ron banged schreef:
I guess all that tanning on the beach, swimming exercise, doling out Martinis, as well as investing in his hair-do, finally paid of, Ron!
Or do you think that the jury was bribed with the Flavimun marketing budget?
....Or could it be that Brus is actually a way, forgive me for even thinking that.
What bitterness because your patience is being tested!
That is Bullshit Ron. Dont forget that Crucell is a Biotech company and the stock price has always been manipulated by traders. Crucell will blossem it only takes time. It is easy to talk after the facts maybe we should anticipate on the future.
Almost a 3% difference today...AEX up 1.72%, Crucell down over 1%.
For me the share price is the indicator of how well a CEO is doing, and the stock price is down 30% over the past three years.
Again, last time Brus decided he had worked hard enough and declared a news holiday for months on end the stock declined 33%. Sad to watch every other biotech rocket over the past month and Crucell make a lower high or lower low almost every day.