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Leclanche (geen AMG maar wel lithium/ electrische energie opslag)

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  1. [verwijderd] 1 februari 2018 08:19

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 1 februari 2018 08:15:

    De market cap gaat ook omhoog als er nieuwe aandelen worden uitgegeven.
    Aha, dank je wel!
  2. Umi1 8 februari 2018 09:44
    Ik ben deze week -bij de 'correctie'- aandeelhouder geworden van Vestas. & daarom kom nu dit artikel tegen.
    Vestas bulkt van de cash (+-3,4 miljard), dus ze gaan mogelijk opzoek naar know-how... & ik moest direct aan Leclanché denken...
  3. Bullish_2015 8 februari 2018 16:09
    Leclanché Building Complete Energy Storage Systems for Commercial and Industrial Applications with NRStor C&I in Canada
    - Leclanché to provide its first BTM battery energy storage systems in North America

    - NRStor C&I will be the owner and operator of the projects

    - The first industrial site is now in construction

    08:30 ET

    YVERDON LES BAINS, Switzerland and DALLAS and TORONTO, Feb. 8, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Leclanché SA (SIX: LECN), a leading global and vertically-integrated battery energy storage solution company, has been selected by NRStor C&I, a subsidiary of NRStor Inc., to build a complete battery energy storage system under a turn-key EPC agreement for an Ontario-based industrial company seeking to reduce its energy costs through emissions-free technology.

    NRStor C&I, based in Toronto, is the principal investor in this project and will serve as the project owner and operator. It is a leading Canadian energy storage project developer and owner in the commercial, industrial and institutional space. NRStor C&I operates under a build, own and operate structure with a goal of reducing customers' electricity cost via peak demand reduction and optimizing multiple cashflow streams while utilizing a fossil fuel-free technology that helps customers reduce their carbon footprint.

    The battery energy storage system (BESS) will have a 2.0 MW output capacity and a lithium ion battery storage system with a duration of at least 2 hours (4.0 MWh) and utilize Leclanché's energy management and fleet management software systems for control and optimization of the asset performance. Leclanche also has preliminary agreements for two other industrial locations with NRStor that will also utilize this standardized product and Leclanché in-house design in its own specific configurations.

    "These first C&I storage systems which Leclanché will install in North America represent a further expansion of our stationary business and they represent an important, growing segment of our energy storage offerings in the region," said Anil Srivastava, CEO, Leclanché. "We are very pleased to have NRStor as our partner in this first project as one of Canada's leading energy storage development companies implementing behind the meter solutions for the country's commercial and industrial segments."

    The goal of the behind the meter (BTM) energy storage system is to significantly reduce a customer's energy demand during peak periods when energy and demand charges are very high while also providing ancillary services to the grid and allowing customers to optimize the usage of onsite emission-free renewable energy. Leclanché's C&I energy storage systems are also designed to integrate multiple on-site electric vehicle (EV) charging stations to meet the rapid expansion of fast charge electric vehicles.

    In addition to the C&I energy storage project announced today, Leclanché has several major storage initiatives underway in both Canada and the U.S. The company is nearing completion of an advanced battery storage project in Ontario, Canada, known as the Basin Project. The high-quality project, built and owned by Leclanché and development partner Deltro Energy, is the first utility-scale energy storage facility designed to balance the Ontario power grid, with a total investment of approximately USD $25 million.

    Leclanché has installed other C&I energy storage systems in Europe and Asia and will present a fully-integrated C&I product line in the second quarter of 2018 for both large- and mid-scale customers which provides a combination of smart standardized in-house design and flexibility for multiple battery technologies and application differences. With these products, Leclanché will also integrate innovative EV fast-charging technology as it foresees the convergence of electrification in the transportation sector and advanced distributed power applications.

    In July 2017, Leclanché announced an agreement between Toronto-based eCAMION to develop and install a network of 34 fast-charging stations along the Trans-Canada Highway (TCH). The project, designed to encourage the adoption of EVs in Canada, entails an investment of CAD $17.3 million (USD $13.6 million) and is being partially funded by a CAD $8.0 million (USD $6.2 million) repayable contribution from Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) under the Canadian Energy Innovation Program.

