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  1. [verwijderd] 1 oktober 2006 16:12
    Junior Uranium research report by RCR
    By Karl Heilman
    29 Sep 2006 at 03:38 PM

    According to sources, Resource Capital Research ("RCR"), an equity research company which focuses on small resource companies, released toy a major quarterly research report covering 25 global uranium exploration and development companies. Over 170 junior and mid cap explorers, development and production companies in established uranium districts globally, including Australia, Canada, USA, Argentina, Peru, Mongolia, Zambia, Tanzania and Namibia, are identified.

    To access the free summary report, click here. To purchase the complete 74- page detailed report titled "Uranium Sector Review," please email

    Uranium market highlights:

    -- The spot uranium price is US$53.25/lb, an increase of 33% compared
    with 3 months ago.
    -- The uranium price is forecast to reach US$65/lb by mid 2007, an
    increase of 22% over the current spot price and US$88/lb by late 2008, an
    increase of 65% over the current spot price.
    -- The near end of the "forward" curve, i.e. US$65/lb, appears to be
    priced into shares that have current or near term production potential
    (next 3 years) and where sales contracts allow spot market participation.
    -- 180 new nuclear power reactors are currently proposed or planned world-
    wide, which compares with 441 nuclear power reactors currently in
  2. [verwijderd] 1 oktober 2006 16:51

    Ghostly schreef:

    Mensen die de ABN Amro Tradebox gebruiken:
    Rampart Ventures Ltd (RPT) is gewoon te traden via de TradeBox en ABN beleggen. Code RPT. Stocks van de Toronto Stock Exchange zijn gewoon te traden. Tis maar dat u het weet.

    Ik heb er eergisteren een x aantal van rampart gekocht via abn
    en van Northwestern Mineral Ventures kun je ook de koers volgen via tradebox

    grtz ghostly
    Van een (voor u wellicht bekend) concurrent fora:
    donderdag 28 september 2006 - 9:33

    Hallo ! met de Inveztor Pepdesk, Kraland hier.
    U hebt last van een lichte U308 depressie. Dat is niets ernstigs, zeker
    vergeleken bij de zelfmoord golf eind jaren '90 toen uranium minder dan een
    achtste waard was van wat het nu kost.

    Sinds we ingestapt zijn is de koers van uranium van rond de $43 naar de $53

    Als er geen uranium gevonden wordt is dit net zo belangrijks als de
    verkoopcijfers van de laatste Madonna CD, maar mocht er onverhoopt toch
    iets gevonden worden, dan hoop ik dat de koers blijft staan en we niet
    opeens weer teruggaan naar de $ 7.

    Uit uw betoog merk ik dat u liever aandelen hebt die alleen stijgen. Dat is
    niet realistisch.
    Dit aandeel kan naar de nul. DAn bent u 0.34 per aandeel kwijt, maar u
    hoeft geen uranium af te nemen of schoon te maken.

    Het aandeel kan voor hetzelfde geld, so to speak, naar de $ 1.
    Stond al 0.50 een tijdje geleden, zonder enig nieuws.
    Ging naar 0.24, zonder nieuws en tikt nu weer naar boven.

    Misschien zou u de oorzaak van uw lichte depressie moeten zoeken in de hoek
    van de sterke daling van mijnaandelen ( nee, niet mijn aandelen of uw
    aandelen, maar de mijnaandelen, waaronder dus ook uw aandelen, voor zover
    we die kunnen rangschikken onder de mijnaandelen, zoals ik ook mijn
    aandelen Rampart onder mijnaandelen meetel, al staat er geen mijn, ze boren
    Gisteren stegen de mijnaandelen, dus ook mijn aandelen, maar dat komt omdat
    ik veel mijnaandelen heb.
    Hebt u ook veel mijnaandelen of alleen deze ?

