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  1. forum rang 5 Dragstar 10 september 2024 00:06
    De nieuwe aanwerving van Tom Connelly, voormalig CEO van de American Chemical Society, en Chief Innovation Officer van DuPont heeft voorlopig geen indruk gemaakt op de beurs vandaag voor lightwavelogic.
    Min 1,92% (2,55 dollar ) na het verhandelen van 524.000 aandelen waarvan 31% als DarkPool-volume.
    Morgen spelen we verder.
  2. forum rang 5 Dragstar 10 september 2024 23:38
    2,56 dollar (+0,39%) na het verhandelen van 666.000 aandelen waarvan 35 % als DarkPool-volume.
    Morgen spelen we verder.
  3. forum rang 5 Dragstar 11 september 2024 23:35
    2,61 dollar (+1,95%) na het verhandelen van 598.000 aandelen waarvan een stevige 47 % als DarkPool-volume.
    Morgen spelen we verder.
  4. Mitchell. 12 september 2024 09:15
    Meeting with Michael Lebby
    Yesterday on September 10th, I sat down with Michael Lebby for a chat. I greatly respect him for how much he is willing to communicate with shareholders.

    I need to get a couple quick things out of the way.

    First, we all know Lebby can be conservative and tight lipped in some ways. Yes, he has made grandiose statements but he’s generally always very careful with what he says. He remained that way during our meeting and of course did not share any information that would be considered inappropriate or violate any securities laws. Both Luke and Ian from MZ Group sat in on the meeting, too.

    Second, Lebby knew what the share price was without looking at his phone. See…he DOES look at the share price despite that comment he made earlier this year that has been drastically taken out of context.

    Third, there was a moment during our meeting when we started talking about investor sentiment, the declining share price, and investor expectations. He was very empathetic, and it was a side of him I had never seen before. He knows there are shareholders who have lost a lot of money. He knows the dilution increases as the price goes down. He acknowledged that the blame falls on his shoulders and shareholders could call for his removal if the share price falls further.

    I mentioned to him that I’ve been following this company for 49% of my life, to be exact. He told me his time at LWLG is his longest at a single company. This company means so much to him, so when we were chatting about what I just mentioned above…it was somewhat a heartfelt moment.

    He truly wants nothing but to make this company a huge success. He knows without question that this technology is going to commercialize on a grand scale. I believe him. It’s easy to believe him when you talk with him in person and even easier when you have a deep understanding of the history of EO polymers and the photonics industry. LWLG has made incredible progress over the last 5 years.

    In no particular order, here are some highlights of the meeting:

    LWLG modulators have achieved energy efficiency below 1 picojoule per bit. For context, that is 75% lower power consumption than an EO polymer competitor’s PROJECTED figures per a presentation they gave in April. This is also below the estimated range LWLG provided in past presentations.
    On the energy consumption topic, I suggested to Lebby that he should provide estimated transceiver module power consumption in his presentations. Something that everyone can understand and something new to sink our teeth into. While he acknowledged my comment that EOP modulator-based transceivers could offer LPO-like power consumption levels, he will not provide estimated wattage figures until transceivers are complete. Depending on design, DSP used, etc…power consumption can vary so he doesn’t feel it is appropriate to put numbers out now. That is his general conservative attitude.
    We discussed two recent LightCounting reports that show the “TFLN and other” category. The 2023 report was segmented by transceiver sales by material type and the 2024 report was PIC sales for transceivers by material type. The 2024 report shows “TFLN and other” as $750 million per year by 2029. Lebby mentioned that he knows the people at LightCounting well and we can expect to see EOP broken out as its own category in the future. My opinion is the change will be made once the LWLG PIC chip is formally revealed with a T1 partnership. That’s what everyone is waiting for. I believe 9 figure revenue in the coming years is a very real possibility and I expect a future LightCounting report to support that. We know LWLG’s business model has potential to provide higher than usual photonics industry margins and could resemble those of OLED/Universal Display. 9 figure revenue has made OLED worth billions also with a very attractive dividend.
    Quick note. There will be a day when analysts start covering LWLG. Between the IPSR roadmap that Lebby has helped create and a LightCounting report that finally specifies EOP...the potential value is going to be crystal clear for any new eyes on the company.

    4) Lebby stressed to me that the team LWLG now has in place is the best it has ever been. The two new Board hires are strategic.

