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Geothermische energie

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  1. [verwijderd] 23 januari 2007 08:29
    Geothermie in Bayern: Zweite Bohrung bei München übertrifft Erwartungen

    Pumptest im Dezember 2006

    Am 18.01.2007 wurde die zweite Tiefbohrung des Geothermie-Projektes in Unterhaching bei München mit der Feststellung der Fündigkeit erfolgreich abgeschlossen, berichtet die Prüfungs-und Beratungsgesellschaft Rödl & Partner in einer Pressemitteilung. Das vorläufige Ergebnis übertreffe alle bisherigen Erwartungen: Temperatur und Schüttmenge des in 3.577 Metern Tiefe gefundenen Wassers ließen nochmals bessere Schüttungsraten erwarten als bei der ersten Tiefbohrung. Damit seien die endgültige Fündigkeit sowie der wirtschaftliche und geologische Erfolg des Projektes gesichert. Die Temperatur sei im Vergleich zur ersten Tiefbohrung nochmals deutlich höher und liege derzeit bei gemessenen 127° C. Die Länge des Bohrloches beträgt insgesamt 3.864 Meter. Die genaue Auswertung der Daten soll im Laufe der 4. Kalenderwoche abgeschlossen sein. "Dies ist der Durchbruch für die Geothermie als alternative Energiequelle in Bayern" erklärt Christian Schönwiesner-Bozkurt von Rödl & Partner, Leiter des Geothermieprojektes in Unterhaching. "Über 80 Städte, Gemeinden und Privatinvestoren, die vergleichbare Projekte planen, haben auf diesen Moment gewartet. Mit dem Erfolg der zweiten Bohrung ist der Beweis angetreten, dass das Molassebecken ein zuverlässiger Lieferant für die Energie- und Wärmeversorgung der Zukunft ist", so Schönwiesner-Bozkurtweiter. Rödl & Partner rechne allein in Bayern mit einem Investitionsvolumen von rund 3,2 Milliarden Euro für die Erdwärme-Nutzung in den kommenden Jahren.

    Höhere Schüttungsrate steigert Wirtschaftlichkeit des Projektes

    Das Vorhaben in Unterhaching ist eines der wichtigsten Pilotprojekte zur Nutzung der Erdwärme als alternative Energiequelle in Europa. Die erste Bohrung in Unterhaching hatte in 3.350 Metern Tiefe thermales Wasser mit einer Temperatur von 123° Grad Celsius und einer Schüttung von 150 Litern pro Sekunde Wassermenge ergeben. Nach den vorläufigen Ergebnissen der zweiten Bohrung kann die komplette Wassermenge aus der ersten Bohrung ohne weiteren Pumpstromaufwand in die Erde zurückgeführt werden, da die Schüttungsrate deutlich höher ist, als bisher erwartet. Dies werde die Wirtschaftlichkeit des Projektes weiter erhöhen, weil zusätzlicher Stromaufwand für die Rückführung des Wassers nicht erforderlich sei, heißt es in der Pressemitteilung. "Aus der Kenntnis des Marktes heraus sind wir uns sicher, dass eine Vielzahl weiterer Projekte nun nicht nur umgesetzt werden, sondern dass deren Konzeptionen neu überdacht werden", urteilt Schönwiesner-Bozkurt.

    Krisensichere Energie - unabhängig vom Weltmarkt

    Es zahle sich aus, auch bei erneuerbaren Energien auf Wirtschaftlichkeit und Qualität zu setzen. Die Energie- und Wärmegewinnung mit Geothermie könnte zu einem Exportschlager für Technik und Know-how aus Deutschland werden. Das Geothermieprojekt in Unterhaching entwickle sich zum Musterbeispiel für die wirtschaftliche Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien in Deutschland. "Vor dem Hintergrund steigender Energiekosten stellt sich die Frage nach einer sicheren Alternative zu fossilen Brennstoffen. Strom und Wärme aus Geothermie sind günstig, krisensicher und erhöhen die Unabhängigkeit vom Weltmarkt", erklärt Schönwiesner-Bozkurt. Für das Geothermieprojekt in Unterhaching sei von Rödl & Partner ein eigenes Fernwärmepreissystem entwickelt worden, das künftig deutlich günstigere Wärmepreise ermögliche, als nach der bisherigen Preisbindung an fossile Brennstoffe.

