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  1. [verwijderd] 14 juni 2019 12:36

    Osho schreef op 13 juni 2019 16:47:


    Pcel uitgebreid? Ik toch niet gedaan. Zit al vrij diep met Nel & ITM
    Nee nog niet. Heb even getwijfeld om Take-Two te verkopen (mooie winst) en waterstof aandelen te kopen maar met het oog op de toekomst en een GTA6 verwacht ik daar ook nog wel eea van. Even rustig aan.
  2. [verwijderd] 14 juni 2019 13:21
    Stroomfiles door zonneparken: help, het elektriciteitsnet raakt vol!

    ARNHEM/ ZEVENAAR - Als er onbeperkt zonneparken bijgebouwd blijven worden, ontstaan er stroomfiles op het elektriciteitsnet. De betrouwbaarheid van de stroomvoorziening kan hierdoor in gevaar komen. Daarvoor waarschuwt netbeheerder Alliander, verantwoordelijk voor de energievoorziening voor 3 miljoen mensen en bedrijven in Nederland, waaronder in Gelderland.

    ,,Het net raakt in hoog tempo vol en dat komt voor ongeveer 80 procent door zonnestroom’’, zegt woordvoerder Peter Hofland van Alliander. ,,Er liggen honderden aanvragen voor zonneparken, maar door beperkingen op het net en in de verdeelstations is er onvoldoende ruimte om al die opgewekte energie te verwerken.’’

    Dat komt voornamelijk doordat zonneparken worden gebouwd op plekken waar de grond goedkoop is, maar de kabels dun en verouderd. Bovendien is de stroombehoefte in deze gebieden vaak laag, waardoor de elektriciteit een lange weg moet afleggen naar waar het wél nodig is. En dat zorgt voor files op het net, ofwel transportschaarste.

    Stroom opslaan
    Concrete initiatieven voor zonneparken in Gelderland zijn er in bijvoorbeeld Ewijk (22.000 panelen), Ooy bij Zevenaar (13 hectare) en in Winterswijk (7 hectare). De vraag is of de behoefte aan stroom in deze gebieden groot genoeg is om alle opgewekte zonne-energie ook hier te verwerken. Daarom pleit Alliander onder meer voor betere en makkelijkere manieren om stroom op te slaan voor later gebruik. Het bedrijf mag dat zelf niet, omdat netbeheerders niet in stroom mogen handelen.

    ,,Laat duidelijk zijn: wij zijn groot voorstander van zonneweides’’, zegt Hofland. ,,We vinden alleen dat er anders mee omgegaan moet worden. Nadenken over de juiste plek, hoe we al die elektriciteit transporteren en manieren om bijvoorbeeld elektriciteit om te zetten in waterstof.’’

    Alliander wil initiatiefnemers van zonneparken niet ontmoedigen, maar vraagt wel om tijdig hun plannen te tonen. Hofland: ,,Vooral om samen te kijken naar wat wel en niet kan en of iets realistisch is.’’
  3. [verwijderd] 14 juni 2019 13:26
    Op één waterstoftank van Groningen naar Parijs

    BMW heeft samen met het Amerikaanse bedrijf Alaka’i Technologies een vliegende brandstofcel-taxi gebouwd. Dankzij de waterstof behoort een reis van Groningen naar Parijs straks tot de mogelijkheden - zonder tussenstop of bijvullen.

    Na merken als Airbus, Audi, Uber, Mercedes-Benz en vele tientallen start-ups, stapt nu ook BMW in de vliegende, autonome taxi's. Het model met de naam Skai biedt plaats aan vijf passagiers, wordt aangedreven door zes elektromotoren en kan maximaal vier uur in de lucht blijven.

    Het voordeel is dat de Skai gebruik maakt van een brandstofcel, terwijl de concurrentie afhankelijk is van grote, zware accu's. Volgens het bedrijf bevatten de tanks tussen 200 en 400 liter waterstof, wat genoeg zou moeten zijn voor een afstand van 644 kilometer - wat theoretisch overeenkomt met een vlucht van Groningen naar Parijs. Binnen tien minuten kunnen de tanks overigens worden bijgevuld.

