[verwijderd] 26 april 2007 20:07 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Zo te zien wel Henrie, iedereen is aan het verkopen vandaag. Waren de cijfers zo slecht? Of gaan de shorters nog meer dumpen en gaat de rest vanzelf mee?Nee Henri, je bent niet de enige. De rest leest alleen.groet,;) Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
adri67 26 april 2007 20:11 auteur info adri67 Lid sinds: 01 jan 2000 Laatste bezoek: 07 feb 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 355 Gegeven: 185 Aantal posts: 1.225 Dundie,Je bent niet de enige. De cijfers waren zonder meer teleurstellend. Nu verkopen is voor mij geen optie. Ik leg ze op de plank en kijk over een half jaar nog wel eens. De koers staat nu op zo'n 0,5 x de jaaromzet. Ondanks de matige cijfers is dat spotgoedkoop. Hopen op betere tijden dan maar. Gelukkig rendeert de rest van mijn aandelen portefeuille wel goed. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 26 april 2007 20:36 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 We zitten dus allemaal in hetzelfde schuitje...(zinkende schuitje....grin).Ik denk dat er vandaag veel shorters coveren. Een prijs onder de $1,00 is vrij uniek, met het huidige beursklimaat. Ik verwacht binnen 2 weken een redelijk herstel...maar of we snel de $1,30 weer zien...denk het niet.Alleen een bericht over een vijandelijke overname kan de koers goed doen. En op deze koers is dat niet ondenkbaar.VG Henri Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 1 mei 2007 16:27 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Nou, nou, hij gaat nu wel helmaal door het putje...Ric...heb jij nog iets positiefs te melden??VG Henri Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 10 mei 2007 14:20 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 quote:dundie schreef:Nou, nou, hij gaat nu wel helmaal door het putje...Ric...heb jij nog iets positiefs te melden??VG Henriben een tijdje weg geweest, maar teruggekomen te zijn had ik beter kunnen wegblijven, ik heb nog een e-mail ontvangen van covad, niet echt veel schokkends, kom ik nog wel op terug, en verder om positief af te sluiten voor wat t waard is: 2 directieleden hebben covad aangeschaft de laatste dagen, de ene sukkel 5000 stuks op 91 ct en de ander 50.000 stuks op glbaal ook 91 ct.er is dan uiteindelijk iets van groei beloofd voor Q2, voor t hele jaar vewacht men nog steeds meer cash over te houden dan begin van t jaar, Q1 hebben ze iig 10 miljoen cash moeten inleveren.dus wat dat betreft belooft t nog wat, of ze stellen hun doel gewoon bij.die overgang op die jaarprognose is echt onzinnig, wie bedenkt dat, stop ermee als t niet werkt.mvg, ik. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
adri67 14 mei 2007 22:11 auteur info adri67 Lid sinds: 01 jan 2000 Laatste bezoek: 07 feb 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 355 Gegeven: 185 Aantal posts: 1.225 Kaufman Update MANAGEMENT PRESENTS POSITIVE FACE AT ANALYST DAY• DVW hosted its annual analyst meeting at which management presentedits view of the market, its positioning and answered questions on thetrajectory of its margins, as it ramps its various growthinitiatives. We believe management did a credible job presenting itscase, but we suspect investors are still apt to take a wait-and-seeattitude toward the shares.• DVW reiterated guidance of revenues of $485 million-$505 million,and EBITDA of $25 million-$35 million for 2007. Our estimates areunchanged at $503 million and $25.8 million.While our revenue expectations are at the high end of guidance, ourEBITDA expectations remain at the low end of guidance, as we believethe margin recovery in the business will be slower and more gradual,and that EBITDA growth will be more back-end loaded in 2007.• We are in concurrence with management on its strategy, particularlyas it relates to the partnership with ELNK on line powered voiceaccess (LPVA); however, we believe investors will look at thisbusiness through skeptical eyes. ELNK's management participated at theanalyst day and presented its case for why this is a strategicimperative for ELNK, and why it chose to partner with DVW. That said,there was a communication breakdown regarding the economics of thisbusiness for DVW, and the slope of the profitability curve that hascreated a credibility issue for management. Nonetheless, thefinancial model presented by DVW showing narrowing losses on the LPVAoffering and potential profitability in mid-2008 as subscriber totalsreach 75,000-100,000 appears consistent with ELNK's commitment to theproduct, its determination to have a viable double-play offering andpotentially a triple-play offering with ELNK's Helio wirelessoffering at some point down the road. Management also said it expectsthis offering to reach sufficient scale to return the wholesaleconsumer business to growth in 4Q07.