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  1. forum rang 10 voda 30 december 2022 07:48
    Woodside Energy Awards Liquefaction Contract for H2OK

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    30 Dec, 2022, 3:30 am

    Woodside Energy has awarded a major contract to Air Liquide Engineering and Construction for the liquefaction equipment at its proposed H2OK hydrogen project in Ardmore in Oklahoma. In accordance with the contract, Air Liquide will provide the engineering and fabrication of two 30 tonne per day liquefaction units which will liquefy hydrogen produced through electrolysis in preparation for storage, loading and transportation to customers.

    Air Liquide has been developing unique expertise in the entire hydrogen chain (production, storage, and distribution) for more than 60 years and brings to the project its extensive experience in advancing hydrogen ecosystems and its leading liquefaction technologies that are reliable, efficient, and specific to the needs of the project.

    The awarding of the liquefaction equipment contract follows Woodside’s selection of Nel Hydrogen Electrolyser AS, a subsidiary of Nel ASA, to design and develop alkaline electrolyser equipment for H2OK.

    The proposed H2OK project site in Ardmore is strategically located close to national highways and the supply chain infrastructure of major transport companies, as well as being in an area well suited for hydrogen production with good availability of water and renewable energy. Woodside will utilise these resources to produce liquid hydrogen for hydrogen fuel cell-powered commercial and heavy transport vehicles.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 2 januari 2023 08:10
    Hydrogen Train Rolls Off Assembly Line in Chengdu in China

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    2 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    Global Times reported that China's first hydrogen-energy urban train with independent intellectual property rights jointly developed by CRRC Changchun Railway & Chengdu Rail Transit officially rolled off the assembly line in Chengdu in Southwest China's Sichuan Province. The train adopted the key core technology of the Fuxing bullet train, with a maximum speed of 160 kilometers per hour.

    The train has a built-in hydrogen power system, which provides a strong and durable power source that can achieve a long battery life of 600 kilometers, according to Chengdu Daily.

    The hydrogen-energy city train adopted an energy supply mode that combines hydrogen fuel cell and supercapacitor to replace the original catenary power supply system. The energy is generated by the electrochemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen in the hydrogen fuel cell, and the reaction product is only water without any nitrogen and sulfur byproducts, and the reaction process is stable and the noise is low, said the report.

    A train of hydrogen-energy cars with a speed of 160 kilometers per hour can run 500 kilometers back and forth in a day, which can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 10,000 kilograms per year, the report said, citing experts.

    In addition, due to getting rid of the shackles of catenary operating conditions, the train can be widely used in existing non-electrified line sections, greatly increasing the application scope of urban vehicles, while avoiding the huge infrastructure investment and maintenance costs brought about by electrification transformation efforts.

    China has the ambitious plan to promote the development of the hydrogen-energy industry. According to the plan jointly released by the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration China will have about 50,000 hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles and its annual hydrogen production from renewable energy will reach 100,000 to 200,000 tonnes by 2025. Data from the NEA showed that China had over 270 hydrogen refueling stations by the end of June, which is quite a small network compared with the country's extensive presence of charging facilities for electric vehicles.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 2 januari 2023 08:11
    HYFLEXPOWER Demonstrator Tests Successfully Completed

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    2 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    ENGIE Solutions, Siemens Energy, Centrax, Arttic, the German Aerospace Center DLR and four European universities, together forming the Hyflexpower consortium, have announced the successful completion of the first stage of an innovative research project on renewable energy. Located at the Smurfit Kappa Saillat Paper Mill in Saillat-sur-Vienne in France, this program becomes the first industrial facility in the world to introduce an integrated hydrogen demonstrator.

    The aim of the HYFLEXPOWER project is to demonstrate that green hydrogen can serve as a flexible means of storing energy which can then be used to power an industrial turbine. The hydrogen is produced on site with an electrolyzer and used in a gas turbine with a mix of 30-vol. % hydrogen and 70 vol.-% natural gas for power generation.