    Die Prüfungs- und Beratungsgesellschaft Rödl & Partner hat die Projektleitung für das gesamte Geothermieprojekt in Unterhaching inne. "Nach unseren Informationen gibt es derzeit deutschlandweit ein Investitionsvolumen für tiefengeothermische Energieerzeugung von zirka 5,5 - 6,5 Milliarden Euro", so Schönwiesner-Bozkurt. Allein in Bayern könnten künftig 8-10 Prozent des bisherigen Fernwärmebedarfs durch tiefengeothermische Energie gedeckt werden.

    Weitere Informationen, Fotos und Schaubilder unter

  2. [verwijderd] 24 januari 2007 08:17
    MIT Study Finds Geothermal Solution to Nation's Energy Problem
    While policymakers debate about the nation's long-term energy problem, a new report from a panel of experts at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) finds that the answer could be literally right under our feet. The often ignored geothermal resource in the United States is vast and could provide massive amounts of continuous baseload power to the country, according to the report. "With a reasonable investment in [research and development (R&D)] EGS [enhanced/engineered geothermal systems] could provide 100 GW or more of cost-competitive generating capacity in the next 50 years," according to the findings of the 18-member MIT panel. The panel's 400-plus page study is titled The Future of Geothermal Energy. "EGS provides a secure source of power for the long term that would help protect America against economic instabilities resulting from fuel price fluctuations or supply disruptions."
    Although geothermal energy is produced commercially today and the United States is the world's biggest producer, existing U.S. plants have focused on the high-grade geothermal systems primarily located in isolated regions of the west. This new study takes a closer look at this resource and evaluates its potential for much larger-scale deployment.

    "We've determined that heat mining can be economical in the short term, based on a global analysis of existing geothermal systems, an assessment of the total U.S. resource and continuing improvements in deep-drilling and reservoir stimulation technology," said panel head Jefferson W. Tester, the H. P. Meissner Professor of Chemical Engineering at MIT.

    "EGS technology has already been proven to work in the few areas where underground heat has been successfully extracted. And further technological improvements can be expected," he said.

    The amounts of hot rock and high-temperature fluids already are substantially larger and more widely distributed than oil and gas underlying the United States, the report noted. EGS systems could recover thermal energy contained in these subsurface rocks by creating or accessing a system of open, connected fractures through which water can be circulated down injection wells, heated by contact with the rocks and returned to the surface in production wells to form a closed loop. This heat mining of geologic formations for their thermal energy to produce power and provide heat also has a small overall footprint with minimal visual and environmental impacts and no storage requirements. And unlike wind and solar systems, a geothermal plant works night and day, offering a noninterruptible source of electric power.

    Even in the most promising areas, however, drilling must reach depths of 5,000 feet or more in the West, and much deeper in the eastern United States. Still, "the possibility of drilling into these rocks, fracturing them and pumping water in to produce steam has already been shown to be feasible," said M. Nafi Toksoz, professor of geophysics at MIT.

    Panel member Brian Anderson, an assistant professor at West Virginia University, noted that the drilling and reservoir technologies used to mine heat have many similarities to those used for extracting oil and gas. As a result, the geothermal industry today is well connected technically to two industry giants in the energy arena, oil and gas producers and electric power generators. With increasing demand for technology advances to produce oil and gas more effectively and to generate electricity with minimal carbon and other emissions, an opportunity exists to accelerate the development of EGS by increased investments by these two industries.

    "Most of the technical requirements to make EGS work economically over a wide area of the country are in effect, with remaining goals easily in reach," the report found. "This achievement could provide performance verifications at a commercial scale within a 10- to 15-year period nationwide."

