oven, to create electric power.

    The reorganization focuses on raising synergy between POSCO Daewoo, the steelmaker's resource development and trading arm, and POSCO Energy.

    Source : Yonhap
  7. forum rang 10 voda 18 april 2019 16:59
    Keppel Offshore receives final approval for the conversion of Gimi FLNG project

    Keppel Offshore & Marine’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Keppel Shipyard Ltd, received the Final Notice to Proceed from Gimi MS Corporation, a subsidiary of Golar LNG Limited, to commence full conversion works for the Gimi Floating Liquefaction Vessel project. The total contract is worth USD 947million and builds on the issuance of the Limited Notice to Proceed on 17 December 2018.

    Keppel Shipyard’s scope of work in the conversion of a Moss Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) carrier into an FLNG vessel includes the design, detailed engineering and procurement of the marine systems as well as conversion-related construction services. It will be similar to the work done on the first FLNG vessel, Hilli Episeyo, which Keppel undertook for Golar, but will be customised for the 20-year BP Greater Tortue Ahmeyim contract offshore West Africa. Delivery of the vessel is expected in 1H 2022.

    Mr Chris Ong, CEO of Keppel O&M, said that "We are glad to continue this strong partnership with Golar on such a successful FLNG solution. The success of the Hilli Episeyo has provided the industry with strong proof of the attractiveness of Golar and Keppel's conversion solution. This has further strengthened our offerings along the gas value chain. Leveraging our engineering as well as execution expertise and LNG capabilities, we are able to partner customers in developing innovative and fit-for-purpose solutions to meet the needs of the market."

    Keppel’s conversion solution has proven to be cost-efficient and quick-to-market. Hilli Episeyo, the world's first converted FLNG vessel, was delivered in record time and on budget to Golar LNG for work offshore Kribi, Cameroon.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  8. forum rang 10 voda 18 april 2019 17:00
    Nidec to supply Arctic LNG 2 project with high-power VFDS

    Nidec ASI, head of the Nidec Industrial Solutions business platform belonging to the Nidec Group, signed last month with Siemens Gas and Power, a multi-million-euro contract, for the supply of Variable Frequency Drives Systems (VFDS) and Motors for the Arctic LNG 2 project which will be used as part of the Natural Gas (LNG) liquefaction plants located in the Yamal peninsula in Arctic Russia. The technical specifications of the motors supplied by Nidec ASI make it possible to work continuously even at temperatures down to -52°C, thus meeting the special requirements needed to operate in the hostile and harsh climate of the Arctic Circle.

    More specifically, following closely on the compressor vendor award, Nidec has been selected to provide: for Feed Gas Booster compressors, three 37MW Current Source VFDS and three synchronous motors, including harmonic filtering systems and input transformers for hazardous area installation; and for Boil Off Gas compressors, three 20MW Voltage Source PWM VFDS for starting six medium-voltage fixed-speed induction motors, designed for continuous operation at temperatures down to -52°C.

    The ambitious Arctic LNG 2 project, with a total value of $25.5 billion, developed by Novatek, one of the largest producers of liquid natural gas in Russia, involves the construction of three plants for liquefying natural gas (LNG) via GBS (Gravity-Based Structure) platforms, each with a capacity of approximately 6.6 million tons/year (MTPA), equivalent to 535,000 barrels/day. The liquefaction trains, installed on platforms in the waters of the Gulf of Ob, also include LNG storage facilities for a total of 687,000 cubic meters.

    Mr Dominique Llonch, CEO of Nidec ASI and Chairman of Nidec Industrial Solutions, said that “This new contract shows how Nidec ASI is internationally recognized as a company capable of offering customized and tailored solutions to meet its clients' needs. I am delighted returning and working again in Russia with this important job order, following the successful design and construction of the Russian Electric Motors factory in Chelyabinsk in which we have played a leading role over the last two years. I am really proud that NIDEC ASI has been chosen as a reliable partner and that our technologies and our experience for the development of this international project, which involves some of the most important oil and gas companies in the world, are considered avant-garde.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  9. forum rang 10 voda 23 april 2019 16:43
    Tellurian gets the FERC go ahead for Driftwood LNG

    Tellurian Inc has announced that the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has issued the order granting authorization for Driftwood LNG, a proposed ~27.6 million tonnes per annum liquefaction export facility near Lake Charles, Louisiana, and the associated Driftwood pipeline, a 96-mile proposed pipeline connecting to the facility.