    The project marks the implementation of the world’s first industrial-scale power-to-X-to-power demonstration with an advanced turbine with high hydrogen content fuel. In 2023, trials will continue to increase the hydrogen ratio up to 100%.

    This project will allow the partners to understand the technical feasibility of using hydrogen while retaining much of the existing energy infrastructure. This demonstrator would open great perspectives for industry.

    The project, first announced in 2020, involves significant funding by the European Commission, with two-thirds of the EUR 15.2 million investment coming from the EU’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation*. The next trials for the HYFLEXPOWER project are scheduled for Summer 2023.
  4. cdbe 3 januari 2023 08:56
    Everfuel signs long-term conditional HySynergy oxygen supply agreement
    Herning, Denmark, 03 January 2023 – Everfuel A/S has signed a conditional agreement with an undisclosed partner for supply of oxygen from HySynergy 2.0. This is the company’s first agreement to deliver oxygen made from electrolysis, thereby increasing the utilisation of the HySynergy facility in Fredericia, Denmark.

    Oxygen and surplus heat are both biproducts from green hydrogen production through electrolysis. The oxygen supply agreement will improve the overall utilisation and efficiency of the HySynergy 2.0 electrolyser facility and provide a long-term revenue stream. The agreement is conditional on final investment decision by the undisclosed partner for the construction of a process facility adjacent to HySynergy which will use the oxygen and Everfuels decision to progress HySynergy 2.0, which recently received DKK 246.3 million in Danish IPCEI funding.

    “Previously we have announced the contract for hydrogen supply to the Crossbridge Energy refinery subject to the now-granted DKK 246.3 million in IPCEI funding for HySynergy 2.0. With an agreement for oxygen offtake on HySynergy 2.0, we will have established a leading industrial-scale PtX facility. Combined with contracts on process heat to the local district heat operator TVIS from HySynergy 1.0 we utilise all primary products in the electrolysis process: hydrogen, oxygen, and surplus heat.” Said Jacob Krogsgaard, the CEO of Everfuel.

    The long-term contract includes payment for a capacity reservation of oxygen and a recurring payment for the oxygen supply. Everfuel expects a minimum revenue of EUR 1 million per year once the agreement is fully implemented with no expected additional cost to Everfuel. The company expects to provide further information as appropriate.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 3 januari 2023 10:44
    H2scan’s GRIDSCAN 5000 Receives FM Approval

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    3 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    Valencia California based world leader in providing hydrogen sensors for electric utilities and industrial markets H2scan is the first and only company to receive FM Approval for a hydrogen sensor with its GRIDSCAN 5000 product.

    Utilized in transformer health monitoring, the GRIDSCAN 5000 hydrogen sensor uses H2scan’s field-proven solid-state hydrogen sensor adopted by most dissolved gas analysis (DGA) transformer health monitoring solutions. This patented technology provides precision hydrogen concentration measurement directly in the oil, providing transformer owners including municipalities, utilities, and others with real-time indications of potential faults and issues within their transformer fleet. The sensor’s unique auto-calibration feature means no maintenance needed for over 10 years, making the GRIDSCAN 5000 the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO) sensor on the market.

    FM Approvals is the independent testing arm of international insurance carrier, FM Global. FM Approvals uses scientific research and testing to ensure products conform to the highest standards for safety and property loss prevention. Products that pass this stringent testing receive the “FM APPROVED” mark.

    The FM Approval process includes a comprehensive set of tests including temperature, vibration, repeatability, high concentration, and voltage variation tests – all of which are specified in FM Approvals FM6250 standard. They also include low-range and full-range accuracy tests, in transformer oil in hydrogen concentrations of 25 ppm, 100 ppm, 200 ppm, and 250 ppm, as well as 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 90% of the full range, respectively.

