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BAM november 2024

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  1. forum rang 6 bartbas 1 november 2024 11:53

    gpjf schreef op 1 november 2024 11:40:

    Dat zou inderdaad een gokje waard zijn maar zit vol in Bam en in en wil ruimte houden om bij forse daling van stevig bij te kopen. Ik ben er namelijk van overtuigd dat er een geweldig spel op de achtergrond aan de gang is en je op dit koersniveau ( gak 1,25) geen builen kan vallen.

    Builen vallen doe je niet en een cpaar centen winst is al gauw meerdere procenten. Ik verwacht echter op korte termijn weinig beweging. Las vanmorgen dat ik meen DHL slecht gepresteerd heeft in het achterliggende kwartaal. Kwam vooral omdat internationale pakketpost sterk teruggevallen was. Kan het artikel nu niet meer terugvinden.
  2. forum rang 6 bartbas 1 november 2024 11:56
    Normaal zakt bam in de tweede helft van de ochtend weg. Gebeurt nu niet. geeft hoop. stijging wordt niet breed gedragen, omzet is laag. Stroom verkopers is kennelijk opgedroogd.
  3. forum rang 8 HenkdeV 1 november 2024 12:31
    Vanmiddag het Amerikaanse banenrapport over oktober. Economen voorzien gemiddeld een toename van het aantal banen met 117.500, na nog een stijging van 254.000 in september. De werkloosheid blijft naar verwachting onveranderd op 4,1 procent. (14.30 uur)
  4. forum rang 6 gpjf 1 november 2024 12:38
    Toch opvallend het grote verschil in stijging tussen BAM en Heijmans
  5. forum rang 8 HenkdeV 1 november 2024 12:50

    gpjf schreef op 1 november 2024 12:38:

    Toch opvallend het grote verschil in stijging tussen BAM en Heijmans
    H. is gisteren met (weinig zeggende) berichten naar buitengekomen.
    Op zich heb je daar niets aan, maar ze zijn ook nergens op teruggekomen.
    Dus de afgegeven verwachtingen (en die zijn goed) zijn nog van kracht.
    De omzet is ook behoorlijk, het daggemiddelde van de afgelopen 3 maanden is al meer dan bereikt.

    Bij B. moeten we nog even wachten op de berichten.
    Heel weinig omzet.
  6. forum rang 6 gpjf 1 november 2024 14:19
    Het lijkt wel of de klok stil staat maar misschien kijk ik teveel naar de koersen hahaha
  7. forum rang 8 HenkdeV 1 november 2024 14:48
    vrijdag 1 november 2024

    Amerikaanse banengroei minimaal door natuurgeweld en stakingen
    ABM Financial News

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De werkgelegenheid in de Verenigde Staten is in oktober toegenomen met slechts 12.000 banen, terwijl de werkloosheid stabiliseerde op 4,1 procent. Dit bleek vrijdag uit het banenrapport van het Amerikaanse ministerie van arbeid.

    De cijfers zijn vermoedelijk vertekend door de impact van orkanen en (haven)stakingen.

    De markt rekende voor oktober op een banengroei van 100.000.

    In september kwamen er nog 223.000 banen bij, waar aanvankelijk voor die maand 254.000 banen werden gemeld. Voor augustus werd de banengroei aangepast van 159.000 naar 78.000.

    De werkloosheid stabiliseerde in oktober op 4,1 procent, terwijl de participatiegraad uitkwam op 62,6 procent.

    De verdiensten per uur stegen afgelopen maand met 0,13 dollar, of met 0,4 procent, naar 35,46 dollar. De loongroei bedroeg in oktober 3,99 procent op jaarbasis, van 3,97 procent in september. Gerekend werd op een loongroei van 4,0 procent.

    De euro/dollar steeg na het banenrapport naar bijna 1,09. De Amerikaanse tien- en tweejaarsrente daalden met 4 en 8 basispunten.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
  8. forum rang 8 HenkdeV 1 november 2024 17:38
    Nabeurshandel nog ruim een eurocent van de koers af, met een omzet van 130.000 aandelen.
    Maar beter iets dan niets.
  9. forum rang 6 OnoMatopee 1 november 2024 18:05
    DWS Investment GmbH - Koninklijke BAM Groep N.V. - Bunnik

    Hieronder vindt u informatie uit het register substantiële deelnemingen en bruto shortposities. Deze informatie is door de organisatie verstrekt.

