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China, Economische Wondere Wereldmacht

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  1. [verwijderd] 4 april 2005 23:00
    worden grondstoffen voor china nu juist niet veel goedkoper met een revaluatie, zou dit nu juist niet eens een prijsopdrijvend effect geven met het oog op de goedkope chinese arbeider?
  2. [verwijderd] 5 april 2005 01:25

    The artist schreef:

    Maar concentreer U maar beter op de Hang Seng.

    verder, zou men wel eens eerder dan verwacht nieuws uit de bus vallen i.v.m. de Chinese munt en de ontkoppeling.

    The Artist
    Ps: Citibank werkt zeer nauw samen met China, Citibankis de grootste bank van Amerika, en heeft onlangs ik dacht chinese bankschulden opgekocht.

    Yuan moves 'already afoot'

    April 5, 2005

    Beijing is "evaluating several proposals'' to loosen its decade-old yuan peg as soon as this quarter, Standard Chartered said in a report.

    ``Policy makers are debating how, not if, to change,'' Stephen Green, Standard Chartered's Shanghai-based chief economist, wrote. ``A small band widening versus the [US] dollar is the most likely choice and that move could come as early as Q2 2005.''

    Surging exports, investment from abroad and speculative inflows of capital betting on a yuan revaluation pushed China's foreign reserves to a record US$610 billion (HK$4.76 trillion) last year, the world's second-biggest after Japan.

    The central bank spent 1.6 trillion yuan (HK$1.51 trillion) buying foreign currency last year to maintain the yuan's fixed exchange rate, a 41 percent increase from the previous year, it said on February 28.

    ``Economic pressure for a revaluation of the yuan is still building,'' Green wrote in the report. Beijing may allow for a 3 percent appreciation in the yuan, he said.

    Beijing fixed the yuan around 8.30 to the US dollar since 1995 and allows the currency to fluctuate 0.3 percent above and below the rate.

    The yuan would increase to 7.9348 in a year if freely traded from the pegged rate, a gain of 4.4 percent, according to non-deliverable forward contracts in late Asian trade.

    Currency change may happen any time, the Shanghai Securities News quoted senior economist He Fan of the government-sponsored Chinese Academy of Social Sciences as saying Friday.

    The country is laying the groundwork for a more flexible exchange-rate system and may introduce changes ``unexpectedly,'' Premier Wen Jiabao said on March 14. The government has yet to agree on how to adjust the peg, he said.

    ``The first step has to be big enough to give the nascent onshore hedging market some volatility to trade on,'' Green said. ``But it also has to be small enough not to trigger any macroeconomic reaction.''

    Meanwhile Citigroup said Monday Beijing will probably revalue the yuan, within three months by widening its trading band by three percent on either side of its current peg rate.

    Citigroup said it is 40 percent probable that the ``mild'' revaluation will occur within three months.

  3. [verwijderd] 5 april 2005 22:27

    morning star schreef:

    worden grondstoffen voor china nu juist niet veel goedkoper met een revaluatie, zou dit nu juist niet eens een prijsopdrijvend effect geven met het oog op de goedkope chinese arbeider?

    Het gaat hem vandaag de dag al niet zo echt alleen maar over de goedkope chinese arbeider want deze wordt duurder en duurder.

    Een revaluatie van de Yuan maakt inderdaad dat China goedkoper grondstoffen zoals olie goedkoper kan importeren.

    Natuurlijk worden europese en amerikaanse produkten ook goedkoper.

    Wat ik niet goed begrijp is wat die goedekope chinese arbeider doet in uw vraag.

    Al bij al de chinese revaluatie zal een groot signaal geven aan de wereld in die zin dat China het meent.

