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  1. forum rang 10 voda 27 april 2011 18:42
    'Nederland zet diplomatieke druk op Shell'
    Gepubliceerd op 27 apr 2011 om 18:27 | Views: 22

    DEN HAAG (AFN) - Nederland oefent regelmatig diplomatieke druk uit op oliemaatschappij Shell om het bedrijf ertoe te bewegen zijn verantwoordelijkheid te nemen in het West-Afrikaanse land Nigeria.

    Dat zei staatssecretaris Henk Bleker (belast met internationale handel) woensdag tijdens een Kamerdebat over maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen. Critici vinden dat Shell zich in de Nigerdelta, in het zuiden van Nigeria, bij de oliewinning schuldig maakt aan het schenden van de mensenrechten.

    Volgens Bleker wordt Shell ,,met vasthoudendheid'' aangesproken door vertegenwoordigers van het kabinet, of dit nou de vicepremier is, een minister of een staatssecretaris. Omdat de situatie in de Nigerdelta ook de Nederlandse overheid zorgen baart, is er geen sprake van een ,,achteroverleunende overheid'', aldus de bewindsman.

    Rol in Nigeria

    In januari werd Shell in de Tweede Kamer tijdens een hoorzitting aan de tand gevoeld over de rol die het bedrijf speelt in Nigeria. Daar raakt door lekkende oliepijpen landbouwgrond en viswater onbruikbaar. Verder ontstaan er gezondheidsproblemen bij de lokale bevolking, onder meer doordat grondwater vervuild is geraakt. Ook fakkelt Shell tegen de regels in gas af, wat slecht is voor het milieu.

    Minister Maxime Verhagen (Economische Zaken) heeft recentelijk over de kwestie gesproken met de baas van Shell, Peter Voser. Bleker: ,,Onze zorgen zijn daarin expliciet voorgelegd. Daarin is ook gevraagd om de spoedige beëindiging van het affakkelen van gas door Shell. Zijn daar concrete afspraken gemaakt? Nee, dat niet. Maar we zullen deze punten steeds in periodiek overleg aankaarten.''

    Bleker vindt wel dat Nederland wat betreft het ,,actief oplossen van uitdagingen'' niet op de stoel mag gaan zitten van nationale of lokale overheden in Nigeria. Die, en Shell zelf, zijn hoofdverantwoordelijk voor oplossingen, zei hij.
  2. forum rang 6 boldie 28 april 2011 11:20

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Shell (RDSA) is van de grote olieconcerns het best gepositioneerd om te profiteren van de krappere markt voor liquefied natural gas (LNG) die is ontstaan na de aardbeving in Japan, zegt Bernstein Research. Uit de cijfers over het eerste kwartaal blijkt dat Shell wat voordelen zag van toenemende verschepingen LNG naar Japan, waar na de aardbeving diverse kerncentrales stil kwamen te liggen. Het advies blijft buy. Donderdag omstreeks 11.15 uur noteert het aandeel 0,2% hoger op EUR26,11, terwijl de AEX met 0,2% stijgt. (BTZ)
    Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;
    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
    April 28, 2011 05:19 ET (09:19 GMT)
    © 2011 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

  3. forum rang 10 voda 28 april 2011 15:15
    Shell ziet impact Noordzee-belasting $100 mln per KW in 2012

    LONDEN (Dow Jones)--Royal Dutch Shell plc (RDSA) verwacht in 2012 een additionele $100 miljoen per kwartaal te moeten betalen in verband met de Britse belastingverhoging op de winst op olie en gas uit de Noordzee, zegt CFO Simon Henry donderdag.

    Volgens de financieel directeur van het Brits-Nederlandse olieconcern had de belastingverhoging, die vorige maand werd ingevoerd, al een effect van $60 miljoen op de winst over het eerste kwartaal. Voor de rest van 2011 voorziet hij extra lasten van $150 miljoen.

    Eerder op de dag maakte het olieconcern een stijging van de aangepaste winst over het eerste kwartaal van 30% bekend. Henry stelt in een toelichting dat de voorziene hogere belastinglasten voortkomen uit de verwachting dat de winsten uit olie- en gaswinning in de Noordzee in de loop van volgend jaar zullen toenemen.

