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  1. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 16 juli 2021 09:04

    Remykat schreef op 16 juli 2021 09:03:

    Beste forumleden, bedankt voor jullie bijdrage en uitleg. Ik blijf gewoon vasthouden, hopende op betere tijden. Wellicht in het najaar als er meer en meer over waterstof wordt gesproken.
    Succes allemaal
    Misschien vliegt er wel een waterstoftank in de lucht......!!!!
  2. cdbe 16 juli 2021 09:08

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 16 juli 2021 09:04:


    Misschien vliegt er wel een waterstoftank in de lucht......!!!!
    Mag de ridder dit ook allemaal blijven posten, dit heeft niets meer inhoudelijk te maken met het forum.
    Tis dan te hopen dat jij erop zit dan ben je ook eens van de grond geweest.
  3. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 16 juli 2021 11:55

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 16 juli 2021 09:04:


    Misschien vliegt er wel een waterstoftank in de lucht......!!!!
    Ik heb wel eens een zeppelin in de lucht zien vliegen op H2. H2 als licht gas gebruiken was toen niet zo slim.
  4. Barren Wuffett 16 juli 2021 13:50

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 16 juli 2021 12:17:

    Ik denk dat de fans van waterstofgas beter kunnen overstappen op lachgas.
    Ik denk dat u aan teveel lachgas hebt gezeten.
    Kijk er maar mee uit, is niet goed voor de hersenen.
  5. Willy B. 16 juli 2021 15:03

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 16 juli 2021 12:17:

    Ik denk dat de fans van waterstofgas beter kunnen overstappen op lachgas.
    Ik snap het niet. Lachgas is toch geen energiedrager? Kan je toch niets mee doen ikv klimaatambities en een fossielvrije maatschappij?

    Ook mocht je lachgas tanken, kan je het inademen en kan je in een dronken toestand bekomen (niet geschikt als je moet rijden).


  6. Bob de Bouwer 59 16 juli 2021 16:32

    Remykat schreef op 15 juli 2021 08:51:

    Beste forumleden, goedemorgen gewenst. Wellicht weten jullie waarom de waterstofaandelen allemaal maar blijven zakken? Heel Europa heeft het over waterstof, maar de grootste waterstofbedrijven en de koersen hierbij blijven maar zakken, sommige aandelen meer dan 50% gezakt, blijft maar doorgaan...! Ik vind het erg vreemd hoor. Heb zelf ITM, NEL Powercell en nog wat kleinere aandelen in waterstof.. Dit jaar enorm verlies geleden, maar durf niet te verkopen.

    Bedankt voor je serieuze reacties.
    Succes allemaal.
    Het is inderdaad te veel van het "goede": de dalingen in de hele branche zijn m.i. een correctie op de (te) hard gestegen koersen eind 2020. Maar het lijkt niet op te houden met die dalingen. We weten dat de sector zich in een pioniersfase bevindt. Veel onderzoek, kleine commerciële proefprojecten, maar vooral veel cashburn. Het is niet anders in een nieuwe markt (die toch al 20-30 jaar bestaat). Ik vind het hoopvol dat er veel geld is opgehaald het laatste jaar om vooruit te kunnen met plannen en investeringen. Diverse kleinere waterstof bedrijven breiden gestaag hun personeelsaantallen uit. Ook in overhead functies. Dit geeft wat stabilisatie in hun outlook.

    Mijn verwachting is dat het nog 2 a 5 jaar gaat duren voordat er substantiële groei gaat ontstaan. Het verdienmodel is echter voorlopig nog niet volwassen.

    Ik blijf geloven in afzetmarkten als zwaar wegtransport, treinen, scheepvaart en industriële toepassingen.