    The report concludes that an investment of about $800 million to $1 billion into R&D over a 15-year period would yield the technology breakthroughs necessary to get the commercial EGS industry up and running.

    "The panel thinks that making such an investment now is appropriate and prudent given the enormous potential of EGS and the technical progress that has been achieved so far in the field. Having EGS as an option will strengthen America's energy security for the long term in a manner that complements other renewables, clean fossil, and next-generation nuclear.

    "By enabling 100 GW of new baseload capacity, the payoff for EGS is large especially in light of how much will have to be spent for deployment of conventional gas, nuclear or coal-fired systems to meet replacement of retiring plants and capacity increases, as there are no other options with sufficient scale on the horizon."

    To read more from the report, go to .

  3. [verwijderd] 24 januari 2007 23:18
    Een kleine, maar zeer interessante speler in geothermische energie is ENRO.AG.

    Ik weet het...alweer een Duitser, maar helaas het is niet anders.
    Wij moeten het in Nederland zonder beursgenoteerde renewbles doen.
    Want wij hebben nog steeds aardgas!
  4. [verwijderd] 26 februari 2007 12:00
    Nevada Power, Ormat Gain PUC Approval for 2 Geothermal Deals
    Sierra Pacific Resources' Nevada utilities gained approval last Thursday from state regulators for two deals offering up to 30 MW each from separate geothermal projects being developed in northern Nevada by Ormat Technologies Inc. Nevada Power Co. ultimately is supposed to take all of the power from the two projects, although for an initial interim period its sister utility, Sierra Pacific Power Co., will take the supplies. Ormat said its Buffalo Valley Project in Lander County and Carson Lake Project in Churchill County will begin commercial operations in late 2009, providing between 18 MW and 30 MW at each site. Until a proposed new transmission interconnection between the two Nevada utilities is completed in 2011 or later, Sierra Pacific Power will get the megawatts while Nevada Power takes the renewable energy credits (REC).
    After the new intertie transmission connection is made, Nevada Power would begin taking both the power and the RECs, a spokesperson for the utility said. The contracts for both geothermal projects cover 20 years.

    Ormat has several contracts with the Nevada utilities for its geothermal and recovered energy power supplies. Ormat designs, develops, builds, owns and operates geothermal plants, and it is considered a pioneer in the application of the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) technology and a leader in manufacturing ORC power equipment.

  5. [verwijderd] 26 februari 2007 12:04
    German Inventor Develops Geothermal Power Plant System
    By US Fed News ALEXANDRIA, Va., Feb. 25 -- Tassilo Pflanz of Munchen, Germany, has developed a power plant system for utilizing the heat energy of geothermal reservoirs.
    According to the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, the invention relates to a "geothermal power plant system for producing electricity and process heat at least one compressed gas storage device and at least one gas compression device connected to the at least one compressed gas storage device. At least one gas utilization device is connected to the at least one compressed gas storage device. At least one device for utilizing renewable energy such as of solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, ocean thermal energy, ocean waves, ocean current and tidal current, ambient heat or cold is provided."

    The inventor was issued U.S. Patent No. 7,178,337 on Feb. 20.

    The original application was filed on Dec. 23, 2004, and is available at:,178,337.PN.&OS=PN/7,178,337&RS=PN/7,178,337 .

    For more information about US Fed News federal patent awards please contact: Myron Struck, Managing Editor/US Bureau, US Fed News, Direct: 703/866-4708, Cell: 703/304-1897,

    HTS vk 070225-191364

  6. [verwijderd] 26 februari 2007 12:47
    JAKARTA, Feb 26 Asia Pulse - The government will invite bidders to take part in an auction to develop seven geothermal working areas in April with a total potential capacity to generate 685 megawatts of power. The seven areas are part of 14 geothermal areas with a total capacity of around 1,385 MW the government plans to offer to investors this year, Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro said.
    The seven areas are located in West Java, Central Java, East Java, East Nusatenggara, and Aceh.

