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  1. forum rang 10 voda 15 januari 2016 15:22
    BHP Billiton schrijft $7,2 mrd af met lage grondstofprijzen

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--BHP Billiton Ltd. heeft vrijdag zijn grootste afschrijving ooit bekendgemaakt, een last voor belastingen van grofweg $7,2 miljard bij zijn onshore energiebezittingen, terwijl de kelderende wereldwijde grondstofprijzen de winst aantast.

    De vrije val van de olieprijzen zijn de laatste hoofdpijnkwesties voor de wereldwijde mijnbouwgigant, die al worstelt met een dam uitbarsting bij een Braziliaanse mijnbouwonderneming en een ineenstorting van de prijzen voor ijzererts, de focus van de grootste divisie. Aandelen van het concern zijn in de eerste weken van 2016 al met 16% in waarde verminderd.

    De afwaardering bij de energie-eenheid overtreft de $5,5 miljard aan kosten gerapporteerd in 2013, voorheen de grootste waardevermindering die het concern ooit deed. Eerder ging BHP Billiton al over tot een aantal afschrijvingen bij de energiedivisie, waaronder een last voor belastingen van $2,8 miljard vorig jaar, en nog e e n van vergelijkbare omvang in 2012.

    Door Rhiannon Hoyle in Sydney. Vertaald en bewerkt door Ellen Proper in Amsterdam; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires

  2. forum rang 10 voda 15 januari 2016 17:20
    Rio Tinto warns of tough 2016 as iron ore market resumes slump

    RIO Tinto has slapped a global freeze on staff salaries and warned this year will be tougher than last as the broad commodities price rout becomes the “new normal”. Rio said there would be no pay rises for its 60,000-strong workforce a freeze that goes to the top and includes short and long-term incentive payments for all executives.

    A leaked email from Rio chief Mr Sam Walsh to staff says 2016 will be “even tougher” than last year and the miner must find further savings. Mr Walsh wrote “What we see ahead is very sobering. This situation is not temporary and our industry is moving into the new normal which means we must continue to be one step ahead.”

    He said “This decision was a very difficult one. I’m sure you are disappointed by it, as am I, but it is necessary given the market context.”

    Rio will also look to extract better deals from contractors and suppliers and has urged staff to make better use of technology to reduce the company’s travel bill. Mr Walsh said he had already cancelled a number of trips and asked his executive team to do the same.

    But for iron ore giant Rio Tinto there could be a silver lining of sorts in what is shaping to be an ugly 12 months. Mr Walsh says the carnage could provide opportunity for Rio to widen the gap against its fellow majors. He said "Rio Tinto can thrive when others falter.”

    Source : The Daily Telegraph
  3. forum rang 10 voda 19 januari 2016 17:18
    Vale and BHP Billiton present plans for Rio Doce river recovery

    Reuters reported that miners Vale SA and BHP Billiton Ltd have presented plans for recovery of the Rio Doce river after a dam burst at their iron ore venture unleashed toxic mud in November, Brazil's Environment Minister Ms Izabella Teixeira said on Monday.

    Ms Teixeira said the government had estimated 20 billion reais ($5 billion) were needed to clean up the river but did not say how much the companies had offered to pay.

    She said progress had been made on the negotiations, however.

    Source : Reuters

  4. forum rang 10 voda 19 januari 2016 17:20
    Samarco iron ore tailing dam had severe structural issues a year ago - Engineer

    Business Insider Australia reported that an engineer says the Samarco iron ore mine in Brazil, jointly run by BHP and Vale, was told about “severe” structural problems in one of its dams a year before it collapsed. According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, engineer Joaquim Pimenta de Ávila in September 2014 inspected a crack in its the waste-storage facility while working for Samarco. He recommenced the mine increase monitoring and reinforce the dam with a buttress.

    Pimenta de Ávila spoke to the Journal after a statement he gave to the police in December was published by a local newspaper.

    So far, 17 people have been confirmed dead from the waste dam collapse in November which sent a wall of mud downstream. The dead include five members of a village and 12 people who were working on the dams. Two are still unaccounted for.