    H2scan was founded in 2002, and has its headquarters, sales, production and marketing staff in Valencia, California. The company’s Gen 5 technology provides the most accurate, tolerant, and affordable hydrogen sensors for a wide range of industrial leak detection and process gas monitoring markets including control systems, safety monitoring and alarm systems. H2scan sensors are also used for electrical distribution reliability and are ideal for measuring hydrogen concentration in fuel cells, electrolyzers and the hydrogen distribution pipelines to reduce carbon emissions. H2scan’s customer base includes some of the largest manufacturing enterprises in the world including ABB, Siemens, GE Energy, Qualitrol, DOD, ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron, Proctor & Gamble and more.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 3 januari 2023 10:48
    Hyundai Motor Supplies Hydrogen Trucks to Israel

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    3 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    Hyundai Motor has announced that its heavy-duty, hydrogen-powered XCIENT Fuel Cell truck is entering Israel, its first Middle East market, to establish a hydrogen value chain in the region. Hyundai Motor supplied three XCIENT Fuel Cell trucks to Israel as part of a partnership between its Israeli agency Colmobil, hydrogen producer Bazan and hydrogen refueling station operator Sonol to form a hydrogen value chain in Israel. The three heavy-duty trucks will be handed over to Colmobil, Bazan and Sonol, respectively, and will be put into commercial operations in the first quarter of 2023.

    The first vehicle to be used for commercial operations in the Middle East is a 4×2 XCIENT Fuel Cell truck delivered to Colmobil, equipped with a 180-kW hydrogen fuel cell system that can travel over 400 km on a single charge. It will be used to procure parts for Colmobil, with a daily operation range of about 330 km.

    XCIENT Fuel Cell is the world’s first mass-produced heavy-duty hydrogen electric truck and is currently being used in real-world commercial operations in Germany, Switzerland, Korea and New Zealand. The 47 units operating in Switzerland since October 2020 have achieved a cumulative mileage of over 5 million km through October this year, proving the truck’s reliability. Additionally, Hyundai Motor will deploy five XCIENT Fuel Cell trucks for the 2021 Targeted Airshed Grants program and 30 units for the NorCAL ZERO project, both in the US, during the third quarter of next year.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 5 januari 2023 07:58
    China's eerste waterstoftrein rijdt 600 kilometer op één volle tank
    Artikel van admin • Gisteren om 17:15

    Woensdag rolde de eerste waterstoftrein van China van de band in de zuidelijke stad Chengdu. Op een volle tank kan de trein 600 kilometer afleggen en een snelheid van 160 kilometer per uur behalen. Experts verwachten dat de trein zo’n 10.000 kilo CO2-uitstoot per jaar kan verminderen.

    © Aangeboden door Change Inc.

    De eerste Chinese waterstoftrein moet volgens experts 10.000 kilo CO2 per jaar verminderen ten opzichte van dieseltreinen. | Credit: Adobe Stock

    Treinen die rijden op waterstof zijn niet nieuw. Duitsland ging China al voor en ook in Groningen rijdt sinds kort een trein op waterstof. Hoewel treinvervoer in Nederland al redelijk duurzaam is (omdat treinen op hernieuwbare stroom rijden), is dat niet overal het geval. Op sommige plekken is het namelijk niet mogelijk om elektriciteitslijnen te trekken. In die situaties biedt waterstof een uitkomst.

    Eerste waterstoftrein in China
    In China zijn ze daar ook mee bezig. Het Chinese CRRC, producent van spoorwegmaterieel, onthulde afgelopen week de eerste Chinese waterstoftrein. De trein kan een snelheid behalen van 160 kilometer per uur. Zonder te tanken kan de trein in één keer 600 kilometer afleggen. Ter vergelijking: het wereldrecord is in september gevestigd door het Duitse Alstom met 1175 kilometer.