    Purnomo said the government will pay for the cost of explorations to make geothermal power competitive as geothermal power generally more expensive than other types of power.


  7. [verwijderd] 6 maart 2007 07:18
    Israeli developer Ormat assesses geothermal pockets off Texas coast
    Ormat Industries, an Israel-based company that develops geothermal projects worldwide, plans to study the geothermal potential in the state of Texas' territorial waters in the Gulf of Mexico. The company said that its US subsidiary Ormat Technologies would conduct the $56,000 study with the goal of locating underwater pockets of hot water. The agreement with Texas is the first time the state is looking into the possibility of issuing licenses for the production of geothermal power. It is likely to take at least two years to complete the study.
  8. [verwijderd] 6 maart 2007 07:24
    Swiss association urges government to map geothermal resources
    The Swiss Geothermal Association has called on the federal government to set up a national geothermal field research program as the only realistic way to estimate the true potential of geothermal energy in Switzerland, "which cannot be done by computer or in the laboratory." Other countries have mapped or plan to survey their geothermal resources to spur investment. Chile's national geology agency, for instance, is launching a $1 million geothermal exploration study to reduce initial risks in exploration (RER 123/16), and the US state of Colorado has completed an initial mapping project (see story below).
  9. [verwijderd] 6 maart 2007 07:28
    US project developer looks ahead in nailing down geothermal rights
    Raser Technologies, an energy technology company based in Provo, Utah, has taken a long-term view in securing two 50-year geothermal leases on separate properties in the US state of Nevada. The company reported it has signed deals covering the next half-century for the McGee geothermal lease properties, whose previous owner was not identified, and to certain Nevada properties owned by Truckee River Ranches.
    Raser obtained the McGee lease in exchange for $5,000 cash and 5,000 shares of restricted Raser common stock and the Truckee leases for $25,000 in cash and 25,000 share of restricted Raser common stock. Truckee also will receive an additional 25,000 restricted shares upon completion of the first geothermal plant and a $50,000 advance against total royalties in projects developed on the Truckee properties.

    Both leases lie in part within the US Geological Survey's known geothermal resources areas, which Raser described as spots of "obvious geothermal activity, such as hot springs" designated by the USGS, or "areas where applications to lease overlap to such as degree as to indicate strong geothermal potential."

  10. [verwijderd] 6 maart 2007 07:29
    NGP Nevada Geothermal's 20-year power buy deal approved
    Nevada Geothermal Power Inc (TSX-V:NGP) Shares Issued 53,352,171
    Last Close 3/2/2007 $0.79

    Monday March 05 2007 - News Release

    Mr. Brian Fairbank reports


    The Nevada Public Utilities Commission approved, on Feb. 8, 2007, Nevada Geothermal Power Inc. (NGP)'s 20-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with Nevada Power Co., a subsidiary of Sierra Pacific Resources. Under the contract, the Faulkner 1 power plant at Blue Mountain will supply between 18.75 megawatts and 31.25 megawatts (net) of electrical power; expected to come on-line in 2009.

    The contract is for the purchase of electrical power and renewable energy credits by Nevada Power to meet the requirement of the Nevada's renewable portfolio standard (20 per cent of renewable energy to supply its customers by 2015).

    "With the approval of Nevada Geothermal Power's PPA for geothermal energy for the Faulkner 1 geothermal project, this is a significant step forward for the company. We are proud to be part of the solution to provide green energy to Nevada, a leader in the development of renewable resources, " stated Brian Fairbank, chief executive officer and president.

    NGP has engaged Global Power Solutions LLC (GPS) to conduct a power cycle selection study for the Blue Mountain project. It will involve analysis of the costs, performance and schedules of both binary and dual flash power generation cycles.