• We are still looking for growth products to account for more than50% of revenues around mid-2007. Management's guidance of $220million of growth product revenues and 30% growth, and legacyattrition of 12%-14% in 2007, is directionally consistent with ourmodel.We have modeled legacy revenues declining 12.4% in 2007, while wehave modeled a more optimistic scenario for growth products. Weexpect growth products to growth closer to 40% this year and reachover $230 million, reflecting our positive view of demand from smallbusinesses, and gathering momentum in VoIP and LPVA.• We affirm our BUY rating on DVW's shares and our $2 price target.Our price target is based on a 1.5x 2007E EV/Sales multiple andcompares to a peer group average of 1.8x. Our BUY rating is based onthe expectation of rapidly improving EBITDA margins as growth revenuescontinue to gather momentum, though we acknowledge management'scredibility has been called into question following 1Q07 results.Given the prospects for only marginal improvement in 2Q07, we suspectthe shares will languish until a clearer sense of the timing of themargin leverage is attained. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 15 mei 2007 16:24 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Tja Adrie,klinkt goed, maar zelfs een fors contract met een hotelketen organisatie heeft weinig invloed op de koers..vreemd koersgedrag.VG Henri Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 21 mei 2007 20:16 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 quote:connect schreef:de ene sukkel 5000 stuks op 91 ct en de ander 50.000 stuks op glbaal ook 91 ct.mvg, ik. Nou die hebben weinig geloof erin dan of zijn het slecht betaalde directeuren? Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
adri67 24 mei 2007 19:17 auteur info adri67 Lid sinds: 01 jan 2000 Laatste bezoek: 07 feb 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 355 Gegeven: 185 Aantal posts: 1.225 Chris Davis Buys: Covad Communications Group 23-May-07 11:44 am www.gurufocus.com/news.php?id=599...Since incepted in 1991, Chris Davis's fund has returned more than 16% a year. Some of his new buys are what Warren Buffett has bought: Burlington Northern, Union Pacific Corp. etc. These are the details of his buys and sells during the first quarter. Chris Davis owns 212 stocks with a total value of $91.6 billion.Added: Covad Communications Group Inc (DVW)Chris Davis added to his holdings in Fixed Line Telecom company Covad Communications Group Inc by 24.34%. His purchase prices were between $1.13 and $1.47, with an estimated average price of $1.3. The impact to his portfolio due to this purchase was less than 0.01%. His holdings were 10,467,230 shares as of 03/31/2007. Shares of Covad Communications Group Inc were traded at around $0.8601. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 22 juni 2007 10:37 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 aandelen covad heb ik aangehouden, en ik durf zelfs weer te kopen op dit nivo.ik heb wat laatste conference calls beluisterd,t ziet ernaar uit dat de omzet van covad in Q2 maar vooral in de 2e helft van dit jaar fors kan gaan stijgen.wacht even antwoord af op een aantal vragen die ik covad heb gesteld.het is misschien wat afgezaagd, maar ik denk dat dit aandeel ook zoals zovele wordt gemanipuleerd.naar beneden toe hebben we nu wel gehad zo lijkt t. dat covad is gezakt is natuurlijk ook terecht, de vorige cijfers stelden zwaar teleur.maar als grote partijen t in hun kop krijgen de koers omhoog te laten gaan,nav goede berichten omtrent groei, afname verlies, toename ebitda,kan t weer snel gaan bij covad.t vorige dieptepunt lag bij 66 ct,december 2005 daarna een stijging gezien tot 2.70 in de eerste helft van 2006.in een interview van een paar dagen terug zei de ceo, we gatta get bigger we gaat get scale, dit op de vraag omterent consolidatie in de sector.ik interpreteer dit als, uiteindelijk worden we overgenomen,want de omzet is dit jaar globaal 500 miljoen.als ze het weten klaar te spelen om met 20 % per jaar te groeien, hebben ze een omzet van 1 miljard over 4 jaar.en dan ben je nog een hele kleine speler, dus momentum afwachten en verpatsen die zaak, daar lijkt t management zich wel van bewust.covad heeft de afgelopen 3 jaar meer dan 200 miljoen geinvesteerd in haar netwerk, het grootste netwerk van amerika naar eigen zeggen.totale investeringen in netwerk bedragen 1.2 miljard.covad is op de beurs op 90 ct waard, 270 miljoen.getallen, schulden etc zie www.covad.cominvestor relations.mvg ric. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