    10 ton CO2-vermindering per jaar
    De Chinese waterstoftrein bestaat uit vier delen en kan in totaal 1.500 passagiers vervoeren. De trein kan op grote schaal worden gebruikt, omdat het spoor niet aangesloten hoeft te zijn op geëlektrificeerde bovenleidingen. China verwacht dat de waterstoftrein de CO2-uitstoot ten opzichte van een vergelijkbare dieseltrein met 10 ton CO2 per jaar zal verminderen.

    Tot 20.000 ton groene waterstof in 2025
    Het Aziatische land zet vol in op de waterstoftechnologie. Tegen 2025 wil het zo’n 50.000 waterstofvoertuigen hebben. Daarnaast streeft het land naar een jaarlijkse productie van groene waterstof van 100.000 tot 200.000 ton in 2025. Dat bleek uit plannen die de National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) en de National Energy Administration (NEA) in maart openbaar maakten.

    Aanbod waterstoftankstations groeit
    Uit gegevens van de NEA bleek dat China eind juni meer dan 270 waterstoftankstations had. Vergeleken met Europa is dat een enorme hoeveelheid. Hier zijn naar schatting zo’n 150 waterstoftankstations. Vergeleken met China’s eigen elektrische oplaadpunten is het aantal van 270 waterstoftankplekken nog laag. Daar beschikt al één provincie, Guangdong, over meer laadpalen dan de hele Europese Unie.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 5 januari 2023 08:45
    Johnson Matthey & Honeywell to Advance Low Carbon Hydrogen

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    5 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    Honeywell and Johnson Matthey will work together to deploy low carbon1 hydrogen solutions. The companies will offer JM's innovative LCH technology, coupled with Honeywell's leading carbon capture technology to produce lower carbon intensity hydrogen (blue hydrogen) at scale. Ready to be deployed today, this offering will provide project developers a new option for producing clean hydrogen.

    The demand for hydrogen solutions is on the rise with public policies and funding mechanisms being put in place to encourage investment. With the evolving legislative environment, an integrated solution was identified with low process carbon intensity as a key target. According to JM- Honeywell UOP calculations, the result is a solution which will enable direct process emissions to be less than 0.1 kgCO2/kgH2 by capturing carbon rates above 99%2. This provides eligibility for production tax credits within the IRA, meaning projects can access the support they need to be deployed rapidly.

    This relationship also builds on the collaboration recently announced at the European Refining Technology Conference in Berlin, where JM is integrating differentiated Honeywell UOP technologies into its CLEANPACE offering for decarbonising existing synthesis (syngas) gas plants. Honeywell's advanced solvent carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and hydrogen solutions allow for CO2 to be captured, transported, and stored at a lower cost through greater efficiency, while allowing for smaller equipment and lower capital operational expenses needed to run the plant compared to existing technologies3.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 5 januari 2023 08:45
    SoCalGas Advances Angeles Link Hydrogen Infrastructure

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    5 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    The California Public Utilities Commission has approved Southern California Gas request to track costs for advancing the first phase of Angeles Link, a proposed green hydrogen pipeline system that could deliver clean, reliable, renewable energy to the Los Angeles region. As envisioned, Angeles Link could be the nation's largest green hydrogen pipeline system and support significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions from electric generation, industrial processes, heavy-duty trucks, and other hard-to-electrify sectors of the Southern California economy.

    In a final decision, the CPUC declared, "the public interest is served if SoCalGas begins conducting a feasibility study of the Project immediately." The agency also asked SoCalGas to join members of the Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES) in support of California's application for a share of $8 billion in available federal funds to support regional hydrogen hubs.

    Proposed in February of this year, Angeles Link would serve hard-to-electrify industries like dispatchable electric generation, heavy duty trucking and industrial processes. As contemplated, Angeles Link would deliver green hydrogen in an amount equivalent to almost 25% of the natural gas SoCalGas delivers today. In serving those industries, Angeles Link's green hydrogen could:

    Displace up to 3 million gallons of diesel fuel per day, or 1 billion gallons annually, and enable conversion of up to four natural gas power plants to run on clean renewable hydrogen.

