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Goud / Zilver / USdollar / Olie (2)

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  1. [verwijderd] 3 september 2009 13:48

    pensionado1 schreef:


    Eerste steun: 905,00
    Tweede steun: 865,00
    Derde steun: 680,00

    Eerste weerstand: 962,00
    Tweede weerstand: 1.007,00
    Derde weerstand: 1.250,00



    Artikel is gedateerd 11 augustus. Kun je zien hoe snel de tijd gaat.

    En hoe JUIST het artikel de snelheid voorspelde: GOLD WORLD 987,30
  2. [verwijderd] 3 september 2009 14:05
    Ja, als het daar over gaat kan ik zo een A4tje volschrijven met goede forecasts. Net zo gemakkelijk ééntje met foute voorspellingen trouwens.Time flies.
  3. [verwijderd] 3 september 2009 17:45
    Er moet iets belangrijks gaande zijn.
    Goud blijft maar stijgen...zonder groot nieuws.

    Normaal wordt goud gecorrigeerd....maar zelfs dat lukt niet meer.
  4. [verwijderd] 3 september 2009 18:46

    fes schreef:

    Er moet iets belangrijks gaande zijn.
    Goud blijft maar stijgen...zonder groot nieuws.

    Normaal wordt goud gecorrigeerd....maar zelfs dat lukt niet meer.
    $992... gezien. Pffff
  5. forum rang 4 Willempie3 3 september 2009 18:58

    fes schreef:

    Er moet iets belangrijks gaande zijn.
    Goud blijft maar stijgen...zonder groot nieuws.

    Normaal wordt goud gecorrigeerd....maar zelfs dat lukt niet meer.
    De theorie was de afgelopen maanden dat goud een basis rond de 950 aan het bouwen was en dat het daarna zou uitbreken. Iedereen denkt dat dat nu dus gebeurt en stapt in. Verder is het zwakke seizoen voor goud sinds 1 september voorbij. Men was natuurlijk bang om vol in te stappen met de zomerdumpacties van de FED en Co van de afgelopen jaren. Dat dit deze zomer eigenlijk niet gebeurde was eigenlijk al tekenend voor de kracht van het goud. En dat komt natuurlijk weer door het volslagen hopeloze en belachelijke monetaire beleid van de overheden en centrale bankiers: Rente op nul en Quantitative bijdrukken. En maar blijven roepen dat inflatie voorlopig laag zal blijven. Hoe kun je zo dom zijn ?

  6. [verwijderd] 3 september 2009 19:10
    HONG KONG (MarketWatch) -- Hong Kong is pulling all its physical gold holdings from depositories in London, transferring them to a high-security depository newly built at the city's airport, in a move that won praise from local traders Thursday.

    The facility, industry professionals said, would support Hong Kong's emergence as a Swiss-style trading hub for bullion and would lessen London's status as a key settlement-and-storage center.

    "Having a central government-sponsored vault would create a situation where you could conceivably look at Hong Kong as being a hub, where metal could be traded for the region," said Sunil Kashyap, managing director at Scotia Capital in Hong Kong, adding that the facility was the first with official government backing in the region.

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority, which functions as the territory's unofficial central bank, will transfer its gold reserves stored in other vaults to the depository later this year, the Hong Kong government said in an earlier statement.

    The monetary authority reported $63 million in physical gold reserves as of July 31, according to its International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity statement. The authority wouldn't disclose where the reserves are held, but local media reports cited gold traders as saying that London's the most likely location.

    Traders said the new depository facility could also foster new financial products, such as exchange-traded funds based on precious metals.

    The 3,660-square-foot depository, located at the city's main Chek Lap Kok Airport, will serve as a "storage facility for local and overseas government institutions," according to the government statement.

    Martin Hennecke, a financial advisor with the Hong Kong-based Tyche Group Ltd., said that could be appealing to regional central banks unnerved after watching the global financial system teeter on verge of implosion last year.

    "Central banks are increasingly aware of the importance of having gold reserves at time of financial crisis and having it easily available at their own disposal," he said.

    Meanwhile, local newspaper reports said the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange had signed an agreement to use the depository for its physical settlement and storage needs.

    Marketing efforts will be launched to convince Asian central banks to transfer their gold reserves to the Hong Kong facility, according to reports citing Raymond Lai, finance director with the Hong Kong Airport Authority.