    De maximale snelheid is volgens BMW 190 km/u. Hoewel de vliegtaxi volledig autonoom kan opereren, moet er om veiligheidsredenen nog wel een piloot aanwezig zijn bij de eerste testvluchten. In geval van nood is er een grote parachute aan boord die het vliegtuig voorzichtig naar de grond laat zakken. Binnenkort worden de eerste testvluchten voltooid.
  4. [verwijderd] 15 juni 2019 17:35

    3 voor 50 schreef op 14 juni 2019 12:36:

    Nee nog niet. Heb even getwijfeld om Take-Two te verkopen (mooie winst) en waterstof aandelen te kopen maar met het oog op de toekomst en een GTA6 verwacht ik daar ook nog wel eea van. Even rustig aan.
    Ben op 75 kr. heel voorzichtig in gestapt. Benieuwd of ze verder gaan corrigeren.toch ruim 25% af in 2 weken
  5. [verwijderd] 17 juni 2019 08:51

    His vision to make China an electric-vehicle powerhouse revolutionized the global auto industry, cementing a move away from the combustion engine. Now, Wan Gang says get ready for the next game-changing moment.

    The world’s biggest car market is set to embrace hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles the way it did EVs, Wan, who’s been called the father of China’s electric-car movement, said in a rare interview in Beijing on June 9.
  6. [verwijderd] 17 juni 2019 12:20

    Japan, US, EU to cooperate on hydrogen energy

    Japan, the United States, and the European Union have agreed to step up cooperation to promote the use of hydrogen as a next-generation energy source.

    Japanese industry minister Hiroshige Seko and representatives from the US and EU issued a joint statement on Saturday. It comes as the Group of 20 ministerial meeting on energy and the environment is underway in Nagano Prefecture, Japan.

    The statement says Japan, the EU, and the US will strengthen cooperation and accelerate the development of hydrogen and fuel-cell technologies.

    It says they have confirmed the importance of reducing the cost of hydrogen.

    Energy officials say they will work to create global standards for products related to fuel-cell vehicles, such as tanks for storing hydrogen. They will also seek to set up safety regulations for hydrogen supply stations.

    Seko said Japan, the US, and the EU have been leaders in the field of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. He said he hopes that they would continue to lead the world.
  7. [verwijderd] 18 juni 2019 10:32

    Osho schreef op 15 juni 2019 17:35:


    Ben op 75 kr. heel voorzichtig in gestapt. Benieuwd of ze verder gaan corrigeren.toch ruim 25% af in 2 weken
    Ik blijf nog even afwachten. Mocht het verder dalen en in de buurt van mn vorige aankoopprijs (5,73 op Frankfurt) komen dan koop ik wellicht weer wat in.
    Heb nu toch even geen cash vrij.
  8. [verwijderd] 18 juni 2019 13:15

    3 voor 50 schreef op 18 juni 2019 10:32:

    Ik blijf nog even afwachten. Mocht het verder dalen en in de buurt van mn vorige aankoopprijs (5,73 op Frankfurt) komen dan koop ik wellicht weer wat in.
    Heb nu toch even geen cash vrij.
    Begrijpelijk. Het is nu eigenlijk best tricky zo voor de zomer (weinig handel vaak, weinig deels etc.). Misschien verkoop ik hem nu even. Het lijkt te stabiliseren rond de 75 kr.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 18 juni 2019 16:02
    World Can Scale Up Hydrogen For Clean And Secure Energy Future - IEA

    International Energy Agency said in a major new report that the world has an important opportunity to tap into hydrogen’s vast potential to become a critical part of a more sustainable and secure energy future. The in-depth study, which analyses hydrogen’s current state of play and offers guidance on its future development, is being launched by Dr Fatih Birol, the IEA’s Executive Director, alongside Mr Hiroshige Seko, Japan’s Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, on the occasion of the meeting of G20 energy and environment ministers in Karuizawa, Japan. The report – The Future of Hydrogen: Seizing Today’s Opportunities – finds that clean hydrogen is currently receiving strong support from governments and businesses around the world, with the number of policies and projects expanding rapidly.

    Hydrogen can help to tackle various critical energy challenges, including helping to store the variable output from renewables like solar PV and wind to better match demand. It offers ways to decarbonise a range of sectors – including long-haul transport, chemicals, and iron and steel – where it is proving difficult to meaningfully reduce emissions. It can also help to improve air quality and strengthen energy security.

    A wide variety of fuels are able to produce hydrogen, including renewables, nuclear, natural gas, coal and oil. Hydrogen can be transported as a gas by pipelines or in liquid form by ships, much like liquefied natural gas (LNG). It can also be transformed into electricity and methane to power homes and feed industry, and into fuels for cars, trucks, ships and planes.