    The Artist
  4. [verwijderd] 6 april 2005 12:16
    ik doel hiermee op de onbeperkte voorraad goedkope arbeiders.
    zijn er vakbonden in china?
    zijn er minium (jeugd)lonen, pensioenen, sociale zekerheden?
  5. [verwijderd] 6 april 2005 13:51

    morning star schreef:

    ik doel hiermee op de onbeperkte voorraad goedkope arbeiders.
    zijn er vakbonden in china?
    zijn er minium (jeugd)lonen, pensioenen, sociale zekerheden?
    de voorraad goedkope arbeiders is niet onbeperkt.

    Dat is nu net waar de kracht zit.

    Dit jaar gaat de Chinese top enkel investeren in de boeren,
    met als gevolg dat de lonen van de boeren reeds fors gestegen zijn.
    ( vooral door de duurdere prijs van de rijst, en de 2000 jaar oude graanbelasting is afgeschaft => een duidelijk signaal van de regering. )

    Boer zijn is zogezegd de laagste job, maar ze is al pakken beter dan 10 jaar geleden, de chinese regering is er dus duidelijk in geslaagd de grote massa chinezen mee te laten genieten van de economische boom.

    => de rechtstreekse concurrent van de arbeider is de boer, de chinees gaat gewoon terug naar het veld, als de lonen van de fabriek te laag zijn, en dat is natuurlijk positief te noemen, want zo kunnen ze hogere lonen afdwingen en dat lukt effectief.

    of er vakbonden zijn, ik geloof eigenlijk van niet, of alleszins geen noemenswaardige vakbond die mee in de soep te brokken heeft.

    pensioenen e.d. ze proberen het europese systeem hier en daar over te nemen, natuurlijk vraagt dat allemaal enkele jaren.
    ( ze mixen het positieve van het kapitalisme en het socialisme )

    The Artist

    ps: kinderen in China gaan naar school
  6. [verwijderd] 7 april 2005 04:07
    Congress weighs China currency action
    By William L. Watts, MarketWatch
    Last Update: 6:28 PM ET April 6, 2005
    E-mail it | Print | Alert | Reprint |

    WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - The Senate and House were set to separately consider legislation this week that would put limits on Chinese imports unless Beijing allows its currency to become more flexible.

    Sens. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., introduced an amendment Wednesday to a State Department appropriations bill that would slap a 27.5% tariff on Chinese imports if China doesn't revalue its currency within 180 days.

    Lawmakers have expressed growing frustration over China's refusal to weaken the yuan's peg to the dollar. They contend that the tie has left the yuan significantly undervalued, putting U.S. manufacturers and workers at a disadvantage and contributing to the sharp rise in China's trade surplus with the United States.

    "We think there is no more broad-based and serious violation of the spirit and rules of international trade than a purposefully undervalued currency," Schumer said in a statement. "When those conditions are violated, the system must respond or else the actions of one nation will upset the whole global balance."

    On the House side, Reps. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., and Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, are scheduled Thursday to unveil legislation that supporters said will use existing trade laws, in compliance with the World Trade Organization, to address China's currency peg. Critics of the Schumer proposal have argued that his approach would violate WTO rules.

    Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Richard Lugar, R-Ind., sought to use a procedural move to set aside the amendment in the Senate, arguing that the issue fell under the jurisdiction of the Senate Finance Committee, which has oversight over trade policy.

    But Lugar's motion to "table," or set aside, the amendment was defeated in 67-33 vote. A vote on the amendment itself is still pending.

  7. [verwijderd] 9 april 2005 01:26
    VS en China voortaan op hoog niveau rond tafel

