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Arcelor Mittal - Augustus 2017

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 16 augustus 2017 16:47
    ArcelorMittal South Africa may get a lifeline - Report

    Financial Express reported that ArcelorMittal South Africa may get a lifeline from its empowerment partner Likamva Resources which is willing to increase its stake in Africa’s biggest steel producer. Last year, there was urgent government intervention after ArcelorMittal’s threatened closure of one of its plants put the lives of the entire town of Vanderbijlpark, south of Johannesburg, in jeopardy through unemployment. Now AMSA’s Black economic empowerment partner Likamva Resources says it is willing to increase its 17 per cent stake in Africa’s biggest steel producer despite its loss making record, the weekly Sunday Times reported.

    Noluthando Gosa, a partner at LR, told the weekly that if resources and funds permitted it, the company would inject the capital needed to help AMSA. But any changes in this increased shareholding would have to be sanctioned by the company’s London-based parent.

    Amid speculation about a possible sell-off, AMSA remained optimistic about its prospects in the face of these challenges. “Several initiatives are under review by AMSA’s executive team to improve the company’s performance,” an AMSA spokesman said.

    Analysts appeared to concur that it would not be viable to sell AMSA.

    Wade Napier at Avior Capital Markets gave two reasons for this the hard work Mittal had done in securing an operating licence in South Africa; and the fact that any sale was likely to involve a significant discount demand. Makwe Masilela at BP Bernstein suggested that AMSA might just need to sell off parts of its business and secure the support of the government. Such support has already come in the form of safeguard duties on imports, due to be implemented in the second half of this year, which AMSA is banking on to help grow its earnings.

    Source : Financial Express
  2. forum rang 10 voda 16 augustus 2017 16:50
    ArcelorMittal replaces aging systems to boost efficiencies at I/N Tek and I/N Kote plants in New Carlisle

    NWI Times reported that ArcelorMittal has boosted productivity at its I/N Tek and I/N Kote plants in New Carlisle, where it is replacing 19 automatic guided vehicles that move steel coil around the facilities. Mr Mike Utterback, division manager, cold rolling and annealing said that “The original AGVs were 25-years-old. They were becoming the Achilles heel of the operation, causing numerous shutdowns and interruptions. Replacing them was extremely important to the division.”

    The automated vehicles were designed specifically for I/N Tek and I/N Kote, where they move coil from the cold mill to the continuous anneal process line and the continuous galvanize line, and then to a storage area. The automated process is computer controlled.

    IT Process Systems Analyst Jack Totten said that “We weren’t buying something off the shelf. Our team designed these vehicles, so that added to the timeline – about two years from start to commissioning.”

    ArcelorMittal, one of Northwest Indiana's largest employers, is hailing the project as "one of the most critical upgrade projects ever attempted at the New Carlisle facility." It's a 60-40 joint venture between ArcelorMittal and Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp. from Japan that largely processes steel made at ArcelorMittal's nearby steel mills in Burns Harbor and Indiana Harbor.

    The steelmaker is investing USD 5 million in the project, and already has replaced five of the automatic vehicles.

    New safety features were added, including audible alarm systems, emergency E-stop button and waist-high laser sensors.

    Mr Totten said that “If you get too close, the machine will automatically stop and not move again until someone comes out and manually resets it. It’s a good safety feature."

    He said the automated transport system improves safety and efficiency.

    Mr Totten said that “We have virtually no coil damage. We know where every single coil is located at any given moment. There’s no writing down where you put a coil and who’s keeping track of the list."

    Source : NWI Times
  3. [verwijderd] 16 augustus 2017 16:53

    Stockwatcher schreef op 16 augustus 2017 16:42:


    Ieder zijn meug zou ik zeggen, feit is wel dat bij deze afroomstrategie PM steeds met minder aantal aandelen handelt. Dan heb je ook minder winst per aandeel bij verdere stijgingen...

    Het is maar net waar je voor kiest. Je kan ook extra aandelen bijkopen met de winst op lagere koers na verkoop wanneer het daalt. Dan wordt het aantal aandelen groter en ook de uiteindelijke winst.

