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  1. forum rang 6 pietje-2005 4 februari 2022 09:10

    JdeFL schreef op 4 februari 2022 08:18:

    Denk maar aan het Iraaks gifgas, en dringende inval.... US en UK.
    Juist; zoals Agent Orange , waarin dioxine, door de USA gebruikt in Vietnam en wat buurlanden daar ?
    Nu snap ik het weer ;-)
  2. [verwijderd] 4 februari 2022 12:39
    Poetin zegt zijn Chinese ambtgenoot 10 miljard kubieke meter meer gas toe per jaar bij opening Olympische Winter Spelen. Er wordt een nieuwe pijpleiding aangelegd.
  3. forum rang 10 luchtschip 4 februari 2022 14:17

    Meerdere eenheden van de Rosgvardiya aka Russische Nationale Garde aka Putin's gangsters

    Dit is het elite leger van Putin dat meedogenloos orde op zaken stelt namens Putin

    Het meest gevreesd is de Chechen Rosgvardiya, dat bestaat uit Tsjetsjenen onder leiding van de beruchte Kadyrov

    4 februari 2022 :

    Military equipment of Kadyrov people sent to Ukrainian border

    The highways of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR) and the Stavropol Territory see columns of military equipment, with which the Grozny OMON (riot police) and "Rosgvardiya" (Russian National Guard) are equipped. The machines are moving in a northwest direction towards the Ukrainian border, the Conflict Intelligence Team (CIT) has informed.

    Videos have appeared in social media showing a convoy of vehicles typical of the "Rosgvardiya" (BTR-80, "Tiger" and "Ural-VV" armoured vehicles) driving along the highways, the CIT reported on February 3.

    "The vehicles bear the symbols of the 141st Special Motorized Regiment named after Akhmat Kadyrov, better known as the 'Sever' (North) Regiment," the report says. The regiment is part of the 46th Separate Operative Brigade of the "Rosgvardiya" deployed in Grozny, the CIT has noted.

    Another column of vehicles with armoured cars "Patrol" and "Gorets" (Highlander), characteristic of the "Rosgvardiya", was seen in the Stavropol Territory near Nevinnomyssk, the CIT's research team reports. "The column is also moving northwest. The equipment in the column corresponds to the vehicles with which the Grozny OMON is armed," the report says.

    The Chechen "Rosgvardiya", which actually reports directly to Ramzan Kadyrov, "extremely rarely leaves the republic," the research team has pointed out. The participation of Kadyrov people in the conflict in the territory of Ukraine "means much less control over the observance of the laws of war and the attitude towards the civilian population," the researchers believe.

  4. [verwijderd] 4 februari 2022 14:54


    .......20% zo ver gezakt dat ze liever een gifmoordenaar als leider willen hebben.....

    Voor wie die nooit heeft begrepen wie men de gifmoordenaar bedoelde en ook inmiddels wel duidelijk is in welke richting we deze figuren moeten zoeken
    ervaring leert dat men Nooit moet varen op schijn sympathie uit de hoek van donkere entiteiten
  5. forum rang 10 luchtschip 4 februari 2022 17:21

    luchtschip schreef op 1 februari 2022 16:24:


    En Putin tutoyeert Orban tijdens hun ontmoeting in het Kremlin aan deze enorm grote tafel.
    Putin wil schijnbaar enige afstand houden

    Russian state TV shows Putin addressing Orban with the informal "??" form of "you" as they meet in the Kremlin this afternoon

    video van het gesprek aan tafel : 0:40 minuut

    Reactie van glasnost Gone is wel grappig :

    "Jij" doet wat ik je opdraag en Orban antwoord : "Ik kan U niet verstaan, de tafel is veel te groot"

    "You" do as I say. And Orban replied... I can't hear you, this table is too fucking big.

    Wat Putin voor opdrachten aan Orban heeft gegeven zal later blijken

    Augustus 2021 deed Oekraine een aanvraag om toegang te krijgen tot de cyber gegevens van de NAVO
    Rond oktober 2021 al heeft Hongarije bezwaar gemaakt tegen Oekraine's aanvraag en deze aanvraag geblokkeerd
    Had de aanvraag zijn goedkeuring gekregen dan had Oekraine per 1 januari 2022 toegang gekregen

    Hungary has blocked Ukraine's accession to NATO's cyber center CCDCOE

    Hungary blocked Ukraine's accession to the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence (CCDCOE), Ukrainian news website European Pravda reported on Friday, citing a source.

    Ukraine submitted an application to join the CCDCOE in August 2021.

    On Thursday, Oleksiy Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, said that one of the European countries blocked Ukraine's participation in the work of the CCDCOE, without specifying the country that blocked the accession.

    According to European Pravda, the procedure for approving the Ukrainian application began in October.

    Had it been approved, Ukraine would have become a member of the center as early as January 1, 2022.

    CCDCOE was established back in 2008 and months later received full NATO accreditation and the status of an International Military Organization.