    President and CEO Meg Gentle said “Tellurian thanks FERC and other state and federal agencies for their diligence and for working alongside our team over the past three years to ensure that we bring the Driftwood project to the market safely and efficiently. We look forward to beginning construction and delivering first LNG in 2023.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  10. forum rang 10 voda 23 april 2019 16:44
    GTT receives an order from DSME for the tank design of a new LNG carrier

    GTT has received an order from the Korean shipyard Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co, Ltd (DSME) concerning the tank design of a new 173,400 m3 LNG carrier on behalf of a European ship-owner.

    GTT’s membrane containment system NO96 GW has been selected for the design of the tanks. The delivery of the ship is planned for the first semester of 2021.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  11. forum rang 10 voda 23 april 2019 16:46
    Hyundai LNG Shipping announces order for one VLGC at HHI

    Hyundai LNG Shipping Company, South Korean owner of 10 LNG Carriers, has placed an order at Hyundai Heavy Industry for the construction of one 84,600cbm Very Large Gas Carrier. The vessel will be delivered in 3Q 2020 for the employment of seven year (+ option) time charter with a global energy company.

    Mr KyuBong Lee, CEO of HLS, said “We are very grateful to build meaningful relationship with a respectable charterer through long-term contract and to build the ship at the world best shipping yard. All of our employees will do our best to provide best shipping solution which will meet the customer’s needs in a very safe and reliable operation.”

    Meanwhile, HLS is the first LNG shipping company in Korea who started its first operation for Kogas twenty five years ago, and currently delivers about 28% of Korea’s import volume of FOB contracted LNG.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  12. forum rang 10 voda 24 april 2019 15:08
    Does Germany’s LNG Strategy Make Sense?

    By Vanand Meliksetian - Apr 23, 2019, 3:00 PM CDT

    Europe’s largest economy is going through a monumental change due to the energy transition or ‘Energiewende’ as it’s called in Germany. Over the years significant amounts of private sector money and government subsidies have gone into renewables. Approximately $200 billion has been invested in wind turbines and photovoltaic cells to reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses. Despite the growing share of renewables, coal is still a significant part of the energy mix. Also, since the disaster at Fukushima, nuclear energy has fallen out of grace with the German public. The phasing out of coal and nuclear-fired power plants by 2038 will require additional sources to supplement intermittent wind and solar power.

    (Click to enlarge) Zie link onderaan

    The relative clean nature and abundance of natural gas make it an ideal ‘bridging fuel’ towards a carbon neutral future. Therefore, the German government has shown support for investments in gas infrastructure to ensure a stable and reliable supply of cheap energy such as Nord Stream 2. This pipeline is the most divisive and politically charged energy project in Europe. Although construction is well on its way of being completed with approximately 1,000 kilometres of pipes already welded together, Berlin has also agreed to invest in two new LNG gasification facilities. Three locations are competing to host the new facilities: Wilhelmshaven, Brunsbuettel, and Stade.

    Recent developments concerning Nord Stream 2 strongly influenced Berlin's attitude towards LNG. Political pressure from several Eastern EU members and the U.S. to cancel the project has forced Germany to come up with measures to counter arguments of being over-reliant on Russia. Instead of caving in to pressure, Berlin has taken the savvy political decision to support the construction of several LNG facilities. Although successful from a political point of view, in economic terms it doesn’t make much sense.

    Related: Why Goldman Sachs Believes Oil Won’t Go Higher
    The gas market in northwest Europe is well integrated through interconnectors linking consumers and producers in the North Sea area. Germany, also, sits in the middle of three major gas producing countries: Norway, the Netherlands, and Russia. The flow of cheap energy has benefitted the German industry by keeping costs low and products competitive. However, the energy outlook of the region, when it comes to natural gas, doesn’t look bright due to technical and political reasons.

