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  1. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2016 17:07
    Usiminas posts 7th straight loss for Q1

    Reuters reported that Brazilian steelmaker Usiminas on Monday posted a loss of 151 million reais($42.5 million) in the first quarter, its seventh quarterly loss in a row, as the country's largest producer of flat steel struggles with a slump in demand and a severe recession.

    Despite the loss, the company, which is in the midst of a boardroom battle between controlling shareholders, registered some slight improvements in comparison with the final quarter of last year.

    First-quarter earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) swung to a positive 52 million reais from a loss of 250 million reais in the fourth quarter.

    EBITDA margins also improved into positive territory, reaching 2.5 percent in the first quarter compared with -10.4 percent in the prior quarter, partly due to the closure of its loss-making Cubatao steel mill.

    The company also began exporting iron ore again, shipping 344,000 tonnes in the quarter, as it took advantage of a rise in the price of the steelmaking raw material.

    Source : Reuters
  2. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2016 17:19
    AISI update on raw steel production in US in Week 16

    In the week ending April 23, 2016, domestic raw steel production was 1,684,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 72.0 percent. Production was 1,649,000 net tons in the week ending April 23, 2015 while the capability utilization then was 69.8 percent. The current week production represents a 2.1 percent increase from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending April 23, 2016 is down 0.5 percent from the previous week ending April 16, 2016 when production was 1,693,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 72.4 percent.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  3. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2016 19:16
    ArcelorMittal lost obligatie van 1,4 miljard dollar vervroegd af

    Obligatie heeft looptijd tot 25 februari 2017.

    ArcelorMittal (MT.AE) wil een obligatie met een omvang van 1,4 miljard dollar vervroegd aflossen. Dit meldde de staalreus dinsdag nabeurs.

    De obligatie kent een looptijd tot 25 februari 2017 en een coupon van 4,500 procent. De aflossing vindt naar verwachting plaats op 20 mei 2016.

    Het aandeel ArcelorMittal sloot dinsdag op een nipt hoger Damrak 0,6 procent in het rood op 4,82 euro.

    Door ABM Financial News. +31(0)20-26 28 999
  4. [verwijderd] 26 april 2016 19:50

    Aanpak wereldwijde overcapaciteit nog ver weg


    Pommerel, Ivo

    Belangrijke staal producerende landen, waaronder China, Rusland, het Verenigd Koninkrijk en Nederland, hebben geen overeenstemming kunnen bereiken over een gezamenlijke aanpak van de wereldwijde overcapaciteit tijdens een bijeenkomst in Brussel vorige week.
    Tata Steel was ook aanwezig als onderdeel van de Nederlandse en Britse delegaties. De bijeenkomst was georganiseerd door de Organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling (OESO) en de Belgische overheid. De discussies richtten zich op overcapaciteit, prijzen en handelsstromen.
    “Er was gehoopt dat de bijeenkomst zou hebben geleid tot een gezamenlijke verklaring,” aldus Carl van der Horst, Public Affairs, Tata Steel. “Maar hoewel men het over het algemeen eens was over de moeilijkheden waarmee de staalindustrie kampt, en dat de oplossingen in de markt liggen en niet bij overheden, waren er na een ‘openhartige uitwisseling van standpunten’ ‘uiteenlopende meningen’ over vervolgstappen. Wat deze bijeenkomst goed duidelijk maakte was dat China zijn eigen agenda volgt en daarbij niet snel naar westerse economieën luistert. Dat is belangrijk om in het achterhoofd te houden tijdens discussies over de markteconomiestatus van China.”
    Penny Pritzker, die de VS vertegenwoordigde, zei: “De meeste landen delen de mening dat te grote capaciteit, en de overheidsmaatregelen die dat in de hand werken, aan de basis liggen aan de huidige crisis. Die landen kwamen naar Brussel met de insteek die zaken serieus aan te pakken. Helaas waren andere landen, waaronder China, niet tot hetzelfde bereid, waardoor een brede consensus niet mogelijk was. China, met de grootste overcapaciteit ter wereld, groter dan dat van de rest van de wereld bij elkaar, was in een unieke gelegenheid – en verantwoordelijkheid – om constructief aan een resultaat te werken. Iets wat in het belang van de wereld en dat van China zelf is.”
    Het officiële Chinese persbureau Xinhua stelde dat het “een slappe en luie smoes voor protectionisme” was om de problemen van de wereldwijde staalindustrie in de schoenen van het land te schuiven. Het bureau zei: “Andere landen de schuld geven is altijd een makkelijke manier voor politici om de aandacht van de eigen economische problemen af te leiden, maar met de vinger wijzen en protectionisme werken averechts. Het laatste wat de wereld nodig heeft is dat dit leidt tot een handelsoorlog. Er zullen veel meer banen verloren gaan dan gewonnen worden als protectionisme de overhand krijgt.”
    De bijeenkomst eindigde met slechts de afspraak om in september verder te praten.