    De Verenigde Staten en China zijn het eens geworden om, voor het eerst in hun geschiedenis, regelmatig en op hoog niveau samen te komen om over politieke en economische kwesties te overleggen. Dat heeft vrijdag woordvoerder Richard Boucher van het VS-ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken meegedeeld.
    Volgens Boucher houdt dit "hoog niveau" in, dat voor de VS de vice-minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Robert Zoellick, aan de overlegtafel plaats zal nemen. Zoellick was tot voor kort nog Amerikaans handelsgezant bij de Wereldhandelsorganisatie WTO. De "modaliteiten" en de frequentie van deze ontmoetingen moeten nog worden vastgelegd, zei de woordvoerder van het State Department. Het Chinees-Amerikaans overleg "weerspiegelt de groeiende rol die China speelt in Azië en de wereld, bij de Verenigde Naties en in dossiers als de strijd tegen de terreur en het dossier van Noord-Korea's nucleaire arsenaal", aldus nog Boucher. (dwm)
    20:59 - 08/04/2005
  8. [verwijderd] 9 april 2005 09:18
    Invloed revaluatie yuan op westen zou beperkt zijn

    09 april 2005

    Henderson Global Investors stelde zich de vraag wat de impact van een eventuele revaluatie van de reminbi of yuan (de Chinese munt) op de westerse beurzen zou zijn. Die invloed zou relatief beperkt zijn.

    Er zijn natuurlijk wel een aantal verliezers, meer bepaald de bedrijven die inkomsten in Aziatische landen realiseren. Anderzijds zullen er volgens Henderson Global Investors ook winnaars zijn.

    Hierbij moet meer bepaald worden gedacht aan bedrijven die concurreren met Aziatische bedrijven. De uiteindelijke impact zou echter maar klein zijn.

  9. [verwijderd] 15 april 2005 20:15
    No More Mr. Nice Guy With China?
    Friday April 15, 8:06 am ET
    By Rich Miller and Stan Crock, with Paul Magnusson in Washington and Dexter Roberts in Beijing

    Ever since the terrorist strikes of September 11, 2001, the Bush Administration has stressed cooperation, not confrontation, in its dealings with China. Eager to secure Beijing's help in combatting terrorism and trying to defuse the nuclear threat posed by North Korea, the Administration played down concerns over China's mercantilist policies and its ballooning trade surplus with the U.S.

    That may be about to change. Infused by a new lineup of officials at the Treasury and State Depts. and facing mounting pressure from Congress and Wall Street over the soaring global trade deficit, the Bush team is taking a fresh look at U.S. relations with China. What's likely to emerge, some officials say, is a more aggressive approach toward the Asian giant that places a higher premium on righting the lopsided trading ties between the two countries. Among the possible options: stepped-up pressure on Beijing, both bilaterally and multilaterally, to let its undervalued currency rise, and increased use of U.S. trade laws to counter damaging increases in imports from China. The Administration already took a step down that path on Apr. 3, when it launched an investigation into whether to re-impose quotas on surging imports of Chinese clothing following the end of a global textile pact last year.

    To be sure, no one is talking about a return to the early days of the Bush Administration, when the President called China a "strategic competitor" and the two countries were at loggerheads after a U.S. reconnaissance plane collided with a Chinese fighter jet sent to intercept it. Indeed, Washington and Beijing agreed on Apr. 13 to the formation of a global issues forum to try to coordinate their efforts in a wide range of areas from the environment to infectious diseases.

    Administration officials admit they have limited leverage in pushing China on the currency and trade fronts, given how interdependent the two countries' economies have become. "It's tricky," says one senior official. "They do hold $200 billion of our Treasury bonds." There's also the risk that aggressive action against China could backfire and lead to an escalating economic dispute. Responding to Congressional calls that Beijing revalue its currency, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang told reporters on Apr. 7 that the U.S. should look at correcting its own policies, including its big budget deficit, if it wants to narrow its global trade gap. And in what some U.S. officials see as a snub, China decided against sending its senior economic officials to the Apr. 16-17 meeting of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Washington.

    But that hasn't stopped some in the Administration from thinking that it may be time for a different approach. After all, they say, it's not clear that the strategy of cozying up to China has yielded much in the way of benefits. During the 2004 Presidential election campaign election, the Bush team eschewed tough anti-China rhetoric even though that would have played well in such key swing states as Ohio and Michigan. The aim: to give China time to prepare its economy and financial system for a change in its rigid currency peg.

