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OIL, the Final Thread(/t?) - Deel 2

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  1. Koos Burema 7 juli 2006 11:30
    In het vorige deel van deze thread zijn er meer dan 1.000 berichten gepost. Om de forums overzichtelijk en leesbaar te houden hebben wij besloten om de oude thread te sluiten en door te gaan in een nieuwe thread: deel 2.

    De laatste pagina van deel 1 van 'OIL, the Final Thread(/t?)' kunt u vinden op:
  2. Boemba ~ de stem van de rede 7 juli 2006 11:40
    Lieve Koos, wil je dan wel verwijzen naar de laatste pagina van het opgevolgde topic?

    en blijven de topics wel tot het einde der tijden bestaan?

    ik vind die topics die al jaren lopen zo geweldig en die zullen later nog wel eens van waarde kunnen zijn...

  3. Koos Burema 7 juli 2006 11:46
    25 en Boemba,

    Edit: Ik had niet goed gekeken, het is gelukkig wel mogelijk om te verwijzen naar de laatste pagina van de thread. Bij deze gecorrigeerd, dank voor de oplottendheid.

    Topics/berichten blijven altijd bestaan op Het eerste bericht van 6 januari 1999 staat nog altijd in onze database. Daarnaast is het de bedoeling om bij meerdere delen van een thread, de links naar deze vorige thread(s) altijd in de startpost te zetten!

    Met vriendelijke groet,

    Koos Burema
  4. Smartie2000 7 juli 2006 13:07

    Ik ben geen voorstander van het aanmaken van een nieuwe thread wanneer een x aantal berichten wordt overschreden. Een thread is m.i. juist overzichtelijk. Jouw repliek zal waarschijnlijk zijn; zo zie jij het, maar ik zie het anders en ik ben de moderator.

    Als groot voorstander van de markt zou ik zeggen laat het aan de markt over. Indien de gebruikers een nieuw draadje willen omdat zij de huidige niet duidelijk vinden, dan kunnen zij dat doen. Uit het feit dat nog geen nieuw draadje is aangemaakt, kan worden afgeleid dat hier simpelweg geen behoefte aan is.

  5. [verwijderd] 7 juli 2006 15:11

    Smartie2000 schreef:


    Ik ben geen voorstander van het aanmaken van een nieuwe thread wanneer een x aantal berichten wordt overschreden. Een thread is m.i. juist overzichtelijk. Jouw repliek zal waarschijnlijk zijn; zo zie jij het, maar ik zie het anders en ik ben de moderator.

    Als groot voorstander van de markt zou ik zeggen laat het aan de markt over. Indien de gebruikers een nieuw draadje willen omdat zij de huidige niet duidelijk vinden, dan kunnen zij dat doen. Uit het feit dat nog geen nieuw draadje is aangemaakt, kan worden afgeleid dat hier simpelweg geen behoefte aan is.


  6. [verwijderd] 12 juli 2006 16:48
    Oil jumps as crude supplies fall
    Government reports 6 million barrel drop, prices race towards $75.
    By Steve Hargreaves, staff writer
    July 12 2006: 10:37 AM EDT

    NEW YORK ( -- Oil prices rose Wednesday after the government said supplies of crude oil were far below estimates.

    U.S. light crude for August delivery gained 64 cents to $74.80 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Crude was up 9 cents just prior to the report's release.

    The Energy Information Administration, in its weekly stockpile report, said crude supplies fell by 6 million barrels. Analysts were looking for a 1.2 million barrel decline, according to Reuters.

    Gasoline supplies fell by 400,000 barrels, while distillates, used to make heating and diesel fuel, rose by 2.6 million barrels. Analysts were looking for a 100,000 barrel drop in gasoline stocks and a 1.6 million barrel build in distillates.
  7. [verwijderd] 18 juli 2006 16:59

    postzak schreef:

    Ben ff tijdje van huis geweest...wat is de top van olie tot vandaag?

    gr Postzak
    CORRECTED: Oil rises above $76 on Mideast conflict By Alex Lawler
    38 minutes ago

    LONDON (Reuters) - Oil rose above $76 a barrel on Tuesday as conflict between Israel and Hizbollah raised concern the violence could spread in the Middle East, source of almost a third of the world's oil.


    Israeli warplanes battered Lebanon on Tuesday, killing 26 people, and more Hizbollah rockets hit the Israeli city of Haifa, with no sign that diplomacy would halt the week-old conflict soon.

    "It's a very serious situation and the potential for it to spread is still there," said Kevin Norrish, oil analyst at Barclays Capital. "The risk is that prices will move higher, and certainly not fall very far."

    U.S. light sweet crude rose 75 cents to $76.05 a barrel by 1410 GMT. London Brent crude gained 97 cents to $76.89 a barrel.