    Tensions between Ukraine and Hungary arose due to the Ukrainian law on education, which entered into force in 2017, significantly reducing the possibility of education in the languages of national minorities, including Hungarian.

  6. forum rang 5 gbakl 4 februari 2022 18:44
    poetin wel aanwezig in Peking maar de Russische vlag niet als herinnering aan de maffiamethodes die
    nu eenmaal horen bij poetin en de Russische standaard praktijken.

    alles is geoorloofd voor de meerdere eer(?) en glorie van Rusland...
    in sport en vrede of oorlog.

    (en nu zal er wel weer diep gegraven worden in de geschiedenis naar aantijgingen richting de VS
    hoe lang geleden dan ook, want dat is standaard trumpisme nl. de tegenpartij beschuldigen van minstens
    exact hetzelfde) ;o)
  7. forum rang 5 gbakl 4 februari 2022 18:50
    trumpisme is alle terechte beschuldigingen omdraaien zodat je er nooit echt op in hoeft te gaan.

    poetin houdt het zelf liever bij alles glashard ontkennen, een soort omgekeerde glasnost.
  8. Mijn Vriend 4 februari 2022 19:48

    JdeFL schreef op 4 februari 2022 19:25:

    Russische minister Lavrov ontkent beschuldigingen VS over geënsceneerde Oekraïense aanvallen tegen Rusland

    Gelet op Lavrov's aversie tegen waarheid, kan je er 100% zeker van zijn dat zo'n filmpjes bestaan....
    Waarheid? Ik denk niet dat Rusland of de VS zich daar druk om maken, behalve dan in de propaganda...

  9. [verwijderd] 4 februari 2022 19:50

    Dirk V schreef op 4 februari 2022 14:40:

    Was en nog steeds een oud gewoonte van West-europeanen voornamelijk VK, fr, daarna dld en nu hun nazaten uit de us
    Warm welcome to your new neighbour!!

    A curious search for blankets is currently taking place in the plains around the Great Lakes in North America. These are not ordinary blankets. They are actually bison skins that were smeared with body fluid tainted with smallpox and used, two hundred years ago, to obliterate American Indians. Post 9/11, us authorities fear that some such blankets might still exist, and a viable source of smallpox might fall into wrong hands. Many areas in the us and Canada have been cordoned off. But the operations remain shrouded in secrecy: so far there is no official statement from any Canadian or us agency about the discovery of any smallpox tainted blanket. The search may not yield anything, but it has again brought to the fore some sordid pages from American history.

    Many historians trace the notorious blankets to a gruesome episode in American history during the spring of 1763. That year, a party of Delaware Indians, led by their Ottawa chief Pontiac, laid siege on the British-owned Fort Pitt (now Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania). Captain Simeon Ecuyer, a Swiss mercenary and the fort's senior officer, saved the day for the British. The Indians agreed to temporarily abandon their siege in return of a gift of two blankets and a handkerchief. They had no inkling that the wily Ecuyer had deliberately infected the presents with smallpox contagion.

    Jeffrey Amherst: perpetrator of poxThis episode is confirmed by William Trent -- the leader of the militia of European settlers at Fort Pitt -- in his journal. Most historians regard this source as the "most detailed contemporary account of the anxious days and nights in the beleagured fort." Trent notes in an entry dated May 24, 1763, "I hope the means have the desired effects." They indeed had. By July 17, smallpox had become endemic among the Delaware Indians.

    Another villain in this piece is Lord Jeffrey Amherst, the commander of British forces in North America during the final battles of the French and Indian wars (1756-1763). The general's correspondence shows that he entered into tacit collaboration with his bitter colonial rival, the French, to further the dubious methods initiated by Ecuyer. In his book, The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War after the Conquest of Canada (Boston: Little Brown, 1886), historian Francis Parkman notes that Amherst and a French general Henry Bouquet exchanged regular letters about spreading "smallpox mong the disaffected tribes of Indians."

    Bouquet was aware of Ecuyer's method. In a letter dated June 23, 1763, he notes that smallpox had broken out among Indians at Fort Pitt. And on July 13, 1763, he suggests "the distribution of smallpox smeared blankets to innoculate the Indians." Amherst approves of the method in a letter dated July 16, 1763 and also queries his French interlocutor about other methods, "To extirpate this execrable race."

    Bouquet and Amherst also discuss the use of dogs to hunt down Indians, called the "Spanish method". But this method could not be put into practice, because there were not enough dogs.

