Bartus74 schreef op 17 maart 2023 22:36:
Ik heb het jaarverslag 2022 van de rabo eens doorgespit,
Om eens te onderzoeken wat de liquiditeit op dit moment van de bank is.
Best belangrijk in deze tijd (toch) ;)
Onderstaande staat op blz 43,
At all times, we endeavor to ensure that the bank is well protected against the impact of potential liquidity crises. For this
purpose, the bank maintains a strong liquidity buffer in combination with a prudent funding profile and risk framework. As
per December 31 2022, this resulted in a Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) of 156%. This includes a high-quality liquid assets
(HQLA) buffer of EUR 137.7 billion, largely composed of cash (EUR 125.0 billion).
In addition to the liquidity value accounted for in the LCR, we maintain a contingent liquidity portfolio, which includes
unencumbered, ECB eligible, retained residential mortgage-backed securities and covered bonds. As per December 31, 2022,
the liquidity value of this portfolio amounted to EUR 58.1 billion. Additional eligible mortgage loans are available to increase
this amount.