    Door Alexis Flynn; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5715200;

  4. forum rang 10 voda 29 april 2011 17:20
    Shell Plans to Produce More Gas Than Oil in 2012
    27 April 2011
    Copyright 2011 Intelligence Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    Shell Oil Co. plans to produce more natural gas than oil in 2012, company President Marvin E. Odom
    told a major gathering of energy executives and policymakers Tuesday.

    "It's [worth] procuring and it will be a preferred fuel," he said at the Energy Information Administration's annual conference in Washington, DC. "Just a few years ago North America's natural gas production was believed to be in decline," but that was before the discovery of prolific shale gas plays.

    It's now estimated that more than 22,000 Tcf of natural gas is available worldwide, of which more than 2,500 Tcf is in North America, according to Odom. At current production levels there's enough supply to meet the world's demand for 250 years. "We have enough just in the U.S. for 100 years," he said.

    In the last decade Shell Oil has invested more than $17 billion in natural gas exploration and development, Odom said. He further noted that the Houston-based producer is active in six tight gas plays in North America, representing about 3.4 million net acres and 40 Tcf of natural gas.

    "We're still waking up to the fact that we have this enormous energy resource [shale gas] in our backyard," Odom said. And he believes that shale gas can be developed through hydraulic fracturing without posing risks to public health or the environment. "Make no mistake; it can be done without harming the environment. Anything less is unacceptable," he told the audience.

    An increase in supply is a certain way to build a "stable energy picture," Odom said, "but our political climate doesn't always make that easy." Energy decisions in Washington are often made based on "rhetoric and hyperbole rather than on facts."

    Politicians often pick the winners and losers among the energy sources and "relegate compromise to the back road," he said. This is "one of the reasons people are so disappointed in their leaders right now."

    Asked if he believed an Alaska pipeline to the Lower 48 states (see Daily GPI, April 21) would ever be constructed, Odom indicated that the discovery of abundant shale resources has dampened interest in the long-line system. "You need a strong commercial driver that connects that gas resource with the Lower 48. With the number of resources [shale gas] discovered recently in North America, you can see why that presents quite a challenge to the commercial driver."

    Shell has been blocked at every turn to develop the resources off the coast of Alaska. The producer has abandoned plans to drill in Alaska's offshore this year but hopes to restart the long-delayed project in 2012 (see Daily GPI, Feb. 4). It's estimated that offshore Alaska contains 120 Tcf of gas.

    In early January Alaska Native and conservation groups successfully challenged the air permits that the Environmental Protection Agency had issued to Shell's exploration unit to drill and operate in
    the Chukchi and Beaufort seas (see Daily GPI, Jan. 5). Shell, the leading acreage holder offshore Alaska, has been working for several years to secure federal and various state approvals to drill
    three exploratory wells in the Arctic seas.

    As for the Gulf of Mexico, Odom said he believes "hands down things are better than they were before" the Macondo well blowout, which led to the explosion and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon rig last April. He said the construction of a containment system was a "significant" step toward a more safe environment in the deepwater. However, he says more attention needs to be paid to blown out capping a well.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 29 april 2011 17:26
    Shelling out on biofuels
    27 April 2011
    Biofuels International
    Copyright 2011. Horseshoe Media Ltd.

    Shell is the world’s biggest distributor of biofuels. Last year alone the oil giant distributed 9.5 billion litres of the renewable fuel and has no plans to stop there. The company has laboratories around the world in places such as Chester, UK; Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Houston,
    US; and Bangalore, India; and has plans to open more. Although the company is unable to disclose how much it invests into biofuels specifically, its total R&D spend in 2010 was $1.3 billion (€0.9
    billion) and, according to Jeremy Shears, Shell’s global manager for biodomain, a ‘significant part of that goes towards biofuels’. Why biofuels? Over the next 40 years there is going to be a
    drastic rise in the consumption of energy, with the demand expected to double, especially in developing economies. To cope with this, there needs to be a ‘diverse and secure supply of energy’, says Shears. The transport sector accounts for a quarter of the emissions the world

    Cutting greenhouse gases is one reason why Shell wants to increase its biofuels distribution, although the company also recognises a growing demand for the fuel. New legislation in different regions around the world has sparked the push into biofuels development, such as in the EU where the European Union Renewable Energy Directive wants to see 10% of all road vehicle fuel come from biofuels by 2020. In the US, the Energy Independence and Security Act 2007 also stipulates 36 billion gallons of road transport fuels should be renewable by 2022.Shell is the world’s biggest distributor of biofuels. Last year alone the oil giant distributed 9.5 billion litres of the renewable fuel and has no plans to stop there. The company has laboratories around the world in
    places such as Chester, UK; Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Houston, US; and Bangalore, India; and has plans to open more. Although the company is unable to disclose how much it invests into biofuels specifically, its total R&D spend in 2010 was $1.3 billion (€0.9 billion) and, according to Jeremy Shears, Shell’s global manager for biodomain, a ‘significant part of that goes towards biofuels’.

