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  1. forum rang 10 voda 2 januari 2019 22:09
    Vestas wins 99 MW EPC order in Ukraine

    Vestas has received a 99 MW Engineering, Procurement and Construction order from DTEK Renewables for the Orlovka wind project in the Zaporizhia region, Ukraine. The order includes 4 MW platform turbines delivered in 3.8 MW Power Optimised Mode as well as a 20-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service contract. Deliveries are expected to begin in the first quarter of 2019, while commissioning is planned for the fourth quarter of 2019.

    Mr Nils de Baar, President of Vestas Northern & Central Europe said that
    “With this order, Vestas reinforces its leading role in Ukraine’s renewable energy market and continues to support the country’s renewable ambitions. We are pleased to be awarded yet another order from DTEK, Ukraine’s largest energy company.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  2. forum rang 10 voda 2 januari 2019 22:10
    India finalizes bids for 8,000 MW wind power projects – Mr RK Singh

    Economic Times reported that India has finalized bids for setting up wind power projects of over 8,000 Megawatt (MW) capacity through Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) and National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd. Power minister R K Singh said that "As on date, the bids for setting up of wind power projects of aggregate 8389.90 MW capacity have been finalized through SECI and NTPC.”

    The wind power projects in the country are installed on the basis of commercial viability through tariff based competitive bidding process. Beside above projects, bids of 500 MW each have been finalized by the states of Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and Maharashtra, Singh informed.

    The Government has set a target of installing 60 GW of wind power capacity by 2022, against which 35 GW capacity has already been installed.

    The Government is promoting wind power projects in the entire country by providing various fiscal and financial incentives such as Accelerated Depreciation benefit; concessional customs duty exemption on certain components of wind electric generators. Besides, Generation Based Incentive is being provided to the wind projects commissioned before 31 March 2017.

    In addition to these incentives, various steps have been taken to promote installation of wind capacity in the country comprising technical support that includes wind resource assessment and identification of potential sites through the National Institute of Wind Energy, Chennai.

    In order to facilitate inter-state sale of wind power, the inter-state transmission charges and losses have been waived off for wind and solar projects to be commissioned by March, 2022.

    The government has also issued guidelines for the tariff-based competitive bidding process for procurement of power from grid-connected wind power projects. These Guidelines aim to enable the distribution licensees to procure wind power at competitive rates in a cost-effective manner.

    Source : Economic Times
  3. forum rang 10 voda 3 januari 2019 20:22
    Enlight starts electricity production at Serbia wind farm

    Reuters reported that Israel's Enlight Renewable Energy on Sunday starting to produce electricity at its wind energy project in Serbia, though it expects to complete the project in the second quarter of next year. The 105 megawatt wind turbine project, once complete, is expected to bring annual revenue of 28 million euros (USD 32 million) for a 12-year period, and then 14-16 million euros after that.

    This is Enlight's biggest project to date.

    Source : Reuters
  4. forum rang 10 voda 3 januari 2019 20:23
    Tamil Nadu wind power companies get jolt as tariff plummets

    Times Of India reported that Tamil Nadu wind power developers are an aggrieved lot with the tariff falling below all expectations. The latest tariff of 2.65 per unit is the lowest and wind companies have appealed against the tariff in Appellate Tribunal for Electricity stating that present tariff is too low and Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulator Commission has not taken into consideration the total cost for setting up a wind power tower.

    The TNERC set a feed in tariff for wind power of INR 2.80 per unit with depreciation benefit and INR 2.86 per unit without it. Subsequently, it also approved a proposal by Tangedco, to conduct a wind auction of 1,500MW at a ceiling price at INR 2.65 per unit.

    In response, the Indian Wind Turbine Manufacturers Association has petitioned the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity that TNERC’s feed in tariff was low as it has grossly underestimated several of the costs incurred in setting up wind projects, and that its decision to allow Tangedco to set an even lower tariff was worse still for developers.