    Long RPV

    Ook een leuke (o.a.) Rampart Blog:

  3. [verwijderd] 12 oktober 2006 14:27
    Heeft er iemand van jullie een belang in Consolidated Abaddon Resources (ABN.V).
    Ik zit al een tijdje te azen op een positie, maar ik twijfel nog.

    gr postzak
  4. forum rang 7 handyman6 12 oktober 2006 15:39
    iShares heeft een tracker Canada op de amex te verkrijgen...heb je meteen al die leuke mijnen in je bezit..ik kocht er gister 150, om mee te beginnen,nu na de mijnencorrectie..groet H6
  5. [verwijderd] 13 oktober 2006 10:25
    Cheap Uranium Explorer Leading the Next Wave With a Great Team

    By Michael J. DesLauriers
    12 Oct 2006 at 11:57 PM EDT

    TORONTO ( -- Over the last 18 months, your correspondent has delivered a number of multi-bagger uranium plays to readers. That said, most of these stories are well off their 52-week highs, even in the face of a uranium price which has been appreciating steadily from the mid-$30/lb level at the beginning of the year, to a recent price of $56/lb. It is RI’s firm conviction that uranium names will have their turn again soon, as investors rotate back into the space, and that when that time comes, battered quality names will receive the majority of lift.

    But investors also need to be cognizant of what it is that uranium players are exploring for, or developing. Thus far we have had a couple of waves: The ISL wave, and the Athabasca wave. These two waves have made many a multi-bagger as investor attention was focused squarely on them.

    The new wave is near-surface, conventional, bulk tonnage, 0.10%-0.20%+/lb uranium, as investors now believe that this sort of material can and will be developed. As evidence of this, readers should reference Aurora Energy [TSX:AXU] with a market capitalization of more than C$600 million.

    The story that we are introducing is Uracan Resources [TSXv:URC], one of the few companies leading this next wave, with a huge land package, and with a management team that is plugged in big time on the financial side (Endeavour people, Bema people, and big-name institutional brokers), plus extremely accomplished on the mine-finding side.


    In today’s price environment for uranium, and as prices continue to rise, Uracan’s model focused on targeting low-grade, high-tonnage, near-surface deposits is likely just what the doctor ordered. These deposits are cheap to drill and mine, and with the price being right, are much easier and make quite a bit more sense than many of the alternatives.

    In addition to some more recently acquired very prospective Saskatchewan property, Uracan owns 100% of the "North Shore" uranium properties, on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River in south-eastern Quebec, Canada. This land package of more than 900 square kilometres of claims has had two major staking rushes involving dozens of junior companies and major players such as Denison, Imperial Oil and Uranerz. Showings graded an average 0.3 to 0.5 pounds of U3O8 per tonne, including some higher-grade lake sediments. Uracan is the first company to consolidate the area. The Quebec Geological Survey has estimated a historical potential uranium resource of 93 million tonnes of 0.025% U3O8 for 51 million pounds.

    The company recently completed its Phase 1 program at the property, on a couple of targets that were easiest to access, but there are quite literally more interesting targets than the company knows what to do with at this point. The net result will be a plentiful supply of surface work and drilling newsflow.

    Management believes the abundant low-grade uranium showings on the property give it the potential to host a Rössing-style deposit (300 million tonnes grading 0.03% U3O8). Rössing is one of the largest open pit uranium mines in the world (Namibia) operated by Rio Tinto [NYSE:RTP; LSE:RIO]. The deposit is the fifth largest producer of uranium and accounts for 7.7% of the current total world uranium production.


    Uracan’s management team consists of some big names in the geological and resource finance community. Tom Garagan from Bema is credited with the discovery of several major discoveries, including Bema’s [TSX:BGO; NYSE:BGO] Cerro Casale in Chile and Kupol in Russia. Uracan’s Chairman Gregg Sedun has participated in a number of the major resource sector scores over the last 10 years, including Diamond Fields [TSX:DFI], Adastra [TSX:AAA] and Peru Copper [TSX:PCR; AMEX:CUP], and director Gordon Keep is the Managing Director of Corporate Finance at Endeavour Financial and has enjoyed a long and fruitful career in the investment business.

