Erg chebbi 27 april 2017 10:35 auteur info Erg chebbi Lid sinds: 31 aug 2012 Laatste bezoek: 03 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 604 Gegeven: 227 Aantal posts: 3.863 De finnen zijn echt boterg op deze stock! Ook nu weer direct erop..Geen 5G maar BG Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
StuYa 27 april 2017 17:17 auteur info StuYa Lid sinds: 04 okt 2011 Laatste bezoek: 19 sep 2024 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 37 Gegeven: 58 Aantal posts: 424 Wij zijn 1 van de weinige believers in dit bedrijf, binnenkort komt de nieuwe 3310 uit. Ik wil dit zowiezo afwachten, zit nu met 15% rendement op Nokia, iedereen verkoopt dit aandeel bijna vandaag, ik niet! NOKIA LONG!! Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
StuYa 27 april 2017 17:18 auteur info StuYa Lid sinds: 04 okt 2011 Laatste bezoek: 19 sep 2024 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 37 Gegeven: 58 Aantal posts: 424 BG? Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Erg chebbi 28 april 2017 06:49 auteur info Erg chebbi Lid sinds: 31 aug 2012 Laatste bezoek: 03 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 604 Gegeven: 227 Aantal posts: 3.863 Botergxxl Ik heb gister op 5.29 de helft laten lopen. Koop wel weer terug, want Nokia gaat het richting 5G ombouw van de wereld goed doen. Wat te denken van de connected cars die er aan gaan komen. Data data data, dat gaat allemaal door de lucht. Idem VR on demand. Daar gaan ze ook een fixe boterham van meepakken. Net als de aankoop van de Lumia's door MS kun je dat aan zien komen. De algemene vraag is alleen; wat doet de wereldpolitiek en..zullen de investeringen in 4G op enig moment stilvallen om te wachten op 5G? Een vacuum zeg maar. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 28 april 2017 09:44 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 ja, heel goed artikel is dat, thank voor het delen.Wie zit er hier allemaal nog in en wat gaan jullie doen met je positie in nokia de komende perioden?Groet! Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
StuYa 28 april 2017 15:56 auteur info StuYa Lid sinds: 04 okt 2011 Laatste bezoek: 19 sep 2024 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 37 Gegeven: 58 Aantal posts: 424 Houden, long hier, het enigste aandeel dat ik momenteel bezit met een deftig rendement! Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Nielix 29 april 2017 14:16 auteur info Nielix Lid sinds: 05 okt 2012 Laatste bezoek: 19 nov 2024 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 14 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 485 quote:deelaan schreef op 28 april 2017 09:44:ja, heel goed artikel is dat, thank voor het delen.Wie zit er hier allemaal nog in en wat gaan jullie doen met je positie in nokia de komende perioden?Ik blijf long en ben van plan om meer in te kopen zodra mogelijk. Ik ben eigenaar van een telefoonherstelwinkel en de buzz onder de klanten is gigantisch. Vooral de upgedate 3310 zal het goed doen bij bejaarden, kinderen en mensen uit de bouwsector. We hebben al een lijst met reservaties voor dat toestel omdat we ons ook gaan specialiseren in de verkoop van nieuwe nokia toestellen (tweedehands smartphones verkopen we reeds). De nokia 9 zal het ook goed doen, de trendsetters gaan voor dit duurdere model. HMD zal 500 miljoen euro besteden aan marketing in Europa, iets wat ze met de Lumia niet gedaan hebben met alle gevolgen van dien. Aanbevelingen 1 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
StuYa 29 april 2017 23:52 auteur info StuYa Lid sinds: 04 okt 2011 Laatste bezoek: 19 sep 2024 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 37 Gegeven: 58 Aantal posts: 424 Leuk om zo'n info te lezen! krijg direct nog meer vertrouwen in Nokia! Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 4 mei 2017 15:37 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 't gaat echt lekker! Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
StuYa 4 mei 2017 21:46 auteur info StuYa Lid sinds: 04 okt 2011 Laatste bezoek: 19 sep 2024 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 37 Gegeven: 58 Aantal posts: 424 Sit back and enjoy the comeback of Nokia!!! Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 5 mei 2017 21:16 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Koers een raket....Man ik heb geplust de afgelopen tijd. Grote order geplaatst op 3.84 ook nog tijdje geleden :) buiten mn inkoop op gemiddeld 2.20 Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
StuYa 6 mei 2017 20:28 auteur info StuYa Lid sinds: 04 okt 2011 Laatste bezoek: 19 sep 2024 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 37 Gegeven: 58 Aantal posts: 424 Lekker toch, ik ergens in de 3.5, maar deze hou ik zowiezo een paar jaar. Nokia is door zoveel "experts" al jaren afgeschreven... Niet door ons :-) . Ik zie 7 haalbaar mss dit jaar zelf nog! Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