adri67 22 juni 2007 22:12 auteur info adri67 Lid sinds: 01 jan 2000 Laatste bezoek: 07 feb 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 355 Gegeven: 185 Aantal posts: 1.225 aandelen short boven de 30 miljoen momenteel:DVW $ 0.91 Covad Communications Group Inc 0.01 Shares Short 30,069,000 Days to Cover (Short Ratio) 23.1 Short % of Float 11.44 % Shares Short - Prior 26,777,400 Short % Increase / Decrease 12.29 % Squeeze Ranking™ -151 % from 52-Wk HIGH ( 2.17 ) -138.46 % % from 52-Wk LOW ( 0.79 ) 13.19 % % from 200-Day MA ( 1.15 ) -26.37 % % from 50-Day MA ( 0.89 ) 2.20 % Price % Change (52-Wk) -57.30 % Trading Volume - Today 1,086,900 Trading Volume - Average 1,302,300 Trading Volume Vs. Avg. 83.46 % Total Shares - Float 262,840,000 Total Shares - Outstanding 296,963,181 % Held by Insiders 1.36 % % Held by Institutions 28.90 % Market Cap 270,236,495 EPS -0.07 PE Ratio Sector: Technology Industry: Communication Equipment SI Record Date 2007-Jun Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
adri67 28 juni 2007 19:13 auteur info adri67 Lid sinds: 01 jan 2000 Laatste bezoek: 07 feb 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 355 Gegeven: 185 Aantal posts: 1.225 Covad Announces Cost Reduction ActionsThursday June 28, 9:00 am ET SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Covad Communications Group Inc., (AMEX:DVW - News), a leading national provider of integrated voice and data communications, today announced it is reducing its workforce by approximately 8 percent in the second quarter to further streamline the business and improve the financial performance of some of the company's product lines. The company estimates that it will take a restructuring charge of approximately $1.5 million in the second quarter. The net savings in the second half of 2007 associated with this workforce reduction, after restructuring charges, is expected to be approximately $4 million. "We continue to pursue opportunities to manage our business more efficiently. These actions help to position the company for improved financial results in the second half of 2007 and in 2008," said Charles Hoffman, Covad president and chief executive officer. "Our focus continues to be on achieving profitable growth and delivering shareholder value."Covad will announce its second quarter financial results on July 26 when the company will provide more information on its cost reduction initiatives. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
adri67 5 juli 2007 20:59 auteur info adri67 Lid sinds: 01 jan 2000 Laatste bezoek: 07 feb 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 355 Gegeven: 185 Aantal posts: 1.225 Jefferies Reiterates BUY EventDVW announced a workforce reduction plan.Key Points• Plans to Reduce Workforce by 8%. DVW announced this morningthat it plans to reduce its workforce by 8% or approximately 75employees.• Annualized Savings Run-Rate of $11 million. DVW estimatesthat net saving from the workforce reduction will result in 2H07savings of $5.5 million (excluding the $1.5 million restructuringcharge) or an annualized savings of $11 million.• Reductions Likely from VoIP Business. DVW had previouslyhighlighted issues that it had encountered in this division, and webelieve many of the reductions are likely from this division.• 2H07/FY08 Looking Brighter. We believe that the combination ofthe workforce reduction and accelerated growth for LPV servicethrough ELNK (ELNK, $7.66, Buy) will drive improving operatingresults in 2H07 and FY08. We expect 3Q07 will reflect the fullbenefit of the reductions.