    Yet the election has come and gone and the U.S. has yet to see the payoff from its go-easy approach that some in the Bush camp hoped for. Despite two years of quiet economic diplomacy by Treasury, Beijing shows scant signs of acceding to the substantial revaluation of its currency that many experts reckon is needed to rein in its bulging trade surplus with the U.S., which rose 30% in 2004, to $162 billion.

    At the same time, China has not made the sort of progress U.S. State Dept. officials hoped for in dealings with North Korea. Combine that with recent saber-rattling by China over Taiwan -- it passed a law last month authorizing an attack should Taipei declare independence -- and the communist nation's continued double-digit increases in defense spending, and Washington has less reason to overlook its trade disputes with Beijing.

    External Pressures
    New personnel could make the difference in deciding what the U.S. stresses in its relations with China and how it goes about achieving its aims. Officials say the accession of former U.S. Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick to the No. 2 post at the State Dept. ensures that economic issues won't get short shrift there. While not known as a hard-liner, "there's never been a Deputy Secretary of State with the knowledge of trade that he has," says National Association of Manufacturers Vice-President Frank Vargo.
    At the Treasury Dept., former Bush campaign official Tim Adams is also expected to take a tougher line toward China and its currency peg than did his predecessor, outgoing Under Secretary for International Affairs John B. Taylor. "He's much more hawkish on China," says a former U.S. official who knows both men. "He also has a different style." Adams has more of a background in financial markets from his days as a market consultant than the academic Taylor. And he has closer ties to the White House, which could give him added clout within the Administration.

    External pressures also argue for a tougher U.S. approach. So far, America's skyrocketing trade deficit with China and the rest of world has not caused any disruptions in the world financial markets. But the bigger the global gap gets -- it rose 25% to a record $617 billion last year -- the greater the risks. That was the message U.S. investors delivered to George W. Bush's National Economic Council Director Allan B. Hubbard at a private meeting earlier this year. The investors, including some top hedge funds, urged the Administration to act quickly to reduce the U.S. trade deficit, particularly with China, or risk a debilitating dollar collapse.

    "Sea Change"
    Congress, too, is agitating for a tougher stance. On Apr. 6, the Senate, by a 67-33 margin, took China to task for using its cheap currency to fuel exports by refusing to kill a proposal to slap huge import tariffs on Chinese goods if Beijing didn't adjust its exchange rate. Analysts say the bill, which is vigorously opposed by the Administration, is highly unlikely to become law. But, as Senator Lindsey O. Graham [R-S.C.], co-sponsor of the bill notes, the vote shows "a sea change in the way the Senate looks at China." Adds Charles E. Schumer [D.-N.Y.], Graham's co-sponsor of the bill: "This is a shot across the bow not only to China, but to the Administration."
    The Bush team is listening. Given the increasing irritation in Congress and the swelling trade deficit with China, the Administration team may have little choice but to ratchet up its pressure on Beijing and hope for the best.
  10. [verwijderd] 16 april 2005 18:53
    Deze jongen heeft een eindverhandeling gedaan over de Chinese beurzen heel mooi en properkes, maar eigenlijk zou ie van mij een 0 krijgen, zijn verhandeling gaat over de Chinese beurzen

    Shangai & Shenzen

    Blijkbaar heeft hij gedurende zijn hele studie niet begrepen dat de hang Seng ook een Chinese beurs is.

    Enfin ik heb het niet helemaal gelezen want het zijn meer dan 80 blz.

    maar ooit ga ik ze wel lezen.

    The Artist
  11. [verwijderd] 18 april 2005 14:22
    Uit volgende tekst blijkt dat Hongarije en interessante broeplaats zou zijn voor China.