    Hou vol en de aanhouder wint!
  7. tommy de pony 16 juli 2021 22:14
    De Scandinavische groene waterstof gaat op korte termijn boomen, Scandinavië zal de eerste regio zijn om de energietransitie uit te rollen. Ik verwacht daar serieuze inkomende contracten en subsidies. Nel, Everfuel, Hydrogen Pro,....
  8. forum rang 10 voda 19 juli 2021 09:21
    DNV to Study Safety of Offshore Green Hydrogen Production Facility

    Independent energy expert and assurance provider DNV will lead the process safety study to identify the main environmental, safety and operational risks for the world's first offshore hydrogen production facilities. Lhyfe, a producer and supplier of green and renewable hydrogen for transport and industry, and Centrale Nantes, is a French School of engineering and research centre, and manages SEM-REV offshore test site. Lhyfe and Centrale Nantes’ ambitious goal is to make offshore renewable hydrogen a reality, by demonstrating the reliability of an offshore electrolyser. It represents a world-first at a time when initiatives for offshore green hydrogen production are emerging across Europe.

    Located off the coast of Le Croisic, France, the green hydrogen-generating system is intended to be powered by electricity from a floating wind turbine, with a target start-up date in 2022.

    As part of the design of the new facility, DNV’s experts will undertake workshops and technical sessions to identify and analyse the main environmental, safety and operational risks associated with the project.

    Santiago Blanco, Executive Vice-President and Regional Director Southern Europe, MEA and LATAM, Energy Systems at DNV

    Santiago Blanco, Executive Vice-President and Regional Director Southern Europe, MEA and LATAM, Energy Systems, DNV

    Risks which will be investigated by DNV include the floating barge, fuel cells and hydrogen production. A regulations and standards review will also be included as part of the study.

    The offshore electrolyser will be installed on GEPS Techno's floating platform and connected to the various sources of Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) available on the offshore test site, including the Floatgen floating wind turbine. This unique production process only emits oxygen, no CO2 during the operation. Centrale Nantes is also making its research facilities available and providing support for the various regulatory, experimental and logistical phases to ensure a successful outcome.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  9. forum rang 10 voda 19 juli 2021 09:23
    Wärtsilä Launches Test with Hydrogen & Ammonia

    The technology group Wärtsilä continues to lead the ongoing transformation of the energy and marine sectors towards carbon-free solutions through its future fuel development work. The company is pioneering the adoption of hydrogen and ammonia as viable engine fuels through advanced testing in Wärtsilä’s fuel-flexible combustion engines. Hydrogen and ammonia contain no carbon, meaning the combustion releases no CO2 emissions.Full-scale engine tests have been recently carried out in Wärtsilä's engine laboratory in Vaasa in Finland, to assess the optimum engine parameters for running on these fuels. The test results are very encouraging, with one test engine performing very well when running on a fuel with 70% ammonia content at a typical marine load range.Tests were also completed successfully on another engine in pure hydrogen operation.

    Testing will continue throughout the coming years with the aim of defining the most feasible internal combustion engine-based solutions for power plant and marine applications, thereby enabling the transition to a decarbonised future with green fuels.

    For the energy market, Wärtsilä expects to have an engine and plant concept for pure hydrogen operation ready by 2025. For the marine market, the company expects to have an engine running on an ammonia blend already this year. Wärtsilä anticipates having an engine concept with pure ammonia fuel in 2023. In the energy sector, it is anticipated that green hydrogen will deliver 7 percent of the global energy demand by 2050.

    Wärtsilä is also developing ammonia storage and supply systems as part of the EU’s ShipFC project. The company has already gained significant experience with ammonia from designing cargo handling systems for liquid petroleum gas carrier vessels, many of which are used to transport ammonia. In addition, Wärtsilä will begin testing ammonia in a marine four-stroke combustion engine together with customers Knutsen OAS, Repsol Norway and Equinor at the Sustainable Energy Catapult Centre in Stord, Norway, as part of the Demo2000 project.