    In addition to the above, those placed right up to the current level in URC financings include a number of prominent Toronto and Vancouver investment business characters. Combined with the capital markets and promotional firepower behind the company, it is not difficult to conclude that URC’s current market capitalization net of cash, of only about C$15 million, will not last forever.


    With the price of uranium continuing its inexorable march upwards, it would seem that this is a great time to be loading up on cheap, quality names with high-impact potential and first-class sponsorship. Uracan would appear to offer investors multi-bagger potential over the next twelve months as:

    The company completes its encouraging surface work, drills out its projects, and tells the story
    Bulk-tonnage, near-surface, low-grade becomes the new watch-word and popular model of choice with retail uranium sector investors
    Best-of-breed uranium names regain favour and people re-load the space
    Shares in URC closed at 44 cents on Thursday, down three pennies on below average volume
  6. [verwijderd] 24 oktober 2006 22:33
    Junior uranium stocks benefiting from Cameco's misfortune
    By Jon Nones
    24 Oct 2006 at 03:57 PM

    St. LOUIS ( -- Cameco's [NYSE:CCJ; TSX:CCO] stock fell 9.3% on Monday after reporting a massive flood at Cigar Lake. Today, its shares continued to fall, losing 81 cents to $38.14 by mid-afternoon.

    Amid concerns that the world-largest uranium producer will have difficulties meeting its supply commitments, trading was heavy in a number of smaller uranium mining companies today:

    SXR Uranium One [TSX:SXR] was up more than 12% to $11.40, a gain of $1.25, with more than 6.1 million shares traded.
    Ur-Energy [TSX:URE], up 10 cents to $3.43 with over four million shares traded.
    Forsys Metals [TSX:FSY], up 12 cents to $2.27 on over 1.1 million shares.
    UrAsia Energy [TSXv:UUU], up 10 cents to $3.02 with nearly 7.7 million shares traded.
    Denison Mines [TSX:DEN], up 52 cents to $19.27 with over 760,000 shares traded.
    International Uranium Corp. [TSX:IUC], up six cents to $6.74 on trading of one million shares.
  7. [verwijderd] 24 november 2006 14:17
    Op 23 liep de Cigar Lake Mine va Cameco vol met water. Dit is ongeveer hetzelfde als dat S. Arabie meldt dat het de komende maanden niet zal produceren...

    De mijn bevat 232 miljoen pond aan U308, met een "grade" van 19%. Cigar zou begin 2008 in productie gaan en zou op z'n piek 18 miljoen pond per jaar produceren, dat is gelijk aan 16% van de huidige mijnproductie.

    De productie zal met jaren vertraagd worden. Er zijn zelfs analisten/commentatoren die denken dat de mijn voor altijd verloren zal zijn...

    Cigar Lake vergelijken met S. Arabie is geen grootspraak. In 2005 bedroeg de productie van U308 108 miljoen pond. De productie van Cigar zou het jaarlijkse tekort van 50 a 60 miljoen pond met 1/3 kunnen verkleinen.

    Er zijn weinig tot geen soortgelijke projecten. Alleen BHP Billiton heeft iets soortgelijks qua omvang, Australia's Olympic Dam. Dit project moet vanaf 2013 zo'n 23 miljoen pond per jaar aan U308 afleveren.

    Nu Cigar onzeker is geworden lijkt het tekort aan U308 eerder groter dan kleiner te worden de komende jaren. Direct na de "flooding" spoot de prijs omhoog met $ 4 tot $ 60 per pond ( de grootste toename op weekbasis ooit). Toch is deze stijging maar deels toe te schrijven aan het vollopen van de van Cigar.

    De spotptijs bij U308 wordt op een "aparte" wijze bepaald. Het is een weergave van de hoogste aankoopprijs van een gesloten contract in een bepaalde week. Echter, de prijs wordt pas bekend op het moment dat er daadwerkelijk geleverd wordt. Dus de prijs van U308 kan een tijd lang stabiel lijken, maar is dat niet. De prijs lijkt stabiel omdat er een tijdje geen levering is...