    Chinese IT Company to Set Up Hungary HQ
    Monday April 18, 5:10 am ET
    Chinese IT Company to Set Up Regional Headquarters in Hungary

    BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) -- China's Huawei Technologies announced plans to set up its regional commercial headquarters in Budapest, a business daily reported Monday.
    Huawei, the largest Chinese telecommunication equipment maker, also plans to launch production in Hungary in the midterm, the Vilaggazdasag newspaper reported. Huawei employs 24,000 people worldwide.

    Several other Chinese companies specializing in information technology equipment manufacturing have expressed interest in investing in Hungary, IT Minister Kalman Kovacs told the paper.

    Telecom equipment producer ZTE Corp., which reported annual sales of US$4 billion last year, is expected to announce the location of its manufacturing base soon, and Hungary is one of the options, Kovacs said.

    Lenovo, the world's third largest personal computer maker, which recently purchased IBM's PC division, was considering starting PC production in the central Hungarian city of Szekesfehervar using IBM's previous production facility, Kovacs added.

    Hungary gained an advantage over other countries in the region when the Bank of China opened a branch office Hungary, Kovacs said.

    Hungary is also home to central and eastern Europe's largest Chinese community.

    In an effort to boost Hungary's lure as a potential investment location, the government will open a trade office in the Chinese city of Shenzen at the end of the summer, government officials announced.

  12. [verwijderd] 30 april 2005 20:48
    Chinese munt kan toonaangevend worden

    30 april 2005

    Vlak na de Tweede Wereldoorlog werd de dollar de toonaangevende wereldmunt. Daarvoor was die rol weggelegd voor het Britse pond. Volgens sommige analisten loopt nu echter ook de dollar gevaar.

    Dat gevaar komt met name uit de hoek van de ‘twin deficits’, de tekorten op de lopende rekening en de handelsbalans, die de positie van de dollar als toonaangevende ondermijnen.

    Als opvolger wordt de euro getipt, maar het rijk van de Europese eenheidsmunt zou wel eens van korte duur kunnen zijn. Op wat langere termijn lijkt voor de Chinese reminbi een toonaangevende rol te zijn weggelegd.
  13. [verwijderd] 2 mei 2005 03:41

    blaaskaak schreef:

    Hmm, zou China daarom de 3e wereld oorlog aan het voorbereiden zijn?
    waarom zou China een 3e wereld aan het voorbereiden zijn ?

    Waarom denk je dat blaaskaak ?

    The Artist
  14. [verwijderd] 6 mei 2005 07:25
    geachte lezers,

    Dit zal waarschijnlijk een van de laatste berichten worden op deze draad.

    Het verhaal "China" is duidelijk doorgedrongen, en de kennismaking is gebeurd, deze draad heeft zijn doel bereikt.

    Daarom ga ik bij deze waarschijnlijk laatste posting van mijnentwege, de belangrijkste punten op een rij zetten, dewelke ik persoonlijk belangrijk vind.

    1) i.v.m. beleggen in China, moet U zich nog minimum 2 jaar enkel fixeren op de Hang Seng.

    2) probeer niet indireckt te beleggen in EU of Amerikaanse aandelen, want hun %tage marktaandeel aldaar is te klein, en de verliezen van EU en USA bedrijven op eigen bodem zullen gaan doorwegen.

    3) beleg nog steeds enkel in Euro, en indien U rechtstreeks in de Chinese munt kan beleggen doe dat dan, mijd de $.

    4) U moet niet diversieëren met China, => Nee, U neemt als basis China ( +/- 50 a 60% ) en diversieer dan met de AEX, USA en EU.

    5) Onthoud dat het geld van de USA en EU beurzen naar de Chinese beurzen zal vloeien, => onmogelijk dat alles stijgt.
    => op de beurzen gaat het geld van het ene naar het andere, terwijl het ergens volloopt, loopt het ergens anders leeg.

