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vername door DSM

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  1. [verwijderd] 1 oktober 2007 11:38
    Eigenlijk verwacht ik gezien het bijgestelde beleid(bespoediging) binnenkort een bod van DSM op Pharming, omdat dit geheel in hun toekomstige bedrijfs filosofie past.

    Wie weet meer hiervan?
  2. [verwijderd] 1 oktober 2007 11:40

    relationinformation schreef:

    Eigenlijk verwacht ik gezien het bijgestelde beleid(bespoediging) binnenkort een bod van DSM op Pharming, omdat dit geheel in hun toekomstige bedrijfs filosofie past.

    Wie weet meer hiervan?

    Nog absoluut niets over gehoord.
    Zou wel leuk zijn, maar dan graag na de goedkeuring, dan is de prijs wat beter voor ons uiteraard.
  3. [verwijderd] 1 oktober 2007 11:48

    relationinformation schreef:

    Eigenlijk verwacht ik gezien het bijgestelde beleid(bespoediging) binnenkort een bod van DSM op Pharming, omdat dit geheel in hun toekomstige bedrijfs filosofie past.

    Wie weet meer hiervan?

    Ik verwacht geen bod van DSM, ze hebben zelf aangegeven geen bedrijf in NL op te willen kopen omdat er niks bij zit waar ze intresse in hebben... Anders was het bod er allang geweest dus helaas... Laat PH. het nou maar gewoon op eigen kracht doen, das veel beter!

  4. [verwijderd] 1 oktober 2007 13:04

    knur schreef:

    Ik verwacht geen bod van DSM, ze hebben zelf aangegeven geen bedrijf in NL op te willen kopen omdat er niks bij zit waar ze intresse in hebben... Anders was het bod er allang geweest dus helaas... Laat PH. het nou maar gewoon op eigen kracht doen, das veel beter!

    Ze zouden wel gek zijn als ze zeggen van WEL.
    Dan zouden alle beursgenoteerde NL bedrijven die maar enigzins in het profiel van DSM passen, skyhigh qua koers gaan, waardoor een overname alleen maar duurder wordt.

    Lijkt wel op een uitspraak van Becker van Hagemeijer ( welke ook binnen nu en... zal worden overgenomen ), alleen praatte hij over zn eigen toko... lol

    Een overname van DSM zou ik best wel zien zitten, maar dan wel voor de 10EUR ( minimaal )die V.Erwachting heeft beloofd :-D
    NA een verkoop van Lactoferrine aan Numico/Danone...
  5. [verwijderd] 1 oktober 2007 13:10

    Zakcentje schreef:


    Ik verwacht geen bod van DSM, ze hebben zelf aangegeven geen bedrijf in NL op te willen kopen omdat er niks bij zit waar ze intresse in hebben... Anders was het bod er allang geweest dus helaas... Laat PH. het nou maar gewoon op eigen kracht doen, das veel beter!


    Ze zouden wel gek zijn als ze zeggen van WEL.
    Dan zouden alle beursgenoteerde NL bedrijven die maar enigzins in het profiel van DSM passen, skyhigh qua koers gaan, waardoor een overname alleen maar duurder wordt.

    Lijkt wel op een uitspraak van Becker van Hagemeijer ( welke ook binnen nu en... zal worden overgenomen ), alleen praatte hij over zn eigen toko... lol

    Een overname van DSM zou ik best wel zien zitten, maar dan wel voor de 10EUR ( minimaal )die V.Erwachting heeft beloofd :-D
    NA een verkoop van Lactoferrine aan Numico/Danone...

    Eerst zullen er produkten van pharming moeten worden goedgekeurd.
    Anders neemt geen enkel bedrijf pharming over.
    Lijkt me duidelijk.
  6. [verwijderd] 1 oktober 2007 13:28
    Lacto wordt verkocht aan DSM?



    Protein purification on the menu for DSM


    9/24/2007 DSM has today announced an investment in Danish protein purification company Upfront Chromatography - a move which further bolsters the group's commitment to innovation.

    The firm said Upfront's down stream processing technique "is of great potential to contribute to all biotechnology-derived products from DSM."

    Upfront's process enables the isolation of high-value functional proteins and other biomolecules from bioreactors or industrial process side-streams for use as food ingredients, industrial enzymes, nutraceuticals and healthcare products.

    Investing in innovative new processes has been a major theme for DSM, which stumped up €2m into Finnish genetic research company Jurilab this month, and also indicates DSM's commitment to its five-year plan, Vision 2010. The document lays out a blueprint for how to hit €1bn in sales from innovation by the end of the decade.