    De week van 6 Nov bijv liet geen stijging van de U308 prijs zien...2 weken na het incident. Dat is vreemd. Het zou al vreemd zijn geweest zonder het vollopen van Cigar.

    Een periode van dalingen/zijwaarts-bewegingen biedt kansen.

    Waar naar te kijken? Ik geef de voorkeur aan junior exploratiebedrijven zoals (tickers op Yahoo): ABN.V, TVC.V, UUU.V en TXM.V.

    gr postzak
  8. [verwijderd] 27 november 2006 20:06
    Contracts Give Uranium One Better Lending Terms

    By Gareth Tredway
    27 Nov 2006 at 08:39 AM EST

    JOHANNESBURG (I-Net Bridge) -- A recent announcement from sxr Uranium One [TSX:SXR] that it had signed an agreement to supply an unnamed utility with uranium and that more contracts with other utilities are to be expected, will give the company better leverage when it concludes debt financing agreements with banks before year end.

    According to the announcement made on November 17, The agreed terms provide for the sale of 1.5 million pounds per year of uranium oxide from the company’s Dominion mine near Klerksdorp to an unnamed western world utility for five years at market-related prices and with escalating floor price protection.

    “We felt that if we entered into contracts that had floors that covered our cash costs plus the ongoing capital, the banks revenue is covered in terms of paying for the interest,” chief executive, Neal Froneman, told I-Net Bridge in an interview on Monday.

    “In our case that [Dominion break even] floor is $20/lb, we’ve got floors much higher than that, I cannot tell you exactly because it is confidential, but our [contract] floors approach spot, which means we are probably 100-150% higher than that [Dominion break even] floor, which means we have more leverage on the bank.”

    The price of uranium has averaged $45.33/lb so far this year, compared to $28.52/lb in 2005. The spot price according to is $62.50/lb.

    Overall the company is looking at forward selling between 50% and 75% of its production in similar contracts. “But we would not enter into contracts that effectively hedge us,” says Froneman, “We are currently engaged with a number of utilities in terms of exploring sales contracts.”

    Froneman says the favourable terms and the lack of hedging required on the US$75 million to US$100 million the company expects to raise through debt are thanks largely to the decision to initially raise funds through equity issues. In February the company issued 22.3 million shares, raising C$170.6 million in cash, and at the end of October another 20.82 million shares were issued raising C$172.8 million.

    “We took a lot of criticism for perceived dilution, to me dilution is negative when your share price goes down, and our share price has never gone down, so we have created value by issuing shares,” says Froneman.

    “If we had raised debt, that also provides some confidence to the market, but the problem is when you do that early on, the banks come with particularly rigid covenants, in other words they want to minimise their risk, so they force you into hedging positions and so on, which means you have to go and place contracts so they know the loop is closed in terms of business cycle.”

    Froneman insists that his company is not desperate for the money the debt would bring.

    “It’s not that we need the cash, we are cash flush at the moment, but as part of our ongoing business financing, we would like to gear up a bit.”

    He says the extra funds would go towards the funding of Uranium One’s Honeymoon project in Australia, prospecting work on existing projects and towards the acquisition of its U.S. assets.

    In July the company announced, through separate deals, the purchase of two of only four uranium mills in the U.S. The two deals involved the payment of $65 million in cash upfront and the issue of about 12.7 new Uranium One shares. Both deals are in the due diligence phase.

    sxr U.S. Acquisitions

    Froneman expects his company’s proposed acquisition of two uranium mills in the U.S. to be concluded by the end of January next year.

    “We are hoping to close both transactions no later than the end of January,” Froneman told I-Net Bridge. “We are in the final phases of the asset purchase agreements. The technical due diligence is basically finished and then we have to submit it to our board for approval.”