    6) Colruyt en Lenovo =>

    beide ge-buy-backt
    beide willen de grootste worden
    beide groeien voor het eerst buiten eigen land
    beide hebben geen last van een zwakke $
    beide zijn ze de TOP
    beide zijn spotgoedkoop
    samen vormen ze diversiatie bij uitstek
    ( gemm. return voor beide per jaar tss 30% a 50% )
    ( dit gedurende minimum 7 jaar )

    Lenovo 2.55 Hkd
    Colruyt 117 Eur

    The Artist

  15. [verwijderd] 10 juni 2005 03:30
    Per uitzondering maar voorlopig nog niet de moeite om een nieuwe draad te openen.

    Ik meen dat de beurzen van Shanghai en shenzen genoeg zijn uitgediept, diegenen die darvan willen kopen, kunnen dat naar mijn gevoel nu wel doen.

    The Artist

    ps: toch wil ik benadrukken dat Hang Seng de beste beurs is en blijft.

    Mystery funds give China stocks a boost

    June 10, 2005

    Retail investors cheered a second day of gains on the Shanghai bourse Thursday. AP

    Mainland shares rose for a second day in a row, on talk of government support for brokerages, and a measure allowing fund management companies to invest their own capital in the market, analysts said.

    In addition, traders said there was a large inflow of funds, boosting trade on the Shanghai A-share market to its highest level since September last year.

    The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index rose 1.4 percent to 1,131.05, after soaring 8.2 percent Wednesday. The Shenzhen Composite Index rose another 0.7 percent to 278.29, after its 7.9 percent rise Wednesday.

    "Mystery funds are entering the market,'' said Shenyin Wanguo Securities analyst Qian Qimin.

    "They definitely can't be from brokerages, funds, or even QFIIs [qualified foreign institutional investors] as they're too large.''

    Some analysts said the funds could be from the government, or from Hong Kong and Taiwanese speculators who may be moving their money out of the property market and into stocks.

    Whatever their source, Qian said the market will continue to rise in the short term as the new investors will want a positive return on their investment.

    CITIC Securities led gains after China Business News said the company will be among the first batch of brokers to be helped by low-interest loans from the central bank. ``With more cash in hand, brokers can improve their liquidity,'' said Guotai Junan Securities analyst Liang Jing. ``Without regulatory support, most brokerages face survival problems.''

    CITIC Securities, China's biggest publicly traded brokerage, surged the 10 percent daily limit, to 6.01 yuan (HK$5.65), the highest close since January 12. The central bank may offer a combined 60 billion yuan loan to 12 brokerages, China Business said Thursday. CITIC Securities and Shenying Wanguo Securities may be among the first companies to receive loans with a 0.9 percent annual interest rate, the report said.

    Hong Yuan Securities, China's first publicly traded brokerage, added the 10 percent daily cap, to 4.99 yuan.

    Brokerages are burdened with about US$24 billion (HK$187.2 billion) of debt, according to the Securities Analysts Association of China.

    Separately, the central bank is reviewing a Shanghai-based brokerage seeking to borrow 1.5 billion yuan, the China Securities Journal reported, citing unidentified industry officials.

    A spokesman at the People's Bank of China in Beijing declined to comment on the reports.

    Stocks also rose after the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued rules allowing money management companies to buy mutual fund products.

    Firms that have net assets of more than 50 million yuan can invest as much as 60 percent of assets in the shares, the regulator said in a statement after the market closed Wednesday.

    ``We can read from this the regulator's determination to prop up the market,'' said Zhang Ling, who manages the equivalent of US$725 million with First Trust Fund Management in Shanghai.

    The securities regulator has announced a spate of boosting measures after the Shanghai index slumped to an eight-year low last week amid concern that the government's plan to sell non- tradable shares will lead to a glut of stock.

    The fund inflow boosted turnover. On the Shanghai A-share market the value of trading reached 19.5 billion yuan , up from 18.8 billion yuan Wednesday, and the highest level since September, as well as being about three times the usual daily amount. DOW JONES NEWSWIRES, BLOOMBERG

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