    The federal and state governments in Brazil have taken the Samarco iron ore mine, BHP and Vale to court seeking clean-up costs and damages. The action demands a fund of BRL 20 billion ($A7 billion). BHP’s share would be half that, about $A3.5 billion.

    Source : Business Insider Australia
  5. forum rang 10 voda 25 januari 2016 16:14
    Groot verlies Amplats door afschrijvingen

    Gepubliceerd op 25 jan 2016 om 09:04 | Views: 2.581

    JOHANNESBURG (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Platinabedrijf Anglo American Platinum (Amplats) heeft afgelopen jaar een zwaar verlies geleden. De tegenvaller heeft te maken met afschrijvingen en reorganisatiekosten ter waarde van 14 miljard rand (circa 786 miljoen euro), meldde de Zuid-Afrikaanse dochteronderneming van mijnbouwconcern Anglo American.

    Het verlies van Amplats komt naar verwachting uit op 12,1 tot 12,2 miljard rand. Een jaar eerder werd nog 624 miljoen rand winst gemaakt.

    De mijnbouwsector staat onder druk door sterk gedaalde grondstofprijzen. De prijs van platina, dat onder meer wordt gebruikt in katalysatoren voor auto's, daalde sinds begin 2015 met 31 procent. Amplats is de grootste platinaproducent ter wereld.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 28 januari 2016 17:03
    Meer koper en nikkel, minder banen bij Anglo

    Gepubliceerd op 28 jan 2016 om 09:10 | Views: 3.117

    LONDEN (AFN) - Mijnbouwer Anglo American heeft in het vierde kwartaal van 2015 bijna een kwart meer koper gedolven dan een jaar eerder. Ook de nikkelproductie viel hoger uit. Dat maakte de in Londen gevestigde mijnbouwer donderdag bekend. Anglo gaf ook aan 3900 banen in Zuid-Afrika te schrappen, als onderdeel van een grote reorganisatie.

    De koperproductie van Anglo steeg de afgelopen drie maanden tot 181.400 ton. De nikkelproductie kwam uit op 10.500 ton. De productie van kolen steeg naar 5,5 miljoen ton. De productie van platina, diamanten en ijzererts uit de mijnen van Kumba in Zuid-Afrika nam af.

    Bij het onderdeel worden 3900 arbeidsplaatsen geschrapt. Vorige maand maakte Anglo bekend circa de helft van zijn mijnen af te stoten en het aantal werknemers te verlagen van 135.000 naar 50.000 man.


    De sector kampt met de tegenvallende vraag vanuit China, de belangrijkste afnemer van de grondstoffen. Anglo's branchegenoten Glencore en FreeportMcMoran versterkten onlangs het kapitaal via de uitgifte van aandelen.

    Dat deed ook platinaproducent Lonmin, dat in de afgelopen maanden 5000 werknemers op straat zette. Nog eens 1000 werknemers moet vrezen voor hun baan. De eveneens in Londen gevestigde mijnbouwer kampt met de naweeën van stakingsacties en de stevige prijsval van platina.

    De emissie van Lonmin leverde het bedrijf 396 miljoen dollar op. Dat zal grotendeels worden gebruikt om schulden af te betalen. De productie van platina viel in het laatste kwartaal van 2015 krap 12 procent lager uit.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 29 januari 2016 16:10
    Iran poised to unveil vast mineral wealth - Report

    FoxNews reported that Iran is poised to become one of the richest countries in the world and its potential for profit goes far beyond oil. After years of economic sanctions and international isolation, the Islamic Republic stands to make an estimated $700 billion off its vast deposits of minerals such as copper, iron ore, zinc and lead.

    Iran has more than 3,000 active mines, mostly privately owned, that contain copper, iron ore and heavy rare earth elements, according to the website

    Ms Rebecca Keller, a science and technology analyst with the Texas-based global intelligence company, Stratfor said “They are an incredibly mineral-rich nation. There’s potential for high-quality, fairly low-cost mining in Iran.”

    She said "They're everywhere. The potential for mining near the Afghanistan border and through a ridge that runs down the middle of the country exists. They’re also looking into exploiting rare earth elements, but they’re still in the early stages of this.”