    IWTMA official said that “The wind power tariff has been falling below the base tariff of thermal units. Tangedco and other discoms will be happy to evacuate wind power at a tariff less than Rs 3 per unit instead of burning coal in their own units.”

    The investments in wind power will also increase the tax revenue for the state government.

    The official said that “Investments in each MW will increase the employment opportunity. Each MW will give employment to at least 50 persons in manufacturing of the wind mills as well as in maintaining once the wind mill is commissioned.”

    Source : Economic Times
  5. forum rang 10 voda 3 januari 2019 20:24
    Vestas expands footprint in Western Australia

    Vestas’ orders in Australia in 2018 have passed 1 GW after the signing of a 184 MW engineering, procurement and construction contract for the Warradarge Wind Farm. The 1 GW of orders is Vestas’ highest in one year since installing the country’s first commercial-sized wind farm 25 years ago. The project announced today also marks an expansion of Vestas’ footprint in Western Australia, increasing the company’s total installed capacity in the state to 561 MW.

    Located near Eneabba in mid-west Western Australia, the Warradarge Wind Farm project will feature 51 V136-3.45 MW turbines delivered in 3.6 MW Power Optimised Mode with hub heights of 84 meters to maximise performance in the site's specific wind conditions.

    The order is placed by Bright Energy Investments, a joint venture between Western Australian electricity generator and retailer Synergy, global infrastructure investment fund DIF and Australian industry superannuation fund Cbus.

    Upon completion, Vestas will commence an up to 30-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement, designed to maximise energy production for the lifetime of the project. With a yield-based availability guarantee, covering both turbines and balance of plant assets, Vestas will provide Synergy with long-term business case certainty. Commercial operations at Warradarge Wind Farm are scheduled to commence in the third quarter of 2020.

    Asia Pacific President Clive Turton said that “We are extremely pleased to work with Bright Energy Investments on this project. It has extraordinary wind conditions and will make an important contribution to powering Western Australia with competitive renewable energy. After the Warradarge Wind Farm comes online, Vestas will have an installed base of 561 MW in Western Australia, expanding our service footprint and capability to support future projects in the state.”

    Mr Tom Frood, General Manager Bight Energy Investments said that “The high calibre of the parties involved in Bright Energy Investments and Vestas’ world-class experience will ensure that the Warradarge Wind Farm is delivered smoothly and on-schedule. Synergy has a strong history in Western Australian solar and wind assets, and is committed to increasing its renewable energy portfolio, and Vestas’ rich industry expertise and proven track record will ensure that the first power generation is on track for 2020”.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  6. forum rang 10 voda 3 januari 2019 20:27
    Ceylon Electricity Board awards Vestas Sri Lanka first wind park with 104 MW EPC project

    After introducing wind energy to Sri Lanka with a demonstration project 19 years ago, Vestas returns to the country and will install the country’s first large scale wind park, the 104 MW Mannar Wind Power Project. The order includes Engineering, Procurement and Construction and is placed by Ceylon Electricity Board, the main utility company of Sri Lanka. The order represents the first large scale wind project ever planned in the country as previous projects were in the range of 10 to 15 MW. The order was awarded through an international tender, which underlines Vestas’ broad range of capabilities and solutions that can provide low cost wind energy across the globe. The project was conceived by CEB and is fully funded by Asian Development Bank.

    Located on Mannar Island in Sri Lanka, Vestas will provide the Mannar Wind Power Project Phase 1 with delivery, installation and commissioning of 30 V126-3.45 MW wind turbines, as well as civil and electrical work. The project will also include full scope Active Output Management 4000 (AOM 4000) based service agreement as well as a Vestas Online® Business SCADA solution.

    Mr Clive Turton, President of Vestas Asia Pacific said that “We are very excited with this order and the opportunity to be back in Sri Lanka. This tender signifies a clear indication of CEB and local policymakers’ intention to promote sustainable energy sources as well as increase the mix of sustainable energy in the local grid. Vestas looks forward to working together with our local partners and the local authorities towards this common goal.”