    Why biofuels? Over the next 40 years there is going to be a drastic rise in the consumption of energy, with the demand expected to double, especially in developing economies. To cope with this, there needs to be a ‘diverse and secure supply of energy’, says Shears. The transport sector accounts for a quarter of the emissions the world produces. Cutting greenhouse gases is one reason why Shell wants to increase its biofuels distribution, although the company also recognises a growing demand for the fuel. New legislation in different regions around the world has sparked the push into biofuels development, such as in the EU where the European Union Renewable Energy Directive wants to see 10% of all road vehicle fuel come from biofuels by 2020. In the US, the
    Energy Independence and Security Act 2007 also stipulates 36 billion gallons of road transport fuels should be renewable by 2022.

  6. forum rang 10 voda 3 mei 2011 16:39
    In push to drill in Alaskan waters, Shell’s biggest problem is BP oil spill; Proposal for Arctic poses a test for Obama, who vowed to put safety first

    3 May 2011
    International Herald Tribune
    © 2011 The New York Times Company. All Rights Reserved.

    Shell Oil will present an ambitious proposal to the U.S. government this week, seeking permission to drill as many as 10 exploratory oil wells beneath the frigid Arctic waters off Alaska.
    The forbidding ice-clogged region is believed to hold vast reserves of oil, potentially enough to fuel 25 million cars for 35 years. And with production from Alaska’s North Slope in steep decline, the oil industry is eager to tap new offshore wells.
    Shell has led the way, working for five years to convince regulators, environmentalists, Native Alaskans and several courts that it can manage the process safely, protect polar bears and other wildlife, safeguard air quality for residents and respond quickly to any spill in the region. But
    BP’s disaster a year ago in the Gulf of Mexico put a chill on new offshore drilling.
    Shell’s renewed application will pose a test for President Barack Obama, who promised to put safety first after the BP spill. But he has also reiterated his support for offshore drilling amid voter worries about rising gasoline prices.
    Environmental groups say a spill in the Arctic’s inaccessible waters could be even more catastrophic than the BP accident. Republicans, meanwhile, are threatening to accuse the president of turning his back on energy security if he says no to Shell.
    ‘‘Americans are reeling from staggering prices at the pump,’’ said Representative Cory Gardner, a Colorado Republican on the House Energy and Commerce Committee. ‘‘So the president has to justify to the American people why we are not replacing Saudi Arabian oil imports with U.S.-produced oil.’’
    Whatever the administration decides, it will anger somebody. ‘‘If the Obama administration approves drilling in the Arctic, it will demonstrate that they have learned nothing from the gulf spill,’’ said Brendan Cummings, senior counsel at the Center for Biological Diversity, which is
    suing to stop Shell.
    Administration officials say only that they will thoroughly review Shell’s new proposal. ‘‘We need to continue to take a cautious approach in the Arctic that is guided by science and the voices of North Slope communities,’’ said Kendra Barkoff, a spokeswoman for the Interior Department, which oversees most of the process.
    The politics extend as far as Alaska’s remotest villages, where support from Native Alaskans, or at least their acquiescence, is essential to win several permits. With that in mind, Pete Slaiby, Shell’s top executive in Alaska, was glad-handing last week in Savoonga, a village on an island in
    the Bering Sea. He passed out raffle tickets, bought a trinket and congratulated the Yupik hunters for harpooning two bowhead whales.
    One hunter waved a copy of the movie ‘‘An Inconvenient Truth,’’ and began an attack on oil as a cause for the warming temperatures that are melting the Arctic ice. Other hunters pressed Mr. Slaiby on concerns that the migrating walruses they depend on for food would suffer from the noise if drilling operations began north of the village.
    Mr. Slaiby said Shell was concerned about climate change, too, and promised that the company would take painstaking precautions to protect wildlife. ‘‘We won’t be successful here if we deprive people of their subsistence,’’ he said. ‘‘If the oil companies are doing well and the people living around them are not, it’s a recipe for disaster.’’