    Source : Fox News
  8. forum rang 10 voda 29 januari 2016 16:51
    Vale smelter upgrades on track for 2018, Clean AER manager says

    CBC News reported that Sudbury mining giant Vale says its Clean AER project is now 55 per cent complete. Upgrades to the smelter are required to bring the company in-line with the province's updated air quality standards for nickel. They are expected to be finished in 2018.

    Once smelter upgrades are complete, the company will greatly reduce sulphur dioxide emissions, said David Marshall, project manager of the mining company's Clean AER project. AER stands for atmospheric emissions reduction.

    He said "This year we'll be around 150,000 tonnes. When we finish the Clean AER project, that will be reduced to 20,000 tonnes a year."

    He said "We have a lot of work ahead of us. We spent roughly $625 million on the Clean AER project and the surface facilities upgrade work. With the completion of the project we'll reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by about 40 per cent from where we are today."

    Vale's sulphur dioxide emission targets were set more than a decade ago, and the mining company has been granted years of extensions by the Ministry of the Environment, after failing to meet targets.

    Meanwhile, Vale is still considering whether it will need to keep its iconic Superstack, once the upgrades are complete.

    Source : CBC News
  9. forum rang 10 voda 3 februari 2016 20:16
    A new technique for finding deep copper deposits discovered

    A new technique could revolutionize the way mining companies identify copper deposits, particularly those located deep underground. The method focuses on the exploration for porphyry-type copper deposits – the most common source of copper ore, representing three quarters of the world's copper, as well as a significant quantity of molybdenum and gold.

    The deposits originally form several kilometers below the Earth’s surface, above magma chambers, and are gradually thrust towards the surface. But most of the shallower deposits have already been discovered.

    Study author, geologist Ben Williamson of the University of Exeter, solved the problem of looking for the deeper resources by studying the distinctive chemical characteristics of minerals from magmatic rocks which host porphyry deposits.

    He and colleague Richard Herrington from the Natural History Museum, London, compared the chemical compositions of minerals from magmatic rocks that host porphyry deposits against those which are barren and then tested their theory against data from a major new porphyry discovery in Chile.

    He said “This new method will add to the range of tools available to exploration companies to discover new porphyry copper deposits. Our findings also provide important insights into why some magmas are more likely to produce porphyry copper deposits than others, and add to our understanding of how their parent magmatic rocks evolve.”

    The study was funded by mining company Anglo American and was published in Nature Geoscience.

    Source :
  10. forum rang 10 voda 4 februari 2016 16:28
    Opdracht BHP Billiton voor Fugro

    Gepubliceerd op 4 feb 2016 om 13:36 | Views: 1.213

    LEIDSCHENDAM (AFN) - Fugro gaat offshorewerkzaamheden verrichten voor de West-Australische kust in opdracht van de aardoliedivisie van mijnbouwer BHP Billiton. Dat maakte de bodemonderzoeker donderdag bekend, zonder financiële details te vermelden.

    De werkzaamheden aan zes verschillende olievelden in circa 200 meter diep water beginnen in mei van dit jaar. Fugro zet voor de opdracht het constructieschip Southern Ocean in.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 8 februari 2016 16:42
    Forse winstdaling platinaproducent Amplats

    Gepubliceerd op 8 feb 2016 om 08:04 | Views: 4.028

    JOHANNESBURG (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Platinabedrijf Anglo American Platinum (Amplats) heeft vorig jaar de winst zien kelderen. Dat bleek maandag uit definitieve cijfers die de grootste producent van platina ter wereld openbaarde.

    Amplats schreef in totaal 14 miljard rand (bijna 790 miljoen euro) af op mijnen en operationele activiteiten. De winst van de Zuid-Afrikaanse dochteronderneming van mijnbouwconcern Anglo American, exclusief eenmalige posten, zakte met 86 procent van 786 miljoen rand naar 107 miljoen rand.