    Oil in New York hit a record high of $78.40 on Friday and is up 25 percent this year because of the Middle East fighting, the row over Iran's nuclear program and a flow of investor money into commodities.

    Traders fear the violence, triggered when Hizbollah seized two Israeli soldiers and killed eight on July 12, could engulf major regional crude oil producers.

    "The market's biggest fear is that Iran, a financial backer of Hizbollah and OPEC's number two supplier, could be drawn into the conflict," said Andrew Harrington from ANZ Bank.

    The conflict threatens to suck in Hizbollah's Syrian and Iranian allies and to inflame the nuclear row between the West and Iran, keeping the heat under prices, analysts say.

    "You still have a very real possibility that Syria gets involved and Iran gets involved," said Mike Wittner, an oil analyst at investment bank Calyon.

    "The risk of events, from Israel-Lebanon to Iran's nuclear issue to Iraq, in the short term lies to the upside."

    Iran funded and supplied Hizbollah during the 1980s but denies providing weapons in the latest round of violence.

    Syria's crude exports continued without disruption on Tuesday, an official at state oil company Sytrol said. Sytrol exports around 6 million barrels of crude oil a month.

    As well as threats to supplies, rising demand in the United States, the world's largest oil consumer, and strong economic growth in China are also supporting oil prices.

    Gasoline inventories in the United States, where the peak demand driving season is in full swing, were predicted in a Reuters survey to have fallen by 800,000 barrels last week.

    And China on Tuesday reported second-quarter growth of 11.3 percent, faster than the 10.5 percent predicted by analysts. The country is the world's second-largest oil consumer.

    (Additional reporting by Felicia Loo)
  8. [verwijderd] 18 juli 2006 17:01

    The artist schreef:

    Ben ff tijdje van huis geweest...wat is de top van olie tot vandaag?

    gr Postzak

    CORRECTED: Oil rises above $76 on Mideast conflict By Alex Lawler
    38 minutes ago

    LONDON (Reuters) - Oil rose above $76 a barrel on Tuesday as conflict between Israel and Hizbollah raised concern the violence could spread in the Middle East, source of almost a third of the world's oil.


    Israeli warplanes battered Lebanon on Tuesday, killing 26 people, and more Hizbollah rockets hit the Israeli city of Haifa, with no sign that diplomacy would halt the week-old conflict soon.

    "It's a very serious situation and the potential for it to spread is still there," said Kevin Norrish, oil analyst at Barclays Capital. "The risk is that prices will move higher, and certainly not fall very far."

    U.S. light sweet crude rose 75 cents to $76.05 a barrel by 1410 GMT. London Brent crude gained 97 cents to $76.89 a barrel.

    Oil in New York hit a record high of $78.40 on Friday and is up 25 percent this year because of the Middle East fighting, the row over Iran's nuclear program and a flow of investor money into commodities.

    Ok, merci. Dan maken we weer kans op een record vandaag.

    Het valt me op dat de "olies" het de laatste tijd niet geweldig doen. Het blijft allemaal wat hangen, ondanks een opgelopen olieprijs.
    Is "men" bang voor vraagvernietiging? Ik kan het niet helemaal plaatsen.

    gr postzak
  9. faites-vos-jeux 27 juli 2006 10:15
    ene Jackson tipte net op CNBC Occidental Petroleum en Valero (benzine); begin gesprek heb ik gemist; heeft iemand nog andere tips van deze meneer opgevangen? kan me voorstellen dat hij ook wat heeft gezegd over Exxon (cijfers vanavond)
  10. [verwijderd] 2 januari 2007 14:30
    Mild weather leaves oil cold

    Trading limited due to U.S. day of mourning, holidays in Japan and Singapore.

    January 2 2007: 8:08 AM EST

    LONDON (Reuters) -- Oil hovered above $61 a barrel on Tuesday in thin trade as mild weather in the United States capped demand for winter fuel.

    Oil markets in Japan and Singapore were shut for a holiday.

    Trading floors in New York will also remain closed to honour the memory of former U.S. President Gerald Ford.

    Energy winners and losers in 2006
    U.S. crude rose 20 cents at $61.25 by 7:40 EST in Globex electronic trading, adding to Friday's 52-cent gain.

    London Brent crude prices climbed 32 cents to $61.18.

    "We don't expect to see any dramatic moves this week, as many players are away, but markets should be back in full swing by next week," Edward Meir of Man Financial said in a research note.

    Oil prices were kept subdued by continued mild weather in the U.S. Northeast, the world's top heating oil market.

    Weather forecaster DTN Meteorlogix predicted temperatures in the U.S. Northeast would be as much as 16 degrees Fahrenheit (8 degrees Celsius) above normal this week.