    Officiële samenvatting van de bijeenkomst (Engelstalig)

  5. [verwijderd] 26 april 2016 19:55
    Natuurlijke terugval, met succes getest rond de € 4,8. Aflossing van obligatie en hierna aannemelijk een kredietupgrading. Koers in the states al boven de € 4,9

    Voor de kwartaal cijfers matige resultaten in Q1, redelijke prognose voor komende 6 - 9 maanden en hoopvolle prognose 9 -18 maanden. Aanbod van ijzererts wordt grilliger, minder aanbod wegens lage prijzen (3-5 jaar).

    Rond de jaarwisseling tussen € 8 - € 10
  6. max21 26 april 2016 20:14

    LUXEMBURG (AFN) - Staalconcern ArcelorMittal wil een obligatie van 1,4 miljard dollar vervroegd gaan aflossen. De lening loopt tot 25 februari 2017, maar moet nu op 20 mei van dit jaar worden afbetaald.
    Volgens ArcelorMittal wordt de obligatie afgelost met de opbrengst van de claimemissie van 3 miljard dollar die eerder deze maand werd afgerond.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2016 20:41
    Tata Steel UK may sell UK units in parts – Report

    Daily Mail reported that Tata Steel’s UK operations are on the brink of being broken up and sold separately as fears grow that no buyer will take on the business as a whole.

    But sources say it is running a dual process which could see its operations split up. It has 14 separate UK operations, involving steel production, distribution and research.
    Split-up: Tata Steel is reportedly talking to investors with a view to selling off individual parts of its UK operations

    A number of buyers are thought to be interested in hiving off some of the more profitable elements.

    But a break up would potentially be a disaster for thousands of workers because less attractive parts of the business could be left on the shelf.

    A source said: ‘The starting point and the strong preference is for the business to be sold as a whole, but Tata is also talking to individual investors about selling parts, as well.’

    Source : Daily Mail
  8. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2016 20:42
    GPH Ispat to set up steel plant at Sitakunda Chittagong

    Financial Express reported that Managing Director of GPH ispat ltd Md Jahangir Alam said his company is going to set up a highly sophisticated technology-based steel industry in Kumira of Sitakunda of Chittagong shortly.

    His company has recently signed a contract with Austrian Primetal Technologies GmBH to set up the new plant which, if installed, will be the Asia's most modern steel plant. The plant will produce 840,000 metric tons of billet and 640,000 metric tons of rebar and sections

    Source : Financial Express
  9. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2016 20:45
    Iran sets new steel export record in Iranian year

    Iran Daily reported that Iran exported 4.1 million tons of steel in the year to March 19, marking a record in sales of the strategic product to international markets.Announcing this, Deputy Trade Minister Mehdi Karbasian was quoted by Press TV as saying that Iran's steel exports over the period reached $10 billion.

    He added that a record rise in steel exports had already helped pull many producing units out of financial crisis.

    He said “The positive performance of Iran's steel industry was a result of an intensive campaign by the government of President Hassan Rouhani to support industrial units and encourage exports.”

    Mr Karbasian further said that success in Iran's steel industry came against a poor market condition and at a time that China and Russia, two leading international players, had taken to dumping due to a severe plunge in prices.

    Source : Iran Daily
  10. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2016 20:46
    China urges fair treatment after Australia imposes anti dumping duties steel bars

    Xinhua reported that an official with the China’sMinistry of Commerce said on Monday that Australia should be prudent when using trade remedy measures as they were not the solution to global steel overcapacity.

    He said “China is willing to work with other countries to address global steel overcapacity, and hopes that Australia will treat Chinese companies fairly and reasonably.”

    He added “The overcapacity across the world's steel industry is a result of anemic global economic recovery and tepid demand and that trade remedy measures will not work.”

    The remark follows Australia's announcement on Saturday that it would levy anti-dumping taxes, of between 11.7 percent and 30 percent, on screw-thread steel exports from China.