    Upfront's process allows for more efficient purification of bio pharmaceutical proteins, as considerable amounts of highly valuable functional proteins are regularly lost, DSM said, adding that these proteins represent a potentially "valuable source of untapped revenue."

    DSM is making the investment along with InnovationsKapital and NBGI Ventures. The €2m comes from the firm's investment arm, DSM Venturing. The total amount for all three companies came to €6.8m.

    The proteins Upfront can isolate include lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, immunoglobulin, chymosin and "undisclosed functional proteins from the sidestream of Avebe's potato starch production," a spokesperson told

    DSM was attracted to the deal because of the biopharmaceutical purification Upfront offered, and opportunities for food ingredients and nutraceuticals still "need to be explored."

    DSM Venturing is charged with the task of boosting strategic growth in the fields of Nutrition, Pharma and Performance Materials.

    The move will also serve DSM pharmaceutical products, and the investment could help support further developments at Upfront.

    It has been a busy month for DSM, which also announced it will help sponsor and set up a laboratory together with the Dutch RSM Erasmus University.

    The firm said the Innovation-Cocreation Lab (ICCL) would be the first of its kind in Europe, and would provide "new strategies and organizational designs."
  7. [verwijderd] 1 oktober 2007 13:31
    Global enzyme growth driven by innovation, says report

    9/27/2007 - The global market for food and beverage enzymes is forecast to slow but remain strong, resulting mostly from expanding markets and applications, according to a new report by The Freedonia Group.

    World Enzymes says the market will reach almost $1.2bn by 2011, following annual growth of almost eight percent.

    The report divides the food and beverage enzyme market into three main categories: dairy, bakery and 'other food and beverage'.

    In the dairy market - the largest category for food enzymes - the ingredients are used mainly for the production of cheese and the removal of lactose. However, this sector is expected to see only "moderate gains". In contrast, bakery enzymes will continue to post above average growth, along with other smaller applications such as fat and oil processing.

    In the food and beverage industry, processors use enzymes as a 'natural' way to improve production efficiency, as well as food quality and consistency.

    For example, they can be used as processing aids, where they may be directly involved in food transformation as with the use of chymosin for cheese production, or indirectly involved as with the use of pectinase for fruit juice clarification. Enzymes may also be added to processed foods to enhance certain characteristics or to act as flavor modifiers.

    Although the report does not provide a break-down of the different enzymes within the food and beverage categories it examines, it nevertheless considers all of the major enzymes used by the industry today, said Freednoia analyst Ned Zimmerman.

    These include naturally-occurring rennet enzymes, synthetic rennet enzymes (or chymosin), and lactase in the dairy sector, as well as amylase, lipase and xylanase in the bakery sector. In the 'other' sector, Freedonia includes protease (for meat, fish and high protein goods), pectinase (for fruit and vegetable products), lipase (for oilseed extraction), and a number of enzymes for alcoholic beverage production, such as alpha amylase, beta amylase and glucoamylase.

    Zimmerman told that although the report does not examine enzyme prices, there is an overall trend of downward pricing pressures.

    This is because of increasing competition, increasing consolidation in the food and beverage industry, particularly in developed regions, and constant pressure from customers to keep prices down, he said.

    According to Freedonia, the use of enzymes allows food and beverage processors avoid using traditional chemical additives viewed as 'artificial' by consumers.

    However, another challenge faced by food companies is a growing consumer resistance to any GMO-derived ingredients, and this is forecast to restrain market growth as processors "proceed cautiously", says the report.

    The same concerns have led to a resurgence in demand for naturally-sourced enzymes, that can avoid the "GMO stigma". For example, in the case of the dairy enzyme chymosin, which is used to coagulate cheese, the natural enzyme in the form of rennet (derived from calves' stomachs) has experienced a resurgence in popularity in several parts of Western Europe, including Germany, said Freedonia.

    The new report reveals that one primary driving force for growth of enzymes is expanding demand from manufacturers seeking more effective ingredients for specific applications.

    However, Freedonia notes that enzymes that have undergone some form of optimization to improve performance or properties - such as stability at higher temperatures or greater activity at lower temperatures - cannot exist in a naturally-derived version.

    "Such enzymes are inherently derived from GMOs, and despite their great value and usefulness, would also be considered undesirable food ingredients by many consumers," writes the report.

    Freedonia's new report, which examines the global market for enzymes used in all industries, is divided into two main sectors: Specialty Enzymes - which includes pharmaceutical, diagnostic and biocatalyst enzymes - and Industrial Enzymes - which includes food and beverage enzymes, and enzymes for detergents and bioethanol.