    According to the deal announcements made in July, Uranium One agreed to purchase the Sweetwater Mill and Green Mountain properties in Wyoming from Rio Tinto [NYSE:RTP; LSE:RIO] for $110 million in cash and shares and U.S. Energy's Shootaring Canyon Uranium Mill in Utah and various properties for $50 million in shares.

    Froneman says that along with U.S. Energy’s Shootaring Canyon Mill comes half of the Sheep Mountain deposit, which is located near to the Sweetwater Mill in Wyoming.

    “It could probably provide feed to the Sweetwater Mill,” says Froneman, “It needs transfer of ownership and we need to build a new tailings facility which will take about a year. People haven’t recognised that synergy between these two transactions.”

    Froneman says Sweetwater could be in production as soon as 2009, with Shootaring coming on line in 2010.

    In October, Uranium Power Corporation [TSXv:UPC], the company that owns the other half of the Sheep Mountain Project, released a statement indicating inferred mineral resources on the Sheep 1 and 2 deposits of 15.6 million pounds of uranium, grading 0.17% and historical figures of 6.5 million pounds of uranium at the North Gap deposit.
  9. [verwijderd] 27 november 2006 21:38

    iShares heeft een tracker Canada op de amex te verkrijgen...heb je meteen al die leuke mijnen in je bezit..ik kocht er gister 150, om mee te beginnen,nu na de mijnencorrectie..groet H6

    Kan iemand de naam geven van deze uraniumtracker ?

    Alvast dank, Jo.
  10. [verwijderd] 27 november 2006 22:07

    jokus schreef:

    iShares heeft een tracker Canada op de amex te verkrijgen...heb je meteen al die leuke mijnen in je bezit..ik kocht er gister 150, om mee te beginnen,nu na de mijnencorrectie..groet H6

    Kan iemand de naam geven van deze uraniumtracker ?

    Alvast dank, Jo.
    het is geen uraniumtracker, maar gewoon de ishares canada-tracker
  11. [verwijderd] 23 januari 2007 22:08
    Afwachten hoe de zaak zich gaat ontwikkelen. Zeer belangrijk voor de uraniummarkt:

    Cameco Says Cigar Lake Work Progressing “as Expected”

    By Maria Babbage
    22 Jan 2007 at 09:00 AM EST

    TORONTO (CP) -- Cameco's [TSX:CCO; NYSE: CCJ] stock dropped nearly 5% on heavy trading Monday, but the company said reclamation work on its Cigar Lake uranium mine in northern Saskatchewan is ''progressing as expected'' and that it will provide an update later this month as promised.

    Lyle Krahn, a spokesman for the Saskatoon-based uranium giant, said he's heard speculation about the mine, which flooded last year, but that work is progressing as expected since the company's last update in December.

    ''We are drilling holes and pouring concrete into the underground areas there as we had planned,'' he said in an interview.

    ''We had promised an update in January, and we will issue it in January.''

    Krahn declined to provide an exact date.

    Cameco's stock fell C$2.23 or 4.8% to C$44.42 with 4,060,967 shares traded, one of Monday's most actively traded stocks on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

    The flooding at Cigar Lake, a project the had hoped to bring into production in 2008, sent uranium prices soaring in 2006.

    Uranium prices nearly doubled last year, with some analysts forecasting an average price of US$100 per pound in 2007 as demand continues to outstrip supply.

    Construction at the deposit, which has proven and probable reserves of more than 232 million pounds of uranium at an average grade of 19%, began in January 2005. It came to a halt last April after water flooded a shaft at the project used mainly for underground ventilation during production after a valve broke, allowing water to enter the shaft.

    Then in October, two massive bulkheads failed to hold back water from a flood after a rock slide in a shaft about a half kilometre underground, flooding the entire mine and pushing back its completion by at least a year and adding ''significant'' costs to its estimated C$660-million price tag.

    In December, the company started round-the-clock work drilling holes to the source of the water inflow so it could pump in concrete. About 18 holes are planned, including four for removing water from the mine.

    However, it is not known when the mine will actually be able to come into production and some market watchers have speculated that the mine may never start commercial production.