    Many forecasters predict warmer-than-average temperatures will linger until next week.

    U.S. oil prices settled the year at $61.05 a barrel, one cent higher than the final day of trading in 2005.

    NYMEX has fallen more than $17 since its record of $78.40 in July, and averaged $66.24 in 2006.

    Many analysts predict prices will slip this year as output from non-OPEC oil producers increase.

    "Supply from non-OPEC countries is going to continue going at a decent pace and OPEC will periodically have to cut its production to keep the market in balance," said Tony Dolphin, director of economics and strategy at Henderson Global Investors. This will keep downward pressure on the oil price.

    A Reuters running poll of 34 analysts showed the average U.S. crude price for 2007 at $63.48.

    That helped offset bearish news from Russia, which reached a last-minute agreement on Monday with Belarus over gas prices. The deal helped avert a potential disruption for customers in Europe.

    Leading oil stocks ended 2006 on a low note in Friday trading. Exxon Mobil Corp. (Charts), ConocoPhillips (Charts) and Chevron Corp. (Charts) were all down about 1 percent, while BP (Charts) edged downward 0.15 percent.

  11. [verwijderd] 2 januari 2007 15:55

    postzak schreef:

    Mild weather leaves oil cold
    Waarom schop je dit oude draadje omhoog? Er zijn recentere oil draadjes.

    Dit maakt het niet echt duidelijker :0
  12. [verwijderd] 2 januari 2007 16:42

    mvd1968 schreef:

    Mild weather leaves oil cold

    Waarom schop je dit oude draadje omhoog? Er zijn recentere oil draadjes.

    Dit maakt het niet echt duidelijker :0
    omdat dit de oorsprongkelijke oliedraad was.

  13. [verwijderd] 2 januari 2007 16:45

    The Artist schreef:

    omdat dit de oorsprongkelijke oliedraad was.
    beetje vaag om na 6 maanden deze draad ineens weer belangrijk te maken.

    Het zal wel aan mij liggen ;)
  14. [verwijderd] 13 april 2007 03:45
    Oil inventories post sharpest fall in 10 years

    Friday, April 13, 2007

    Oil stocks in consumer nations recorded the biggest first-quarter drop in a decade and may fall further in coming months, the International Energy Agency said, keeping the heat under crude prices.
    In its April monthly report Thursday, the adviser to 26 industrialized countries also shaved its 2007 world oil demand forecast by 250,000 barrels per day to 85.8 million bpd.It left growth in oil use unchanged.

    Oil inventories are falling as supply cuts by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries kick in.

    Lower stocks have helped boost US crude prices to US$62 (HK$483.60) a barrel from below US$50 in mid-January.

    "There has been a sharp stockdraw in the first quarter," said Lawrence Eagles, head of the IEA's Oil Industry and Markets Division.

    "It's clearly had a tightening impact and we think it's going to carry on having a tightening impact on the market."

    Inventories in the OECD fell by 80.5 million barrels in February.

    Preliminary March data for the United States, Japan and Europe suggest OECD stocks may fall by about 1 million bpd in the first quarter, the agency said.

    That would be the highest rate of decline since the same period in 1996, the IEA said, although final data are needed to confirm the extent of the inventory drop.

    Oil prices ticked higher after the IEA report was released.

    US crude was up US$1.24 at US$63.25 a barrel mid-morning Thursday in New York.

    The IEA also lowered its world oil demand forecast for 2006 as well as for this year, leaving the rate of oil demand growth in 2007 virtually unchanged at 1.8 percent, or 1.5 million bpd.

    Lower OPEC production contributed to a 265,000 bpd drop in world oil output last month to an average of 85.3 million bpd.

    OPEC's 10 members, excluding Iraq and Angola, bound by the group's production cut agreements trimmed supply in March by 195,000 bpd to 26.5 million bpd, the IEA said.

    Supply is lower than that needed to allow inventories of crude to increase in the spring, the IEA said.

    This indicated stocks may decline further should OPEC keep pumping at present rates.

    "OPEC supply curbs since last autumn have coincided with two quarters of heavy OECD stock draws and output remains below the level needed to generate the usual spring crude stock build," the report said.

    "With apparently sharp draws in commercial inventory seen in 4Q06 and 1Q07, and a still-tight margin of spare capacity, current OPEC production could imply a further marked tightening in stocks in months to come."

    The group that pumps more than a third of the world's oil opted to maintain supplies at a meeting last month.

    At the last two meetings, it agreed to curb output by 1.7 million bpd, roughly 6 percent. Because of lower demand, the IEA cut its estimates of the need for OPEC oil to between 30.4 million bpd and 31.5 million bpd in 2007, down 200,000 bpd and 100,000 bpd, respectively, from last month.
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