    The North Sea, for a long time, was an important production area but that stands to change due to the depletion of energy resources. Next to that, earthquakes in Groningen, the Netherlands have caused political controversy which has eroded support for the gas industry. The decision has been made by the Dutch government to gradually lower production and to stop producing altogether by 2030. Norway, on the other hand, is unable to increase exports further which leaves only Russia to fill the gap when it comes to traditional energy suppliers.

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    The ‘Energiewende’ has significantly increased the electricity bill for common Germans, who are now facing the highest energy bills in the EU. The high costs associated with the energy transition increase the need for cheap natural gas to prevent further price hikes. Despite the German public’s enduring support for the ‘Energiewende’, even higher energy bills could go at the expense of political support for the government decisions. The fact remains that piped gas from Russia is cheaper than LNG. Therefore, the plans for two LNG facilities would require government subsidies in a standard market economy.
    Add to this that the EU has an elaborate but underutilised LNG infrastructure of which approximately one third is used. High prices in Asia have diverted shipments away from Europe as producers can earn more by supplying Asian LNG giants such as Japan, China, and South Korea.

    However, LNG facilities could render an advantage to German customers. For a long time, Europe was Gazprom's most lucrative market due to the continent’s relative dependence and high prices. The introduction of LNG acts as a ceiling to the prices the Russian gas giant can set for its natural gas by adding flexibility to the market. Consumers can switch from piped to shipped gas when there is a financial reason. German LNG could be the leverage against future negotiations with Gazprom.

    By Vanand Meliksetian for
  13. forum rang 10 voda 24 april 2019 15:57
    Diamond Gas Sakura to transport LNG for Cameron LNG project

    Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co, Ltd, a Group company of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) based in Yokohama, held a christening ceremony on April 19 for the next-generation LNG carrier, currently under construction for Mitsubishi Corporation and Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha. The new ship, named "Diamond Gas Sakura", is the third "Sayaringo STaGE" type vessel for the two companies, the newest model of LNG carrier featuring significantly improved carrying capacity and fuel performance due to the adoption of a more efficient hull structure and hybrid propulsion system.

    After completion and handover in May, the Diamond Gas Sakura will join their first two ships, the Diamond Gas Orchid and Diamond Gas Rose, in transporting LNG for the Cameron LNG Project.

    The christening ceremony, held at MHI's Nagasaki Shipyard & Machinery Works, was attended by representatives of the ship owner and many others involved with the project. Toho Gas Co, Ltd. President and Representative Director Yoshiro Tominari, and Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc. Director & Managing Executive Officer Toshinori Abe, announced the name of the ship, while their wives performed the ceremonial rope cutting.

    The Diamond Gas Sakura has a length of 293.5m, width of 48.94m, and depth of 27.0m, with a draft of 11.05m. Deadweight tonnage is approximately 73,800 tonnes, with a total tank holding capacity of 165,000m3. Launching took place on September 15, 2018. Mitsubishi Shipbuilding received the order for the new vessel through MI LNG Company, Limited, a joint venture for the design and sale of LNG carriers established by MHI and Imabari Shipbuilding Co, Ltd Construction was managed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Marine Structure Co, Ltd, an MHI Group company based in Nagasaki.

    The Sayaringo STaGE is a successor to the "Sayaendo," a vessel highly acclaimed for its highly reliable and innovatively refined MOSS-type spherical tanks. The use of apple-shaped tanks allows for greater LNG carrying capacity without increases to the ship's beam, while the hybrid propulsion system further improves fuel efficiency over the previous model.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  14. forum rang 10 voda 24 april 2019 15:59
    ExxonMobil signs 20 year LNG agreement with Zhejiang Energy

    ExxonMobil said that it signed a sales and purchase agreement with Zhejiang Provincial Energy Group for liquefied natural gas supply. Under the agreement, Zhejiang Energy is expected to receive 1 million metric tons per annum of LNG over 20 years.

    Mr Peter Clarke, senior vice president of LNG at ExxonMobil, said that “This sales and purchase agreement represents an important milestone and provides a solid foundation for our strategic partnership with Zhejiang Provincial Energy Group.”