    Dr Birol said that “Hydrogen is today enjoying unprecedented momentum, driven by governments that both import and export energy, as well as the renewables industry, electricity and gas utilities, automakers, oil and gas companies, major technology firms and big cities. The world should not miss this unique chance to make hydrogen an important part of our clean and secure energy future.”

    To build on this momentum, the IEA report offers seven key recommendations to help governments, companies and other stakeholders to scale up hydrogen projects around the world. These include four areas where actions today can help to lay the foundations for the growth of a global clean hydrogen industry in the years ahead:
    Making industrial ports the nerve centres for scaling up the use of clean hydrogen
    Building on existing infrastructure, such as natural gas pipelines
    Expanding the use of hydrogen in transport by using it to power cars, trucks and buses that run on key routes
    Launching the hydrogen trade’s first international shipping routes

    The report notes that hydrogen still faces significant challenges. Producing hydrogen from low-carbon energy is costly at the moment, the development of hydrogen infrastructure is slow and holding back widespread adoption, and some regulations currently limit the development of a clean hydrogen industry.

    Today, hydrogen is already being used on an industrial scale, but it is almost entirely supplied from natural gas and coal. Its production, mainly for the chemicals and refining industries, is responsible for 830 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year. That’s the equivalent of the annual carbon emissions of the United Kingdom and Indonesia combined.

    Reducing emissions from existing hydrogen production is a challenge but also represents an opportunity to increase the scale of clean hydrogen worldwide. One approach is to capture and store or utilise the CO2 from hydrogen production from fossil fuels. There are currently several industrial facilities around the world that use this process, and more are in the pipeline, but a much greater number is required to make a significant impact.

    Another approach is for industries to secure greater supplies of hydrogen from clean electricity. In the past two decades, more than 200 projects have started operation to convert electricity and water into hydrogen to reduce emissions – from transport, natural gas use and industrial sectors or to support the integration of renewables into the energy system.

    Expanding the use of clean hydrogen in other sectors such as cars, trucks, steel and heating buildings is another important challenge. There are currently around 11,200 hydrogen-powered cars on the road worldwide. Existing government targets call for that number to increase dramatically to 2.5 million by 2030.

    Policy makers need to make sure market conditions are well adapted for reaching such ambitious goals. The recent successes of solar PV, wind, batteries and electric vehicles have shown that policy and technology innovation have the power to build global clean energy industries.

    As the world’s leading energy authority covering all fuels and all technologies, the IEA is ideally placed to help to shape global policy on hydrogen.

    Dr Birol said that “We are very proud to have been able to use the breadth and depth of the IEA’s energy expertise to carry out the rigorous analysis for this study in collaboration with governments, industry and academic researchers. We are grateful to Japan, through its presidency of the G20, for requesting that we carry out this report, which recommends immediate, pragmatic steps to foster hydrogen’s development.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  10. forum rang 10 voda 18 juni 2019 16:55
    RWE en Innogy zinnen op waterstoffabriek in Eemshaven

    RWE en Innogy gaan een haalbaarheidsstudie doen voor de bouw van een waterstoffabriek in de Eemshavencentrale. De fabriek moet een vermogen krijgen van 100 megawatt en is alleen bestemd voor groene waterstof: dat is waterstof op basis van elektriciteit uit windenergie.

    RWE en Innogy zijn twee Duitse energiemaatschappijen. De fabriek zou gebouwd moeten worden op het terrein van de Eemshavencentrale van RWE. Dat is een kolencentrale. Daar vlak bij ligt Windpark Westereems. Dat park moet de groene stroom leveren die elektrolysers dan omzetten naar waterstof.
    Het plan van de twee Duitse bedrijven is de laatste in een lange reeks. De CO2-uitstoot in Nederland moet omlaag, kolen gaan in de ban en ook gas uit Groningen wordt uitgefaseerd. Dus wordt er koortsachtig gezocht naar alternatieven om toch aan de energiebehoefte te voldoen.

    Engie en Gasunie
    Waterstof - voor de puristen: een energiedrager, geen energiebron - is een vaak genoemd substituut voor aardgas. RWE en Innogy kijken de komende maanden eerst naar de haalbaarheid van de waterstoffabriek, onder meer met regionale en nationale overheden. Zeker is dat waterstof momenteel op grote belangstelling kan rekenen in het noorden van Nederland.