  11. [verwijderd] 6 maart 2007 07:32
    State of Nevada's Public Utilities Commission Approves Nevada Geothermal Power's Power Purchase Agreement for the Faulkner 1 Power Plant for Geothermal Energy
    Release Date - 05032007 VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (ENP Newswire) -- 03/05/07 -- Nevada Geothermal Power Inc. (NGP) (TSX VENTURE: NGP) (OTCBB: NGLPF) today announced that the Nevada Public Utilities Commission has approved on February 8, 2007, the 20-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Nevada Power Company, a subsidiary of Sierra Pacific Resources. Under the contract, the 'Faulkner 1 Power Plant' at Blue Mountain will supply between 18.75 MW and 31.25 MW (net) of electrical power; expected to come on line in 2009.
    The contract is for the purchase of electrical power and Renewable Energy Credits by Nevada Power Company to meet the requirement of the Nevada's Renewable Portfolio Standard (20 percent of renewable energy to supply their customers by 2015).

    "With the approval of Nevada Geothermal Power's PPA for geothermal energy for the "Faulkner 1" geothermal project, this is a significant step forward for the company. We are proud to be part of the solution to provide green energy to Nevada, a leader in the development of renewable resources, " stated Mr. Fairbank, CEO & President.

    NGP has engaged Global Power Solutions LLC (GPS) to conduct a power cycle selection study for the Blue Mountain project. It will involve analysis of the costs, performance, and schedules of both binary and dual flash power generation cycles.

    GPS has been involved in all phases of geothermal power plant development and ownership, including: licensing and permitting, resource considerations, engineering and design, construction and construction management, together with startup, testing, operations, and maintenance. GPS has current and continued experience in three of the largest developments in the world and nearly all of the active developments in the United States.

    Nevada Geothermal Power Inc. is a renewable energy company developing geothermal projects in the United States to provide electrical energy that is clean, efficient and sustainable. NGP is committed to the geothermal industry and currently owns a 100% leasehold interest in four properties: Blue Mountain, Pumpernickel, Black Warrior, all of which are ideally situated in Nevada and Crump Geyser in Oregon. An initial 31.5 MW (net) power plant is planned to begin generating power at the Blue Mountain site subject to further resource drilling and feasibility studies.

    Nevada Geothermal Power Inc.

    Brian D. Fairbank, P. Eng., President & CEO

    This Press Release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. We have tried, whenever possible, to identify these forward-looking statements using words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "plans," "intends," "potential" and similar expressions. These statements reflect our current belief and are based upon currently available information. Accordingly, such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which could cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by such statements. We undertake no obligation to update or advise in the event of any change, addition, or alteration to the information catered in this Press Release including such forward-looking statements.

    The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


    Nevada Geothermal Power Inc.

    Shelley Kirk

    (604) 688-1553 X118 or Toll Free: 866-688-0808 X118



    Pro-Edge Consultants Inc.

    Tracy Weslosky or Fred Cowans

    Managing Partners

    (416) 581-0177 or Toll Free: (866) 544-9622

  12. [verwijderd] 6 maart 2007 12:51
    WVU Professor Serves On Panel Studying Geothermal Energy
    MORGANTOWN - More than 100 years after the first electricity was produced from heat generated in the earth, geothermal energy is again gaining steam. Brian J. Anderson, assistant professor in West Virginia University's Department of Chemical Engineering, recently served on an 18-member panel that studied the potential for geothermal energy in the United States.
    The panel released its report, "The Future of Geothermal Energy," Jan. 22. Massachusetts Institute of Technology led the effort, and the U.S. Department of Energy sponsored it.

    Mining the heat stored as thermal energy in the Earth's crust could supply a substantial amount of electricity, likely at competitive prices with minimal environmental impact, the study said.

    "The drilling and reservoir technologies used to mine heat have many similarities to those used for extracting oil and gas," Anderson said. "As a result, the geothermal industry today is well connected technically to two industry giants in the energy arena, oil and gas producers and electric power generators."

    Investments by the two industries could answer demands for reduced carbon emissions, he added. The panel recommended more detailed and site-specific assessments of the U.S. geothermal resource and a federal commitment to demonstrate the concept in the field at a commercial scale. Greater use of geothermal electricity could help keep the price of electricity down, Anderson said.