• Valuation Attractive. DVW now trades at just 6.0x FY08 EBITDA,which does not account for the $11 million in expected annualizedsavings. We believe certain catalysts could have a positive impacton the stock including: i) ELNK/UNTD (UNTD, $16.65, Hold) newmarket launch, ii) ELNK expansion to 20 mm homes, iii) dealsw/other ISPs/partners, and iv) reaching revenue inflection point.Reiterate Buy and $2.30 price target. Risks include execution andcompetition.June 28, 2007FLASH NOTECovad Comm. Grp. (AMEX: DVW)Cost Reduction Plans to Drive Improving OperatingPerformanceInvestment SummaryDVW's workforce reduction plans along with the expectedaccelerated growth of bundled voice & data subs (LPV) throughELNK should drive improving EBITDA results in 2H07/FY08, in ourview. Reiterate Buy and $2.30 price target.Rating: BUYPrice: $0.91Price Target: $2.30Bloomberg: AMEX: DVWRomeo A. Reyes(203) 708-5800, rreyes@Jefferies.comJonathan B. Levine(203) 708-5845, jlevine@Jefferies.com Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 9 juli 2007 18:35 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 money.cnn.com/news/newsfeeds/articles...IKANO and Covad Announce Expanded Partnership Private Label ISP to Offer Covad ADSL 2+ and T1 ServiceJuly 09, 2007: 08:30 AM ESTIKANO Communications, an industry leader in private-label, wholesale, and retail Internet services, and Covad Communications Group, Inc. (AMEX: DVW), a leading national provider of integrated voice and data communications, today announced an expanded strategic partnership that enables IKANO to offer competitively priced, higher speed broadband packages to meet growing customer demand. IKANO will begin marketing Covad T1 and ADSL 2+ service, in addition to ADSL service, to its more than 250 branded partners and thousands of retail subscribers. Ik heb vandaag maar een stapeltje gekocht van COVAD (Heeft iemand een linkje naar de koers van covad hier op IEX? ik kan het niet vinden? Heb alle afkortingen geprobeerd) Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
adri67 9 juli 2007 19:49 auteur info adri67 Lid sinds: 01 jan 2000 Laatste bezoek: 07 feb 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 355 Gegeven: 185 Aantal posts: 1.225 Er zijn geen koersen van de Amex-fondsen bij IEX. Ik bekijk de koers altijd via Binck(real time). Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 10 juli 2007 18:47 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 quote:rayflexcom schreef:(Heeft iemand een linkje naar de koers van covad hier op IEX? ik kan het niet vinden? Heb alle afkortingen geprobeerd)Via Arca web book heb je een redelijke weergave van de real-time koers.datasvr.tradearca.com/arcadataserver/...De bied en de laat geeft echter niet het volledige aanbod weer.Succes.VG Henri Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
adri67 20 juli 2007 22:31 auteur info adri67 Lid sinds: 01 jan 2000 Laatste bezoek: 07 feb 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 355 Gegeven: 185 Aantal posts: 1.225 enorme afname van het aantal aandelen short met ruim 57% ! Stock Symbol: DVW $ 0.86 Covad Communications Group Inc 0.00 Shares Short 12,893,400 Days to Cover (Short Ratio) 6.6 Short % of Float 4.91 % Shares Short - Prior 30,069,000 Short % Increase / Decrease -57.12 % Squeeze Ranking™ -16 % from 52-Wk HIGH ( 1.73 ) -101.16 % % from 52-Wk LOW ( 0.79 ) 8.14 % % from 200-Day MA ( 1.10 ) -27.91 % % from 50-Day MA ( 0.88 ) -2.33 % Price % Change (52-Wk) -48.80 % Trading Volume - Today 490,300 Trading Volume - Average 1,944,700 Trading Volume Vs. Avg. 25.21 % Total Shares - Float 262,840,000 Total Shares - Outstanding 296,963,181 % Held by Insiders 1.36 % % Held by Institutions 28.90 % Market Cap 255,388,336 EPS -0.07 PE Ratio Sector: Technology Industry: Communication Equipment SI Record Date 2007-Jul Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 20 juli 2007 22:40 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Inderdaad Adri, wel jammer dat de kans op een shortsquees nu iets kleiner wordt.Op naar de cijfers komende donderdag. Ik verwacht er niet veel van...gezien de doorgevoerde bezuinigingen....VG Henri Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