    Amherst had been at war with the French as much as with the Indians, but he was not driven by any obsessive desire to extirpate them from the face of the earth. The French were apparently a "worthy" enemy. But the general had no scruples about methods when it came to Indians. His letters abound with phrases such as, "That vermine (sic) have forfeited all claims to the rights of humanity." The historian J C Long, records the general as saying, "I would be happy for the provinces [Pittsburg] if there was not an Indian settlement within a thousand miles of them." Other historians have noted that Amherst derived almost sadist pleasure in listening to accounts of spies and others who reported smallpox in Indian settlements.
  10. [verwijderd] 4 februari 2022 19:56

    Chiddix schreef op 4 februari 2022 12:39:

    Poetin zegt zijn Chinese ambtgenoot 10 miljard kubieke meter meer gas toe per jaar bij opening Olympische Winter Spelen. Er wordt een nieuwe pijpleiding aangelegd.
    Ondertussen de respectvolle man on earth Xi & Co. slag na slag terecht als winnaar uit de bus
  11. [verwijderd] 4 februari 2022 20:41

    luchtschip schreef op 4 februari 2022 17:21:


    Wat Putin voor opdrachten aan Orban heeft gegeven zal later blijken

    Als Taiwan (provincie van volksrepubliek China) al in 2027 de gdp van Japan en dus ook die van VK al zal overtreffen, denk je dat Orban niet snel genoeg wil aansluiten bij de kant richting oost (-> rusland -> china) waar zijn volk hard op vooruit gaat. Orban weet ook inmiddels ook wel dat die leuzen democratie, vrijheid, m rechten van vk us fr etc.. een middel is om een regio kapot te maken. toekomstige boedapest is de huidige london van europa, wat voor tegenstribbelaar nu ondenkbaar is

  12. [verwijderd] 4 februari 2022 21:01

    Mijn Vriend schreef op 4 februari 2022 19:48:


    Waarheid? Ik denk niet dat Rusland of de VS zich daar druk om maken, behalve dan in de propaganda..

    slechts in de propaganda maakt daar zich druk om ->Absoluut Waar

    Rusland maakt zich druk om: hoe werkt Great Russia het best samen met China om alle niveau van heel Rusland omhoog te trekken.

    USA maakt zich druk om: 'IK' ben oud, ziek, niet productief en slijt en glijdt weg van de wereld. HOE sla ik m'n laatste slag om voornamelijk van China (en de rest vd wereld) te bestelen zodat ik m'n oogjes dicht doet
  13. [verwijderd] 4 februari 2022 23:22
    hoe dom je als leider van de Oekraïne zijn als ie (zelenky) werkelijk om de oekraïners (feitelijk Russen) geeft om nu die pipo's uit t westen nog in de oekraïne met wapens en al toe te laten?

    Waar Kiev the next beloved place zou moeten zijn in the future, krijgt boedapest nu als kado op z'n schoot geworpen
    ......en wat was die Orban er snel bij....aan tafel met vladimir
  14. forum rang 10 luchtschip 4 februari 2022 23:50

    Michael Schwirtz, The New York Times :

    Portions of Russia's army have reached full combat strength, and on Ukraine's border analysts are seeing what they describe as a near textbook example of a modern military making final preparations for war.

    Russian Troops in Final Stages of Readiness Add to Worries for Ukraine

    Though the Kremlin’s intentions are unclear, Ukrainian officials are newly worried about the Crimean Peninsula, where Russia has deployed 10,000 additional troops, they said.

    While the Russian military is not yet capable of mounting a total invasion of Ukraine, portions of its army have reached full combat strength and appear to be in the final stages of readiness for military action should the Kremlin order it, according to an assessment by the Ukrainian military’s high command.

    Of particular concern to Ukrainian officials is the Crimean Peninsula, which Russia seized from Ukraine in 2014. In the last two weeks, Russia has deployed an additional 10,000 troops to the region, including infantry and airborne forces; more ominously, it has put some commands on the highest level of readiness, according to the military’s assessment.

    Along with recent efforts to strengthen forces near two Kremlin-backed separatist enclaves in Ukraine, the deployments mean that Russia could soon be fully prepared to begin military actions along about 800 miles of Ukraine’s eastern and southern borders, according to the assessment.

    The assessment was described in general terms by a senior Ukrainian military official who spoke on condition of anonymity to disclose confidential intelligence findings. It broadly aligns with newly released satellite images showing a significant military buildup in Crimea over the last few weeks.

    lees verder

  15. forum rang 10 luchtschip 5 februari 2022 00:22

    Russia's NATO Disinformation Nonsense

    video 2:14 minuut

    This video looks at some of the NATO disinformation spread by Russia

    in particular the claim that NATO member countries are encircling Russia.

    Currently, the Kremlin's using spurious NATO claims as a means to further threaten and cause hardship to the country of Ukraine.

    As the Kremlin is well aware, NATO is a defensive alliance, whose purpose is to protect its members.

    NATO’s official policy is that "the Alliance does not seek confrontation and poses no threat to Russia."

    And lastly, a very important point - NATO didn’t invade Georgia; NATO didn’t invade Ukraine. Russia did.

  16. [verwijderd] 5 februari 2022 00:27

    'NATO will not get involved militarily in Ukraine': Alliance's Deputy Secretary General

    With concern still high over a potential war between Russia and Ukraine, #NATO's Deputy Secretary General spoke to FRANCE 24. Mircea Geoana told our Europe Editor Catherine Nicholson: "NATO will not get involved militarily in #Ukraine –
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