    In oktober vorig jaar meldden Engie en Gasunie al dat ze een grote waterstoffabriek willen bouwen in Noord-Nederland. Die twee bedrijven startten toen een haalbaarheidsstudie naar de bouw. Die zou ongeveer een jaar duren, waarna een definitieve investeringsbeslissing volgt. Bij een positief investeringsbesluit kan de fabriek dan aan het begin van het volgende decennium, rond 2022, gaan draaien.
  11. [verwijderd] 19 juni 2019 16:04

    JUNE 18, 2019
    Hydrogen Council Grows to 60 Member Companies as G20 Summit Events Focus on Hydrogen
    CEO-led partnership adds six new members demonstrating increased support for hydrogen technologies
    Brussels, 18 June 2019 – The Hydrogen Council today announced that six new member companies have joined the group. These include BP as a steering member and AVL, ITOCHU Corporation, The Liebherr Group, Power Assets Holdings Limited, and SinoHytec as supporting members. The continued growth of the Council – a global CEO-led initiative for hydrogen technologies – is in direct response to the acknowledgement that hydrogen can play an important role in decarbonising the global economy.

    This group of new members brings the Council to 60 total companies, collectively representing more than €2.6 trillion in revenue and 4.2 million jobs around the world. The coalition has more than quadrupled since its launch in 2017 with 13 founding members. Covering all key geographies and sectors, the Council uses its global reach to provide guidance on scaling hydrogen use around the world.

    “The global hydrogen industry is stronger than ever. Businesses are betting on hydrogen, investing in multi-billion-dollar projects and developing new products. Hydrogen Council members are leading this effort and working to increase cooperation between industry, government, and investors,” said Euisun Chung, Executive Vice Chairman of Hyundai Motor Group and Co-Chair of the Hydrogen Council. “I welcome our newest members and look forward to working together to build the hydrogen economy.”

    Bob Dudley, Group Chief Executive of BP, which is joining the Council as a new steering member, commented: “Hydrogen will play an important role in a low carbon future, both as an energy product and as an industrial feedstock. BP is pleased to be joining the Hydrogen Council and will work with its members to promote and develop large-scale, low-carbon hydrogen-based opportunities.”

    In this year alone, hydrogen has been on the agenda of numerous global forums and the Hydrogen Council has been at the forefront helping to facilitate strategic conversations between key stakeholders. Most recently, the Council joined the Clean Energy Ministerial’s Hydrogen Initiative, a new effort led by several CEM member countries that will drive international collaboration on policies, programs and projects to accelerate the commercial deployment of hydrogen. Earlier, the Council co-hosted a CEO-minister roundtable at the World Economic Forum to exchange views at the highest level.

    This weekend, Hydrogen Council members participated in several events in conjunction with the G20 Summit, including presenting before G20 Energy Ministers, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and representatives from the international investor communities. The Council also participated in the unveiling of the first-ever hydrogen-focused report by the International Energy Agency.

    “At a time when hydrogen is a major focus at the G20, I am energised by the growth of the Council and the work we are doing internationally,” said Benoît Potier, Chairman and CEO of Air Liquide and Co-Chair of the Hydrogen Council. “The Council is committed to creating strong, global action toward hydrogen deployment. With a steady stream of new initiatives, partnerships and commitments, the momentum is undeniable.”
  12. [verwijderd] 20 juni 2019 11:39
    Arnhem-Nijmegen Region to Trial Hydrogen Garbage Trucks

    A garbage truck will run on hydrogen in the Arnhem-Nijmegen region. The hydrogen truck is a result of HECTOR: a collaboration project of 7 European cities, including the municipality of Arnhem. SUEZ, specialist in waste and raw material management, and Arnhem Nijmegen University (HAN) are also participating in this project.

    The HECTOR project invests in the development, use and monitoring of hydrogen garbage trucks. A total of 7 garbage trucks will run on hydrogen, in 7 cities, in 5 EU countries. One of the cities is Arnhem. A hydrogen filling station will also be installed in Arnhem. The aim of the project is to demonstrate that hydrogen-powered garbage trucks are an effective solution for reducing emissions in European road transport.

    European project
    The project is funded by the Interreg North West Europe program. SUEZ facilitates the hydrogen wagon and, with this, takes care of the collection of household waste for the municipality of Arnhem. The project runs from January 2019 up to and including January 2023. Monitoring is part of the project and is carried out by the Automotive Department, Arnhem Nijmegen University. The new car is now in production. The car is expected to start driving in the 2nd quarter of 2020. Sustainable mobility in the Arnhem-Nijmegen Region is given a boost with the pilot. In the EU network ‘HyER’, of which the Arnhem-Nijmegen Region is a member, the experiences are spread further in Europe.