    Efforts will also be made to reach out to commodity exchanges, banks, precious-metals refiners and ETF providers, the reports said.

    Management firm Value Partners planned to launch an ETF gold fund that will use Hong Kong instead of London as a repository for the gold backing the fund, local reports said Thursday.

    Chris Oliver is MarketWatch's Asia bureau chief, based in Hong Kong.
  7. Ivanrybkin 3 september 2009 19:19
    16 gezien voor zilver.

    dat is alweer een tijdje geleden.
    Alles wijst op een nieuwe Year high binnen enkele uren of dagen
  8. [verwijderd] 3 september 2009 19:29
    Nog effe en we zitten aan de 1000 dollar.
    De dollar/euro doet niets....mmmmm...zeldzaam.
    Ook andere valuta's zijn redelijk rustig.

    Gewoon meer kopers dan verkopers.
  9. [verwijderd] 3 september 2009 19:40

    fes schreef:

    HONG KONG (MarketWatch) -- Hong Kong is pulling all its physical gold holdings from depositories in London, transferring them to a high-security depository newly built at the city's airport, in a move that won praise from local traders Thursday.
    Sinclair heeft een tijd terug op zijn website helemaal tot in detail uiitgelegd hoe het voorraadsysteem op de LMA(London) en COmex(NY) werkt.
    Indien goud, na een geclosde shortpositie, in de handelskluizen blijft liggen (wat enrm vaak voorkomt).... kan ermee -illegaal- gevogeld worden. Ben nu niet in staat om dat op te zoeken, zoek zelf maar even. Volgens Sinclair gebeurt dat veelvuldig door prominente shorters en medewerking van Comex ... hij heeft urgente brieven ivm toezicht aan het bestuur gestuurd, zonder resultaat.

    Moraal van het verhaal: de enige manier, volgens Sinclair, om de permashorts in gold te breken, was om je longpositie te cashen (uit te laten leveren) EN .... het meest belangrijke volgens SInclair .... je goud ook daadwerkelijk uit London cq New York weg te halen en naar elders over te brengen.
    Al die kleine uitleveringen zetten natuurlijk geen zoden aan de dijk, maar wat de Chinezen nu doen is van een dermate omvang dat er flink 'zand in de machine van het shortspelletje' komt.

    Goud heeft kennelijk momenteel een tekort aan shorters, die ook daadwerkelijk fysiek uit kunnen leven en spelletje uit .... :-)
  10. Ivanrybkin 3 september 2009 19:57

    Ivanrybkin schreef:

    16 gezien voor zilver.

    dat is alweer een tijdje geleden.
    Alles wijst op een nieuwe Year high binnen enkele uren of dagen
    Die yearhigh was er binnen het uur zie ik nu :) staat nu op 16,28

  11. [verwijderd] 3 september 2009 20:06

    fes schreef:

    Er moet iets belangrijks gaande zijn.
    Goud blijft maar stijgen...zonder groot nieuws.

    Normaal wordt goud gecorrigeerd....maar zelfs dat lukt niet meer.
    U$ 996,90 gezien...

    Eerste weerstand: 962,00
    Tweede weerstand: 1.007,00
    Derde weerstand: 1.250,00
  12. [verwijderd] 3 september 2009 20:43

    fes schreef:

    Nog effe en we zitten aan de 1000 dollar.
    De dollar/euro doet niets....mmmmm...zeldzaam.
    Ook andere valuta's zijn redelijk rustig.

    Gewoon meer kopers dan verkopers.

    Indekken tegen daling op de DJ,maar euh,daar hadden we toch puts voor?
    oppassen maar....


  13. [verwijderd] 3 september 2009 20:49

    mineset schreef:

    HONG KONG (MarketWatch) -- Hong Kong is pulling all its physical gold holdings from depositories in London, transferring them to a high-security depository newly built at the city's airport, in a move that won praise from local traders Thursday.[/quote]
    Sinclair heeft een tijd terug op zijn website helemaal tot in detail uiitgelegd hoe het voorraadsysteem op de LMA(London) en COmex(NY) werkt.
    Indien goud, na een geclosde shortpositie, in de handelskluizen blijft liggen (wat enrm vaak voorkomt).... kan ermee -illegaal- gevogeld worden. Ben nu niet in staat om dat op te zoeken, zoek zelf maar even. Volgens Sinclair gebeurt dat veelvuldig door prominente shorters en medewerking van Comex ... hij heeft urgente brieven ivm toezicht aan het bestuur gestuurd, zonder resultaat.