    Mr Clarke said that “ExxonMobil shares Zhejiang Energy’s vision in developing a major LNG gateway in the Ningbo-Zhoushan region. We look forward to continuing our support for Zhejiang Energy during the construction, commissioning and operation of its Wenzhou LNG receiving terminal."

    ExxonMobil has been actively re-engaged in China’s energy industry since the late 1970s. With a long-term commitment to China, ExxonMobil expects to help meet China’s energy needs through its products, technologies, partnerships and investments.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  15. forum rang 10 voda 24 april 2019 16:24
    South Korean LNG-fuelled ships to make up 60% of world orders by 2025 - Study

    A South Korean study showed that ships powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG) are expected to account for six out of 10 new vessel orders in six years due to toughened environmental standards. About 60.3 percent of the world’s ship orders are projected to be for LNG-fueled vessels by 2025, according to a joint report released by Korea Development Bank and Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency.

    The study, based on data from the global shipping and shipbuilding research firm Clarksons and the UK marine industry classification society Lloyd’s Register, projected that as many as 1,962 new LNG carriers would be built by 2025. It also expected demand for LNG bunkering vessels to jump more than tenfold, from 313,000 tons in 2016 to 3.2 million tons in 2030.

    On condition that Korean shipbuilders would be responsible for building more than 60 percent of the world’s large LNG-fueled vessels, the study estimated the domestic market for LNG vessel equipment to expand to KRW 12 trillion in 2020 from 3 trillion won in 2017. The ship equipment market mostly consists of small- and mid-size businesses.

    In November 2018, the Korean government vowed to order a total of 140 LNG-fueled vessels by 2025, including two for this year, to help revive the country’s struggling shipbuilding industry.

    Shipowners across the world are forced to adopt cleaner vessels starting next year to meet the strengthened marine fuel standards by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). From January 2020, the sulfur content in marine fuels would be capped to 0.5 percent from the current 3.5 percent in a move to cut the amount of harmful emissions from ocean carriers.

    Source : Pulse News
  16. forum rang 10 voda 25 april 2019 17:58
    Gazprom & Shell praise Sakhalin Energy in Moscow

    Mr A working meeting between Mr Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, and Mr Ben van Beurden, Chief Executive Officer of Royal Dutch Shell, took place in Moscow. The parties discussed cooperation-related issues, paying particular attention to the progress and prospects of the Sakhalin II project. The meeting participants praised the project operator, Sakhalin Energy, for its work. It was noted that the company, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary today, has contributed to the successful integration of Russian and international technological expertise and the creation of an LNG production sector in Russia.

    Royal Dutch Shell is a British-Dutch oil and gas holding company focused on hydrocarbon production, processing and marketing in more than 70 countries.

    Gazprom and Shell are jointly engaged in the Sakhalin II project, which includes Russia's first LNG plant. The project operator of Sakhalin II is Sakhalin Energy (Gazprom – 50 per cent plus one share, Shell – 27.5 per cent minus one share, Mitsui – 12.5 per cent, and Mitsubishi – 10 per cent).

    Gazprom and Shell signed the Memorandum to construct the third production train of the LNG plant (Sakhalin II), as well as the Agreement of Strategic Cooperation.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  17. forum rang 10 voda 25 april 2019 18:07
    NextDecade receives EPC bid packages for Rio Grande LNG Project from Bechtel and Fluor

    NextDecade Corporation has received bid packages from each of Bechtel Oil, Gas, and Chemicals, Inc and Fluor Corporation, two of the global LNG market’s leading engineering, procurement, and construction contractors. The technical and commercial bid packages, which were received on-schedule, are for fully wrapped lump-sum turnkey EPC contracts for NextDecade’s Rio Grande LNG export project in Brownsville, Texas. Following detailed evaluations of the Bechtel and Fluor bid packages, NextDecade expects to select a contractor and execute a fully wrapped LSTK EPC contract in the third quarter of 2019.