    De break-even koers wordt dan steeds lager.....
    Klopt Stock,zijn winst wordt minder maar hij heeft wel de cash binnen degene die dat niet doen blijven met lucht spelen vind ik persoonlijk.
    Winst is puur optisch leuk als je het niet afkalft blijkt regelmatig.
    Deze discussie kunnen we eeuwig voeren,ik denk dat er geen goed of fout is in deze kwestie.Dan maar doen waar je je goed bijvoelt denk ik.
  4. [verwijderd] 16 augustus 2017 17:00

    voda schreef op 16 augustus 2017 16:50:

    ArcelorMittal replaces aging systems to boost efficiencies at I/N Tek and I/N Kote plants in New Carlisle

    NWI Times reported that ArcelorMittal has boosted productivity at its I/N Tek and I/N Kote plants in New Carlisle, where it is replacing 19 automatic guided vehicles that move steel coil around the facilities. Mr Mike Utterback, division manager, cold rolling and annealing said that “The original AGVs were 25-years-old. They were becoming the Achilles heel of the operation, causing numerous shutdowns and interruptions. Replacing them was extremely important to the division.”

    The automated vehicles were designed specifically for I/N Tek and I/N Kote, where they move coil from the cold mill to the continuous anneal process line and the continuous galvanize line, and then to a storage area. The automated process is computer controlled.

    IT Process Systems Analyst Jack Totten said that “We weren’t buying something off the shelf. Our team designed these vehicles, so that added to the timeline – about two years from start to commissioning.”

    ArcelorMittal, one of Northwest Indiana's largest employers, is hailing the project as "one of the most critical upgrade projects ever attempted at the New Carlisle facility." It's a 60-40 joint venture between ArcelorMittal and Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp. from Japan that largely processes steel made at ArcelorMittal's nearby steel mills in Burns Harbor and Indiana Harbor.

    The steelmaker is investing USD 5 million in the project, and already has replaced five of the automatic vehicles.

    New safety features were added, including audible alarm systems, emergency E-stop button and waist-high laser sensors.

    Mr Totten said that “If you get too close, the machine will automatically stop and not move again until someone comes out and manually resets it. It’s a good safety feature."

    He said the automated transport system improves safety and efficiency.

    Mr Totten said that “We have virtually no coil damage. We know where every single coil is located at any given moment. There’s no writing down where you put a coil and who’s keeping track of the list."

    Source : NWI Times
    WOW wat een aanbevelingen achter jouw naam!dit verdient respect.(hierbij uiteraard 1 van mij)groet
  5. [verwijderd] 16 augustus 2017 17:01
    ArcelorMittal SA (ADR) (MT) Reaches $25.70 After 9.00% Up Move;
    Village Supermarket Class A (VLGEA) Shorts Lowered By 1.99%

    August 15, 2017 - By Peter Erickson

    Village Supermarket Incorporated Class A (NASDAQ:VLGEA) had a decrease of 1.99% in short interest. VLGEA’s SI was 419,000 shares in August as released by FINRA. Its down 1.99% from 427,500 shares previously. With 29,800 avg volume, 14 days are for Village Supermarket Incorporated Class A (NASDAQ:VLGEA)’s short sellers to cover VLGEA’s short positions. The SI to Village Supermarket Incorporated Class A’s float is 5.59%. About 2,195 shares traded. Village Super Market, Inc. (NASDAQ:VLGEA) has declined 0.87% since August 15, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 17.57% the S&P500.

    The stock of ArcelorMittal SA (ADR) (NYSE:MT) is a huge mover today! About 1.22 million shares traded. ArcelorMittal SA (ADR) (NYSE:MT) has risen 67.93% since August 15, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 51.23% the S&P500.The move comes after 5 months positive chart setup for the $26.64 billion company. It was reported on Aug, 15 by We have $28.01 PT which if reached, will make NYSE:MT worth $2.40B more.

    Village Super Market, Inc. is engaged in retail sale of food and nonfood products. The company has market cap of $243.74 million. As of July 30, 2016, the Company operated a chain of 29 ShopRite supermarkets, 18 of which are located in northern New Jersey, eight in southern New Jersey, two in Maryland and one in northeastern Pennsylvania. It has a 14.3 P/E ratio. The Firm is a member of Wakefern Food Corporation (Wakefern), which is a retailer-owned food cooperative and owner of the ShopRite name.