StuYa 10 mei 2017 12:31 auteur info StuYa Lid sinds: 04 okt 2011 Laatste bezoek: 19 sep 2024 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 37 Gegeven: 58 Aantal posts: 424 Vandaag toch een deel verkocht met 25% rendement om met dit geld te gaan investeren in Ahold, is de toekomst. BTW 5G komt eraan maar jammer genoeg niet door Nokia.... Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
DeZwarteRidder 10 mei 2017 17:06 auteur info DeZwarteRidder Lid sinds: 29 jun 2012 Laatste bezoek: 09 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 24538 Gegeven: 10639 Aantal posts: 102.430 Nieuwe Nokia 3310 vanaf 5 juni te koop in NederlandGepubliceerd: 10 mei 2017 11:55 Laatste update: 10 mei 2017 11:56De nieuwe versie van de Nokia 3310, gemaakt door het Finse bedrijf HDM Global, is vanaf 5 juni verkrijgbaar in Nederland.Dat maakt het bedrijf woensdagochtend bekend. De losse toestelprijs bedraagt 59,99 euro.De Nokia 3310 is een nieuwe uitvoering van de gelijknamige telefoon van Nokia die in 2000 op de markt verscheen. Het gaat niet om heruitgave van dit klassieke model.De nieuwe 3310 biedt een kleurenscherm van 2,4 inch met een resolutie van 320 bij 240 pixels. Het apparaat zou op één acculading een maand standby kunnen staan en gebruikers zouden er 22 uur mee kunnen bellen voordat de telefoon aan de lader moet.Het toestel ondersteunt geen verbinding via 3G of 4G, enkel via 2G. Verder heeft de telefoon een camera van twee megapixels en wordt standaard een gemoderniseerde versie van het klassieke spel Snake meegeleverd.De Nokia 3310 is beschikbaar in vier kleuren: rood, geel, donkerblauw of grijs. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
StuYa 16 mei 2017 17:36 auteur info StuYa Lid sinds: 04 okt 2011 Laatste bezoek: 19 sep 2024 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 37 Gegeven: 58 Aantal posts: 424 Nokia breidt strijd tegen Apple omtrent patentinbreuk uitGepubliceerd op 22 dec 2016 om 17:50 |(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Nokia klaagt Apple in elf landen aan voor patentinbreuk. Dit meldde de Finse maker van telecomapparatuur donderdag.In totaal lopen er 40 octrooigeschillen tegen Apple. Apple zou technologieën gebruiken op het gebied van onder andere gebruikersomgeving, software, display, chips en videocodering, waarop Nokia het patent heeft.Woensdag kondigde Nokia aan rechtszaken aan te spannen in de Duitse steden Düsseldorf, Mannheim en München en in Amerika bij een Texaanse rechtbank. Daar zijn nu onder meer aanklachten bij rechtbanken in Londen, Helsinki, Barcelona, Den Haag, Parijs, Hongkong en Tokio bijgekomen. - See more at: Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
StuYa 16 mei 2017 19:41 auteur info StuYa Lid sinds: 04 okt 2011 Laatste bezoek: 19 sep 2024 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 37 Gegeven: 58 Aantal posts: 424 PDATE 1-Finnish GDP up more than expected in Q108:56 (16/05) - Bron: RTRS (Adds economist quote, background) By Jussi Rosendahl and Tuomas Forsell HELSINKI, May 16 (Reuters) - Finland's gross domestic product (GDP) rose 1.6 percent in the first quarter from the previous quarter, data showed on Tuesday, indicating the euro zone member was recovering from a decade-long stagnation faster than expected. Finnish economic output is still below levels prior to the financial crisis of 2008 as exports have been hit by a string of problems including the decline of Nokia's NOKIA.HE former phone business, rigid labour markets and a recession in neighbouring Russia. A flash estimate by Statistic Finland showed first-quarter GDP was up 1.6 percent from the previous quarter and 2.8 percent higher than the previous year. "These are very strong figures, above all forecasts ... One can assume that the economy will grow around 2 percent this year, which is the best pace in years for Finland, and above the euro zone average," said economist Juhana Brotherus from Hypo Bank. Economists noted, however, that growth in March cooled down from January and February where figures were boosted by a peak in construction revenue, a one-off ship delivery and an exceptionally weak comparison period in exports. "The economy may grow fast momentarily, but in longer term, there are no prerequisites for growth of 3 percent with the ageing population, low productivity and global economic landscape," Brotherus said. So far, latest official growth forecasts by banks and the government vary from 1.2 to 1.8 percent for 2017 and from 1.0 to 2.0 percent for 2018. ((; +358 9 6805 0248; Reuters Messaging: Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
