Phill schreef op 9 februari 2021 09:49:
Graag post ik de volgende theorie over Anavex en voor de mensen die nu spijt hebben dat ze niet verkochten aan +20USD, dit is enkel het begin:
Right now, appropriately, the foci are on the completion of the blarcamesine trials (Rett syndrome, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's). Most believe that these will be the end-all and be-all regarding both what blarcamesine will be used for, and how will it will work. Both of those most directly impact and control the eventual mid-term AVXL share price, far higher than today's, by one or two more digits. Well and good.
But after scrutinizing all of the public data on blarcamesine and the other Anavex sigma-1 receptor agonists (particularly, Anavex 3-71), because I understand cytology (how cells work), and a good bit of biochemistry of cells (genetic controls and homeostatic mechanisms), it is clear to me that the focus on three CNS diseases is too narrow. For those without expertise in cytology, confining discussions and thoughts to those diseases is appropriate. But are they going to be the only Anavex stories? I think not.
Simply, the unique, propitious activation of the sigma-1 receptor protein by the Anavex molecules will have far greater applications than just the three CNS diseases presently being targeted. Anavex Life Sciences Corp concurs with this; just look at the other diseases being targeted in their pipeline webpage:!/pipelineBut those 17 pipeline topics are not, at all, what will eventually be targeted and treated. As more substantiating data emerge, I'll post my comments on them. Specifically — probably the biggest thing in Anavex's future — will be the eventual prescribing of Anavex drugs prophylactically, to prevent the onset or progression of not just the recognized CNS diseases, but a host of diseases and conditions. This is because sigma-1 receptor activation promotes or restores, among other things, normalized, youthful autophagy, the cell's processes whereby wastes are eliminated. This retains youthful health; anti-aging, if you will.
At the same time, homeostasis is promoted, the process where cellular functions and processes are kept In control. Nothing over-active nor under-active.
So many health problems involve or are caused by dysfunctional autophagy and cellular, histologic (tissue systems) and organ systems homeostasis. The Anavex molecules will be seminal in the treatment and prevention of these.
I haven't mentioned cancer or infection utilizations. Those, too, I believe will appear; a bit later; particularly as properly implemented sigma-1 receptor activation propitiously modulates the immune system.