    Yvez LeMaitre - Lebby told me that the connections Yves brings to the table and his overall understanding of strategy within the photonics industry is immensely valuable. Lebby said something along the lines of, ‘you know I have access to many corner office executives in the industry…well Yvez has even more than I do’. Just because Yvez has deep experience with lasers does not mean LWLG has a laser issue. I brought that speculation up and Lebby thought it was ridiculous. By the way, Yves is pronounced “Eve”.
  5. Mitchell. 12 september 2024 09:17
    Tom Connelly – this was a fresh topic since his hire was announced on Monday. He was brought to the company by Joe Miller (no surprise and was my guess). When we discussed Tom, the overall point was that Lebby plans to build this into a big business across many industries and verticals and Tom is uniquely experienced in enabling widescale adoption of materials. It sounds like the next vertical will be a sensing application and would be a licensing type deal. Tom is a perfect team member to help with this.

    5) Regarding statements made at the May meeting about failure mechanisms. The end-users are no longer asking about performance because they know it is ready and where it needs to be. I’m probably going to botch the next few sentences, but this is my understanding. In the silicon/CMOS world, failure mechanisms are ‘standardized’ or very well known. Part of the statistical model building that LWLG is working on surrounds the failure mechanisms of EOP. LWLG seems to be in the process of creating a figure of merit for these failure mechanisms to ‘standardize’ them. Basically a metric to show the industry and remove the stigma associated with EOP once and for all.

    6) The failure mechanisms revolve around the known effects of oxygen interacting with laser light and its effect on the polymer. ALD encapsulation prohibits this, and the data shown at the recent Optica conference this summer shows that it is working. Lebby stressed very hard on the progress LWLG has made with its ALD over the last year or so. I asked about the Chromosol ALD they acquired a couple years ago. He said they’re “far more advanced than that now”.

    7) The 4x200G PIC – while he wouldn’t give me a precise update on it…we all know this is the ideal product right now for pluggable transceivers. Again, many of us saw what appeared to be multichannel modulators on the AMF wafers in person and a lab engineer mentioned they send “arrayed modulators” to “customers”. I believe that to mean samples to companies for testing/evaluation.

    8) A T1 deal – he of course wouldn’t give me any precise guidance on this, but he completely understands this is what shareholders are dying for right now. It is coming. When? He of course didn’t tell me. Lebby reiterated that he is not going to make a bad deal or give exclusivity for the sake of announcing a deal. I suggested he asks a favor to one of the partners just like AMF supposedly requested that LWLG announce them as a partner.

    9) Foundry partnerships - Lebby confirmed that they are working with more foundries than just AMF. He said AMF is doing an amazing job and he is extremely impressed with them. I told him I thought SkyWater was another since they’re Florida based where Marcelli spends time and I also called out the fact that “defense entities” was added as a possible customer to SEC filings in 2023. He didn’t have a comment.

    10) When discussing the LWLG team, Lebby told some stories about some of the advisors and how they are helping LWLG. For example, Chris Harder solved pump laser reliability (used for subsea fiber optic transmission I think) back in the day by figuring out that you needed to put a layer of sealant between the laser and fiber to avoid oxygen. Basically his experience with that is related to LWLG’s ALD efforts.

    11) Lebby confirmed that the material production abilities in-place today are ready for volume production and can supply enough material for millions of units. (This was also confirmed with the material team at the May lab tour…just wanted to reiterate).

    12) We got on the topic of when is ‘enough, enough’ in terms of engineering, etc. Lebby basically said they don’t need to engineer the material anymore. It is commercial ready. Could they keep modifying it to push the Tg and reliability even further? Yes. But he said it is not necessary. This was part of a conversation about other EOP materials/companies. He said Perkinamine is able to be integrated into transceivers without any more modifications to material. This was very great to hear.

    14) 400G per lane - We were talking about the roadmap and Lebby mentioned they will be addressing above 1.6T with 400G lanes. I said hold up what about 200G. He reassured me that is still today’s focus with the PIC. He said the point of the 400G demo earlier this year was to prove without a doubt that they have the next AND next generation covered. The end-users desire this capability and it is a major advantage for EOP compared to the incumbents. I then asked about 400G lanes with and without plasmonics. He confirmed to me that they can do 400G lanes using both approaches. He didn’t want to go into too much detail since they haven’t publicly released data on non-plasmonic 400G/lane modulators.

    All in all, huge thanks to Dr. Lebby for taking the time to meet with me. I know this summary won’t please everyone because I can't say with absolute certainty that a huge deal is going to be announced tomorrow. My takeaway is that the entire LWLG team is working as hard as possible and they are clearly working towards delivering a meaningful commercialization partnership soon.