    The total food and beverage enzyme market makes up just under 40 percent of the Industrial Enzyme category, which in turn constitutes 57 percent of the overall enzyme market.

    The leading global enzyme manufacturer is Novozymes, which holds 26 percent of the total enzyme market and 46 percent of the industrial enzyme market.

    Other enzyme producers are Danisco, Genzyme, Roche, Allergan, DSM, and BASF, with a combined 36 percent share of the market.
  8. [verwijderd] 1 oktober 2007 13:32
    Nutrition tops the poll for DSM's 2010 plan

    9/27/2007 - DSM has today said it will accelerate its focus on the nutrition arm of its business in a bid to boost sales by more than five per cent, and assure income from innovation reach €1bn in the next three years.

    The Dutch firm said this morning it would reorganise its company structure and consider "divestment and partnering" the areas which no longer fit into its new plan.

    Chairman of DSM managing board Feike Sijbesma said the reorganization was to take advantage of some of the major global trends affecting society today, including ageing population and consumer demands for healthy eating.

    He said: "The choices we have made are on the belief we are working in an area where we can deliver lots of growth."

    The move pushes nutrition to the forefront of DSM, along with pharmaceuticals, and indicates that not only is the nutrition industry rich pickings for companies, but that DSM will be aiming to push even more products on the market. The firm is clearly confident of getting a good return in this area.

    The announcement came after the company finished its mid-term evaluation of the five-year plan, Vision 2010. The new "accelerated" Vision 2010 plan is aimed to "give us the ambition and urgency to capture [the market] potential. By increasing our focus on these specialty areas of our business and freeing up resources for innovation and acquisitions, we believe this program will generate significant future value for our stakeholders," Sijbesma added.

    DSM has also increased its predicted growth for operating profit from €790m to €820m for full year 2007.

    To reach organic sales growth of five per cent DSM also said further accusations in the nutrition and pharma industry would be made. Sijbesma said he was confident total group sales from innovation would reach €1bn. At least €400m is expected to come from nutrition products.

    He said: "It is a lot. It is a billion and it has to come from new things which weren't there in 2005."

    Just yesterday revealed how DSM was set to launch a casein ingredient aimed at regulating glucose levels in type-2 diabetics in response to the rise in worldwide incidences.

    Both nutrition and pharma will come under the Life Sciences department, with performance materials and polymer intermediates falling under the Material Sciences category. Base chemicals and materials will consist of special products, fertilizers and elastomers.

    The Vision 2010 set out a list of points DSM is aiming to achieve, with a target for organic sales growth to reach more than five percent up from its three to five per cent original prediction. Innovation across all sectors is still scheduled to achieve €1bn growth. Growth in China is expected to rise from an original prediction of $1bn (€700m) to $1.5bn (€1bn).
  9. [verwijderd] 1 oktober 2007 14:26
    ik verwacht dat een overname op ca. 4,50 per aandeel zal uitkomen op dit moment, maar na goedkeuring en Grasstatus lactoferine zal dit beslist hoger zijn en ca 6,8o zijn.
  10. [verwijderd] 1 oktober 2007 14:27

    relationinformation schreef:

    ik verwacht dat een overname op ca. 4,50 per aandeel zal uitkomen op dit moment, maar na goedkeuring en Grasstatus lactoferine zal dit beslist hoger zijn en ca 6,8o zijn.

    Zeg eens eerlijk ben jij Snorkle of wellicht Wess?
  11. [verwijderd] 1 oktober 2007 14:52

    beursop schreef:

    ik verwacht dat een overname op ca. 4,50 per aandeel zal uitkomen op dit moment, maar na goedkeuring en Grasstatus lactoferine zal dit beslist hoger zijn en ca 6,8o zijn.

    Zeg eens eerlijk ben jij Snorkle of wellicht Wess?
    Niet hun manier van posten...
  12. [verwijderd] 1 oktober 2007 15:01

    relationinformation schreef:

    Eigenlijk verwacht ik gezien het bijgestelde beleid(bespoediging) binnenkort een bod van DSM op Pharming, omdat dit geheel in hun toekomstige bedrijfs filosofie past.

    Wie weet meer hiervan?

    DSM houdt zich echter niet bezig met het toepassen van biotechnologische technieken op dieren en het is uitgesloten dat zij dit in de toekomst wel zal doen.

    groet Camobs
  13. [verwijderd] 1 oktober 2007 15:29
    Grappig, Relationinformation verwacht binnenkort een bod van DSM op Pharming. En vraagt vervolgens wie hier meer van weet.

    Heeft de klok horen luiden, maar…

    En niemand hier die hem/haar corrigeert.
    groet Camobs
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