    Shell has already spent $3.7 billion on the 10-year offshore leases and preparations for exploration, although the company has yet to drill a single hole. Shell will formally present its new proposal — to drill as many as 10 wells over the next two years in remote waters north of Alaska, in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas — in the next few days. If the plan is approved within nine months or so, exploration could begin next year.
    Just as in the past, executives realize they need to fight the battle on multiple regulatory and legal fronts. ‘‘It’s like holding a bunch of pins in your hand, and trying to make sure not one drops,’’ said Brian Malnak, Shell’s vice president of government affairs.
    Perhaps the toughest hurdle this year will be convincing the U.S. government that Shell could protect the Arctic from a devastating spill. An Interior Department agency recently estimated that a ‘‘hypothetical’’ blowout of an oil well in the Chukchi Sea could release 1.4 million barrels of crude over a 39-day period before a relief well could be drilled. A leak of that magnitude would severely test the capacity of the boats, barges, skimmers and a spill containment tanker that Shell plans to deploy around its rigs, although the company promises to add whatever equipment regulators find necessary.
    Shell is proposing to use two drill ships, each capable of drilling a relief well for the other in case of the kind of blowout that destroyed the Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of Mexico. The
    company is also promising to add more testing and an extra set of shears to its blowout preventers and to keep emergency capping systems near drilling sites to capture any potential leaks.
    Alaska once accounted for a third of the nation’s oil production, but its fields are now in steep decline. The decrease in production threatens the continued safe use of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System, also known as TAPS, which requires a steady flow of oil to avert corrosion and spills.
    The Alaskan Arctic potentially holds 27 billion barrels of oil. ‘‘If we could open the Arctic to oil exploration,’’ said the Alaska governor, Sean Parnell, ‘‘we can fill that TAPS line in a way to preserve it for another 50 to 100 years.’’ Major production from the Arctic would probably be a decade away, however.
    Environmentalists contend that the risks of drilling are too great. They warn that hurricane-force winds, high seas and frigid cold and ice would make cleaning up a spill far more difficult than in the Gulf of Mexico, and they say that oil operations could disturb migration and reproduction of marine mammals.
    ‘‘We believe there need to be more spill drills, more testing, more inspections of the drill rig and blowout preventer before they begin,’’ said Marilyn Heiman, director of the U.S. Arctic
    Program of the Pew Environment Group.
    In his presentation in Savoonga, Mr. Slaiby said Shell and other companies had safely drilled in Alaska’s Arctic waters in the 1980s and 1990s, without a spill or major damage to wildlife. And he noted that the wells Shell intended to drill were far shallower than BP’s Macondo well, site of the blowout, making the possibility of a disaster more remote.
    ‘‘We’ve never told people that what we do doesn’t entail risk,’’ Mr. Slaiby said, ‘‘but the risks are different from the Gulf of Mexico.’’
  7. sander1988 5 mei 2011 10:47
    Royal Dutch Shell plc (RDSB.LN) heeft met een alliantie van het Poolse Kulczyk Oil Ventures inc (KOV.WA) en de lokale gemeenschap een overeenkomst gesloten voor de verkoop van een olie- en gas exploitatieveld in Nigeria voor ongeveer $800 miljoen, meldde een vertegenwoordiger van de lokale gemeenschap woensdag laat.

    Het zou om Shells grootste verkoop in Nigeria tot nu toe gaan en moeten bijdragen aan een verbetering van de relatie van het olieconcern met lokale gemeenschappen in Nigeria.

    Het betreft een exploitatieveld in de West-Niger delta, aldus Miabiye Kuromiema van een lokale jeugdbeweging, die zelf bij de onderhandelingen betrokken was.

    De andere betrokken partijen waren niet voor commentaar beschikbaar, of wilden geen commentaar geven.

    Shell heeft in de afgelopen maanden meerdere kleinere velden aan lokale gemeenschappen in Nigeria verkocht.

    - Door Benoit Faucon; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 571 5201;

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires

    May 05, 2011 03:03 ET (07:03 GMT)

    ©Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 5 mei 2011 16:10
    Shell verkoopt olie- en gasveld Nigeria - onderhandelaar

    LONDEN (Dow Jones)--Royal Dutch Shell plc (RDSB.LN) heeft met een alliantie van het Poolse Kulczyk Oil Ventures inc (KOV.WA) en de lokale gemeenschap een overeenkomst gesloten voor de verkoop van een olie- en gas exploitatieveld in Nigeria voor ongeveer $800 miljoen, meldde een vertegenwoordiger van de lokale gemeenschap woensdag laat.