StuYa 16 mei 2017 19:42 auteur info StuYa Lid sinds: 04 okt 2011 Laatste bezoek: 19 sep 2024 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 37 Gegeven: 58 Aantal posts: 424 Nokia enhances emergency service response times and situational awareness with ViTrust critical communications portfolio06:00 (16/05) - Bron: ONEFor best results when printing this announcement, please click on link Release* Portable Nokia Ultra Compact Network simplifies operation of broadbandservices for first responders and other users during emergencies and networkoutages * Integrated Operations Center enhances situational awareness and commandcenter decision-making by aggregating data sources in use by emergencyservices16 May 2017Critical Communications World 2017, Hong Kong - Nokia is expanding its ViTrustportfolio of end-to-end solutions for critical communications with theintroduction of a new Ultra Compact Network - the LTE network that can bedeployed in places where network connectivity has been lost - and the launchof the Integrated Operations Center, a solution which aggregates data streamsused by emergency services in the field.These additions to Nokia's ViTrust critical communications portfolio willenable government and local mission-critical agencies to quickly establish andmaintain communications using new high-bandwidth push-to-video and other dataand voice services in emergency situations. This will allow first respondersand command center teams to enhance situational awareness, streamlineoperations and save crucial time in their mission to save lives.The new Ultra Compact Network hosts Nokia Group Communications( applicationservices including push-to-video, and can also host customer-specificapplications such as video analytics and geolocalization. The portableLTE-based Ultra Compact Network incorporates carrier-grade Nokia Flexi Zonesmall cell ( radio andintegrated core technology. A network serving up to 400 users can be set up inminutes, even in the most extreme conditions where there is no existingcoverage or coverage has been lost. An easy-to use, integrated graphical userinterface simplifies set-up and configuration, and enables standaloneoperations with no need for an additional laptop. Nokia will make the UltraCompact Network available in different versions, including a backpack-basedportable model, vehicle-mounted and rack-mounted fixed installation versions,so it can be deployed to meet the needs of a variety of situations.The Nokia Integrated Operations Center (IOC) will allow criticalcommunications agencies to transform operations at the command center. Theservice quickly and easily aggregates data feeds from a multitude of sourcesand vendors' systems in an emergency situation, including high-bandwidthvideo, data from first responders, information sourced from alarm systems,CCTV, legacy application data and even social media. Pre-integrated toolsanalyze the feeds and alert teams to need-to-know information, triggeringautomated workflows defined by the agency and Nokia experts. Customizeddashboards present this information in the most appropriate way to help reduceresponse time and enhance cooperation between multiple agencies.In one potential scenario, backhaul connectivity can be established linkingthe Nokia Ultra Compact Network to the Integrated Operations Center. This willenable first responder teams in remote regions to connect to a command centerand dynamically share their data feeds to enhance decision-making.Emil Olbrich, Vice President, Signals Research Group, said: "The business andmission critical communications market is a very interesting area withsignificant growth potential. With the first standards compliant missioncritical push to talk system that includes applications, device andinfrastructure, Nokia has set themselves ahead of everyone. Whether it is asmart city initiative or public safety the key strength for Nokia is theability to provide a holistic approach with an end-to-end portfolio thatincludes network technologies, industry-specific devices, applications andservices. The breadth of this portfolio combined with years of expertisegained from working with commercial operators places Nokia in a great positionto support critical communications customers as they enter the era ofbroadband services."Thorsten Robrecht, head of the Advanced Mobile Solutions business unit withinNokia said: "With the Ultra Compact Network we have placed considerable focuson what the end-user needs. We have combined an industry-specific design withour strong expertise in radio and core technology, including our Flexi Zonefamily, for a wide range of frequency bands. This flexibility continues at thecommand center where the Integrated Operations Center combines multipleapplication and system data, analytics and visualization to enhance situationmanagement for public safety agencies." Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
