mickey1399 schreef:
2011 staat voor de deur maar wat zal ING gepresteerd hebben afgelopen kwartaal. Zelf ben ik zeer positief over de cijfers. Aangezien er ook al een boekwinst van
€ 170 miljoen gemaakt is bij verkoop van Fubon Holding.
1e kw € 1.018
2e kw € 1.202
3e kw € 1.043
4e kw € 1.500
Zijn jullie ook zo positief ????
Beste mickey1399,
Laat me raden..... je hebt geen rekening gehouden met aankondigingen vanuit ING. Misschien niet willen lezen /begrijpen?
[quote=ING Q3-2010]
• Operational separation gaining momentum; preparing for a base case of two Insurance IPOs
- Europe-led IPO with strong growth positions in developing markets; US-focused IPO with leading retirement services franchise
- Actions planned in 4Q2010 and 1Q2011 to bring hedging and accounting for US business more into line with US peers
- Changes would lead to a DAC write-down on US VAs of approximately EUR 1 billion pre-tax (EUR 0.7 billion after tax) in 4Q2010
- ING is studying a move towards fair-value accounting on withdrawal benefi t reserves for US VAs as of the first quarter of 2011
- Fair-value accounting would result in an adjustment to book value of approximately EUR -1 to -1.3 billion as of 1 January 2011
- Measures expected to improve US VA reserve adequacy, reduce earnings volatility and enhance reported profitability