    Als de afschrijvingen worden meegenomen bleef er een verlies over van ruim 12,1 miljard rand. Topman Chris Griffith zei in een toelichting dat het bedrijf zo'n 1000 banen gaat schrappen bij zijn Twickenham-mijn in Zuid-Afrika.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 11 februari 2016 16:34
    Winst mijnbouwer Rio Tinto gehalveerd

    Gepubliceerd op 11 feb 2016 om 07:31 | Views: 3.485

    LONDEN (AFN) - Mijnbouwer Rio Tinto heeft zijn onderliggende winst in 2015 door de lage grondstofprijzen met 51 procent zien dalen, tot 4,5 miljard dollar. Het concern gaat verder snijden in de kapitaaluitgaven en kosten om de moeilijke marktomstandigheden het hoofd te bieden.

    Volgens Rio Tinto moeten de kosten dit jaar met nog eens 1 miljard dollar omlaag, gevolgd door een vergelijkbare besparing in 2017. Verder worden de investeringen beperkt tot 4 miljard dollar in 2016 en 5 miljard dollar volgend jaar. Dat is een vermindering van 3 miljard dollar in vergelijking met een eerdere prognose.

    Het op een na grootste mijnbouwbedrijf ter wereld gaf aan zijn dividendbeleid onder de loep te nemen in verband met de aanhoudende onzekerheid in de markt. In de afgelopen vijf jaar werd meer dan 25 miljard dollar aan de aandeelhouders uitgekeerd.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 16 februari 2016 16:33
    Miljardenverlies mijnbouwer Anglo American

    Gepubliceerd op 16 feb 2016 om 08:49 | Views: 5.391

    LONDEN (AFN) - Mijnbouwconcern Anglo American is in 2015 op een nettoverlies uitgekomen van 5,6 miljard dollar als gevolg van de sterk gedaalde grondstofprijzen. Het is het vierde jaar op rij dat de producent van ijzererts, platina, koper, nikkel, steenkool en diamant rode cijfers in de boeken moet zetten.

    In 2014 leed het internationaal opererende mijnbouwbedrijf een verlies van 2,5 miljard dollar. In verband met de scherp gedaalde grondstofprijzen moest het moederbedrijf van platinaproducent Amplats en diamantdelver De Beers miljarden afschrijven op zijn activiteiten. Daarnaast worden onderdelen verkocht en tienduizenden banen geschrapt. Het concern gaf in december al aan dat er geen dividend zal worden uitgekeerd.

    Volgens topman Mark Cutifani van Anglo American werd de mijnbouwsector in 2015 geconfronteerd met grote uitdagingen. Het bedrijf gaat nog meer bezittingen verkopen om de schuld te verlagen. Ook worden de investeringen verder verlaagd.

    Maandag verlaagde kredietbeoordelaar Moody's de kredietwaardigheid van Anglo American nog tot junkstatus door zorgen over de hoge schuld.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 16 februari 2016 17:26
    Moody's downgrades Anglo American's ratings to Ba3, negative outlook

    Moody's Investors Service (Moodys) has downgraded the senior unsecured ratings of Anglo American plc (AAL or the company) and its subsidiaries to (P)Ba3 from (P)Baa3 and converted the company's Baa3 long-term issuer rating into a Ba3 corporate family rating (CFR), in line with the rating agency's practice for corporates with non-investment-grade ratings.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  15. forum rang 10 voda 16 februari 2016 20:02
    Rio Told should start buying copper mines rather than build them

    Bloomberg reported that according to Sanford C Bernstein Ltd, Rio Tinto Group should focus on buying floundering rivals to secure copper mines instead of building new ones. Mr Paul Gait, an analyst at Bernstein in London, said in a note Friday that “The decision should be a no brainer. Building a new ton of supply costs significantly more than buying an existing one.”

    He said “With copper prices near a six-year low, producers are spending less on new mines and trying to cut debt accumulated during a commodities boom. Anglo American Plc, which plans to close or sell more than half its mines, Freeport-McMoRan Inc and First Quantum Minerals Ltd are among producers Rio could pursue.”

    He wrote “Anglo would also be a natural fit. The company has a lot to offer beyond copper: diamonds in particular would be a great addition.”

    He said “Rio Tinto needs to grow in copper as the red metal today is probably the commodity with the strongest prospects.”