    Lightwave Logic and Michael Lebby have my full support. For now lol
  6. Zitzak500 12 september 2024 11:41
    Koers doet weer helemaal niks ondanks deze teksten. Er is weinig vertrouwen in Lebby wat dat betreft. Een deal is het enige wat telt.
  7. Zitzak500 12 september 2024 13:12

    Sleenad Vosselaar schreef op 12 september 2024 11:46:

    Zitzak, shorter ? Hoe kan de koers iets doen als deze tekst op Reddit na de beurs van gisteren is verschenen?
    Wacht maar af.
  8. Sleenad Vosselaar 12 september 2024 20:20
    Bericht van Jeunke op Ihub :
    Als u de samenvatting leest, is het u misschien opgevallen dat 'exclusiviteit' nog steeds ter sprake komt. Dat geeft duidelijk aan dat één bedrijf het wil, 'alles!'
    Het betekent dat ten minste één derde partij het concurrentievoordeel en de aandeelhouderswaarde begrijpt die Lightwave biedt voor zijn toekomstige bedrijf.
    Lebby wil niet verkopen, omdat de potentiële waarde die in Lightwave is opgesloten zoveel groter is dan het data- en telecommarktsegment alleen. Het zou de aandeelhouders van Lightwave geen recht doen.
    Er zijn meer verticals om aan te pakken (marktsegmenten). Lightwave heeft er zojuist een aantal gecommuniceerd, waaronder sensing en Lidar. Dit vereist nieuwe financiering, focus en knowhow. Partnerschappen of joint ventures lijken passend.
    De boodschap van het bedrijf is nog steeds commercialisering in 2024. Lightwave moet aan 'meerdere tafels' en tegelijkertijd onderhandelen.
    Het eerste Tier 1-bedrijf dat het aanbod van Lightwave accepteert (bijv. licentieovereenkomsten, volledige overname voor een deel of alles, en/of mogelijke JV-partnerschappen voor andere verticals) zal het toneel vormen voor de rest van de bedrijven. Al deze opties zijn op de een of andere manier met elkaar verweven. Het kan daarna heel snel gaan. JMHO
  9. forum rang 5 Dragstar 13 september 2024 00:25
    Waarschijnlijk meer duiding binnenkort tijdens de conferentie in Frankfurt.
    Ondertussen kunnen de shorters goedkoop aandelen lenen aan een tarief van amper 2%.
    Vandaag plus 1,15 % (2,64 dollar) na het verhandelen van 483.000 aandelen waarvan 42 % als DarkPool-volume.
    Morgen laatste beursdag van deze week.
  10. forum rang 5 Dragstar 14 september 2024 00:28
    We eindigen deze beursweek op 2,67 dollar (+1,14%) na het verhandelen van 602.000 aandelen waarvan 41% als DarkPool-volume.
    Op weekbasis stijgen we 2,69 %.
    Volgende week spelen we verder.
    Goed weekend.
  11. forum rang 5 Dragstar 17 september 2024 00:15
    Moeilijke eerste beursdag van deze week voor lightwavelogic.
    Min 4,99% (2,55 dollar) na het verhandelen van 515.000 aandelen waarvan 49 % als DarkPool-volume.
    Morgen spelen we verder.
  12. forum rang 5 Dragstar 17 september 2024 23:56
    Vandaag maken we het verlies van gisteren goed met een stijging van 5,88% (2,7 dollar).
    Er werden 522.000 aandelen verhandeld waarvan bijna 44 % als DarkPool-volume.
    Morgen spelen we verder.
  13. forum rang 5 Dragstar 18 september 2024 23:32
    2,72 dollar (+0,74%) na het verhandelen van 500.000 aandelen waarvan 34 % als DarkPool-volume.
    Morgen spelen we verder.
  14. forum rang 5 Dragstar 20 september 2024 00:18
    2,8 dollar (+2,94%) na het verhandelen van 360.000 aandelen waarvan 37% als DarkPool-volume.
    Morgen laatste beursdag van deze week.
  15. WetNap 20 september 2024 09:49
    Beste Dragstar.
    Niet dat het er veel toe doet, maar volume was bij mij 406.000.
    Bedankt voor je waardevolle bijdragen die het forum levend houden.
    Want van ML nieuws moeten we het dit jaar niet hebben :-)
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