    Wärtsilä’s fuel agnostic approach enables the company to support the energy and marine sectors on how to shape sustainable, and efficient, future fuel strategies in several cost-optimal steps. For example, hydrogen can be used as a fuel in its existing state or as a raw material for producing a wide range of future fuels, including ammonia and synthetic methane, each of which has different benefits for industrial and mobility applications. Wärtsilä’s gas engines are highly flexible and are capable of rapidly ramping up or down in power. When wind and solar power vary with weather conditions, Wärtsilä engines can support the power system by ramping up power to meet the required load, reaching full capacity in under two minutes

    The company’s engines can currently run on natural gas, biogas, synthetic methane or hydrogen blends of up to 25% hydrogen. Another important part of the way forward is that Wärtsilä engines will be capable of transitioning to future fuels, including pure hydrogen and ammonia, future-proofing customer assets.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  10. forum rang 10 voda 19 juli 2021 09:34
    SHELL Joins Norway’s Aukra Hydrogen Hub

    Aker Clean Hydrogen and CapeOmega have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with AS Norske Shell to explore opportunities to develop the Aukra Hydrogen Hub to a large-scale production facility for clean hydrogen using natural gas from the local gas processing plant at Nyhamna. Shell is the operator of the Ormen Lange gas field on the Norwegian continental shelf and Technical Service Provider at the related gas plant at Nyhamna in Aukra. The company is also an owner in the Northern Lights Joint Venture, a CO2 transportation and storage partnership. The clean hydrogen produced in Aukra can be used to decarbonize local industrial processes, provide emission-free fuel for sea and road transport as well as being exported to European hydrogen consumers.

    Earlier this year Aker Clean Hydrogen and Aukra municipality entered into a cooperation agreement granting Aker Clean Hydrogen exclusive rights to explore and develop a project for production of hydrogen, ammonia, and related products in Aukra. Later, in June, Aker Clean Hydrogen and CapeOmega entered into a MoU to explore the opportunity to develop the Aukra Hydrogen Hub.

    The Norwegian Government recently published a White Paper on long term value creation from Norway’s energy resources. The White Paper presents a roadmap for hydrogen, expressing specific ambitions on providing support for maritime hydrogen hubs.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  11. forum rang 10 voda 19 juli 2021 09:34
    Vattenfall & Preem Collaborating on Hydrogen Gas for Biofuels

    In January, Preem and Vattenfall instigated a strategic analysis of the role of fossil-free hydrogen from electrolysis, produced using fossil-free electricity, could play for Preem's potential to produce biofuels on a large scale. The results for increasing Preem's production of biofuels in the next decade are very promising. Work continues to investigate the potential of the first 50 MW electrolysis plant at Preem's Lysekil refinery with the aim of moving on to the next phase during the spring of 2022.

    The size of the first plant is governed by the possibility of scaling up biofuel production as well as obtaining greater output from the electricity grid, which will have an impact on the schedule and costs. A number of factors determine when the new plant can be in place, such as how long the environmental assessment process will take.

    Preem's goal of producing about 5 million cubic metres of biofuels by 2030 can reduce transport emissions by up to 12.5 million tonnes of CO2, corresponding to about 20 per cent of Sweden's total emissions. This transition in production will require large-scale supply of hydrogen, and an expansion of one or more electrolysers can play a major role.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  12. forum rang 10 voda 19 juli 2021 09:36
    ADNOC Joins Hydrogen Council

    Abu Dhabi National Oil Company has joined Hydrogen Council, an international organization that aims to accelerate the global position of hydrogen through its member companies. Hydrogen and its carrier fuels have great potential as new, low carbon fuels, which ADNOC and the UAE are well placed to capitalize upon. ADNOC’s competitive blue hydrogen production is enabled by its abundant and low-cost hydrocarbons, existing large-scale hydrogen and ammonia production facilities, and its regional leadership in large carbon capture and storage capacities. Its Al Reyadah plant was the first commercial-scale carbon capture facility in the Middle East and the world’s first commercial facility to capture CO2 from the iron and steel industry.

    ADNOC plans to leverage its existing hydrogen production, infrastructure and partnership base and vast reserves of natural gas to lead Abu Dhabi and the UAE’s hydrogen activities with the aim to become one of the lowest cost and largest producers of blue hydrogen in the world.

    In June, ADNOC announced that Fertiglobe joined as partner to advance a world-scale blue ammonia production facility at the TA’ZIZ industrial ecosystem in Ruwais, Abu Dhabi. The final investment decision is expected in 2022, and start-up is targeted for 2025 for the project. The facility’s capacity will be 1,000,ooo tons per year.