    Eliminate nitrogen oxide (NOx) and carbon dioxide (CO2) equal to removing 3.1 million cars off the road annually.

    Generate billions of dollars in new?clean energy investments in the LA Basin and create?thousands of new union jobs.

    Over time and combined with other future clean energy projects, Angeles Link could also help reduce natural gas demand served by the Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility, facilitating its ultimate retirement, while continuing reliable and affordable energy service to the region.
  10. crxl 5 januari 2023 12:31
    Waterstof van Trend Invest, zou jullie hierin gaan ?
    of gewoon zelf fondsen regelen.
  11. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 5 januari 2023 12:48

    crxl schreef op 5 januari 2023 12:31:

    Waterstof van Trend Invest, zou jullie hierin gaan ?
    of gewoon zelf fondsen regelen.
    Persoonlijk altijd de voorkeur voor de fondsen. Goed huiswerk maken en per fonds kun je meer rendement maken.
    Een ETF heeft ook labielere fondsen de neerwaarts drukken en je bent afhankelijk van de deelname percentages per fonds.
  12. crxl 5 januari 2023 14:27
    dank je, mee eens.
    Wilde eigenlijk zelf een 5tal fondsen in een mandje doen.
    Huiswerk goed doen, belangrijk punt.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 5 januari 2023 15:27
    Groenland gaat groene waterstof en ammoniak produceren op gigawattschaal
    Artikel van admin • 24 minuten geleden

    Voor de kust van Groenland verrijst een groot en ambitieus, duurzaam energieproject. Het gaat om een windmolenpark met een capaciteit van 1,5 gigawatt. De elektriciteit van het windpark wordt op locatie gebruikt om groene waterstof en ammoniak te produceren. Dat zal gebeuren op de zogeheten P2XFloater van bedrijf H2Carrier, een drijvende waterstof- en ammoniakfabriek.

    © Aangeboden door Change Inc.

    Al drijvend groene ammoniak produceren; het kan op de zogeheten P2XFloater | Credit: H2Carrier

    H2Carrier prijst de P2XFloater aan als ’s werelds eerste drijvende ammoniakfabriek die groene ammoniak kan produceren op industriële schaal. Het grote voordeel van het schip is dat er geen land aangeschaft of gehuurd hoeft te worden. Daarnaast is de drijvende ammoniakfabriek mobiel en kan dus naar die plekken varen waar groene energie het goedkoopst is, ook per seizoen.

    Ammoniak wordt voor verschillende doeleinden gebruikt, zoals kunstmestproductie. Dat proces gaat echter gepaard met veel emissies. Naar schatting zorgt ammoniakproductie voor 2 procent van de wereldwijde CO2-uitstoot.

    Gerelateerde video: CEO DEME: 'Onze groene waterstof zal chemische industrie in Antwerpen helpen houden' (Kanaal Z)

    Huidige tijd 0:01
    Duur 30:00

    De P2XFloater wint zeewater dat aan boord wordt gezuiverd. Dit water wordt vervolgens gebruikt in de elektrolyse-installaties aan boord, die groene waterstof produceren. De waterstof wordt vervolgens gecombineerd met stikstof (dat uit de lucht wordt gewonnen) en gesynthetiseerd in een ammoniakgenerator. Zo ontstaat groene ammoniak, dat aan boord kan worden opgeslagen.

    Met een mechanische arm en slang kan de groene ammoniak vervolgens overgeheveld worden naar andere, kleinere schepen, die het vervolgens over de hele wereld kunnen transporteren. Mårten Lunde, CEO van H2Carrier, in een persbericht: “Industrieel gebruik van ammoniak gaat gepaard met significante hoeveelheden CO2-uitstoot. Met de P2XFloater bieden we een emissievrij alternatief.”