    Source : Xinhua
  11. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2016 20:50
    Usiminas may raise domestic steel prices further - Report

    Reuters reported that Brazilian steelmaker Usiminas said on Monday it may raise prices further in Brazil if international steel prices continue to remain high.

    Speaking to analysts on a conference call to discuss first quarter results, Commercial Vice President Sergio Leite said the potential price rise would be on top of the 12 percent increase already negotiated with distributors to come into effect on May 5.

    Source : Reuters
  12. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2016 20:51
    Excalibur Steel UK established for Tata Steel buyout bid

    ITV reported that those behind a proposed management buyout of Tata Steel's UK business have established a company for their bid.

    Excalibur Steel UK Limited has been registered and Roger Maggs of Port Talbot Waterfront Enterprise Zone has been appointed as chairman, with Stuart Wilkie - who is taking a leave of absence from his role as Tata's UK strip products director - as chief executive officer and Simon Gibson as non-executive director.

    Tata Management Buyout spokesperson said “We are grateful to Tata for granting Mr. Wilkie leave of absence from the company to fully participate in the MBO. We are in the process of establishing a full team plus advisors to progress the bid and engage with interested parties. Further statements will be made in due course.”

    Source : ITV
  13. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2016 20:52
    Indian steel imports rise by 26% YoY in 2015-16

    PTI reported that Indian steel imports increased by 25.6 per cent to 11.71 million tonnes in the last fiscal compared to 9.32 million tonnes in 2014-15. Minister of State for Steel Vishnu Deo Sai in a written reply to Lok Sabha said that in 2015-16 the finished steel import was at 11.71 million tonnes (provisional).

    The domestic production of finished steel in the last financial year declined to 90.39 million tonnes (provisional), over 92.16 million tonnes in 2014-15, Mr Sai said.

    Source : PTI
  14. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2016 20:53
    China commodities futures pause on Monday

    Published on Tue, 26 Apr 2016

    Reuters reported that commodities futures in China from steel to soybeans pulled back on Monday after exchanges stepped in to cool speculative buying that has bloated trading volumes, lifted prices to multi-month highs and raised concerns of a dangerous bubble. The rally in some futures continued, with steelmaking raw materials coking coal and coke surging by their 6 percent limit, though analysts warn the fundamentals for the underlying commodities remain weak.

    China's top two commodities bourses - the Dalian Commodity Exchange and Shanghai Futures Exchange - raised transaction costs on some futures products from Monday in a bid to restore calm. Shanghai rebar steel futures are up more than 50 percent so far in 2016 after six straight years of losses, while Dalian iron ore futures have risen more than 60 percent.

    Monday's pullback was led by rebar on the Shanghai Futures Exchange, where turnover on a single contract last Thursday was nearly 50 percent more than the total value traded on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The most traded Shanghai rebar contract closed 0.3 percent lower at 2,643 yuan a ton on Monday.

    Analysts said the run-up appeared to be fueled by an influx of speculative buying from investors who have been moving out of Chinese equities since a bull run ended in a crash that has knocked 40 percent off shares since last summer. Some fear the commodities market could follow a similar boom-and-bust pattern.

    Source : Reuters
  15. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2016 20:55
    Chinese steel price surge not sustainable - Fitch

    The rapid increase in Chinese steel prices so far this year is not sustainable, as it is largely due to a seasonal pick-up in construction and elevated speculation in the steel futures market, says Fitch Ratings. Fitch expects supply of steel to increase as rising prices lead to capacity resumption, but without a sustainable rise in demand. This will put significant pressure on steel prices in the near term.

    Chinese steel product prices have increased over 60% year to date. For instance, prices for hot-rolled steel - one of the most widely traded products - increased to CNY 3,229 per tonne from CNY 1,994 per tonne at the beginning of 2016. Fitch believes the price surge is mostly driven by a seasonal pick-up in fixed-asset investment activity from a low base in the first two months of 2016. This is exacerbated by increased speculation in the steel futures market, driven by liquidity in the financial system.

    On the demand side, fixed-asset investment was up 10.7% yoy in 1Q16. Of this, infrastructure was up 19.6% and property 6.2%. Infrastructure investment growth was in line with Fitch's expectations and the usual spurt following the Chinese New Year holidays. However, the pick-up in property investment came earlier than expected. Fitch did not anticipate an increase until 2H16, from a low base in the previous year. Overall, Fitch does not foresee a strong increase in steel demand during 2016 and expects overall fixed-asset investment growth to remain at around 10%, a similar level to 2015.