    Since March 10, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 4 insider sales for $599,608 activity. On Monday, April 10 the insider SUMAS JOHN sold $269,616. Another trade for 5,790 shares valued at $150,598 was made by SUMAS WILLIAM on Wednesday, June 14.

    Investors sentiment increased to 2.07 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.07, from 2 in 2016Q3. It increased, as 5 investors sold Village Super Market, Inc. shares while 25 reduced holdings. 29 funds opened positions while 33 raised stakes. 6.21 million shares or 8.10% more from 5.74 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Fmr Lc owns 72,255 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Royal Bancorp Of Canada accumulated 5,298 shares. Metropolitan Life Communications has invested 0% in Village Super Market, Inc. (NASDAQ:VLGEA). Walleye Trading Lc accumulated 100 shares. State Common Retirement Fund stated it has 0% in Village Super Market, Inc. (NASDAQ:VLGEA). Commercial Bank Of America De has invested 0% in Village Super Market, Inc. (NASDAQ:VLGEA). Bnp Paribas Arbitrage Sa reported 789 shares. Tower Rech Capital Limited Liability (Trc) holds 119 shares. Alliancebernstein L P owns 56,330 shares or 0% of their US portfolio. Blackrock Fund Advsr has invested 0% in Village Super Market, Inc. (NASDAQ:VLGEA). Morgan Stanley stated it has 0% in Village Super Market, Inc. (NASDAQ:VLGEA). Her Majesty The Queen In Right Of The Province Of Alberta As Represented By Alberta Mngmt reported 6,500 shares. Acadian Asset Management Ltd Liability Com accumulated 21,265 shares. Blackrock Advsrs Ltd Liability Corporation has 2,523 shares. Moreover, Guggenheim Capital has 0% invested in Village Super Market, Inc. (NASDAQ:VLGEA) for 21,634 shares.

    ArcelorMittal S.A. is a holding company. The company has market cap of $26.64 billion. The Company, together with its subsidiaries, owns and operates steel manufacturing and mining facilities in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa. It has a 7.71 P/E ratio. ArcelorMittal operates through five divisions, which include NAFTA; Europe; Brazil; Africa and Commonwealth of Independent States (ACIS), and Mining.
  6. Peter Markus 16 augustus 2017 17:24
    Maar net hoe je het bekijkt.
    Inderdaad, de aandelen heb je altijd voor de hoogste prijs in je portefeuille en daardoor staan die over het algemeen in het rood.
    Maar laat je de afgeroomde winst in je portefeuille staan dan staat je portefeuille gewoon in de plus.
    De cash kan je naar eigen inzicht weer gebruiken.
    Ik houd wel van het vertoeven in tropische landen en heerlijke cocktails.
  7. [verwijderd] 16 augustus 2017 17:26

    Peter Markus schreef op 16 augustus 2017 14:39:

    Tussen 7.30 en 8.75 heb ik veel getraded met dit aandeel.
    Daarmee heb ik 10% winst kunnen veilig stellen.
    Als ik ze gewoon had vastgehouden en op 8.75 had verkocht was mijn rendement 20% geweest.
    Gewoon vasthouden afromen en op vooraf vastgestelde koers verkopen is na alles al geprobeerd te hebben de afgelopen 25 jaar, voor mij, de beste strategie gebleken.
    Dat traden moet je wel kunnen PM en bij sommige aandelen kun je het beter laten. Bij MT echter, die iedere keer stijgt en weer door het putje gaat, is het de enige mogelijkheid om wat te verdienen.
    Mijn portefeuille longs staat 9% in de plus by the way. ;-p
  8. Peter Markus 16 augustus 2017 17:27
    Ik zal nu zeker niet verkopen.
    Als er geen gekke dingen gebeuren hebben we morgen weer een groene dag en zal de € 23 mij niet verbazen.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 16 augustus 2017 17:38
    Een schitterende dag zo!

    In de relatief forse eindveiling 925,948 stuks, die de koers 1.5 cent hoger zette.