    Fighting together for sustainability
    SUEZ is constantly developing and promoting sustainable initiatives. Iwan te Winkel, director of Fleet & Logistics, is therefore proud of the project. “Making sustainability more sustainable is taking steps, but we are well on our way. By working together and daring to take steps together with partners such as the municipality of Arnhem, we get where we want to be. Collaboration and co-creation are very important in our vision and strategy. Together we can innovate much faster than alone. The partnership with the municipality of Arnhem is a good example of this; we strive for a circular economy, they have to do with sustainable objectives. Together we work concretely on sustainable and clean transport. ”

    Good example
    The municipality of Arnhem is pleased with the arrival of a garbage truck powered by hydrogen. “Here in Arnhem we are fully engaged in measures for a cleaner and more livable climate. In addition, the knowledge and skills in the field of hydrogen are abundant in Arnhem. The arrival of this garbage truck powered by hydrogen proves that Arnhem can rightly call itself a leader in the energy transition, “says Cathelijne Bouwkamp, ??Alderman for Climate and Energy.
  13. [verwijderd] 20 juni 2019 12:41
    Dutch Student Team Designs Hydrogen-Powered Aircraft

    AeroDelft, a student team at the Technical University of Delft, is designing the first manned aircraft powered by liquid hydrogen and fuel cells. On April 24th, the team revealed a prototype of the aircraft, which does not emit any harmful greenhouse gases and only releases water vapour.

    In the past 120 years, aviation has progressed from a few pioneers dreaming of flight to an industry capable of carrying over 4 billion passengers to their destinations annually. This expansion has resulted in the aviation industry being responsible for 2% of global CO2 emissions, with the burning of fossil fuels as its main cause. Aviation has, therefore, played a large part in climate change, caused by greenhouse gases such as CO2. Hydrogen propulsion in aircraft is still in its infancy, but the students hope that their aircraft will boost sustainable development in the industry.

    Liquid Hydrogen
    “The efficiency and quietness of the hydrogen cells are excellent. Because of these advantages, more transportation companies are choosing hydrogen.“– Guillaume Faury, CEO of Airbus
    The students are designing a propulsion system for the “Phoenix”, the name of the prospective aircraft, which uses the energy stored in hydrogen to power the aircraft. The decision to use hydrogen is logical: hydrogen is the lightest element and holds three times as much energy per kilogram than kerosene. The CEO of Airbus, Guillaume Faury, said recently in an interview: “The efficiency and quietness of the hydrogen cells is excellent. Because of these advantages, more transportation companies are choosing hydrogen. There are already buses and cars driving around powered by hydrogen“. Using hydrogen as a fuel in the transportation industry does not seem unreasonable.

    The students decided to store hydrogen in liquid form since this takes up less space and can, therefore, be stored more efficiently than gaseous hydrogen. The main challenge faced by the team in Delft is how to keep the liquid hydrogen at a cool -253°C. The fuel tank has been designed with a 20 cm thick insulation to achieve this. During operation, the hydrogen is mixed with oxygen from the atmosphere in the fuel cell, producing electrical power and steam.

    The use of hydrogen comes with its own set of challenges. The high energy content of hydrogen makes it a fairly volatile fuel. To meet the stringent safety requirements set by the aviation industry and guarantee the safety of the occupants, the team has designed a safety system which allows the hydrogen to be vented from the aircraft in the case of an emergency. An onboard battery is also charged during flight which allows the pilots to continue flying for a certain time and land safely.

    Another challenge is the sustainable production of hydrogen. With current methods, far too much energy is required to produce liquid hydrogen at a large scale. With the presentation of the aircraft design the AeroDelft team hopes to show the possibilities and potential of hydrogen as a fuel and thereby agree with the dean of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology, who recently said: “The aerospace industry is faced with an important challenge: the short-term evolution of aviation towards sustainable flying. This evolution demands engineers that think out of the box and collaborate with the belief and mindset that we can change the world. This mindset is what drives the students of AeroDelft to develop this aircraft”. By showing the world that it is possible to safely fly a liquid hydrogen-powered aeroplane the team hopes to inspire companies to invest in hydrogen and improve the effectiveness of its production.

