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Gold Bullion Developement Corporation

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  1. [verwijderd] 15 maart 2010 20:19
    Schitterend aandeeltje op de Canadese venture exchange. De eerste set boorresultaten is begin maart gepresenteerd en het heeft er alle schijn van dat ze een bulk goudvondst hebben gedaan en nog vlak onder de oppervlakte ook.

    Als de resterende 13 boringen dit beeld bevestigen zal dit aandeeltje de lucht in spuiten. Momenteel is het bedrijf zo´n 2 miljoen dollar waard, begin dit jaar verkocht ik mijn aandelen in een ander bedrijfje met ruim 2 miljoen ounces goud. Het aandeel ging weg voor 350 miljoen euro. Als Gold Bullion een bulk goudvondst doet zullen ze snel meer dan 2 miljoen ounces vinden. Omdat het direct onder de oppervlakte zit is het goedkoop winbaar.

    De potentie is enorm, uitgaande van bovenstaand scenario is 2-3 dollar de ondergrens. En dat voor 23 cent per aandeeltje.... Betere kansen dan met een staatslot lijkt me.
  2. smith&jones 15 maart 2010 21:11
    Welk aandeel heeft $ 175 per ounce gevangen? 350 mio voor 2 mio ounces....
    Dat zou een unieke overname zijn, ik ben benieuwd...

  3. [verwijderd] 17 maart 2010 16:49
    Canalaska heb ik ook, ik verwacht daar ook vuurwerk maar niet op korte termijn.

    Gold Bullion zal zéér binnenkort haar laatste 13 boorstalen onthullen en eris geen enkele reden te veronderstellen dat dit geen goede resultaten zouden zijn. Een ondiepe, bulk goud deposit die zich voor open pit mining zou lenen geeft ongekende winstmogelijkheden.

    CHeck dit plaatje:
  4. [verwijderd] 18 maart 2010 08:11
    March 17, 2010
    Sizing Up Granada And The LONG Bars Zone
    From Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec – 11:30 pm EST 03/17/10

    After three days at Gold Bullion Development’s (GBB, TSX-V) Granada Gold Property there’s no question we have a much better understanding of the scale and potential of this project. It’s one thing to sit in the comfort of an office and review technical reports, drill maps and assay results, and look at some nice pictures, but it’s quite another to actually strap on the boots, walk the property and get dirty and wet. It was our goal this week to get intimate with this property and that’s exactly what we did.

    We encountered some knee-deep snow, some mud and a few obstacles to get to certain site areas and drill hole locations. We climbed some rocks and picked some up. We walked a lot and asked many questions. We spoke to geologists and metallurgists, and in general we got a great feel for the land and the possibilities and challenges ahead for Gold Bullion as it attempts to define a major bulk tonnage, open-pit gold deposit just six kilometres south of Rouyn.

    We can now speak with a greater degree of authority on this project and we will state this emphatically: Gold Bullion has an incredible opportunity to turn the Granada Gold Property into a multi-million ounce deposit – near surface, bulk tonnage, open-pit. If you’re looking for serious “blue sky” potential in a mining exploration project, you have it right here with Granada. Bring out the drill rigs, drill and keep on drilling, Mr. Basa. Hundreds of holes and tens of thousands of metres. We believe that’s exactly what he’s going to do and we also believe he will succeed.

    Areas to the north (the “Cadillac Trend” runs right through Gold Bullion’s northern claims) and the east hold the most potential at Granada – this covers a very large footprint – and will be priority targets once the next round of drilling starts, likely around the end of April/early May.

    There’s evidence of mineralization almost everywhere at Granada, from the 400,000 tonne waste pile to the old mine workings to the rocks alongside the trails that lead out to the northeast discovery area. The LONG Bars Zone is generally quite flat or gentle sloping with limited overburden and an elevation of about 300 metres.

    Below, we have a picture of Granada Mine Manager Karol Mikulash with Nathan Jourdain of GENIVAR, Gold Bullion’s geological consultant. They are standing at infamous Hole #17 , the easternmost hole drilled to date by Gold Bullion in the LONG Bars Zone (Karol on the right is a renowned metallurgist who’s worked on 10 mines in three different countries. He did Gold Bullion’s bulk sample and is tremendously excited about Granada’s prospects).

    GR-10-17 intersected 65.5 metres of 1.21 grams per tonne gold (from 3.5 metres to 69 metres) within a wider interval of 0.953 gram per tonne gold over 99.2 metres, including 31.5 metres of 2.39 grams per tonne gold, and remains open at depth.

    Prior to heading out to #17 today, we spent nearly two hours with Nathan and Karol at the core shack in town to examine three completed and reported Granada holes – #17, #12, and #1. Below are just two core sample photos we took from GR-10-17 – more to come from #17, #12 and #1.