StuYa 16 mei 2017 19:43 auteur info StuYa Lid sinds: 04 okt 2011 Laatste bezoek: 19 sep 2024 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 37 Gegeven: 58 Aantal posts: 424 Nokia and KDDI trial 5G with AirScale radio for wireless ultra-broadband in megacities07:01 (12/05) - Bron: GNWFor best results when printing this announcement, please click on link Press Release* First in a series of 5G collaborations between Nokia and KDDI, showspotential of 5G to deliver high-bandwidth data services like Ultra HD video inurban environments * Trial achieved speeds of more than 1Gbps over 5G with Nokia AirScale radioaccess on the 28GHz band to neighboring apartmentMay 12, 2017Tokyo, Japan - Nokia and leading Japanese operator KDDI have conducted acountry-first trial simulating future 5G network demands, providinghigh-speed, one gigabit-per-second connectivity inside an apartment blockusing Nokia radio technology on the 28GHz band.The trial, conducted between the KDDI Research Building and an apartmentapproximately 100 meters away, achieved speeds in excess of 1Gbps on the 28GHzband, demonstrating how 5G technology can be used inside apartment blocks tomeet demand for wireless ultra-broadband in megacities such as Tokyo, the mostdensely populated metropolitan area in the world.The trial took place in Fujimino City of Saitama Prefecture and marks thefirst in a series of 5G collaborations between Nokia and KDDI following thesigning of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) last year to developtechnologies for a new, faster generation of wireless communications.Akira Matsunaga, Senior Director, Mobile Network Technical Development, KDDI,said: "The speeds achieved in this trial show great potential for us todeliver high-quality services. Working with Nokia, we want to develop the useof technologies that deliver on the promise of 5G to meet our subscribersneeds."Jae Won, head of Nokia Japan, added: "This trial is an important milestoneboth in our collaboration with KDDI and in our development of technology tomeet the ever-growing demands of the large populations of megacities. 5Gpromises to deliver the ultra-low latency, capacity and high speeds for thesetypes of deployment, and this trial is a great example of how it can beapplied to transform the entertainment experience as one of the many use cases5G has to offer."About the technology* Nokia AirScale Base Station, part of Nokia's 5G FIRST end-to-end solution,provided coverage and connectivity to the apartment block * Nokia AirFrame offered a commercial platform to enable cloud RAN and allowthe transmission of streaming data Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
StuYa 23 mei 2017 19:46 auteur info StuYa Lid sinds: 04 okt 2011 Laatste bezoek: 19 sep 2024 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 37 Gegeven: 58 Aantal posts: 424 BREAKINGVIEWS-Nokia-Apple spat lays bare tech law of the jungle18:27 (23/05) - Bron: RTRS (The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.) By Liam Proud LONDON, May 23 (Reuters Breakingviews) - For an insight into the tech sector's law of the jungle, look at the agreement between Apple and Nokia NOKIA.HE . The two groups settled a patent dispute on Tuesday with a deal in which the U.S. giant will buy network kit from its Finnish peer, and sell Nokia products in its Apple stores. Patent wars may appear be about legal rights and wrongs, but combatants will often settle for just a slightly bigger slice of the pie. Both sides took legal action around the time a licensing agreement expired last year. Nokia accused Apple of violating technology patents, while Apple complained it was being overcharged. Neither side said what patents were at issue. Still, both sides seem to have conceded something. As well as settling their litigation, a new "business collaboration agreement" will see Nokia provide network and infrastructure products and services to Apple. Meanwhile, Apple will again stock Nokia's digital health products online and in its stores. Who gave more? The real question might be who had more to lose. Credit Suisse analysts estimate Nokia could see 200 million euros of ongoing annual royalties from Apple. Yet Nokia's market capitalisation rose more than 2 billion euros after the truce was announced - around three times more than the value of that revenue, when taxed, capitalised and put on the same 47 percent operating margin as Nokia's technology division. That suggests investors attach value to the rest of the settlement, and the fact Nokia has dodged potential legal fees. More importantly, the deal makes clear that the spat was never just about intellectual property law. Apple made $53 billion of revenue last quarter, relying on myriad patents for top sellers including the iPhone and iPad. Patent owners are involved in a constant tug of war with the tech giant for a bigger slice of its top line. Nokia, which has invested more than 115 billion euros on research and development over the last 20 years, wanted a bigger share of the value chain. It looks to have partly succeeded. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