    “The aerospace industry is faced with an important challenge: the short-term evolution of aviation towards sustainable flying.”– Henri Werij, Dean of Aerospace Engineering TU Delft
    14 million holes
    The engineers at AeroDelft have calculated that the final, manned aircraft will be able to fly from Delft to Morocco on a single tank of liquid hydrogen. To make this possible the airplane needs to fly as efficiently as possible. A factor that contributes greatly to the efficiency of the aircraft is the revolutionary ‘boundary layer suction’ system. This system consists of 14 million holes with a diameter of 0.1 mm in the wings, which ‘suck’ away the thin layer of air on top of the wings and results in a reduction of fuel consumption by up to 15%.

    Test flight
    The team, consisting of 35 students with 23 different nationalities, will test a scaled model of the plane on the 7th of September 2019, and then go on to test the full-scale aircraft at Rotterdam The Hague International Airport in 2021.
  14. [verwijderd] 24 juni 2019 14:48
    Gemeente Den Haag krijgt 35 waterstofauto's als regiotaxi
    In de gemeente Den Haag worden 35 exemplaren van de Toyota Mirai-waterstofauto ingezet als regiotaxi. Een taxibedrijf heeft de auto's afgenomen, nadat de gemeente een aanbesteding had uitgeschreven voor CO2-neutraal regiovervoer.

    Volgens Toyota is het de eerste waterstoftaxivloot in Nederland. De Toyota Mirai is sinds 2015 op de markt en heeft een brandstofcel die energie opwekt om de elektromotor op de voorwielen aan te drijven. De komst van de waterstoftaxi's valt samen met de mogelijkheid om waterstof te tanken bij een benzinepomp in Den Haag. Volgens Omroep West kan dat sinds april.

    De waterstofauto's worden ingezet als regiotaxi, ofwel wmo-vervoer. Dat is een vervoermethode die vanuit de Wet maatschappelijke ondersteuning is geregeld. De taxi's zijn bedoeld voor burgers die door een handicap of beperking niet zelfstandig kunnen reizen. In Den Haag opereren deze regiotaxi's sinds 1 juni onder de naam AV 070.

    Volgens Toyota is de verkoop van waterstofauto's door de komst van de taxi's dit jaar met 152 procent toegenomen. Dat betekent dat er los van de 35 taxi's dit jaar 23 exemplaren van de Mirai zijn verkocht. De waterstofauto is te koop vanaf 80.935 euro.

    De Toyota Mirai en de Huyundai Nexo zijn de enige waterstofauto's op de markt in Nederland. Er zijn momenteel echter weinig locaties in Nederland waar waterstof getankt kan worden. Tweakers publiceerde eind vorig jaar een achtergrondartikel over waterstof als alternatief voor elektrisch rijden.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 27 juni 2019 10:38
    Primetals Technologies Develops Hydrogen Based DRI Process

    Primetals Technologies announced that it has developed the world’s first direct reduction process for iron ore concentrates from ore beneficiation not requiring any preprocessing like sintering or pelletizing. Primetals can resort to the comprehensive experience from the earlier Finmet development and plant installations. The new technology can be applied to all types of beneficiated ore and particle sizes of 100% smaller than 0.15 mm. As primary reduction agent, the new process uses H2 from renewable energy or alternatively H2 rich gases from conventional steam reformers or H2 rich waste gases. This results in a low or even a zero CO2 footprint. The direct reduction plant comes in a modular design with a rated capacity of 250,000 tons per year and module, making it available for all sizes of steel plants. A pilot plant for testing purposes will be set up at voestalpine Stahl Donawitz, Austria and is due to be commissioned in the second quarter of 2020.

    The pilot plant will consist of three parts: a preheating-oxidation unit, a gas treatment plant and the actual reduction unit. In the preheating-oxidation unit, fine ore concentrate is heated to approximately 900°C and fed to the reduction unit. The reduction gas H2 is supplied over the fence from a gas supplier. A waste heat recovery system from the off-gas ensures optimal energy use and a dry dedusting system takes care of dust emissions from the processes involved. The hot direct reduced iron leaves the reduction unit at a temperature of approx. 600 °C, which can be subsequently used in an electric arc furnace or to produce Hot Briquetted Iron.

    The aim of the pilot plant is to verify the break-through process and to serve as a testing facility to provide the data basis for setting up an industrial scale size plant at a later date.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
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