    In addition, Leclanché is currently serving as the turn-key engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contractor and battery energy storage system supplier for the Marengo project in the PJM Market in the United States. This is a 20 MW / 20 MWh grid-scale energy storage project which is among the largest, fully-commercial battery storage projects in North America. The Chicago-area project is being developed for the PJM Interconnection, the regional independent system operator of the transmission grid.
  4. [verwijderd] 16 februari 2018 19:31

    Leclanché schliesst Technologie-Partnerschaft mit Imeon Energy für CH-Markt

    Der Batterie-und Speichersystemhersteller Leclanché ist eine Partnerschaft mit Imeon Energy, einem System-Entwickler im Bereich Solarenergie, eingegangen. Wie es in einer Mitteilung vom Freitagabend heisst, wollen die beiden Unternehmen gemeinsam Schweizer Haushalte und kleine Unternehmen mit Speicherlösungen für die autarke Energieversorgung beliefern.

    16.02.2018 18:30

    Zu diesem Zweck werden die hybriden Solar-Inverter von Imeon Energy mit den Lithium-Ionen-Batterien von Leclanché kombiniert. Die technische Lösung unter dem Namen "PowerPack" ist in Gebäuden mit Solarpanels anwendbar. Erste Bestellungen dafür seien bereits eingegangen, so Leclanché.
  5. [verwijderd] 20 februari 2018 11:28
    Zojuist korte handelsstop van Leclanche geweest. Waarschijnlijk naar aanleiding van onderstaand bericht:

    20 Feb 2018 10:45 CET

    Enel: con Enertrag e Leclanché per costruire impianto storage in Germania (2)

    (AdnKronos) – Le batterie commerciali e la loro capacità di fornire soluzioni di bilanciamento, rileva l’ad di Enertrag, Joerg Mueller, “saranno uno dei principali fattori abilitanti nella prossima fase della transizione energetica verso le rinnovabili. L’impianto di Cremzow svolgerà un ruolo […]

    (AdnKronos) – Le batterie commerciali e la loro capacità di fornire soluzioni di bilanciamento, rileva l’ad di Enertrag, Joerg Mueller, “saranno uno dei principali fattori abilitanti nella prossima fase della transizione energetica verso le rinnovabili. L’impianto di Cremzow svolgerà un ruolo essenziale nel graduale abbandono della lignite nel Brandeburgo. Il prossimo passo sarà la prova della batteria di Cremzow per il black start delle centrali rinnovabili di Enertrag nell’area di Uckermark”.
    “Siamo contenti di essere stati scelti da Enel Green Power ed Enertrag per lo sviluppo di questo avanzato impianto di accumulo in Germania”, commenta Anil Srivastava, ad di Leclanché. “I sistemi di accumulo hanno un ruolo significativo nella stabilizzazione della rete e promuovono la transizione verso un uso maggiore delle fonti rinnovabili. Contribuiranno anche ad evitare di sprecare l’energia rinnovabile nei momenti in cui le reti hanno già raggiunto il massimo della capacità”, aggiunge.
    La struttura sarà di proprietà di una società veicolo (Spv) al 90% di Egp Germania e al 10% di Enertrag. Leclanché farà da contractor per le attività di ingegneria, approvvigionamento e costruzione (Epc), e si occuperà dell’integrazione fra batterie e sistemi di conversione e del software di gestione energetica.



    Enel: met Enertrag en Leclanché om opslagfaciliteit in Duitsland te bouwen (2)

    (AdnKronos) - Commerciële batterijen en hun vermogen om balanceringsoplossingen te bieden, volgens Enertrag CEO Joerg Mueller, "zullen een van de belangrijkste aanjagers zijn voor de volgende fase van de energietransitie naar hernieuwbare energiebronnen. De fabriek in Cremzow zal een rol spelen [...]