    On the supply side, average daily crude steel production was lower in January and February 2016, at around 2.02 million tonnes, compared to 2.21 million tonnes in 2015. Production fell significantly at the end of 2015 due to low steel prices. The total capacity suspended (capacity that is partially in operation or mostly non-operating) in 2015 amounted to around 60 million tonnes, of which only an estimated 15 million tonnes to 17 million tonnes was permanently shut-down and eliminated from the market. With prices now surging, many of the suspended plants have resumed production. This was partially reflected in March 2016 production figures, where daily crude steel production rose to 2.28 million tonnes, up 12.9% compared to January and February 2016. Fitch expects production to increase further in April, as the suspended furnaces are fired up. This, together with weak demand growth for steel in 2016, is likely to soon result in declining steel prices.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  16. max21 26 april 2016 21:53
    Ha voda, je bent lekker met de plaatjes bezig :)
    Fijn dat je weer terug bent
  17. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2016 22:39

    max21 schreef op 26 april 2016 21:53:

    Ha voda, je bent lekker met de plaatjes bezig :)
    Fijn dat je weer terug bent
    Hi Max, het zijn inderdaad mooie bijlagen! :-)

    Soms zitten ze gewoonweg bij de nieuwsberichten.

    That's life. LOL
  18. forum rang 10 voda 27 april 2016 16:08
    Outokumpu boekt minder winst en omzet

    Finse staalfabrikant rekent op aanhoudend uitdagende markten in tweede kwartaal.

    De Finse producent van roestvast staal heeft in de eerste drie maanden lagere resultaten behaald als gevolg van de lagere staalprijzen en een daling van de nikkelprijs. Dit meldde de sectorgenoot van het in Amsterdam genoteerde Aperam woensdag.

    In februari zei het bedrijf al in het eerste kwartaal geen herstel te verwachten van de markten voor roestvast staal en te rekenen op de negatieve gevolgen van de lage nikkelprijzen. Wanneer de prijs voor nikkel daalt, stellen klanten hun bestellingen uit in afwachting van verdere dalingen omdat deze worden doorberekend in de verkoopprijzen.

    Voor het tweede kwartaal verwachten de Finnen dat de marktcondities uitdagend zullen blijven vanwege de wereldwijd economische onzekerheid en druk op de grondstofprijzen. Outokumpu voorziet dat de verkochte volumes en het onderliggende bedrijfsresultaat (EBIT) op dezelfde niveaus zullen uitkomen ten opzichte van het eerste kwartaal.

    In de eerste drie maanden kwam het onderliggende bedrijfsresultaat uit op 20 miljoen euro negatief. In dezelfde periode een jaar terug was dit 2 miljoen euro positief. Het nettoverlies verbeterde van 45 miljoen naar 41 miljoen euro.

    De omzet daalde van 1,77 miljard naar 1,39 miljard euro.

    Het aandeel noteerde 5,5 procent lager op 3,65 euro.

    Door ABM Financial News. +31(0)20-26 28 999
  19. forum rang 10 voda 27 april 2016 17:10
    Steel files complaint with US ITC under section 337

    United States Steel Corporation has filed a complaint with the US International Trade Commission to initiate an investigation under Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, against the largest Chinese steel producers and their distributors. The 337 complaint alleges illegal unfair methods of competition and seeks the exclusion of all unfairly traded Chinese steel products from the US market.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  20. forum rang 10 voda 27 april 2016 17:11
    Hebei authority to remove officials for mismanaging steel overcapacity

    Global Times reported that authorities from North China's Hebei Province said they will remove local government and Party officials from their positions if iron and steel factories are created or if existing ones resume operations after being closed, which experts said is part of their efforts to cut overcapacity.

    The Hebei provincial committee of the Communist Party of China and the Hebei government jointly released the notice, saying they will put the blame on heads of the government and Party committees in cities and counties in the province for weak supervision and mismanagement over iron and steel projects

    The notice said cases involving such officials will be referred to the local disciplinary watchdog or judicial authorities.

    Mr Lin Boqiang, director of the Center for Energy Economics Research at Xiamen University, said "As China's largest steel producer, Hebei is facing the daunting task of reducing excess lower-end industrial capacity, and needs such administrative orders to fulfill the task. The notice is a warning to some local officials who were passive in reducing overcapacity for fear of its consequences, including the resettlement of a large number of workers that have been laid off.”

    According to an April 17 Hebei government report, between 2011 and 2015, the province cut the capacity of the iron industry by 34 million tons and 41 million tons in the steel industry.

    Source : Global Times
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