    Groene ammoniak
    H2Carrier slaat voor dit project de handen ineen met het Groenlandse windturbinebedrijf Anori. De bedrijven ondertekenden onlangs een intentieverklaring om het project te realiseren. Een tijdlijn is vooralsnog niet bekend. Nicolai Fossar Fabritius, voorzitter van de raad van bestuur van Anori, in hetzelfde persbericht: “Momenteel wordt slechts 1 procent van alle ammoniak geproduceerd met behulp van hiernieuwbare energiebronnen. Dat moet snel anders als we de doelstellingen van het Klimaatakkoord van Parijs willen behalen.”

    Voor meer, zie link:
  14. forum rang 10 voda 5 januari 2023 15:43
    Duitsland en Noorwegen werken aan waterstofpijpleiding
    Artikel van ANP • 2 uur geleden

    OSLO (ANP/BLOOMBERG) - Het Duitse energiebedrijf RWE en zijn Noorse branchegenoot Equinor zijn van plan een waterstofpijpleiding aan te leggen tussen Duitsland en Noorwegen. Dat zei de Duitse minister van Economische Zaken Robert Habeck in een interview met tv-zender ARD.

    © Copyright ANP 2023

    Habeck, die ook vicekanselier is van Duitsland, is tot vrijdag in Oslo en zal daar de Noorse premier Jonas Gahr Støre ontmoeten. Volgens de minister wordt daarbij gesproken over een "diepere samenwerking" op het gebied van technologieën voor waterstof en koolstofafvang- en opslag.

    Duitsland wil de uitstoot van koolstof tegen 2030 met 65 procent verminderen ten opzichte van het niveau van 1990 en klimaatneutraliteit bereiken tegen 2045. Noorwegen heeft vergelijkbare doelen gesteld. Om die te bereiken moeten de windparken op zee worden uitgebreid, faciliteiten voor koolstofafvang en -opslag worden ontwikkeld en olie- en gasplatforms worden geëlektrificeerd.

    Blauwe waterstof

    Duitsland, de industriële grootmacht van Europa, heeft zijn energiebeleid drastisch moeten herzien sinds de oorlog in Oekraïne. Het land werd daardoor gedwongen om zijn sterke afhankelijkheid van Russisch gas te beëindigen.

    Duitsland en Noorwegen zeiden in maart al dat ze zouden overwegen om een waterstofpijpleiding aan te leggen die de landen met elkaar verbindt. Gassco, dat de gaspijpleidingen exploiteert tussen Noorwegen en Europa, voert momenteel een studie uit om de haalbaarheid van een dergelijke pijpleiding te beoordelen. Dat onderzoek wordt naar verwachting in het voorjaar afgerond.

    De pijpleiding zal waarschijnlijk in eerste instantie blauwe waterstof vervoeren, die wordt geproduceerd door aardgas om te zetten en de uitgestoten koolstof op te vangen, verklaarde Habeck. Later kunnen ook nieuwe windparken op zee op de pijpleiding worden aangesloten en kan groene waterstof, gemaakt met energie uit duurzame bronnen, worden getransporteerd.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 6 januari 2023 07:59
    Snam4Mobility, CuboGas & HRS to Develop Hydrogen Mobility Solution

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    6 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    San Donato Milanese Italy based leader in providing integrated services for sustainable “smart green” mobility using natural gas and biomethane Snam4Mobility’s subsidiary Italian market leader in the design, development and production of technological solutions for the compression of natural gas, biomethane as well as hydrogen CuboGas and leading European designer and manufacturer of hydrogen refueling stations HRS have signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at launching a framework partnership to step up the development of efficient hydrogen mobility solutions for the EU market.

    HRS and CuboGas will work together to develop and implement new initiatives in hydrogen mobility infrastructure. More specifically, Cubogas is expected to become a non-exclusive supplier of hydrogen compressors to HRS, since the agreement will help integrate CuboGas solutions into HRS large stations (over 1 ton/day of hydrogen) for passenger cars and heavy-duty vehicles (including the ones expressed by Snam4Mobility).

