wiegveld schreef op 24 juli 2023 23:29:
Waarom ben je gerustgesteld?
Ik las dat stuk ook en las dit: lees de laatste zin!
Philips has recognized a provision based on Philips’ best
estimate of the costs to repair or replace devices subject to
the Respironics field action. The provision is related to the
cost to repair and/or replace affected devices and includes,
amongst others, the costs for the remaining production, the
cost of intensified communication with physicians and
patients, material costs, labor cost and logistics. The provision
does not include any product liability costs or other claims
Even verder dit:
Legal provisions
Philips is a defendant in a number of consumer class-action
lawsuits from users of the affected devices and a number of
individual personal injury and other compensation claims. In
the US, an economic loss class action, a medical monitoring
class action and personal injury claims have been filed. In the six months ended June 30, 2023, Philips Respironics recorded
a EUR 575 million provision in connection with the
anticipated resolution of the economic loss class action in the
US, an important step in addressing the litigation related to
the recall.
Following the FDA’s inspection of certain of Philips
Respironics’ facilities in the US in 2021 and the subsequent
inspectional observations, the US Department of Justice,
acting on behalf of the FDA, in July 2022 started discussions
with Philips regarding the terms of a consent decree to
resolve the identified issues. As of June 30, 2023, the
discussions are ongoing. Given the uncertain nature of the
relevant events, and of their potential financial and
operational impact and associated obligations, if any, the
company has not recorded any provisions for these matters
Er is in USA dus voor 1 zaak een voorziening getroffen, maar de discussies met Justitie zijn op 30 ju i 2023 nog steeds bezig en vanwege de onzekerheid is er hiervoor geen voorziening getroffen.
Ook verderop pagina 29 wwerd ik niet vrolijk van de zaken die lopen in verschillende landen.
Voor mij is de enige vraag is de koers voldoende gedaald om alle claims te compenseren of niet? Ik weet het domweg niet zeg ik eerlijk.
Wat als Philips 1,2 of 3 miljard schadevergoeding moet betalen. ik hoop zoals ik hierboven ook zeg op snelle redelijke schikking!