    Cameco has also promised to provide preliminary capital cost estimates and a timeline for remediation in February.

    The mine is a joint venture 50% owned by Cameco, with Areva Resources Canada Inc. holding 37%, Idemitsu Uranium Exploration Canada with 8% and Tepco Resources Inc. at 5%. It is expected to produce 18 million pounds of uranium a year once it reached production.

    © The Canadian Press 2007
  12. [verwijderd] 23 januari 2007 22:10

    postzak schreef:

    Afwachten hoe de zaak zich gaat ontwikkelen. Zeer belangrijk voor de uraniummarkt:

    Cameco Says Cigar Lake Work Progressing “as Expected”

    Heb ik het goed begrepen dat je je uraniumpositie hebt uitgebreid of was dat meer richting edelmetaal?.

  13. [verwijderd] 23 januari 2007 22:25

    The Artist schreef:

    Afwachten hoe de zaak zich gaat ontwikkelen. Zeer belangrijk voor de uraniummarkt:

    Cameco Says Cigar Lake Work Progressing “as Expected”


    Heb ik het goed begrepen dat je je uraniumpositie hebt uitgebreid of was dat meer richting edelmetaal?.

    Zit wel wat in uranium, maar met name in zilver en goud (fysiek en exploratiebedijfjes). Heb uraniumpositie niet uitgebreid.
  14. [verwijderd] 13 februari 2007 14:36
    Uranium: A Question of Time
    Bob Kirtley MSc.
    February 11, 2007

    The British government recently announced its interest in the need for more nuclear power plants, so where will they get their Uranium?

    I recently had the honour of attending the BBC’s television show called Question Time, held in Canterbury, England. The panel was made up of politicians including Ken Clark, Simon Hughes, Harriett Harman, author Frederick Forsyth and another lady who is a member of the House of Lords whose name escapes me. Of the many topics that the programme tried to cover, the nuclear energy topic was the least understood, in my opinion. Simon Hughes a Liberal Democrat wanted to have a long, free and frank discussion about nuclear energy and Ken Clark a Conservative wanted to avoid another oil crises similar to that of the seventies. Time apparently is not a problem. No one mentioned the following relevant factors:

    We are using uranium at twice the speed we are producing it. The short fall is currently being filled by the dismantling of old nuclear warheads that will dry up shortly.
    The demand for energy from China, India and Asia is rocketing along with their fast paced modernisation programmes for 3 billion people
    Oil is in short supply and the oil that is available is vulnerable to a possible war or crisis in the Middle East.
    Coal is dirty, although there are various coal to oil gasification possibilities none currently being used have been proven to work effectively.
    Wind farms: how many, where and when? Wind simply does not have the power to compete with nuclear energy. Also even if all the suitable areas for wind farms in the United Kingdom were used, it would still only produce 10% of Britain’s power demands.
    The price of Uranium has risen from $6.40 a pound to $75 a pound as we write. Why? Could it be that old economic factor DEMAND?
    In Queensland Australia where I once lived and worked it is against the law to mine the old yellow cake at the moment. This has not stopped the Chinese doing massive deals to lock in the potential supply if and when the law should change and it will. Has anyone noticed that China has stopped the exportation of a number of metals for example tungsten? If you were in charge of China would you state the true number of nuclear plants that you are going to build and risk causing a stampede to buy uranium? No, you would first secure your supply of uranium far out into the future and then you would quietly tell the world. This isn’t difficult is it? They should be applauded for their vision in these matters.

    So, where does all this leave us? Well dear readers we are on the verge of some major consolidation in this market. Each nation, as it awakens to this new crises will flex its own financial and political muscle, as we have never seen before. We believe that we are looking at a uranium price of $200.0 plus in the near future. This will drive the price of uranium stocks through the roof and into uncharted territory. If you thought that DOT COM was a boom get into position and hang on for fortunes will be made, possibly exceeding those to made in gold and silver.