    Granada is a quartz vein system that interestingly is showing a porphyry component (felsic porphyry dikes appear to be associated with the quartz veins based on Gold Bullion drill results to date, the significance of which has yet to be determined). These are early days and there’s much yet that needs to be understood, but continued analysis of drill core and data (assays from 13 holes are still pending) along with more drilling will provide some answers. GENIVAR is a world class geological consulting firm and Gold Bullion is very fortunate to have them managing this project which is growing in scope and magnitude each day.

    We have compiled a great deal of information over the last three days from our Granada site visit which we will be reviewing before issuing a comprehensive report in the near future.

    The bottom line for now is this: The LONG Bars Zone (lots of new gold bars) is everything it has been made out to be and then some. As we head home we’re struck with the magnitude and potential of this large mineralized system that could ultimately hold millions of ounces. The prolific “Cadillac Trend” is showing its magnificence yet again.
  5. [verwijderd] 27 maart 2010 12:34
    Nog steeds: ongekend potentieel!

    March 25, 2010
    Gold Bullion And The Golden Opportunity
    Gold Bullion Development (GBB, TSX-V) has been trading this week almost exactly as we expected it to and has retreated into the “sweet zone” – Thursday’s 24.5 cent close puts it firmly in a very strong area of support from which the next big run, taking it to fresh highs, is likely to begin. This is “textbook” trading, so we hope those who have been following this exciting story have been accumulating positions the past few days. Gold Bullion has been in “consolidation mode” this week with overbought RSI levels correcting back to where they were just prior to the March 2 blast-off.

    Osisko’s (OSK, TSX) $372 million all-stock friendly takeover offer for Brett Resources (BBR, TSX-V) underscores in many ways how potentially valuable Gold Bullion’s Granada Gold Property is. Gold Bullion has a current market cap of just $20 million and, at the very least, has every chance in our view to soon define a deposit that equals or exceeds Brett’s Hammond Reef. Granada is also surrounded by excellent infrastructure in the heart of the “Golden Highway”, 40 miles west of Osisko’s Canadian Malartic Deposit (Gold Bullion, by the way, now controls 4,900 hectares at Granada, nearly identical in size to Osisko’s package at Malartic).

    As stated in its March 10 news release, Gold Bullion will soon be releasing a preliminary resource block model on the LONG Bars Zone which includes historical drilling in addition to GBB’s 25-hole program in December and January that resulted in a significant discovery in the northeastern part of the property. Mineralization is at shallow depths (typically near surface to 200 metres) and is open in all directions at Granada. We’ve walked the LONG Bars Zone, we’ve seen it for our own eyes. And the next few months are going to be fun as Gold Bullion drills hole after hole – north, south, east and west. We can’t wait to see what their preliminary 43-101 is going to look like by year-end. The company was drilling for structure in December and January and came up with some fantastic holes. What happens when they actually start drilling for grade?

    Brett’s Hammond Reef has an inferred resource of 259.4 million tonnes grading 0.8 g/t Au at a cut-off grade of 0.30 (6.7 million ounces). The deposit remains open along strike and at depth. Over 97% of the resource is within 300 metres of surface. The inferred resource estimate was based on 85 historical holes (18,000 metres) and 138 holes drilled by Brett (39,000 metres).

    GENIVAR, Gold Bullion’s geological consultant, is producing a preliminary resource block model for Granada based on 29,000 metres of total drilling (26,000 historical, nearly 3,000 by Gold Bullion), underground workings, and three test open-pit bulk samples. Gold Bullion’s large 30,000 tonne bulk sample in 2007 graded 1.62 g/t Au and even showed some minor silver, nickel and copper credits. The company has already demonstrated there are no metallurgical issues at Granada, recoveries are very high and strip ratios are low. The economics of a large open-pit mining operation at this property could potentially be quite robust.

    An interesting experience during our recent Granada site visit was walking on the 400,000 tonne waste pile, adjacent to the old #1 pit. In the past, people used to sneak into this area and hunt for gold. The fact that Gold Bullion sampled its waste pile and got a stunning average grade of 1.75 g/t speaks volumes about the potential of this property. Underneath this waste pile, though, could be another significant zone of mineralization as geologists believe a fault runs right through here (holes 1, 2 and 3 were drilled at the very western tip of the waste pile and returned significant results). Drilling through this waste rock should not be a problem.