    ArcelorMittal 22,495 0,60 2,74 % 17:35:48

    Laatste 22,495 17:35:48 Theor. open 22,495 17:35:01
    Bied 22,48 17:36:00 Laat 22,495 17:37:22
    Laagste 21,93 09:00:14 Hoogste 22,54 16:58:41
    Open 21,93 09:00:14 Vorig slot 21,895 15-08-2017
    Cum. vol. 6.569.245 Gem. dagomzet 8.342.152
  10. forum rang 10 voda 16 augustus 2017 17:43

    Mr novice schreef op 16 augustus 2017 17:37:

    De eindveiling begon goed (22,54) maar is helaas geeindigt op 22,495
    No way, je bent verkeerd:

    15823 16/08/2017 17:35:01 CEST 22,495 984,00 Auction
    15822 16/08/2017 17:35:01 CEST 22,495 66,00 Auction
    15821 16/08/2017 17:29:55 CEST 22,48 289,00 Exchange Continuous


    They call me also Mr. IEX

  11. forum rang 6 gpjf 16 augustus 2017 17:44

    voda schreef op 16 augustus 2017 17:00:

    Joehoe, ligt iedereen te pitten voor zijn/haar scherm? :-)
    Inmiddels murw van het stabiel blijven van de koers , echte sprongen worden niet gemaakt of er nu wel of geen goed nieuws is. Volgens blijft het nog wel een paar weken hangen rond dit het niveau 22/23,50 . Natuurlijk hoop ik dat hij veel hoger gaat maar vooralsnog denk ik dat het pas ergens na de Duitse verkiezingen zal ziijn
  12. [verwijderd] 16 augustus 2017 17:45

    Peter Markus schreef op 16 augustus 2017 17:27:

    Ik zal nu zeker niet verkopen.
    Als er geen gekke dingen gebeuren hebben we morgen weer een groene dag en zal de € 23 mij niet verbazen.
    Ik heb mijn turbo's ook nog en kijk het even aan wat de yanken doen vanavond. Anders morgenochtend misschien rond 09.20 verkopen aangezien dan 90 van de 100x de koers het hoogst is. (niet vandaag, ik weet het) Gaan de yanken dalen dan gaan ze er uit en ga ik (misschien) short.
  13. [verwijderd] 16 augustus 2017 17:59

    debo schreef op 16 augustus 2017 17:45:

    [...]Ik heb mijn turbo's ook nog en kijk het even aan wat de yanken doen vanavond. Anders morgenochtend misschien rond 09.20 verkopen aangezien dan 90 van de 100x de koers het hoogst is. (niet vandaag, ik weet het) Gaan de yanken dalen dan gaan ze er uit en ga ik (misschien) short.
    short ?? tegen welk doel ????
  14. aandeeltje! 16 augustus 2017 18:02

    Nogra schreef op 16 augustus 2017 14:01:


    De trend is verre van stijgend.
    We zakken al t o v December 2016.
    Ik ben al blij dat het vlak blijft tegenwoordig.
    De stijging van de Aex is compleet aan ons voorbij gegaan.
    Los van de schommelingen zie ik de koers gewoon omhoog gaan. Ja er was even een pauze (daling) haha toen zat ik er niet meer in, maar van net onder de 18 wel weer. Rond emissie was ik van de partij en voor mij is de trent dus stijgend., uitgestapt op ca 6,90 - ging mij wat teveel voorlopen, stukje stijging gemist hierna maar is weer terggevallen naar dus ca 6 (18 na reverse split) zo even gelden. Voor mij het moment om weer in te stappen en hij is snel naar de 22 gegaan.

    De trent loopt vanaf emissie wat mij betreft. Dat was de ommekeer. Het is maar hoe je het bekijkt. Laat ik,het zo zeggen: mijn trent is zeker flink omhoog, Ik zat er niet in even, welbewust (en goed getimed, toevallig of niet, geluk?, het is mij goed uitgekomen). Nu ga ik door naar 27-30 wat mij betreft in 6 maanden. We zullen zien,

  15. [verwijderd] 16 augustus 2017 18:16

    E.v.B schreef op 16 augustus 2017 17:59:

    [...]short ?? tegen welk doel ????
    Ik begrijp je opmerking niet maar volgens mij ben je omgevallen van verbazing en daarna maar zo snel mogelijk iets getypt voordat het licht weer uit ging.
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