    Rio said Thursday it plans to cut its dividend by as much as half to strengthen its finances, leading to speculation that the world’s second-biggest miner is readying to grab assets from other companies weighed down by debt. The London-based company reined in acquisitions in recent years as smaller rivals held on to the most profitable mines. It has a list of assets it’s keen to buy should they come up for sale, Chief Financial Officer Chris Lynch said.

    Source : Bloomberg
  16. forum rang 10 voda 22 februari 2016 22:56
    BHP Billiton boekt recordverlies, snijdt in dividend

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--BHP Billiton Ltd. (BHP) heeft in de eerste helft van zijn gebroken boekjaar 2015/16 een recordverlies geleden, en maakte maandagavond bekend in zijn dividend te snijden.

    's Werelds grootste mijnbouwer maakte in de periode een verlies van $5,67 miljard, waarbij een impairment van $858 miljoen moest worden genomen vanwege het ongeluk bij ijzerertsmijn Samarco in november vorig jaar. Toen een dam bij de mijn doorbrak, kwamen 19 mensen om het leven en werden kilometers aan rivieren vervuild.

    Het verlagen van het dividend, met maar liefst 74% tot 16 dollarcent, is opmerkelijk, want chief executive Andrew Mackenzie benadrukte een aantal maanden geleden nog dat dit niet zou gebeuren.

    In het halfjaar kwamen de kapitaalinvesteringen 40% lager uit op $3,6 miljard.

    Voor heel 2016 heeft BHP Billiton de verwachte kapitaaluitgaven verlaagd tot $7 miljard, waarna de investeringen in 2017 naar verwachting dalen tot $5 miljard.

    Door Rhiannon Hoyle; vertaald en bewerkt door Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 5715 200;

  17. forum rang 10 voda 3 maart 2016 16:57
    Lay Offs – Rio Tinto - 700 iron ore jobs to go

    The Australian reported that Rio Tinto has wasted no time embarking on its plans to strip an extra $US2 billion ($2.76bn) of costs off its books in the next two years, with an expected loss of up to 700 more jobs at the company’s profitable West Australian iron ore unit.

    Just last month, Rio managing director Sam Walsh declared he would push for $US1bn in new annual savings this year and the same next year and that iron ore would play a big part, despite its 60 per cent profit margins. Now, it emerged that between 500 and 700 jobs could go at the West Australian iron ore operations run from Perth by Andrew Harding. The company would not confirm or deny the extent of the job cuts, which were reported by The West Australian newspaper.

    A spokesman said “We are continuing to transform our business to ensure we remain globally competitive. Market conditions remain tough and we continue to focus on reducing costs and improving productivity.”

    The latest round of planned cost-cutting across Rio’s global operations follows $US6.2bn of costs that were taken out in the past three years. The latest job cuts, which come after 800 West Australian iron ore job losses last year, will put the company’s local aluminium operations on notice, with that business expected to be a focus for the job cuts.

    Source : The Australian
  18. forum rang 10 voda 3 maart 2016 17:01
    BHPB, Vale and Samarco reach agreement with Brazilian government over iron ore tailing dam disastor

    Samarco Mineracao SA and its two shareholders, Vale SA and BHP Billiton Brasil LTDA, have entered into an agreement with the Federal Attorney General of Brazil, the States of Espirito Santo and Minas Gerais and certain other public authorities for the restoration of the environment and communities affected by the Samarco dam failure on 5 November 2015.

    The Agreement provides a long-term remedial and compensation framework for responding to the impact of the Samarco tragedy.

    Samarco, Vale and BHP Billiton Brasil will establish a Foundation that will develop and execute environmental and socio-economic programs to remediate and provide compensation for damage caused by the Samarco dam failure.

    There are two broad types of programs included in the Agreement:

    Reparatory Programs to restore the environment, local communities and the social condition of the affected areas; and

    Compensatory Programs to provide compensation where remediation is not possible, and to provide compensation on a goodwill basis for certain special projects which go beyond strict make-good and compensation (for example, improvements to sewage systems and landfill management in the river basin).

    The Foundation will be governed by a seven member Board, with Samarco, BHP Billiton Brasil, and Vale each appointing two members and the Brazilian Authorities appointing one member. The Foundation will be assisted in its work by an advisory panel that will include technical experts, regulators and community representatives.