    Datum meldingsplicht 31 okt 2024
    Meldingsplichtige DWS Investment GmbH
    Uitgevende instelling Koninklijke BAM Groep N.V.
    Inschrijving handelsregister 30058019
    Plaats Bunnik
    Vorige register resultaat
    Volgende register resultaat
    Verdeling in aantallen (longpositie)
    Soort aandeel Aantal aandelen Aantal stemmen Kapitaalbelang Stemrecht Wijze van beschikken Afwikkeling
    Gewoon aandeel 6.459.025,00 11.968.576,00 Reëel Reëel Middellijk
    (DWS Investment GmbH)
    Procentuele verdeling (longpositie)
    Soort aandeel Totale deelneming Rechtstreeks reëel Rechtstreeks potentieel Middellijk reëel Middellijk potentieel
    Kapitaalbelang 2,27 % 0,00 % 0,00 % 2,27 % 0,00 %
    Stemrecht 4,21 % 0,00 % 0,00 % 4,21 % 0,00 %

    Datum laatste update: 01 november 2024
    WAS GISTEREN 1,40% 2,97%
  10. forum rang 4 JVDP 1 november 2024 18:16

    HenkdeV schreef op 1 november 2024 11:01:


    Voor omzet moet je vandaag bij Fugro zijn.
    Gaat behoorlijk door de mangel na publicatie cijfers.
    Klein plukje gekocht.
    Ik ben in de calls Fugro gesprongen, wat een koersverlies vandaag voor de Fugro beleggers.
  11. forum rang 6 bartbas 1 november 2024 20:00

    JVDP schreef op 1 november 2024 18:16:


    Ik ben in de calls Fugro gesprongen, wat een koersverlies vandaag voor de Fugro beleggers.
    Niet onverstandig. Fugro zal de komende dagen geen 16 % stijgen. Maar de kans op de helft lijkt me reëel. Iex handhaaft eerder koersdoel.
  12. forum rang 6 OnoMatopee 4 november 2024 08:46
    Weekly share repurchase programme update as of 4 November 2024

    Bunnik, the Netherlands – Royal BAM Group nv has repurchased 612,761 of its own shares in the period from 28 October 2024 up to and including 1 November 2024 at an average price of €4.34. The consideration for this repurchase was €2.7 million.

    In the aggregate BAM has repurchased 13,914,133 shares, for €55.4 million in total, up to and including 1 November 2024 of its share buyback programme for 7,216,389 ordinary shares as confirmed on 3 May 2024 to offset for the dilution effect due to the issue of stock dividend, and for the additional share buyback of approximately €30 million, as announced on 15 February 2024 (of which 89.9% is now completed).
  13. forum rang 6 OnoMatopee 4 november 2024 08:49
    Druk achter kernenergie: ’Naar betaalbare energierekening’

    Mike Muller - Coalitiepartij VVD en oppositiepartij CDA bundelen de krachten nu het kabinet-Schoof veel te weinig vaart maakt met de uitrol van kernenergie. Met name kleine kerncentrales (zogeheten SMR’s) moeten al in 2035 actief zijn, vinden CDA-fractievoorzitter Henri Bontenbal en VVD-Kamerlid Silvio Erkens. Zij presenteren maandag een versnellingsplan aan VVD-minister Sophie Hermans (Klimaat en Groene Groei).
  14. forum rang 6 bartbas 4 november 2024 09:35

    OnoMatopee schreef op 4 november 2024 08:46:

    Weekly share repurchase programme update as of 4 November 2024

    Bunnik, the Netherlands – Royal BAM Group nv has repurchased 612,761 of its own shares in the period from 28 October 2024 up to and including 1 November 2024 at an average price of €4.34. The consideration for this repurchase was €2.7 million.

    In the aggregate BAM has repurchased 13,914,133 shares, for €55.4 million in total, up to and including 1 November 2024 of its share buyback programme for 7,216,389 ordinary shares as confirmed on 3 May 2024 to offset for the dilution effect due to the issue of stock dividend, and for the additional share buyback of approximately €30 million, as announced on 15 February 2024 (of which 89.9% is now completed).
    Nog even en de steun voor de koers van Bam valt weg door dat de aandeleninkoop is voltooid. Wanneer de cijfers goed zijn , is dat geen probleem. Omgekeerd zullen we het wel merken.
  15. forum rang 6 OnoMatopee 4 november 2024 09:54
    Important milestone reached as bridge deck and temporary staircases installed for new footbridge at St Erth

    (News release Network Rail:) The bridge deck and temporary staircases for Network Rail’s new accessible footbridge at St Erth have been successfully installed. The previous listed footbridge was carefully dismantled last weekend and will be taken to East Somerset heritage railway.