    Construction activities are expected to commence in the first quarter of 2019, and the project is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2020.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  7. forum rang 10 voda 3 januari 2019 21:43
    Ørsted stopt aanleg nieuwe windparken Taiwan nu kerncentrales langer open blijven

    De Deense windparkontwikkelaar ØrstedDE78€58,26+2,32% legt alle nieuwe projecten in Taiwan stil nadat het bedrijf er niet in is geslaagd om een stroomafnamecontract te sluiten voor twee grote offshorewindparken die het bedrijf wil gaan bouwen. Dat heeft Ørsted bekendgemaakt.

    Taiwan geldt als een van de belangrijkste nieuwe groeimarkten in de wereld voor windparken op zee. Behalve Ørsted kijken bijvoorbeeld ook Shell, Van Oord en Sif, dat funderingen maakt voor windturbines, naar mogelijkheden om offshorewindparken in Taiwan te gaan bouwen.

    Van Oord sleepte in mei 2018 al een contract ter waarde van €500 mln in de wacht voor een groot windproject in Taiwan. Het offshorewindproject Yunlin wordt ontwikkeld door de Duitse projectontwikkelaar wpd.

    Niet alle kerncentrales dicht
    De grote interesse voor Taiwan volgde uit het beleid van de Taiwanese overheid om grote windparken op zee aan te besteden. De Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen wilde de afhankelijkheid van kernenergie in 2025 beëindigen en het aandeel hernieuwbare stroom vervijfvoudigen in 2025.

    Maar na een grote nederlaag in lokale partijverkiezingen in november 2018 moest Tsai Ing-wen aftreden als partijvoorzitter. Daarna vond een herziening plaats van het energiebeleid. Taiwan schrapte onder andere het plan om alle kerncentrales in 2025 te sluiten. Ook beschuldigde oppositiepartij KMT het ministerie van energie van frauduleus handelen en de minister van corruptie door te hoge tarieven aan te bieden aan Ørsted.

    Direct na de verkiezingen waarschuwde Ørsted al dat de uitslag mogelijk consequenties kon gaan hebben voor de bouw van nieuwe windparken. Het is nog onduidelijk of en welke nieuwe langetermijndoelstellingen Taiwan gaat opstellen voor wind op zee.

    'Buitengewoon hoge kosten'
    Ørsted zegt nu dat er geen overeenstemming is bereikt over de tarieven die het bedrijf van elektriciteitsbedrijven ontvangt als de twee windparken klaar zijn. Die zouden te laag zijn. Ørsted wil meer financiële compensatie. De tarieven zouden de 'buitengewoon hoge kosten' voor de windparken moeten weerspiegelen. Het gaat dan vooral om het 'opzetten van een lokale toeleveringsketen, het versterken van het elektriciteitsnet op land en het bouwen, exploiteren en onderhouden van offshorewindparken in uitdagende wateren, waar tyfoons en aardbevingen voorkomen', aldus het bedrijf.

    'We zullen nu al onze projectactiviteiten pauzeren en heroverwegen', aldus Martin Neubert, hoofd van Ørsteds offshoredivisie.

    Zeer bezorgd
    Het Deense bedrijf is 'zeer bezorgd' over het Taiwanese voorstel voor een productieplafond en lagere zogenoemde feed-in tarieven. 'De voorstellen moeten er heel anders uitzien voordat we een definitieve investeringsbeslissing voor de projecten kunnen nemen.'

    Ørsted heeft al een belang van 35% in Taiwans eerste offshorewindpark Formosa 1. Een geplande uitbreiding van dat windpark gaat wel door dit jaar. Een woordvoerder van Van Oord kon nog niet onmiddellijk zeggen of het gewijzigde beleid in Taiwan ook gevolgen heeft voor het contract dat het Nederlandse bedrijf heeft voor de bouw van het Taiwanese windpark voor wpd.