    The Council, which was launched in 2017, has already grown to include some of the world’s largest, global companies, particularly in the energy and transportation sectors. According to the organization, hydrogen is expected to account for as much as 18% of global energy demand by 2050, with over 30 countries having released hydrogen roadmaps and more than 228 large-scale projects underway along the value chain.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  13. forum rang 10 voda 19 juli 2021 09:36
    Linde Starts Up New Liquid Hydrogen Plant in Texas

    Linde announced it has started up its fifth liquid hydrogen plant in the U.S., reinforcing the company's robust supply network of plants in California, Alabama, Indiana and New York. The new plant in La Porte, Texas, will supply over 30 tons per day of high-purity liquid hydrogen to meet growing demand from Linde's customers. The liquefier takes hydrogen from Linde's approximately 600-kilometer U.S. Gulf Coast pipeline, which has over 15 independent hydrogen production sources, giving it the most reliable feed supply of any hydrogen liquefier in the US today. Linde will purify and liquefy the hydrogen before supplying it to end markets including material handling, mobility, aerospace, manufacturing, metals, energy and electronics.

    Linde is a global leader in the production, processing, storage and distribution of hydrogen. It has the largest liquid hydrogen capacity and distribution system in the world. The company also operates the world's first high-purity hydrogen storage cavern, coupled with an unrivaled pipeline network of approximately 1,000 kilometers globally to reliably supply its customers. Linde is at the forefront in the transition to clean hydrogen and has installed close to 200 hydrogen fueling stations and 80 hydrogen electrolysis plants worldwide.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  14. forum rang 10 voda 20 juli 2021 09:36
    EDP & TechnipFMC to Hydrogen Production from Offshore Wind Power

    EDP, TechnipFMC and other research partners are joining forces to develop a conceptual engineering and economic feasibility study for a new offshore system for green hydrogen production from offshore wind power, called the BEHYOND project. The study will include innovative integration of equipment for the production and conditioning of green hydrogen and infrastructure that allows for its transportation to the coast. The goal is to create a unique concept that can be standardized and implemented worldwide, allowing for large-scale hydrogen production.

    BEHYOND brings together global players in energy, EDP and TechnipFMC, with the CEiiA research center - Center for Engineering and Development, WavEC-Offshore Renewables, and the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN). The joint development will allow the consortium partners to position themselves in the hydrogen value chain, developing new business models and creating engineering solutions, new products and services for the hydrogen sector, worldwide.

    This consortium will strengthen cooperation between Portugal and Norway and increase Portugal's competitiveness in the growth of the “blue economy.” The BEHYOND project was selected for support by the Blue Growth Programme of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism (EEA Grants).

    EDP, through the participation of EDP NEW and EDP Inovação, is the project coordinator and the entity responsible for the implementation of several phases, namely the strategic evaluation of the offshore wind-to-hydrogen market, the definition of viable business cases and the technology roadmap to reach commercial maturity.

    Each member of the consortium brings specific competences that are complementary:

    EDP brings expertise in the development of offshore wind and in the implementation of innovative and complex projects, such as the WindFloat, a pioneer floating offshore solution.

    TechnipFMC brings its extended history in subsea engineering, expertise developed on its Deep Purple™ green hydrogen project, and essential system integration abilities.

    CEiiA has extended its experience of developing complex structures for sectors, including aerospace into the marine environment, and has competencies in systems, electronics, and connectivity.

    WavEC Offshore Renewables is a R&D consultancy encompassing all marine renewable technologies, and a reference institution in the field in Europe.

    USN is applying systems engineering techniques to gain early understanding of the needs of the overall systems, reducing risks in the latter phases.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  15. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 20 juli 2021 10:07
    Oman Strategic Green Hydrogen Project HYPORT ® Duqm Signed a Agreement with Energy Giant Uniper to Explore Green Ammonia

    Oman’s strategic green hydrogen project HYPORT® Duqm has signed a cooperation agreement with energy giant Uniper. Under the cooperation, Uniper will be joining the project team to provide engineering services and negotiate an exclusive offtake agreement of green ammonia.