    Anderson was co-author for the report's chapter, "Energy Sector Fundamentals: Economic Analysis, Projections and Supply Curves."

    The panel's report is available online at .

  13. [verwijderd] 6 maart 2007 19:07
    Beste h.vdbilt,

    Je bent natuurlijk volkomen vrij om het energie forum vol te kliederen met allerhande nieuws.
    Er zal best wat tussen zitten waar andere beleggers geinteresseerd in zijn, maar toch, we beschikken allemaal over google en over sites waar voldoende nieuws te vinden is waar onze interesse naar uitgaan.
    Wellicht kan het met wat minder nieuws, om het energieforum een discussie forum te houden, waar het ook voor bedoeld is.
    Een eigen bijdrage wordt 10 keer beter gelezen.

  14. [verwijderd] 7 maart 2007 07:06
    Beste Fes,

    Ik ben het totaal niet met je eens. Mijn bijdragen hier spitsen zich toe tot een paar gespecialiseerde draadjes, waaronder windenergie, dit draadje, Vestas, en nog 1 a 2 andere draadjes. Aan de ene kant heb je wel gelijk dat veel op google etc. te vinden is, maar zonder materiaal hier zie ik anders bar weinig discussies, waar jij het dan over hebt.

    En dit energie forum mag dan als discussie forum bedoeld zijn (in jouw ogen), het is ook tevens een bron van info voor andere lezers.

    Aangezien ik op bovengenoemde draadjes weinig discussie zie (geen dus), behalve van een enkeling de waardering voor het plaatsen van info, ga ik gewoon door wat ik al gestart had.

    Sorry dat jij er anders over denkt.


  15. [verwijderd] 7 maart 2007 19:18
    Hans, ga zo door. Dit is relevante informatie en ik pik eruit wat ik van belang acht.
    Hoop dat je naast Vestas ook informatie over Nordex en Theolia in de peiling houdt. Misschien doe je dat ook wel, maar dan ben ik daarvan nog niet op de hoogte omdat ik pas sinds vorige week op dit forum aktief ben.

  16. forum rang 10 voda 7 maart 2007 21:30
    Ik sluit mij bij de vorige spreker aan. Hans, het is toppie wat jij hier plaatst. Wat een info. En als je het niet wilt lezen, sla je het gewoon over.
    Hier draait het forum op, info plaatsen en uitwisselen. Een dikke AB voor al je werk hier.


    Als jij zonodig "discussies", wil kan je daar gewoon even een draadje voor openen. Hans, zal dat heus niet niet "vol kliederen". Trouwens, een beetje oneerbiedige manier van benaderen, wat voor info hij plaatst. Maar goed, dat is mijn mening.
  17. [verwijderd] 4 april 2007 13:01
    Expert: Possible geothermal potential 1GW
    Guatemala's possible geothermal power generation potential is 1GW, Hugo Fernando Navas, head of state power company Inde's geothermal division, told BNamericas. However, a more realistic figure puts the country's geothermal potential at 480MW, Navas said.
    The 480MW correspond to 12 geothermal fields that have been identified, two of which - Zunil and Amatitlan, total 44MW - are generating power and/or coming online.

    The next fields to be developed are Tecuamburro - where an exploratory study tender is underway - San Marcos and Moyuta, which in total would add 100-150MW, he added.

    Guatemala's installed capacity in 2005 topped 1.79MW, of which 52% were thermo, 36% hydro, 11% cogen and 1% geothermal.

    To read the entire interview with Navas, see this week's Perspectives to be sent to subscribers on Friday.

  18. [verwijderd] 16 april 2007 11:24
    Raser Technologies to build 30 MW of geothermal plants
    Raser Technologies plans to build three geothermal projects by the end of 2008 with a total capacity of 30 MW, officials for the Provo, Utah-based company said. As part of the effort, publicly traded Raser has entered into a strategic alliance with UTC Power, part of United Technologies, Brent Cook, Raser CEO, said in a presentation to analysts Thursday.
    Under the agreement, Raser will buy geothermal heat-to-electricity power systems from UTCP, he said. The units can take advantage of relatively cool--as low as 165 degrees Fahrenheit--geothermal resources compared with other technologies, he said.