    The project is part of the Department for Transport’s Access for All scheme and continues Network Rail’s investment on the St Ives branch line, which carries a million passengers a year, supporting tourism and businesses in the area.

    Weighing 50 tonnes, the new footbridge deck was lifted into place by a 1,000-tonne crane in October. It was lifted from the front of the station and carefully installed over the railway. The temporary staircases were installed soon afterwards and on Saturday night the listed footbridge was gently lifted out.
    Important milestone reached as bridge deck and temporary staircases installed for new footbridge at St Erth

    The work, by Network Rail’s contractor BAM Nuttall, took place over several weekends after trains had stopped running, meaning there was no disruption for passengers.

    It’s the second major stage of work after two lift shafts and steel to support the deck and staircases were installed back in July.

    The next stage will see two permanent staircases lifted into place. To create space for them, the existing footbridge was carefully dismantled and will be rebuilt at Cranmore station on the East Somerset heritage railway. At present, temporary staircases are in place to allow passengers to use the footbridge.

    Work will then continue to complete the lifts at the Grade II-listed station, built in 1852.

    St Erth is home to Cornwall’s first multi modal hub, a project led by Cornwall Council with support from the European Regional Development Fund, to improve links between the station, A30 and bus services.

    Alina Wolfe Murray, senior sponsor at Network Rail, said: ‘This is another key milestone successfully reached and passengers can now use their new footbridge with the installation of these temporary staircases. By the next busy summer holiday season, St Erth will be a much easier station to use.’
    Important milestone reached as bridge deck and temporary staircases installed for new footbridge at St Erth

    BAM Nuttall senior project manager Yan Sayles said: ‘The people of Cornwall expect a rail service which is accessible for everyone, and we’re delighted to be playing our part in delivering these improvements, helping to keep communities connected across the south west. We’re looking forward to seeing the new bridge put to good use, in the meantime our team will be working hard to complete the project with minimal impact on the travelling public.’

    Richard Pears, Cornwall Council cabinet portfolio holder for transport, said: ‘The new footbridge will be a great addition to the station, ensuring access for all. The multi modal hub has increased the numbers of people making rail journeys to and from the station and reflects our wider ambitions for public transport in Cornwall – improving transport infrastructure so that residents and visitors have options for cutting down on the number of car journeys and travelling more sustainably.’

    Gary Amos, volunteer project manager at East Somerset Railway, said: ‘We are delighted that the old bridge has been successfully dismantled, and look forward to giving this iconic structure its new lease of life at the East Somerset Railway. Work is already underway to establish new foundations for the bridge at Cranmore and we hope to complete refurbishing the structure and re-erect the bridge by the end of 2025. This will make a significant improvement to our visitor experience at Cranmore Station by giving access to our recently completed second platform.’
  16. forum rang 6 OnoMatopee 4 november 2024 09:55
    Newbiggin RNLI lead local environmental initiative

    (News release Royal National Lifeboat Institution:) A RNLI beach safety project to remediate pollution has been hailed a success thank to the efforts of a large volunteer team.

    Lyne Sands south is located 2 mile north of Newbiggin RNLI, a popular area for walkers and beach users particularly as it is part of the Northumberland Coast Path. However significant deposits of beach debris in this area have created hazards for the users and in certain cases, their pets. Northumberland County Council are currently engaged with a £5 million scheme further north to clean the coastline and this volunteer driven project was seen as an opportunity to extend and complete a full clean and safety improvements on the southern flank of the bay. Over several months discussions have taken place with the Council and their contractor BAM UK to gain support as well as other interested parties who could work with the RNLI to deliver a clean-up.

    The planning came together earlier in the month with over 50 volunteers taking part throughout a challenging day and achieving a major clean up. Along with RNLI volunteers and staff others came from Northumberland County Council, BAM UK, Lynemouth Power, Northumbrian Water, Ashington Litter Pickers, Crows Nest Group, Lynemouth Community group, Northumberland Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority, Creswell Pele Tower group, Newbiggin residents, Newbiggin Golf Club and the Lord Lieutenant of Northumberland office.