    McDermott, a third potential bidder, was required to finalize a joint venture partnership prior to submitting its bid. As a result of not having satisfied this condition, McDermott did not submit a bid package.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  18. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2019 16:13
    Port Arthur LNG Receives FERC Authorization in Texas

    Sempra Energy announced that its subsidiary, Port Arthur LNG LLC, received authorization from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to site, construct and operate its natural gas liquefaction-export facility under development in Jefferson County, Texas. Mr Carlos Ruiz Sacristán, chairman and CEO of Sempra North American Infrastructure said that "With today's FERC order and the commercial momentum of the Port Arthur LNG project, we are one step closer to reaching a final investment decision and delivering low-cost, reliable and clean U.S. natural gas to world markets. Port Arthur LNG should help us achieve our goal to become one of the largest exporters of North American liquefied natural gas. We are grateful to all of our stakeholders for supporting this important infrastructure project that is expected to create thousands of jobs and provide economic benefits for years to come."

    The Port Arthur LNG project is expected to include two liquefaction trains, up to three LNG storage tanks and associated facilities that will enable the export of approximately 11 million tonnes per annum of LNG. The FERC order also approved the construction of the Texas and Louisiana connector pipeline projects that will provide natural gas transportation for the new liquefaction facilities.

    In December 2018, Port Arthur LNG and the Polish Oil & Gas Company signed a definitive 20-year sale-and-purchase agreement for two Mtpa of LNG from the Port Arthur LNG project, subject to certain conditions. Last year, Sempra LNG selected Bechtel as the engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning contractor for the project, subject to reaching a definitive agreement.

    Port Arthur LNG received authorization from the Department of Energy in August 2015 to export domestically produced natural gas to countries with which the U.S. has free trade agreements and has a pending application to export natural gas to non-free trade agreement countries.

    Development of the Port Arthur LNG project is contingent upon obtaining additional customer commitments, completing the required commercial agreements, securing all necessary permits, obtaining financing, incentives and other factors, and reaching a final investment decision.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  19. forum rang 10 voda 29 april 2019 15:06
    South Korea takes further steps away from thermal coal

    Saur Energy reported that South Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy has tabled a new draft energy master plan that increases the nation’s ambition to move away from coal and towards renewable energy, according to a briefing note released by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis. The briefing note, South Korea Shifting Further Away From Coal, highlights how South Korea’s change in policy will have significant implications for the Australian thermal coal mining sector in general, and for the Bylong Coal mine proposal in particular.

    Mr Simon Nicholas, Energy Finance Analyst at IEEFA and co-author of the briefing note, said that the proponent of the Bylong Coal proposal, the South Korean government-owned Korean Electric Power Corp (KEPCO), is now out of step with the government’s determination to transition away from thermal coal.

    Mr Nicholas said that “KEPCO Bylong have defended the need for the long-stranded project by highlighting the strategic importance of meeting South Korea’s future thermal coal demand. The government’s latest move further undermines this defence.”

    South Korea was already shifting away from coal before this latest development. This month, the South Korean government has also raised coal import taxes by another 28% to US$40/t, while cutting taxes on LNG imports by 75%.

    Mr Nicholas said that “It’s clear the government wants power generators to start favouring LNG over coal.”

    Bloomberg New Energy Finance forecasts the South Korean electricity generation mix will move from 72% coal and nuclear in 2017, to 71% gas and renewables by 2050.

    The Korean government wants power generators to start favouring LNG over coal.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  20. forum rang 10 voda 29 april 2019 16:28
    MOL announces naming ceremony for two newbuilding LNG carriers

    Mitsui OSK Lines, Ltd announced that a naming ceremony for two newbuilding LNG carriers was held at the Tsu Shipyard of Japan Marine United Corporation on April 24. The two vessels will transport LNG from the Cove Point LNG Project in the United States to Tokyo Gas Co, Ltd. Among the many guests on hand for the ceremony was Tokyo Gas President Takashi Uchida, who named the vessels the Energy Innovator and the Energy Universe after which his wife cut the rope. The vessels are the 10th and 11th LNG carriers that Tokyo LNG Tanker Co., Ltd. owns and manages. MOL is involved in the management of eight of those ships, including the two newbuilding carriers.

    Leveraging its accumulated experience and knowledge as one of the world's leading LNG carrier owners and management companies, MOL continues to offer safe, high-quality and efficient LNG transport service to customers.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
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