    Moraal van het verhaal: de enige manier, volgens Sinclair, om de permashorts in gold te breken, was om je longpositie te cashen (uit te laten leveren) EN .... het meest belangrijke volgens SInclair .... je goud ook daadwerkelijk uit London cq New York weg te halen en naar elders over te brengen.
    Al die kleine uitleveringen zetten natuurlijk geen zoden aan de dijk, maar wat de Chinezen nu doen is van een dermate omvang dat er flink 'zand in de machine van het shortspelletje' komt.

    Goud heeft kennelijk momenteel een tekort aan shorters, die ook daadwerkelijk fysiek uit kunnen leven en spelletje uit .... :-)
    Het kan natuurlijk goed zijn dat deze move van Hong Kong het spreekwoordelijke schaap over de dam wordt en er meer schapen zullen volgen.
    Dat zou een mooi feestje voor goud kunnen worden....maar ben er nog niet zeker van dat dit de echte oorzaak is van de huidige plotselinge stijging.
    Er gaan ook geruchten dat er een grote valuta/land in de problemen zit.
  14. [verwijderd] 3 september 2009 21:07

    fes schreef:

    HONG KONG (MarketWatch) -- Hong Kong is pulling all its physical gold holdings from depositories in London, transferring them to a high-security depository newly built at the city's airport, in a move that won praise from local traders Thursday.
    Hong Kong...? Dus eigenlijk is CHINA zijn goud aan het weghalen uit London?!

    China to buy $50 billion of first IMF bonds

    China agrees to buy $50 billion of first IMF bonds in move that could help spread use of yuan

    By Joe Mcdonald, AP Business Writer
    Thursday September 3, 2009, 7:01 am EDT

    BEIJING (AP) -- China is buying the equivalent of $50 billion of the International Monetary Fund's first bond sale in a move that might boost Beijing's standing in the Fund and help its quiet campaign to expand the reach of its tightly controlled currency.
  15. Kroq 3 september 2009 21:47
    3 keer is scheepsrecht? Fascinerend om weer te zien hoe goud afgelopen week omhoog is gevlogen. Goede kans dat Fekete op termijn gelijk gaat krijgen met betrekking tot de Exter-pyramid... Zou er echt een economische situatie kunnen ontstaan die wordt gekenmerkt door inflatie en deflatie tegelijkertijd?

    Wellicht interessant voor menigeen -->

  16. [verwijderd] 3 september 2009 23:55

    Thursday, September 3, 2009

    Let’s put the pieces together here. Just this past weekend China announced that State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) will be allowed to default on commodity derivative contracts. Think of that. China has given the green light and authorized the defaulting on commodity derivative contracts.

    This story broke over the weekend but has not gotten much mainstream media attention on this side of the pond. (North America). The only inference to it was the talk or “buzz” on the Wall Street floor that another bank was rumored to be close to defaulting. As Art Cashin of UBS Securities indicated in the video clip I posted earlier, normally when a market sells off on a rumor and the rumor turns out to be false, the market will tend to correct itself. IT DIDN’T.

    The Reuters report cited 6 foreign banks that received letters indicating that the Chinese State Owned Enterprises would be given the green light to default on their derivatives.

    A look at what a derivative actually is may be useful here. A Derivative is a financial instrument that is derived from some other underlying asset, index, event, value or condition. Rather than trade or exchange the underlying itself, derivative traders enter into an agreement to exchange cash or assets over time based on the underlying. A simple example is a futures contract: an agreement to exchange the underlying asset at a future date. Commercial and investment banks make up the foundation of the over the counter (OTC) derivatives market. Investors use derivatives to protect against risks, such as sudden changes in price or value of the underlying asset. Others tap derivatives to take on extra risk, in the hope of extra gains.

    Well China owns billions of these products and it has finally come to light they have had enough of having the value of their derivatives manipulated by the manipulation of the price of the underlying asset. They have finally woken up to the fact that these derivatives have been bundled together like junk in a manner that resembles the mortgage backed derivatives that brought down the world markets last year.