    Analisten schatten voor de verkiezingen in november 2018 dat de offshorewindmarkt in Taiwan zou kunnen groeien naar 5,5 gigawatt in 2025 met investeringen van de overheid van $23 mrd, zo bericht Reuters.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 4 januari 2019 20:14
    Vestas receives first order from China State Power Investment Corporation

    Vestas has received a 19 MW order of 4 MW platform turbines from one of China’s top five power companies, State Power Investment Corporation. Mr Dianxue Fu, General Manager of D factory, SPIC Huolinhe Company said that “As the global leading wind turbine supplier, Vestas attracts us with its good reputation and proven 4 MW platform track record. I believe the project will be deliver excellent performance in operation.”

    The order includes a 5-year Active Output Management 4000 (AOM 4000) service agreement, as well as VestasOnline® Business SCADA solution. Project delivery and commissioning are expected to be in the third quarter of 2019.

    Vestas has also signed a 5-year AOM 5000 re-capture service agreement for a 54 MW wind farm with another customer in China. No relationship exists between this service contract and the SPIC order.

    Mr Thomas Keller, Senior Vice President and CFO of Vestas China said that “SPIC is at the forefront of the green power transformation in China and globally, which fits very well with Vestas’ strong presence in China and globally. Hopefully, this project will be the beginning of a lasting cooperation in the Chinese market.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  9. forum rang 10 voda 4 januari 2019 20:25
    Vestas wins 18 MW order from Star Energy Corporation in Taiwan

    Vestas has secured a 18 MW order in Taiwan with local Engineering Procurement and Construction provider Star Energy Corporation for two of their latest wind energy projects. The order includes the supply and supervision of installation of 5 V105-3.45 MW turbines delivered in 3.6 MW Power Optimised Mode. The wind park will be located in Changhua along the west coast of Taiwan, which holds the largest wind energy capacity of any county, municipality or city in Taiwan. Vestas’ High Wind Operation (HWO) will help increase energy production, reduced hysteresis losses and increased grid stability during High Wind condition which is ideal for Taiwan’s good wind condition and requirement.

    Mr Clive Turton, President of Vestas Asia Pacific said that “This is an important order for us as it signifies our return to the Taiwanese market. Star Energy Corporation and Vestas have a long-standing service collaboration and the order adds to this relationship, showcasing the confidence and trust that Star Energy Corporation has in Vestas”.

    The order also includes a 5-year service agreement AOM 4000 including a Vestas Online® Business SCADA solution. Vestas is currently servicing 159 MW of wind turbines in Taiwan including multibrand turbines. Turbine installation is expected to commence around the second half of 2019.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  10. forum rang 10 voda 7 januari 2019 21:11
    Serbian EPS gets green light to build 66 MW wind farm

    State owned EPS plans to increase its gross electricity output by 4 percent to 40 terrawatt hours this year and produce 38 million tonnes of coal, up 1.5 percent from 2018. Serbia, which produces 70 percent of its energy from coal and the rest from hydropower, aims to secure 27 percent of its energy consumption from renewables by 2020. Its energy minister had said it would have 500 MW of installed wind capacity by 2020.

    Serbian power utility EPS said on Thursday it had received a regulatory green light to build a 66-megawatt (MW) wind farm in the eastern town of Kostolac, the first wind capacity in its energy portfolio.

    An EPS statement quoted managing director Milorad Grcic as saying that “We expect construction to start in the third quarter of 2019.”

    Last year, German state-owned development bank KfW signed an 80 million euro (USD 91 million) loan deal with EPS to help complete the project, whose value was put at 97 million euros.