StuYa 24 mei 2017 13:56 auteur info StuYa Lid sinds: 04 okt 2011 Laatste bezoek: 19 sep 2024 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 37 Gegeven: 58 Aantal posts: 424 Nokia begins first key tests on 4.5GHz band with DOCOMO to develop 5G ecosystem in Japan06:00 (24/05) - Bron: GNWFor best results when printing this announcement, please click on link Release * Nokia works with NTT DOCOMO to test applications using 5G base station andthe Intel® 5G Mobile Trial Platform end-user device * Demonstrates potential of Nokia 5G FIRST to deliver enhanced broadband atvastly greater scale * Showcase at 5G Tokyo Bay Summit 2017 signals start of 5G trials in the Tokyoarea24 May 2017Tokyo, Japan - Nokia is to develop the 5G ecosystem with leading Japaneseoperator NTT DOCOMO, INC. in Japan to prepare for the upcoming introduction ofthe next generation wireless network. The collaboration - which uses theIntel® 5G Mobile Trial Platform - will commence with the key interoperabilitytesting of multi-vendor technology using the 4.5GHz frequency band.5G will deliver high speeds and low latency in support of a new generation ofbroadband applications, meeting new requirements for connecting people anddevices, especially in megacities such as Tokyo. Nokia will conduct trials of5G technology with DOCOMO in the Tokyo metropolitan area throughout 2017, withparticular focus on busy tourist, shopping and business locations as well asat key public events hosted by the operator.The tests will use the Nokia 5G FIRST solution, incorporating the NokiaAirScale base station transmitting over a 5G radio interface to the Intel® 5GMobile Trial Platform. The companies will test end-to-end applications overthe air between the base station and the device on the 4.5GHz frequency band,which is one of the candidate bands for 5G in Japan. The Nokia 5G FIRSTsolution is based on early-adopters radio specifications that define a commoninterface to allow equipment from multiple vendors to connect over a 5G radionetwork.Nokia is working with industry leaders around the globe to deliver a 5Ginfrastructure that will meet the massive broadband needs of a variety ofindustries and applications. Seizo Onoe, Executive Vice President, Chief Technology Officer and Member ofthe Board of Directors of NTT DOCOMO, said: "This is a vital first step toallow us to ensure that we have the 5G network infrastructure available forwhen we commercially introduce the technology, with an ecosystem of devicevendors to offer our subscribers the best possible choice and highestquality."Asha Keddy, vice president and general manager of Next Generation andStandards in the Communication and Devices Group at Intel, said: "Intelbelieves key collaborations such as this one driving ecosystem partner trialsand early deployments are critical to building successful 5G technologies andaccelerating the vast benefits they will bring to users. We are excited to bepart of this interoperability testing in Japan using the 4.5GHz radio spectrumas part of the 5G end-to-end solution."Jae Won, head of Nokia Japan, added: "This trial is an important milestone forthe development of 5G in Japan, which will be one of the first countries inthe world to adopt the technology. Furthermore, the initiative is an importantstep forward in our collaboration with NTT DOCOMO, as well as other keytechnology partners, as we develop a technology that will meet theever-growing demands of huge numbers of people living in megacities."A demonstration of the end-to-end tests supporting low-latency 4K videostreaming and other 5G applications will be given at the Nokia booth at 5GTokyo Bay Summit 2017.About the technology* Nokia AirScale Active Antenna using Massive MIMO technology with digitalbeamforming to provide enhanced cell range, maximized performance at the celledge and increased spectral efficiency * Nokia 5G FIRST using early-adopters radio specifications to supportmulti-vendor end user devices over the 5G radio interface and incorporatingthe Nokia AirScale base station and Nokia AirFrame data center technology * Intel® 5G Mobile Trial Platform end-user device based on early-adoptersspecifications to support over the air connectivity to the Nokia AirScale basestation.Resources* Web Page: Nokia AirScale Radio Access( * Web Page: Nokia AirFrame Data Center Solution( * Web Page: 5G - Creating a new era of communication( Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
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