    This prospective three-year framework agreement represents also a win-win strategy in terms of geographical footprint by allowing the rollout of HRS stations in Italy under decarbonized mobility projects coordinated by Snam4Mobility and supported by its consolidated experience in the sector. Ultimately, these joint solutions could be rolled out across both partners' commercial networks.

    To meet the EU's bold decarbonization targets for transport, Snam4Mobility, CuboGas and HRS have joined forces to share their know-how and create synergies in the hydrogen ecosystem, focusing on the development of refueling stations and related technologies.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 6 januari 2023 07:59
    HyTerra Update on Project Geneva Operations

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    6 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    HyTerra Ltd has provided an update on the Company’s upcoming flow testing operations at its Project Geneva in Nebraska, USA. HyTerra and its joint venture partner, Natural Hydrogen Energy LLC have agreed on the work program for flow testing of the Hoarty NE3 natural hydrogen exploration well. The purpose of the extended test is to record gas flow data over a period of several months to establish the hydrogen production potential of the well and measure key parameters that include gas composition, pressure and flow rate. The joint venture has engaged with service providers and is making the final selection of bids and mobilisation schedules for commencement in Q1 of 2023.

    The operation will involve installing an artificial lift system known as an electrical submersible pump. An ESP is a commonly deployed type of downhole pump that will be used to dewater the well and thereby remove the hydrostatic pressure on subsurface gases.

    It is anticipated this will allow hydrogen enriched gases to flow freely from two prospective zones. These zones are associated with elevated hydrogen concentrations that were detected during drilling and swabbing operations and were further defined by petrophysical analysis that identified increased rock porosity and gas saturation.

    Well data will be continuously measured at the well site and gas samples will be sent for independent laboratory analysis. These analyses will focus on the concentrations of hydrogen, as well as other commercially significant non-hydrocarbon gases that may coexist in the gas stream. This includes helium, which was observed as having elevated concentrations in previous gas sampling.
  17. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 6 januari 2023 10:59

    Another day @ the terrace schreef op 6 januari 2023 10:49:

    Ben wel benieuwd welke waterstof aandelen jullie hebben. Heb zelf plug, nel asa en impact coatings ( laatste is niet echt waterstof aandeel, maar toelevarncier.
    Zo veel mogelijkheden....
    Shell zou als grootmacht een interessant aandeel worden: bewust bezig met met H2 maken en distributie.

    Een nieuwe werkwijze om waterstof te maken: Sun Hydrogen! Zat hier in bij Binck/Saxo, omdat het (nog) een OTC aandeel is. Maar ik ben gestopt bij Saxo (veel te duur). Andere brokers bieden 'm niet aan.
    Ze hebben zich 'ingekocht' bij Teco 2030 (Scandinavische H2 maker) en ik verwacht hier een doorbraak over enkele jaren. Ik volg ze nog en stap in als ze de Nasdaq op gaan.
    Ze maken waterstof direct uit zonlicht via katalysator (in Leuven zit ook een variant, maar die lopen nog mijlen achter): H2 wordt hierdoor zeer goedkoop geproduceerd.
    Je ziet de "vlek" nu groter worden met joint ventures en samenwerkingen: het is wachten op een doorbraak.
  18. cdbe 6 januari 2023 11:14
    Nel ASA: Nel and Statkraft pave the way for a green hydrogen value chain in Norway
    (January 6, 2023 - Oslo, Norway) Hydrogen technology company Nel and Europe’s largest supplier of renewable energy, Statkraft, newly signed a contract for delivery of 40 MW of electrolyser equipment, and will thus collaborate to create a strong value chain for production of green hydrogen in Norway.