    On this site ( we share with you our thoughts, analysis, anxieties, our purchases and sales. We will also record our progress so that you are fully aware of which uranium stocks we investing in and why. Do your own due diligence before you put your hard earned cash on the table.

    Finally, please feel free to put your comments on our website as this will add balance to the Mother of all Debates, the Coming Uranium Bull Market, ready or not!

    Bob Kirtley MSc.
    February 11, 2007
  15. [verwijderd] 19 februari 2007 16:12
    Weinig interesse hier voor de uraniumsektor !?
    Heb zelf Paladin res + sxr uranium one + uex corp + urasia energy in portf, en deze zijn ongeveer 30% gestegen de laatste weken !
    De uraniumsektor blijft toch wel hot naar de toekomst volgens mij.
    Men zal er nog niet zo snel omheen kunnen wil m'n de globale opwarming van onze planeet voldoende in bedwang houden.

    gr Jo.
  16. [verwijderd] 19 februari 2007 18:38

    jokus schreef:

    Weinig interesse hier voor de uraniumsektor !?
    Heb zelf Paladin res + sxr uranium one + uex corp + urasia energy in portf, en deze zijn ongeveer 30% gestegen de laatste weken !
    De uraniumsektor blijft toch wel hot naar de toekomst volgens mij.
    Men zal er nog niet zo snel omheen kunnen wil m'n de globale opwarming van onze planeet voldoende in bedwang houden.

    gr Jo.
    Grootste probleem blijft hetzelfde als wat we ook bij goud en zilver zien: de jaarlijkse mijnproductie is kleiner dan de vraag. Verschil wordt met name opgevangen door Rusland...ontmanteling van hun arsenaal. In 2012 is dat over. Deels omdat het spul opraakt en deels omdat Rusland het voor zichzelf gaat houden. Als ik meer geld had, dan zou ik zeker een aantal uraniumaandeeltjes in porto aanhouden.

    gr postzak
  17. [verwijderd] 27 februari 2007 18:59
    Rake klappen binnen de uraniumsector. Veel aandeeltjes die tussen de 5 en 10% inleveren.
    Duidelijke reden zie ik niet echt, buiten een toch al slecht sentiment vandaag door wat er in de VS plaatsvindt (vrij uniek hoor zulke dalingen...). Winstnemingen zullen ook een rol spelen...maar verder?
  18. [verwijderd] 28 februari 2007 00:44

    postzak schreef:

    Rake klappen binnen de uraniumsector. Veel aandeeltjes die tussen de 5 en 10% inleveren.
    Duidelijke reden zie ik niet echt, buiten een toch al slecht sentiment vandaag door wat er in de VS plaatsvindt (vrij uniek hoor zulke dalingen...). Winstnemingen zullen ook een rol spelen...maar verder?

    Snap het ook niet helemaal, behalve het sentiment dan... Wel een hoop buy opportunities...
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ageas 5.844 109.903
Agfa-Gevaert 14 2.062
Ahold 3.538 74.349
Air France - KLM 1.025 35.278
Airspray 511 1.258
Akka Technologies 1 18
AkzoNobel 467 13.050
Alfen 16 25.214
Allfunds Group 4 1.517
Almunda Professionals (vh Novisource) 651 4.251
Alpha Pro Tech 1 17
Alphabet Inc. 1 418
Altice 106 51.198
Alumexx ((Voorheen Phelix (voorheen Inverko)) 8.486 114.826
AM 228 684
Amarin Corporation 1 133
Amerikaanse aandelen 3.837 243.794
AMG 971 134.286
AMS 3 73
Amsterdam Commodities 305 6.745
AMT Holding 199 7.047
Anavex Life Sciences Corp 2 495
Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 15.053
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 386
Arcadis 252 8.802
Arcelor Mittal 2.034 320.958
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.350
Aroundtown SA 1 221
Arrowhead Research 5 9.750
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.599
ASML 1.766 109.880
ASR Nederland 21 4.507
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 522
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.887
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 67
Azerion 7 3.449