adri67 26 juli 2007 22:15 auteur info adri67 Lid sinds: 01 jan 2000 Laatste bezoek: 07 feb 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 355 Gegeven: 185 Aantal posts: 1.225 Covad Communications Group Reports Second Quarter 2007 ResultsThursday July 26, 4:05 pm ET Company Continues Focus on Growth and Profitability; Subscription Revenue from Growth Products Increased by 31% Financial and Business Highlights -- $120.6 million in net revenues -- 31 percent increase in subscription revenue from Growth products from the second quarter of 2006 -- $4.3 million in A-EBITDA -- $11.6 million ($0.04 per share) net loss -- $6.5 million usage of cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments, and restricted cash and cash equivalents -- 8 percent reduction in workforce resulting in expected savings of approximately $5.5 million in the second half of 2007 -- Launched Bonded T1 and the nation's first standalone ADSL 2+ service for businesses -- Over 12,000 line-powered voice access subscribers added, an increase of approximately 51 percent from the first quarter of 2007 -- 19 percent increase in wireless subscribers, to 3,600, from the second quarter of 2006; expanded wireless network footprint in Los Angeles SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Covad Communications Group, Inc. (AMEX: DVW - News), a leading national provider of integrated voice and data communications, today announced its second quarter of 2007 financial results, including $120.6 million in net revenues, $4.3 million in A-EBITDA and a net loss of $11.6 million, or a $0.04 loss per share.Charles Hoffman, Covad president and chief executive officer, said: "In the second quarter, we continued to focus on the transformation of our business towards higher-margin growth services, such as our recently-launched Bonded T1 and ADSL 2+ services. The result of this transformation will be a leaner, more nimble enterprise that is intensely focused on doing a few things exceedingly well. Among these are providing business-class next generation broadband services, a superior customer experience, and an innovative choice for partners. In order to increase shareholder value, we will continue to optimize our business in the face of changing dynamics in our competitive industry."Summary of Financial ResultsNet revenues for the second quarter of 2007 totaled $120.6 million, an increase of $0.4 million from the $120.2 million reported for the first quarter of 2007, and an increase of $2.1 million from the $118.5 million reported for the second quarter of 2006.Direct subscribers for the second quarter of 2007 contributed $44.0 million of net revenues, or 36.5 percent, as compared to $43.4 million, or 36.1 percent, for the first quarter of 2007, and $39.6 million, or 33.4 percent, for the second quarter of 2006. Wholesale subscribers for the second quarter of 2007 contributed $76.6 million of net revenues, or 63.5 percent, as compared to $76.8 million, or 63.9 percent, for the first quarter of 2007, and $78.9 million, or 66.6 percent, for the second quarter of 2006.Subscription revenue from Growth products for the second quarter of 2007 totaled $53.8 million, an increase of $3.6 million, or 7.2 percent, from the first quarter of 2007, and an increase of $12.8 million, or 31.2 percent from the second quarter of 2006. Covad's growth products are T-1, business ADSL, Line-Powered Voice Access ("LPVA"), Voice over Internet Protocol ("VoIP") and wireless. The increase from the first quarter of 2007 was attributable to increases in broadband subscription revenue from T-1, business ADSL and LPVA of $2.6 million, VoIP subscription revenue of $0.8 million and Wireless subscription revenue of $0.2 million. The increase from the second quarter of 2006 was attributable to increases in broadband subscription revenue from T-1, business ADSL and LPVA of $8.5 million, VoIP subscription revenue of $3.6 million and wireless subscription revenue of $0.7 million. Subscription revenue from Growth products for the second quarter of 2007 contributed 48.6 percent of total subscription revenues, an increase of 2.8 percent from the first quarter of 2007 and an increase of 10.4 percent from the second quarter of 2006. Refer to the Selected Financial Data below, including Note 3, for additional information, including a summary of subscription revenue from Growth and Legacy products and a reconciliation of subscription revenue to the most directly comparable GAAP measure.Subscription revenue from Legacy products for the second quarter of 2007 totaled $57.0 million, a decrease of $2.5 million, or 4.2 percent, from the first quarter of 2007, and a decrease of $9.6 million, or 14.4 percent from the second quarter of 2006. Covad's legacy products, primarily sold through wholesale channels, are consumer ADSL, business SDSL, frame relay and high-capacity transport circuits. The decreases from the first quarter of 2007 and second quarter of 2006 were primarily attributable to decreases in broadband subscription revenue from consumer ADSL