    With Uniper, HYPORT® Duqm’s shareholders DEME Concessions and OQ Alternative Energy have onboarded a globally recognised and reputable partner, which will support HYPORT® Duqm in demonstrating a strong business case for the offtake, and in turn, enable them to secure optimal financing for the project.

    This agreement marks another important milestone for HYPORT® Duqm, after having secured its 150 km² renewable generation site in the Special Economic Zone at Duqm, Oman earlier this year.

    The site is being prepared for the deployment of a series of meteorological masts to confirm Duqm’s excellent solar and wind conditions which are available throughout the year and that form the basis of a successful green hydrogen to green ammonia project.

    hydrogen 2021 reuters events
    In the first phase the HYPORT® Duqm project will develop a 250 to 500 MW green hydrogen facility in the Special Economic Zone at Duqm. The facility is planned to come into operation in 2026 and will respond to the global demand for green hydrogen and its derivatives.

    HYPORT® Duqm Phase 1 will establish a complete power-to-product value chain at utility scale, combining first-of-a-kind technology integration with economies of scale, producing competitive green hydrogen and green ammonia.

    Complete green hydrogen value chain

    Future expansions are foreseen in subsequent phases, whereby a further scaling up of the value chain will transform the Special Economic Zone into a Green Hydrogen hub in Oman and the wider region.

    HYPORT® Duqm showcases the development of a complete green hydrogen value chain, from the installation of up to 1.3 GWp of renewable power generation capacity from solar and wind (Phase 1), via the electrolysis-based hydrogen production to the synthesis of green ammonia.

    HYPORT® Duqm will connect to Port of Duqm’s brand-new export terminal, storage infrastructure and liquid jetties and will use Port of Duqm as its gateway to deliver competitive decarbonised molecules to users worldwide.

    Luc Vandenbulcke, CEO DEME Group, underlines:

    The DEME Group has always been at the forefront of sustainable solutions on a global scale.

    “The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals are the compass to our present and future activities. With HYPORT® Duqm, DEME is proud of taking the initiative in the global energy transition whereby green hydrogen has been identified as one of the major energy vectors.”

    “This project will not only contribute to the challenging European ambitions to reduce CO2 and GHG emissions (as expressed in the Green Deal and Fit for 55 objectives), but will also strengthen Oman and the Sultanate’s visionary future.”

    Dr. Salim Al Huthaili, CEO OQ Alternative Energy, states:

    The cooperation agreement with Uniper marks a major milestone in the development of the HYPORT Duqm project.

    “This brings us a step closer to delivering a world scale green Hydrogen facility in the Special Economic Zone at Duqm and showcases the true potential of Oman’s renewable capabilities as well as the critical role that the country can play as a net energy exporter.”

    “This agreement will pave the way to further cooperation between OQ Alternative Energy, DEME Concessions and Uniper moving us to the engineering phase of the project. Uniper’s expertise coupled with that of DEME Concessions and OQ Alternative Energy will ensure that HYPORT Duqm is provided with the necessary talent and tools to take us through the engineering phase.”

    Niek den Hollander, Uniper CCO, says:

    We need to get hydrogen out of the laboratory and start using it in large-scale applications and marketable industrial solutions — we should turn it into a market and exploit its wide variety of uses.

    “One way of achieving this is to import green ammonia and convert it into hydrogen, which is something we are looking at for Wilhelmshaven on Germany’s North Sea coast. Germany will be heavily dependent on imports if we want to use hydrogen to help us achieve our climate goals.”

    John Roper, Uniper CEO Middle East, adds:

    The partnership with OQ and DEME in the HYPORT® Duqm project supports Uniper’s global hydrogen strategy.

    “Engagements like this one in the Middle East offer Uniper the opportunity to enter into green hydrogen projects that can potentially take advantage of some of the world’s lowest LCOEs, thereby delivering cost competitive hydrogen or its derivatives, such as green ammonia, to Germany and Europe.”

    “With Uniper as the offtake partner for green ammonia, the partnership will benefit from the additional value added through Uniper’s global commodity trading network.”

