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Dus Sri Lanka gebruikt Quinvaxem. Bhutan kan ik nog niet vinden (bilbo?).
Volgens dit overzichtje van Bilbo dus ook Bhutan aan de Quinvaxem vanaf 2009:[/quote]
Van Perseazes:"...
The trade name of the pentavalent vaccine used in Bhutan is Easyfive and is manufactured by a pharmaceutical company based in New Delhi, Panacea Biotec Ltd. The manufacturers of pentavalent vaccines for countries like Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh are different said health officials...."
Dus het vaccin gebruikt in 2009 in Bhutan is toch niet Quivaxem, alswel Easyfive van Panacea.
De overzichtjes van Bilbo namen aan dat alle pentavalent in 2009 wel Quinvaxem zou zijn, en dat andere fabrikanten pas in 2010 gingen leveren. Dat blijkt dus niet zo.
Overigens nog een aparte quote uit ander linkje uit de post van Perseazes:
"...Easy five, the Pentavalent received by Bhutan was the product of Panacea Biotech Ltd in New Delhi. The company must not be waiting with fingers crossed for the lab results. The government seems seriously evaluating the pros and cons of the report and its release. When the lab result is still in the file and peoples’ eyes are focused on it, there was a distraction. Bhutan received a dozen ultra sophisticated ambulances from New Delhi as gift with promises of some more such gifts soon.
... "
a dozen ultra sophisticated ambulances? Promises of some more such gifts?