    Source : EVWind
  11. forum rang 10 voda 7 januari 2019 21:17
    Enlight Renewable to start operating wind farm project in Serbia in Q2'19

    SeeNews reported that Israel's Enlight Renewable Energy plans to start operating the 104.5 MW wind farm it is building in Serbia's Kovacica municipality in the second quarter of 2019. Enlight is starting electricity production at the wind farm in a trial mode and will receive 50% of the entitled rate of 43.9 euro (USD 49.9) per kWh for the purchase of power by the Serbian government until the facility is fully operational. Enlight added that the construction of 34 of the planned 38 turbines of the wind farm and its transformer station have been completed.

    It added that the company expects to generate a revenue of 28 million euro per year from the sale of electricity during the 12-year regulatory period following the commercial launch of the wind farm, and between 14 million euro and 16 million euro after that.

    The Israeli company plans to invest a total of 189 million euro in the construction of the wind farm, Erste Bank Serbia, which co-finances the project, said in September 2017. Financing in the amount of 142 million euro will be made through parallel loans granted by Erste Group, with the support of export credit agency Euler Hermes Germany, Erste Bank Serbia and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

    Source : See News
  12. forum rang 10 voda 7 januari 2019 21:23
    Acciona Energy constructing second wind farm in Cameron County

    Kurv reported that Acciona Energy is developing its second wind farm in Cameron County. When finished, the company’s Palmas Altas wind farm east of Rio Hondo will consist of 46 wind turbines which will be able to generate enough electricity to power 43-thousand homes.

    The energy produced will be part of the electric grid managed by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas. Acciona, a Spanish conglomerate, also operates the 31-turbine San Roman wind farm east of Bayview, along with seven other winds farms in the U.S.

    Source : kurv
  13. forum rang 10 voda 7 januari 2019 21:25
    Orsted puts Taiwan wind farm projects on hold

    Reuters reported that Danish energy group Orsted will put new major projects in Taiwan on hold after it failed to sign a power purchase agreement for two offshore wind farm projects. Danish company said a deadline for signing a PPA with Taiwanese utility Taipower for the projects had slipped as Taiwan's Bureau of Energy had failed to issue an establishment permit. Mr Martin Neubert, head of Orsted's offshore division said that "We will now pause and revisit all our project activities, the timeline of the projects, and our supply chain commitments and contracts as we had assumed signing of the PPA in 2018.”

    Taiwan, which has made a big push to attract investments into renewable technology, last year awarded Orsted the right to install 900MW of offshore wind capacity at its Changhua 1 and 2a projects, due to be completed in 2021.

    Orsted acknowledged in November that offshore wind projects in Taiwan could face delays after voters in a local election decided against a government plan to abolish nuclear power.

    Source : Reuters
  14. forum rang 10 voda 8 januari 2019 19:44
    Wind energy companies may get more time for financial closure

    Economic Times reported that wind developers who won projects in Solar Energy Corporation of India’s (SECI) 2000 mw auction in February, but have not been able to achieve financial closure yet, are likely to get a breather, with SECI extending the last date for closure by another two months. SECI had earlier set the deadline for January 3, after which it had threatened to start invoking the bank guarantees the developers have given.

    Developers who wanted to set up their wind projects in Gujarat were facing this problem since the Gujarat government has been reluctant to allot land for central government sanctioned projects. About half the total capacity of 2000 mw auctioned was intended for Gujarat, which has some of the best wind energy producing sites in the country.

    Following SECI’s directive setting the January 3 deadline, wind industry bodies, IWTMA (Indian Wind Turbine Manufacturers Association) and WIPPA (Wind Independent Power Producers Association) last week wrote a letter to the power minister requesting him to intervene immediately to get land in Gujarat leased to them. According to multiple sources close to the development, SECI has now allowed an extension, though the main problem of getting the land still needs to be sorted out.

    But this gives a reprieve to IPPs from potential penalty as well. A SECI official confirmed that “A proposal for an extension has been sent to the ministry.” The ministry of new and renewable energy (MNRE) could not be reached for comments.