    HYPORT® Duqm signs cooperation agreement with Uniper to explore green ammonia offtake; July 19, 2021
  16. forum rang 10 voda 21 juli 2021 09:19
    Hyzon Hydrogen Powered Trucks for Coregas in Australia

    Leading global supplier of zero-emission hydrogen fuel cell-powered heavy vehicles Hyzon Motors Inc announced that its Australian subsidiary has signed a definitive vehicle supply agreement with Australian industrial gases company Coregas Pty Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Australian Securities Exchange-listed conglomerate Wesfarmers to deliver two hydrogen fuel cell-powered prime movers to New South Wales in Australia. The Hyzon Hymax-450 prime movers are expected to be delivered in the first half of 2022 and to mark the first hydrogen-powered heavy vehicles to operate in Australia.

    The prime movers should be immediately deployed upon arrival from Hyzon’s manufacturing facility in the Netherlands, replacing Coregas’ existing diesel fleet and transporting speciality gases, including hydrogen, to Coregas customers in Sydney and wider New South Wales. Decarbonization opportunities will be immediate with the project expected to deliver emissions reductions of 50% in comparison with trucks currently in use.

    Coregas, a Wesfarmers company, is a leader in industrial gases with a 40-year history in the generation and distribution of industrial gases, including operating Australia’s largest merchant hydrogen plant in Port Kembla, which supplies customers across various sectors including manufacturing and mobility. Coregas is actively pursuing hydrogen as an energy source through participation in projects aimed at accelerating the energy transition across Australia.

    Coregas is also in the process of developing Australia’s first commercial vehicle hydrogen refuelling station at its Port Kembla facility to support both the Hyzon hydrogen-powered heavy-duty vehicles and the refuelling of trucks and buses operators by third parties.

    The project represents a strategic first step in developing a broader hydrogen ecosystem. Port Kembla and Illawarra-Shoalhaven are primed to be an epicentre of the emerging hydrogen sector possessing several advantages to foster the development of the thriving domestic and export hydrogen sector.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  17. Barren Wuffett 21 juli 2021 15:28
    Kolencentrale in Duitsland sluit na zes jaar alweer zijn deuren om plaats te maken voor waterstof

    Na zes jaar werd de kolencentrale bij Hamburg in Duitsland in juli alweer buiten werking gesteld. Uitbater Vattenfall zag de winstgevendheid teruglopen en sprong op een aanbod van de Duitse overheid om kolencentrales versneld te sluiten. Nu komt er een groene waterstofproject in de plaats van de centrale.
  18. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 22 juli 2021 08:06
    Gasunie maakt miljarden vrij voor transitie naar waterstofeconomie
    21 juli
    Gasunie steekt tot 2030 €7 mrd in de energietransitie. Het gaat daarbij vooral om de ombouw van bestaande gasleidingen naar waterstofleidingen. Daarmee is Nederland het eerste Europese land dat met de aanleg van een landelijke waterstofinfrastructuur start.

    Dat heeft het Groningse staatsbedrijf dat verantwoordelijk is voor grootschalig gastransport woensdag bekendgemaakt. Volgens Gasunie is de transitie naar schone energie dit jaar 'in een stroomversnelling' gekomen. Met de investering hoopt het bedrijf vragers en aanbieders van waterstof zekerheid te geven.

    15.500 kilometer

    De miljarden moeten ervoor zorgen dat deze infrastructuur grote delen van het huidige aardgasnetwerk vervangt. De waterstofinfrastructuur zal naar verwachting voor 85% uit hergebruikte aardgasleidingen bestaan. Volgens het bedrijf is dat vier keer goedkoper dan de aanleg van nieuwe leidingen.

    Gasunie is eigenaar van 15.500 kilometer aan gasleidingen in Nederland en Duitsland. Investeringen in infrastructuur voor aardgas — naast leidingen ook compressoren — worden terugverdiend door langetermijngascontracten. De komende tien jaar verwacht het bedrijf al voor zo'n €1,5 mrd aan het gasnet te moeten 'vertimmeren', zodat het klaar is voor waterstof.
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