    The Foundation will submit remediation and compensation programs for approval to a Council consisting of representatives of the Brazilian Authorities. The Foundation’s activities will be subject to independent external audit.

    The term of the Agreement is 15 years, renewable for periods of one year successively until all obligations under the Agreement have been performed.

    Samarco will fund the Foundation with contributions as follows (calendar years):

    BRL2 billion (approximately US$500 million) in 2016, less the amount of funds already spent on, or allocated to, remediation and compensation activity 1,

    BRL1.2 billion (approximately US$300 million) in 2017, and

    BRL1.2 billion (approximately US$300 million) in 2018.

    The amount of annual contributions for each of the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 will vary between a minimum of BRL800 million (approximately US$200 million) and a maximum of BRL1.6 billion (approximately US$400 million), depending on the remediation and compensation projects which are to be undertaken in the particular year.

    To the extent Samarco does not meet its funding obligations, each of Vale and BHP Billiton Brasil is liable in proportion to its 50 per cent shareholding in Samarco.

    Samarco will continue to conduct and fund the humanitarian and environmental recovery and remediation work until the Foundation is operational, which is likely to be in the next few months.

    The Agreement is subject to Court approval. If approved, the Agreement will settle the civil public claim commenced on 30 November 2015 by the Brazilian Authorities against Samarco, Vale and BHP Billiton Brasil which sought the establishment of a fund of up to BRL20 billion in aggregate for clean-up costs and damages relating to the dam failure.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  19. forum rang 10 voda 4 maart 2016 17:13
    Rio Tinto increase Pilbara iron ore reserves

    Included in Rio Tinto’s annual Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources update, released to the market as part of its 2015 Annual Report, are increases in Ore Reserves in Pilbara iron ore deposits in Western Australia. As at the end of 2015, the estimated iron ore Ore Reserves increased by 309 Mt after depletion from mining.

    The increases in iron ore Ore Reserves have been delivered as part of the ongoing resource development drilling program designed to maintain Ore Reserves coverage ahead of mining depletion rates.

    Increases in Ore Reserves are reported for:
    Yandicoogina (Pisolite Ore) which has increased from 247 Mt to 642 Mt following the completion of Feasibility level studies within the Oxbow portion of the channel and Prefeasibility level studies for the Billiard South portion of the channel.
    Brockman 2 (Brockman ore) which has increased from 62 Mt to 93 Mt due to additional drilling, modelling and mine planning studies within the existing operations.
    West Angelas (Marra Mamba ore) which has increased from 185 Mt to 209 Mt due to the first time reporting of the Deposit F deposit following the completion of a Prefeasibility level study.

    Ore Reserves are quoted on a 100% basis.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  20. forum rang 10 voda 9 maart 2016 17:25
    BHPB remains unfazed over iron ore rally

    Sydney Morning Herald reported that an extraordinary surge in iron-ore prices has not convinced BHP Billiton to become more optimistic about future growth in demand for iron ore and steel. Speaking after prices for the prime steel ingredient, iron ore, rocketed to a nine-month high on Monday evening, BHP's iron-ore asset president Edgar Basto said he expected iron-ore supply to outpace demand in the near term, which would be likely to ensure prices remained subdued. He told “Supply growth will continue to outpace demand growth over the next few years.”

    He said “In the long term, iron-ore contestable demand is forecast to peak in the middle of next decade, in line with China's pig-iron production before declining afterwards due to a peak in steel production and a greater scrap availability.”

    BHP believes Chinese steel production will peak about 2025 between 935 million tonnes and 985 million tonnes.

    Mr Basto said steel demand for the Chinese construction industry had peaked, but said growth would continue to come from the automotive and other sectors. He said "We believe that while construction steel demand in China might have peaked, manufacturing sectors like machinery, automotive industry and home appliances will maintain a sustainable growth outlook.”

    Mr Basto said BHP's iron-ore guidance for the year to June 30 remained under scrutiny following interruptions from cyclones during the early months of 2016. He said "Given wet weather events at the beginning of the year, we continue to monitor progress against our financial year 2016 production guidance of 270 million tonnes per annum with no fixed-plant investment.”

    Source : Sydney Morning Herald
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