    (AdnKronos) - Commerciële batterijen en hun vermogen om balanceringsoplossingen te bieden, volgens Enertrag CEO Joerg Mueller, "zullen een van de belangrijkste aanjagers zijn voor de volgende fase van de energietransitie naar hernieuwbare energiebronnen. De fabriek in Cremzow zal een essentiële rol spelen in de geleidelijke stopzetting van bruinkool in Brandenburg. De volgende stap is de Cremzow-batterijtest voor de zwarte start van de hernieuwbare energiecentrales van Enertrag in het Uckermark-gebied ".

    "We zijn verheugd te zijn gekozen door Enel Green Power en Enertrag voor de ontwikkeling van deze geavanceerde opslagfaciliteit in Duitsland", merkt Anil Srivastava op, een advertentie van Leclanché. "Accumulatiesystemen spelen een belangrijke rol bij het stabiliseren van het netwerk en bevorderen de overgang naar een groter gebruik van hernieuwbare bronnen. Ze zullen ook bijdragen aan het voorkomen van verspilling van hernieuwbare energie op momenten dat netwerken hun maximale capaciteit al hebben bereikt, "voegt hij eraan toe.

    De structuur wordt eigendom van een voertuigbedrijf (SPV) met 90% van Egp Duitsland en 10% van Enertrag. Leclanché zal optreden als aannemer voor engineering, inkoop en constructie (Epc) -activiteiten en zorgt voor de integratie tussen batterijen en conversiesystemen en software voor energiebeheer.
  6. Vogeltje71 20 februari 2018 11:58


    Leclanché SA / Key word(s): Development of Sales/Contract

    20-Feb-2018 / 10:38 CET/CEST
    Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 KR
    The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


    - The 22 MW Cremzow facility will be Enel's first storage plant in Germany and will provide grid stabilisation services through primary frequency regulation

    - The project is jointly developed by Enel's German renewable subsidiary Enel Green Power Germany and wind energy company ENERTRAG, in collaboration with Leclanché as EPC contractor

    - The investment planned for the construction of the new plant is approx. 17 million euros; the first 2 MW section of the facility is expected to be operational in April 2018, with the entire plant planned to come online by the end of the year

    Rome/Berlin, February 20th, 2018 - Enel, through its renewables subsidiary Enel Green Power Germany (EGP Germany), has signed an agreement with German wind energy company ENERTRAG AG and Swiss energy storage solutions company Leclanché SA to build and manage a 22 MW lithium-ion battery storage plant in Cremzow, in the German state of Brandenburg. The project is Enel's first storage plant in Germany and its construction will involve an investment of around 17 million euros.

    The storage plant will provide frequency regulation services to Germany's Primary Control Reserve (PCR) market to rapidly stabilise the grid, and will later be integrated with ENERTRAG wind farms. The first 2 MW section of the Cremzow plant is expected to be operational in April 2018, while the launch of the entire plant is planned for the end of this year.

    "The project in Cremzow is an important milestone for us because, after the success of similar projects in Italy and Chile, it will further demonstrate how beneficial storage is for energy systems, in particular when coupled with renewables," said Antonio Cammisecra, Head of Enel's Global Renewable Energies division, Enel Green Power (EGP). "Storage is increasingly becoming a key tool in ensuring grid stability and is also a pathway towards the widespread adoption of renewables worldwide, facilitating their integration into power grids."

    Joerg Mueller, Head of ENERTRAG-Board said "commercial batteries and their ability to provide balancing power will be one of the key enablers for the next phase of the energy transition towards renewables. The Cremzow project will play an essential role in safely phasing-out lignite in the state of Brandenburg. As a next step, the Cremzow battery will address the proof of black start capabilities of ENERTRAGs renewable regional power plant in the Uckermark area."

    "We are delighted to have been chosen by Enel Green Power and ENERTRAG to develop and deliver this large pioneering energy storage project in Germany", said Anil Srivastava, CEO of Leclanché. "Battery energy storage systems have a very significant role to play in stabilising grids as the world transitions to greater use of variable renewable energy sources. They also help reduce the huge waste of renewable energy that is curtailed when grids are at capacity."