    SECI projects would be connected to the interstate transmission system and could thereby supply power anywhere in the country. The Gujarat government has preferred to lease land only for wind projects auctioned by its own renewable energy agency, Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd, whose power would be provided to Gujarat alone. With the growth of wind projects, premium wind sites in Gujarat are becoming increasingly scarce.

    A senior Gujarat official dealing with the issue said a solution would be reached whereby both the state and SECI would benefit. He said that “We are of course keen on promoting renewable energy.”

    Source : Economic Times
  15. forum rang 10 voda 9 januari 2019 19:50
    Japan plans to build biggest offshore wind power plant

    Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc is considering a project to build one of the nation’s biggest offshore wind power plants, it has been learned. The wind farm’s generating capacity is expected to be over 1 million kilowatts, the equivalent of the power produced by a nuclear power reactor. One of its potential locations is off Choshi, Chiba Prefecture.

    Renewable energy production is increasing worldwide. TEPCO plans to work its way into this trend, so it can make up for the costs of decommissioning reactors or removing remaining radioactive substances following the accident at its Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.

    According to the project, the electric company will join hands with a highly experienced European offshore wind power maker and spend about ¥1 trillion (about $9.2 billion) to install about 200 wind turbines offshore. It will employ fixed bottom turbines, the foundations of which are placed in the seabed. Each turbine can produce around 5,000 kilowatts and cover the annual power consumption of about 300,000 average households.

    TEPCO hopes to secure stable profits by selling generated electricity through the feed-in tariff system, a government scheme to purchase such electricity at fixed prices.

    The company is scheduled to start commercially operating offshore wind power this month by generating 2,400 kilowatts off Choshi. This will be the first time for the fixed bottom type to be in operation in the country. TEPCO is also considering a nearby location for the full-fledged generator.

    Offshore wind power enables efficient electricity generation because wind speed on the sea is more stable than on land.

    The government also supports offshore wind power business operations.

    Source : EVWind
  16. forum rang 10 voda 9 januari 2019 19:50
    LS to supply cables to Taiwan offshore wind power

    Korea Times reported that LS Cable & System will supply 170 kilometers of submarine power cables to a massive wind farm in Taiwan. According to the company, it has signed a deal providing the 66 kilovolt cables with a German wind power firm wpd, which is participating in the wind farm project in waters off western Taiwan.

    Taiwan plans to build a 5.5-gigawatt offshore wind power facility by 2030 by pouring USD 23 billion, in a bid to increase the country’s reliance on renewable energy sources. The first phase of the project, scheduled to be finished by 2025, is led by European wind power firms.

    The contract is for supplying 170 kilometers of high-voltage underwater cables for the offshore wind farm named Yunlin, located off the shore of Yunlin County in Taiwan.

    It is the first time a Korean cable maker will ship submarine cables to Taiwan.

    As part of its plan to shut down nuclear power plants by 2025 and replace them with renewable energy, Taiwan will invest USD 23 billion in the construction of a 5.5-gigawatt offshore wind power facility.

    Source : Korea Times
  17. forum rang 10 voda 9 januari 2019 20:01
    Vestas receives 101 MW EPC project in India

    Vestas is off to a great start in 2019 by securing its first order of the year with a 101 MW Engineering, Procurement and Construction project in India from Trinethra Wind & Hydro Power Pvt Ltd a subsidiary of Continuum Wind Energy Pvt Ltd. The project is designed to sell power to commercial and industrial consumers through a third-party Power Purchase Agreements. Following the recent 252 MW EPC order from Vivid Solaire Energy Pvt Ltd, the order reaffirms the Indian market’s confidence in Vestas’ EPC competencies. The project is located at Rajkot in the state of Gujarat and the order includes delivery, installation and commissioning of 46 V120-2.2 MW turbines, as well as the project’s civil and electrical work. Upon completion of the project, Vestas will commence a 15-year full scope Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement as well as a Vestas Online® Business SCADA solution.