    “We are determined that we will contribute towards making Norway a leading producer of renewable hydrogen, and to establish an eco-system of electrolyser and equipment suppliers,” says Nel’s CEO Håkon Volldal and CEO of Statkraft, Christian Rynning-Tønnesen.

    The announcement was made in connection with the German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck’s visit to Nel’s fully automated electrolyser manufacturing facility at Herøya in Norway. The Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry, Jan Christian Vestre, is also joining the delegation together with his colleague, Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Terje Lien Aasland.

    The Ministers are enthusiastic about the two companies’ plans for a green hydrogen value chain in Norway.

    “It is encouraging that leading Norwegian players such as Nel and Statkraft are planning value chains for green hydrogen in Norway. This is an important step in the right direction to achieve our ambitions to build a coherent value chain for hydrogen and facilitate the production of hydrogen with no or low emissions to cover the national demand for hydrogen”, says Minister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Aasland.

    Statkraft recently placed a purchase order for 40 MW (link to press release) of alkaline electrolyser equipment from Nel. The electrolyser stacks will be produced at Nel’s manufacturing plant at Herøya and used for the production of renewable hydrogen in one of Statkraft’s many hydrogen projects.

    As Europe’s largest supplier of renewable energy, Statkraft has the ambition to accelerate its annual development rate to 4 GW of new power production per year and to add 2 GW of renewable hydrogen production by 2030. In Norway Statkraft will strengthen its efforts in developing new renewable power production as well as flexibility within hydropower and wind power both on- and offshore.

    “The contract with Nel is the first important step in materializing our ambitious target of 2 GW of green hydrogen and securing production capacity for our diverse pipeline of hydrogen projects,” says Rynning-Tønnesen.

    Volldal is very excited to have Statkraft on the customer list.

    “Statkraft is Europe’s largest producer of renewable energy and a well reputed and highly knowledgeable renewable energy company with an ambitious growth agenda. We are extremely proud that they have elected us as a supplier of green hydrogen technology,” Volldal says.

    “With this and other orders Nel is strengthening its position as a leading supplier and exporter of hydrogen equipment, which is crucial for the green transition in Europe and beyond, and for the development of new green jobs in Norway,” Volldal says.
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Forum # Topics # Posts
Aalberts 466 7.098
AB InBev 2 5.525
Abionyx Pharma 2 29
Ablynx 43 13.356
ABN AMRO 1.582 51.878
ABO-Group 1 22
Acacia Pharma 9 24.692
Accell Group 151 4.132
Accentis 2 267
Accsys Technologies 23 10.777
Ackermans & van Haaren 1 192
ADMA Biologics 1 34
Adomos 1 126
AdUX 2 457
Adyen 14 17.767
Aedifica 3 924
Aegon 3.258 322.974
AFC Ajax 538 7.088
Affimed NV 2 6.298
ageas 5.844 109.897
Agfa-Gevaert 14 2.052
Ahold 3.538 74.343
Air France - KLM 1.025 35.224
Airspray 511 1.258
Akka Technologies 1 18
AkzoNobel 467 13.046
Alfen 16 25.031
Allfunds Group 4 1.511
Almunda Professionals (vh Novisource) 651 4.251
Alpha Pro Tech 1 17
Alphabet Inc. 1 406
Altice 106 51.198
Alumexx ((Voorheen Phelix (voorheen Inverko)) 8.486 114.826
AM 228 684
Amarin Corporation 1 133
Amerikaanse aandelen 3.837 243.533
AMG 971 134.026
AMS 3 73
Amsterdam Commodities 305 6.740
AMT Holding 199 7.047
Anavex Life Sciences Corp 2 491
Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 15.027
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 384
Arcadis 252 8.787
Arcelor Mittal 2.034 320.856
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.335
Aroundtown SA 1 220
Arrowhead Research 5 9.749
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.534
ASML 1.766 109.079
ASR Nederland 21 4.502
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 521
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.711
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 66
Azerion 7 3.412