and business SDSL and frame relay products. Subscription revenue from Legacy products for the second quarter of 2007 contributed 51.4 percent of total subscription revenues, a decrease of 2.8 percent from the first quarter of 2007 and a decrease of 10.5 percent from the second quarter of 2006. Refer to the Selected Financial Data below, including Note 3, for additional information, including a summary of subscription revenue from Growth and Legacy products and a reconciliation of subscription revenue to the most directly comparable GAAP measure.Revenue from business subscribers for the second quarter of 2007 contributed $95.7 million of net revenues, a 0.9 percent increase from the first quarter of 2007 and a 5.7 percent increase from the second quarter of 2006. Revenue from business subscribers comprised 79.4 percent of net revenues, up from 78.9 percent in the first quarter of 2007 and 76.4 percent in the second quarter of 2006. Revenue from consumer subscribers for the second quarter of 2007 contributed $24.9 million of net revenues compared to $25.4 million in the first quarter of 2007 and $28.0 million in the second quarter of 2006. Revenue from consumer subscribers for the second quarter of 2007 comprised 20.6 percent of net revenues, down from 21.1 percent in the first quarter of 2007 and 23.6 percent in the second quarter of 2006.Adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization ("A-EBITDA") for the second quarter of 2007 totaled $4.3 million, up from the $1.2 million A-EBITDA reported for the first quarter of 2007, and down from the $25.6 million A-EBITDA reported for the second quarter of 2006. A-EBITDA in the second quarter of 2007 includes a benefit of $2.7 million as a result of a settlement with one of its vendors, and a $1.4 million charge for employee post-employment benefits, primarily severance costs, as a result of reductions in Covad's workforce during the second quarter of 2007. These cost reduction actions taken in the second quarter of 2007 are expected to result in approximately $5.5 million in savings in the second half of 2007. Included in A-EBITDA for the second quarter of 2006 are the benefits of a one-time federal excise tax adjustment that contributed approximately $19.5 million to Covad's A-EBITDA and a $2.1 million benefit from an employment related tax adjustment. Refer to the Selected Financial Data below, including Note 2, for additional information, including a reconciliation of this non-GAAP financial performance measure to the most directly comparable GAAP measure.Net loss for the second qua Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
adri67 26 juli 2007 22:16 auteur info adri67 Lid sinds: 01 jan 2000 Laatste bezoek: 07 feb 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 355 Gegeven: 185 Aantal posts: 1.225 Net loss for the second quarter of 2007 totaled $11.6 million, or $0.04 loss per share, as compared to the $14.5 million net loss, or $0.05 loss per share, reported for the first quarter of 2007 and the $12.5 million net income, or $0.04 per share, reported for the second quarter of 2006. As stated above, the second quarter of 2007 includes a benefit of $2.7 million as a result of a settlement with one of its vendors, and a $1.4 million charge for employee post-employment benefits, primarily severance costs, as a result of reductions in Covad's workforce during the second quarter of 2007. Included in net income for the second quarter of 2006 are the benefits of a one-time federal excise tax adjustment that contributed approximately $19.5 million to Covad's A-EBITDA and a $2.1 million benefit from an employment related tax adjustment.Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments, and restricted cash and cash equivalents at the end of the second quarter of 2007 totaled $65.6 million, a decrease of $6.5 million when compared to the balance of $72.1 million at the end of the first quarter of 2007. This change in cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments, and restricted cash and cash equivalents for the second quarter of 2007 included $4.9 million of on-going expenditures related to Covad LPVA services, which is being funded with the proceeds from the strategic agreement with EarthLink, and $0.8 million of post-employment benefit payments related to the reduction in our workforce. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
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