    Below is a view from on top of the waste pile with Granada Mine Manager Karol Mikulash on the left and GENIVAR’s Nathan Jourdain on the right:

    A view of part of the Granada waste walking on the moon. What's underneath the waste pile has geologists curious.
    Gold Bullion has been a fascinating story to cover and we have every reason to believe it’s going to get even more interesting in the days, weeks and months ahead. We’re still working on a comprehensive report on Gold Bullion from our recent visit
  6. [verwijderd] 29 maart 2010 22:02
    Gold is up $5 an ounce to $1,112 as of 8 am Pacific time as it tries to build on Friday’s encouraging gains…based on last week’s performance and the follow through we’ve seen this morning, we’ve gone from cautious to bullish with regard to our near-term outlook on the CDNX (for reasons explained in our Week In Review article) which is up a further 11 points this morning to 1,571…at the very least, we expect the CDNX to challenge its 52-week high of 1,629 over the next couple of weeks…Gold Bullion Development (GBB, TSX-V) is the type of stock that will significantly out-perform the market during this period…an excellent article by the Coffin Brothers the other day (made available on Kitco) sums it up best…”gold explorers putting out good results and generating volume continue to be well regarded by the market…they will continue to be a favored space”…Gold Bullion could enjoy a meteoric rise in April with more news and a resumption of drilling at Granada, so accumulation under .30 at the moment makes a lot of sense…if Gold Bullion has what we believe it has, a 10-bagger on this stock from current levels within six months is very achievable…investors need to be thinking big on this one…GBB is unchanged this morning at 26.5 cents…we are also extremely bullish on Richfield Ventures (RVC, TSX-V) and Colombian Mines (CMJ, TSX-V) for the month of April…CMJ continues to drill at Yarmualito in Colombia while Richfield is getting set to commence a 20,000 metre program at its Blackwater Project in central British Columbia…Blackwater, like Granada, has multi-million ounce potential as a bulk tonnage, open-pit deposit…we’ll be announcing the addition of a new stock to our portfolio as we begin the month of April…
  7. [verwijderd] 29 maart 2010 23:06
    Wat een oplichterij!

    Doen ze er 18 dagen over om samples te analyseren als het om goud gaat?

    Ik weet niet of je wel een naar black gold op discovery kijkt, maar daar worden monsters zo snel mogelijk geanalyseerd.

    In eerdere posts: We hebben rondgelopen, door se sneeuw gelopen, wat stenen opgetilt, en een praatje met een geoloog gemaakt, en nu zijn we meer een authoriteit...

    Stinkt naar de misdaad!
  8. [verwijderd] 30 maart 2010 13:46
    De berichtjes van bullmarketrun zijn amusant maar inhoudelijk matig. Ik ben echter ook geabonneerd op de service van Coffin Brothers, daarom heb ik dit aandeeltje gekocht. Met hun service hebben ze 400% gedaan de afgelopen 3 jaar, en de Coffin Brothers zijn een absolute autoriteit op dit gebied. Dus doe wat je wilt, ik ben blij dat ik een flink aantal heb, als klopt wat ik denk kon ik hier een hele beste slag mee slaan!

    En wat betreft analyse van boorstalen, ik zit al een jaar of 5 in deze handel en de tijdsduur is volstrekt normaal. Misschien doen ze op Discovery alleen een grab sample maat vast geen boorstalen van honderden meters lang.
  9. [verwijderd] 1 april 2010 08:43
    …our favorite pick at the moment, Gold Bullion Development (GBB, TSX-V), is a little weak this morning and down 2.5 cents to 27 cents…as we stated Monday, accumulating Gold Bullion under 30 cents while it completes its private placement is a wise strategy…reports are, the $4 million PP is heavily oversubscribed which may cause some minor delays in closing it…we were hoping to see Gold Bullion close its PP by the end of this week, but the end of next week now appears more realistic especially with Easter coming up…in any event, we expect April to be a huge month for GBB…
  10. MrGlass 1 april 2010 10:29
    Veel erover gelezen. Ook over junior mijnbouw in het algemeen. Interessant!

    Het ziet er inderdaad erg positief uit. De stap gewaagd en een plukje gekocht. Viel niet mee overigens. Moest eerst CAD kopen en 3 dagen wachten tot ik er aandelen mee kon kopen.

    Misschien toch maar eens denken om mijn Cash account om te zetten in een Margin account zodat ik sneller kan reageren..

    Nou ja, ik zit erin.
  11. [verwijderd] 1 april 2010 12:59
    Leuk om een paar medestanders te hebben. Ik heb eerst flink mijn vingers gebrand aan junior exploratie aandeeltjes maar heb het nu beter in de vingers. Niet in de laatste plaats door het abonnement van de coffin brothers, maar ook door met mijn lynx account te werken met stop losses e.a. Ik verwacht veel van dit bedrijfje, heb ook erg veel gekocht. Nu eerst de laatste 13 assays maar eens zien en het 3D-model, dit zou genoeg moeten zijn voor een leuke groeispurt.

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