    Mr Arvind Bansal, CEO of Continuum Wind Energy said that “Continuum has enjoyed its relationship with Vestas and looks forward to deploying their latest offering of V120-2.2 MW turbines in India for the first phase of 101MW of the 350 MW project. Vestas’ offering will help us provide high quality and reliable service to our prestigious commercial and industrial customers in Gujarat. We are encouraged by the increasing interest of commercial and industrial customers in purchasing renewable energy.”

    Mr Clive Turton, President of Vestas Asia Pacific said that “We are very excited to start the year with an EPC order in India; this showcases the confidence and trust that our customers have in our capabilities across the full range of projects. We will be working closely with our partners to help India meet its renewable energy needs while enhancing the Indian wind energy sector by providing long-term job opportunities as well as low-cost energy to the local community.”

    Turbine delivery is expected to commence in the first quarter of 2019 and commissioning is expected by second quarter of 2019.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  18. forum rang 10 voda 10 januari 2019 20:17
    Senvion converts 300 MW contract in India into firm order

    Senvion confirms the firm order conversion of the 300 MW contract with alfanar India. The signing of the order for the Bhuj project was announced at the beginning of December 2018. The project scope includes a full EPC of 131 Senvion 2.3M130 turbines that will be installed in the second quarter of 2020 as well as a full operations and maintenance contract over ten years. The wind project in Gujarat is part of the Round 5 bidding of Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited - a company of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India.

    In addition to this project, Senvion and alfanar already signed another firm order of 300 MW project in India earlier. Within the last calendar year Senvion's total order book in India reached over 1 GW, including 730 MW firm orders.

    The 300 MW order was booked as firm end of December 2018, being cash effective in the first week of January 2019.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  19. forum rang 10 voda 10 januari 2019 20:22
    Nordex obtains 300 MW order for major project in India

    In December 2018, the Nordex Group has received a 300 MW turnkey order from Sprng Energy Private Limited. The project “Mulanur” is located in the state of Tamilnadu, near to the city of Coimbatore. Sprng Energy Private Limited is the Indian subsidiary for renewable energy of the private equity fund Actis, one of the leading investors in rapid-growth developing countries. Under the turnkey contract, Nordex will supply, erect and commission 100 AW140/3000 turbines with 3 MW installed capacity, rotor diameters of 140 meters and hub heights of 120 meters. Construction of the 300 MW "Mulanur" wind farm is scheduled to commence in May 2019 and is to be completed at the beginning of 2020.

    The Nordex Group will build the turbines and rotor blades in its local factories near Chennai. The 120-metre concrete towers are also to be produced locally, in the Nordex factory located in Tamilnadu within the vicinity of the wind farm. Mr Patxi Landa, Chief Sales Officer of the Nordex Group said that "Local production creates jobs and reduces investment costs.”

    Mr Gaurav Sood, CEO of Sprng Energy said that "We are excited to partner with Nordex Group and set-up the state of the art 3MW WTG which will be the largest turbine in India having the biggest rotor of 140m, for our project.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  20. forum rang 10 voda 11 januari 2019 17:00
    China announces plans for world biggest wind farm on Mongolian border

    EVWIND reported that State Power Investment Corporation one of China’s top five energy generators, has announced plans to build a 6GW windfarm in the north of the country, close to its border with Mongolia. Spic announced that is has received planning approval for its project from the Ulanqab Municipal Development of Inner Mongolia. If it goes ahead, it would install wind turbines across an area of 3,800 square kilometres, roughly the same size as the UK county of Suffolk, at a construction cost of about USD 6.8 billion.

    The aim is to deliver almost 19TWh of unsubsidised electricity to the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei triangle.

    Spic has not given details of the schemes schedule, but it said that it would be completed in time for the 2022 Winter Olympics, which are due to be hosted in Beijing.

    As well as installing turbines, it will be necessary to build 12 ultra-high-voltage transmission grids to support the scheme.

    Source : EVWIND
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ASR Nederland 21 4.499
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 491
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.678
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 64
Azerion 7 3.392