    Back to Reuters. Some of the State Owned Enterprises that stated their potential intentions to default were Air China. China Eastern and Cosco. Mainly in part because they took major derivatives losses over the past year but also, concerns are arising that the derivatives that they were sold by these foreign institutions are garbage, underwater and may never see the light of day. So why continue to pay for them? So the concern in the financial world is that holders of these losing products may just walk away, not unlike a home owner with a $600,000 mortgage on a home valued at $475,000 deciding to just hand in their keys. However, read on...this has nothing to do with morgtgage backed products. This time, the concern may be over Oil.

    They (Reuters) cited 6 foreign banks.Where the story gets really intriguing is that among the major derivatives providers according to Reuters but also widely known in the industry, are Goldman Sachs, UBS and JP Morgan.

    Here is the looming problem. These products are worth billions. One report that a good friend of mine did showed that if Goldman Sachs for example were to take this one up the rear, they could stand to lose 15 billion dollars. (This number is by no means confirmed)

    An important history lesson is needed here. “Potential default” was the concern that sparked and prompted the most recent economic crisis. These intricately weaved products along with highly speculative CDOs and CDSs began to fall apart when the bubble that was in large part significantly contributed to and created by the financial institutions that were packaging this junk started to fall apart.

    Imagine the impact for a brief moment if you will, on the impact to the financial landscape if China were to say “we are walking away” from those products. I would imagine that China, being the biggest purchaser of US debt, could surely collapse the US institutions that were at one point deemed too big to fail if they decide to go ahead with this plan.

    This is why I don’t take tonight’s news that China purchased 50 billion dollars of IMF bonds lightly. In fact, I take it very seriously. This is why I take the buzz on the floor over the past two days very seriously as well as I do the incredible spike in Gold today. Most importantly, I do not take lightly the recent 25% correction we have seen in the Chinese Stock Market. Can all these events be interconnected some how? Is the Chinese stock collapse giving us a hint?

    The Reuters story came out on Mon Aug 31, 2009 at 7:42am EDT. I find it quite interesting that the mainstream media did not take this more seriously. Reuters reported that the above noted Chinese companies have already issued letters to the banks. The Reuters article cites 4 clear points.

    • State-owned firms may default on commodity hedges - report

    • Bankers dismayed, confused by report; seek more details

    • Lawyers question legality of the move

    • Traders suspect lurking losses may have prompted warning (Adds analysts comments)

    Analysts are fearing that if these three big companies came out and spelled out their losses and dismay at these products then this might prompt other large Chinese corporations to do the same.

    Let’s take a closer look at the companies that have been mentioned in these news articles out of China. They are Air China, China Eastern and Cosco. If you ask me, this conundrum might have to do with oil. I deduce from this that if there is a problem brewing it has everything to do with their Oil Derivatives business.

    Here’s a brief overview of what might happen should these companies, and others, default. The banks, namely Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan and from other accounts possibly Deutsche Bank will find themselves LONG on oil futures with no customers on the short side of the derivatives. This will most likely lead the banks to sell the excess oil futures without a care for the price. This is no different than what happened when Bear Stearns was forced to sell off their gold futures in March of 2008 which then resulted in a sharp downturn in the price of Gold.

    Reuters stated:

    Spokespersons at Goldman Sachs (GS.N) and UBS (UBSN.VX) declined comment, and media officials at Morgan Stanley (MS.N) and JPMorgan (JPM.N) were not immediately available for comment. All are major global providers of commodity risk management.

    We have yet to hear their commentary. A Chinese statesperson was quoted as saying “"If we were among the banks receiving that letter, we would be very angry.” You bet your bottom dollar. You don’t think the firms listed above are angry, or, are they frightened that if the Chinese State Owned entities start taking affirmative action it could theoretically bring down some of the biggest remaining names on Wall Street?

    Remember Reuters initial story was titled Beijing's derivative default stance rattles market. Read it thoroughly for more information.

    Then, read the story that broke last Saturday to get a clearer perspective before the political and corporate spin started to enter the story. China warns banks on OTC hedge defaults –report.

    “BEIJING, Aug 29 (Reuters) - Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) may unilaterally term
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