    The facility will be owned by a special purpose vehicle (SPV) in which EGP Germany has a 90% majority stake and ENERTRAG the remaining 10% stake. Leclanché will act as engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contractor for the project, in charge of integrating battery and power conversion systems and energy management software.

    The project will provide the grid with a real-time primary frequency regulation service contributing to its stability. When the grid's frequency decreases due to high power demand, the battery will rapidly deliver its stored energy, while in response to frequency increases due to low demand, the battery is charged with the surplus energy. Furthermore, the integration with ENERTRAG wind farms will allow for the use of surplus energy produced by the facilities to charge the battery, cutting back on the need to curtail wind power generation when it is higher than demand on the grid.

    The German PCR market has evolved greatly in recent years with the early 2017 auction of approximately 600 MW of PCR attracting bidders from Austria, Belgium, France, Netherlands and Switzerland, whereby confirming the market's cross-border appeal. The introduction of battery storage systems is an important development in the German PCR market: in 2017, BESS (Battery Energy Storage Systems) provided about 200 MW of PCR, equal to about 31% of the market.

    Enel Green Power, the Renewable Energies division of Enel Group, is dedicated to the development and operation of renewables across the world, with a presence in Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa and Oceania. Enel Green Power is a global leader in the green energy sector with a managed capacity of around 40 GW across a generation mix that includes wind, solar, geothermal, biomass and hydropower, and is at the forefront of integrating innovative technologies into renewable power plants.

    ENERTRAG generates electricity and heat exclusively from renewable sources and is among Europe's largest wind energy suppliers. With more than 667 wind turbines, ENERTRAG produces approximately 2.9 billion kilowatt hours of electricity annually - enough to meet the demands of one million people. ENERTRAG services wind turbines and delivers customer solutions across the entire value chain from concept to power delivery.

    Leclanché is one of the world's leading fully vertically integrated energy storage solution providers. It delivers a wide range of energy storage solutions for homes, small offices, large industries, electricity grids, as well as hybridisation for mass transport systems such as bus fleets and ferries. Leclanché today has a rich portfolio of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) that include bespoke battery systems from industry leading lithium-ion solutions. Leclanché is listed on the Swiss stock exchange, and is the only listed pure-play energy storage company in the world.

    Enel Media Relations ENERTRAG Media contacts Leclanché Media contacts

    T +39 06 8305 5699 Robert Döring Europe/Global:
    F +39 06 8305 3771 T +49 39854 6459-368 Désirée Maghoo M +49 172 3920762 T: +44 (0) 7775 522740 E-mail: Simon Barker
    T: +44 (0)7866 314331

    End of ad hoc announcement
    Language: English
    Company: Leclanché SA
    Av. des Sports 42
    1400 Yverdon-les-Bains
    Phone: +41 (24) 424 65-00
    Fax: +41 (24) 424 65-20
    ISIN: CH0110303119, CH0016271550
    Valor: A1CUUB, 812950
    Listed: SIX Swiss Exchange

    End of Announcement EQS Group News Service
    655781 20-Feb-2018 CET/CEST

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  7. [verwijderd] 20 februari 2018 12:18
    Dank je wel Vogeltje71, dat is een beter/uitgebreider artikel. Stom, ik had in mijn enthousiastme niet op de site van Leclanche zelf gekeken of daar een artikel op stond.

    Maar hoe dan ook, de toekomst van Leclanche ziet er zonnig uit!
  8. Vogeltje71 22 februari 2018 10:18
    Ik heb zelf bladwijzers met google zoektermen als amg, amg voluit, leclanche etc laatste 24u en ook 1 uur (leuk bij de cijfers). Daarnaast is abonneren op nieuwsbrief altijd handig. Ps er bovenop zitten vind ik niet stom hoor;).
  9. [verwijderd] 22 februari 2018 11:11

    Vogeltje71 schreef op 22 februari 2018 10:18:

    Ik heb zelf bladwijzers met google zoektermen als amg, amg voluit, leclanche etc laatste 24u en ook 1 uur (leuk bij de cijfers). Daarnaast is abonneren op nieuwsbrief altijd handig. Ps er bovenop zitten vind ik niet stom hoor;).
    Oke, bedankt voor de tips!
  10. Louis Pasciuto 28 februari 2018 09:40
    Leclanche valt door de mand, stevig verlies en schuldenpositie dat opgelost wordt door 11 miljoen aandelen erbij van grote obligatiehouder en die wordt feitelijk de baas als ik het zo snel scan...
  11. Louis Pasciuto 28 februari 2018 09:43
    [Modbreak IEX]: We hebben deze reactie verwijderd aangezien er een onjuiste suggestie wordt gewekt t.a.v. het aandeelhouderschap in Leclanché SA.]
  12. [verwijderd] 28 februari 2018 12:46

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 1 februari 2018 08:15:

    De market cap gaat ook omhoog als er nieuwe aandelen worden uitgegeven.
    Dus wat Zwarte Ridder eerder aangaf is nu dus gebeurd. Kan ik voorzichtig de conclusie uit trekken dat ze hier vantevoren dus sterk rekening mee hebben gehouden?
    Ik blijf nu rustig zitten nu ik geschoren wordt. Ik ga er vanuit dat ik geen roze, maar een realistische bril op heb. Ik denk nog steeds dat Leclanche nog steeds wel een mooie toekomst heeft voor de lange termijn.
  13. Bullish_2015 28 februari 2018 15:31
    [Modbreak IEX]: We hebben een aantal reacties verwijderd aangezien er een onjuiste suggestie wordt gewekt t.a.v. het aandeelhouderschap in Leclanché SA.]
  14. [verwijderd] 28 februari 2018 19:03
    [Modbreak IEX]: We hebben op verzoek deze reactie verwijderd aangezien er een onjuiste suggestie wordt gewekt t.a.v. het aandeelhouderschap in Leclanché SA.]
  15. [verwijderd] 2 maart 2018 07:31

    Wachstumsplan ist intakt

    Der Batterienhersteller sieht sich bis zum zweiten Quartal 2019 ausreichend finanziert. Darüber hinaus sei man mit potenziellen Geldgebern in Gesprächen.

    Bis 2020 strebt die Gruppe auf Stufe Ebitda ein positives Betriebsergebnis an.

    (AWP)  Der Batterienhersteller Leclanché (LECN 2.2 -2.22%) sieht sich für die Zukunft, also bis im zweiten Quartal 2019, ausreichend finanziert und widerspricht damit den Befürchtungen, das Unternehmen könnte überschuldet sein. Darüber hinaus sei man mit potenziellen Geldgebern in Gesprächen, welche die Firma über das Jahr 2020 hinaus mitfinanzieren möchten, teilt Leclanché am Donnerstag mit. Bis 2020 strebt die Gruppe auf Stufe Ebitda ein positives Betriebsergebnis an.

    Der Wachstumsplan sei intakt, versichert Leclanché. Die Auftragsbücher für 55 MWh Stromspeicher seien gut gefüllt und würden im laufenden Jahr einen Beitrag zum Umsatz in Höhe von 40 bis 50 Mio. Fr. leisten. Das Geschäft mit grossen Stromspeichern entwickle sich gut, insbesondere am Markt mit Elektrofahrzeugen, wird CEO Anil Srivastava in der Mitteilung zitiert. Man werde schon bald über weitere Erfolge berichten können.

    Am Mittwoch hatte Leclanché eine Stellungnahme zu einem Entscheid der Übernahmekommission (UEK) bezüglich Einschätzungen zur Finanzlage veröffentlicht. Darin stellte das Unternehmen für 2017 nach ungeprüften Zahlen einen möglichen Verlust von 40 Mio. Fr. in Aussicht. Dieser Verlust sei auf einen Verzug bei der Finanzierung zurückzuführen. Das Finanzierungsproblem sei jedoch durch das Investment über eine Wandelanleihe in Höhe von 57,5 Mio. durch den grössten Aktionär Fidexis gelöst worden, heisst es.
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