    Over 300 bags of rubbish were removed from the beach along with numerous bulky items including wagon tyres, conveyor belting, plastic pipes and sheeting, carpets and abandoned fishing ropes and pots which equated to 3.85 tonne of debris.

    Richard Martin from Newbiggin RNLI, who organised the event, thanked everyone for making such a big environmental improvement, adding: 'Over several months discussions have taken place with the Council and their contractor BAM Construct UK to gain support as well as other interested parties who could work with the RNLI to deliver a clean-up as well as promote a safer environment for the beach users and the wider water safety. In this the 200th year of the RNLI at the time when importance of protecting our environment this day was about bringing sustainability to the foreshore here, as well as helping nature thrive particularly for the ongoing space for shorebirds provisions.'
    Newbiggin RNLI lead local environmental initiative

    Photo: RNLI/Richard Martin.

    David Green from Northumberland County Council said: ‘We are proud to support the RNLI and the incredible volunteers who dedicated their time to this essential clean-up effort along the Lyne Sands. This initiative aligns perfectly with our mission to protect and restore our coastline, extending the impact of the Lynemouth Waste Management Scheme. The collaboration with BAM and local partners has created a safer, cleaner space for the community, beachgoers, and wildlife alike.’

    Jonny Purvis from BAM UK added: ‘This was a great initiative to be involved with and was an excellent opportunity for BAM to further contribute to the ongoing efforts to reduce waste and litter at Lynemouth Bay. The event was a tremendous success, further showcasing how a collaborative approach between organisations can deliver such great benefits. Not only does this work help protect and enhance the marine environment in the surrounding areas, but it also makes the beach safer and more inviting for both locals and tourists to enjoy.’

    Plans are already in hand for a second RNLI clean up event here in Spring 2025 to deliver improvements to water safety and safety along the shore as part of the wider RNLI sea safety initiatives.
    Notes to editors

    Newbiggin RNLI is based at Sandridge, Newbiggin by the Sea, Northumberland. The station was established in 1851 and currently operates an Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat 'Richard Wake Burdon'.
    RNLI Media contacts

    For more information, please telephone Richard Martin, RNLI Volunteer Lifeboat Press Officer Newbiggin on 07980 010544 or, Clare Hopps, RNLI Regional Communications Manager, North and East on 07824 518641 or or contact the RNLI Press Office on 01202 336789.

    If you would like to find out more about Newbiggin lifeboat station, its volunteers and its heritage then please look at the local website.

    Click here for the original news release.
    Key facts about the RNLI

    The RNLI charity saves lives at sea. Its volunteers provide a 24-hour search and rescue service around the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland coasts. The RNLI operates 238 lifeboat stations in the UK and Ireland and more than 240 lifeguard units on beaches around the UK and Channel Islands. The RNLI is independent of Coastguard and government and depends on voluntary donations and legacies to maintain its rescue service. Since the RNLI was founded in 1824, its lifeboat crews and lifeguards have saved over 146,000 lives.
  17. forum rang 8 HenkdeV 4 november 2024 10:33

    bartbas schreef op 4 november 2024 09:35:

    Nog even en de steun voor de koers van Bam valt weg door dat de aandeleninkoop is voltooid. Wanneer de cijfers goed zijn , is dat geen probleem. Omgekeerd zullen we het wel merken.
    In dit tempo duurt dit nog 5 weken.
  18. forum rang 6 bartbas 4 november 2024 14:28

    HenkdeV schreef op 4 november 2024 10:33:


    In dit tempo duurt dit nog 5 weken.
    Kan snel gaan Henk. Het gaat om 3 miljoen euro. Tegen een prijs van 4,45 zijn dit nog geen 700.000 aandelen. Wanneer de resultaten goed zijn is het verstandig om voor de cijfers zo veel mogelijk zonder koersopdrijving te kopen. Maar Bam zal de inkoper wel de vrije hand gegeven hebben en. Och niet met de concrete inkoop bemoeien. Anders wordt je al snel als een speculant gezien. Ik kan het niet meer terugvinden, maat het staat me bij dat ik op het forum gelen heb dat het streven was om voor de bekendmaking van de derde kwartaalcijfers de inkoop te voltooien.
    Dat idee is kortgeleden tegengesproken, dus zeg ik het niet met stelligheid.
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