    Raser expects its first 10 MW project to be online by March 2008, Cook said. Raser plans to start drilling wells for the project in May, he said. The other two projects will be completed by the end of 2008, he said. Raser has leased geothermal land in Utah and Nevada, but Cook declined to say exactly where the projects would be located.

    The company is in talks with potential offtake purchasers for the projects, Cook said. The projects will be funded by monetizing tax credits connected to the renewable resources, he said.

    Raser has been trying to enter the geothermal business for several years. The company tried to buy Amp Resources, a geothermal developer based in Draper, Utah, for about $200 million, but the deal fell apart in mid-2006. Enel, headquartered in Italy, bought Amp in March.

  19. [verwijderd] 26 april 2007 14:08
    Power Line, Drilling Done for First Phase of ID Geothermal Project
    A 3.2-mile transmission line is completed, linking the developing Raft River, ID, geothermal project to the Pacific Northwest transmission grid, and most of the drilling work related to the first phase of the project is complete, according to project sponsor U.S. Geothermal Inc. An initial 13 MW binary cycle unit is on schedule to begin operations in September, but the developer has much grander long-term plans for the site.
    U.S. Geothermal announced the construction progress Monday on the southeastern Idaho project, which is under the direction of Ormat Nevada Inc., a subsidiary of Israel-based Ormat Technologies Inc. "Plant construction is proceeding on schedule and on budget," U.S. Geothermal said.

    Raft River Rural Electric Cooperative has finished the transmission link that will connect the project with Bonneville Power Administration's (BPA) substation at Bridge, ID, where upgrades to the station are under way, including breakers, relays and communications systems, the geothermal company said.

    A well improvement drilling program that began last August is in what U.S. Geothermal called its "final stages," having enhanced, deepened or added directional legs on four existing wells to improve their production or injection characteristics. The company said two new wells were drilled to expand the geothermal resource of the planned second 13 MW phase in what eventually will be a 39 MW facility.

    Beyond the Idaho project's September startup, and ultimately its other phases, U.S. Geothermal CEO Daniel Kunz said last summer that the site has the potential to generate up to 100 MW. The company holds 1,800 acres of development rights for the Raft River phase one development, he said (see Power Market Today, Aug. 17, 2006).

  20. [verwijderd] 30 mei 2007 13:04
    Potential geothermal surge seen
    California, Texas and other states have the potential to provide between 2,500 MW and 2,900 MW of additional geothermal generation capacity, roughly doubling U.S. capacity to almost 6,000 MW, according to a survey released Thursday by the Geothermal Energy Association. At present, there are 75 new geothermal projects under development in 12 states, representing an increase of 14 projects compared with a survey completed in November, according to GEA. The biggest spur to geothermal development was the passage of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, which made new geothermal plants eligible for a federal production tax credit, GEA Executive Director Karl Gawell said. "New federal and state initiatives to promote geothermal energy are paying off. State renewable standards coupled with the federal production tax credit are creating a renaissance in the U.S. geothermal power production," Gawell said.
    Earlier this month, the Interior Department released regulations designed to spur geothermal development on federal land. About half of the U.S. geothermal production occurs on federal land, much of it in California and Nevada.

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AM 228 684
Amarin Corporation 1 133
Amerikaanse aandelen 3.837 243.382
AMG 971 133.696
AMS 3 73
Amsterdam Commodities 305 6.697
AMT Holding 199 7.047
Anavex Life Sciences Corp 2 491
Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 15.017
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 383
Arcadis 252 8.785
Arcelor Mittal 2.034 320.769
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.326
Aroundtown SA 1 219
Arrowhead Research 5 9.745
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.268
ASML 1.766 108.080
ASR Nederland 21 4.502
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 509
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.687
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 64
Azerion 7 3.404