    Het zou om Shells grootste verkoop in Nigeria tot nu toe gaan en moeten bijdragen aan een verbetering van de relatie van het olieconcern met lokale gemeenschappen in Nigeria.

    Het betreft een exploitatieveld in de West-Niger delta, aldus Miabiye Kuromiema van een lokale jeugdbeweging, die zelf bij de onderhandelingen betrokken was.

    De andere betrokken partijen waren niet voor commentaar beschikbaar, of wilden geen commentaar geven.

    Shell heeft in de afgelopen maanden meerdere kleinere velden aan lokale gemeenschappen in Nigeria verkocht.

    - Door Benoit Faucon; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 571 5201;
  9. forum rang 10 voda 5 mei 2011 20:08
    'Shell verkoopt deel activiteiten Nigeria'
    Gepubliceerd op 5 mei 2011 om 19:55 | Views: 14

    DEN HAAG (AFN) - Oliemaatschappij Shell verkoopt een deel van zijn Nigeriaanse activiteiten aan een consortium van bedrijven, waaronder de Nest Oil Group. Dat meldde persbureau Reuters donderdag op basis van bronnen. Een woordvoerder van Shell wilde geen commentaar geven.

    De verkoop van de 45-procentsdeelname in een olieveld zou Shell 600 miljoen dollar opleveren. In het consortium zit ook het Poolse Kulczyk Oil Ventures, een bedrijf van de Poolse miljardair Jan Kulczyk.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 6 mei 2011 15:58
    NAM verkoopt belang in gasveld
    Gepubliceerd op 6 mei 2011 om 11:51 | Views: 172

    AMSTERDAM (AFN) - De Nederlandse Aardoliemaatschappij (NAM) heeft een belang van ruim 47 procent in een gasveld in de Noordzee verkocht aan Oranje-Nassau Energie (ONE). Dat meldde ONE vrijdag.

    Volgens de NAM, een joint venture van olieconcerns Shell en ExxonMobil, past de verkoop in de strategie om zich te richten op projecten waar de meeste waarde kan worden gecreëerd voor aandeelhouders en partners.

    De aankoop vergroot de reserves van ONE met 2,5 miljoen olievatequivalenten. Het veld is goed voor een productie die overeenkomt met 1500 vaten per dag. De overname moet nog worden goedgekeurd door de autoriteiten.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 6 mei 2011 16:20
    Shell oilsands upgrader goes on-stream; Massive Scotford expansion dwarfed other construction
    4 May 2011
    Copyright © 2011 Canwest News Service

    EDMONTON - After five years of work and a cost of around $10 billion, Shell's Scotford Upgrader Expansion has successfully started production.
    Shell announced Wednesday the 100,000-barrels-per-day expansion, which will bring total production to 255,000 bpd, is now in commercial production following months of tests and trial runs of the plant.
    "This startup is an important milestone for our heavy oil business," said Marvin Odum, Shell Upstream Americas Director said in a statement.
    "And it adds new capacity from an important source of oil in a world requiring more secure energy."
    The Scotford Upgrader processes oilsands bitumen from the Muskeg River Mine and Jackpine Mine for use in refined oil products. And with production capacity at the Athabasca Oil Sands Project (AOSP) joint-venture now at 255,000 barrels-per-day, engineers will focus on improving operating efficiencies and adding capacity through debottlenecking.
    Shell said engineering for the expansion was done in offices in Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto, Houston, New Delhi and Shanghai.
    At peak construction, more than 10,000 skilled trades on-site, making Scotford the largest construction project in Canada.
    Apprentices made up 30 per cent of the workforce, and about 45,000 people were trained and worked on the site for periods during the construction.
    The Scotford project needed 18,000 piles driven 20 metres into the ground to support the massive facility.
    About 65,000 tonnes of structural concrete were poured, and 17 tanks capable of holding 270 million litres of liquid were erected.
    There are five reactors in the Residue Hydro Conversion (RHC) unit, and each was 16 storeys tall, weighed 1,100 tonnes and were nine inches thick. About 16,000 metric tonnes of structural steel
    were used, and 546 modules were fabricated for the project.
    Shell Canada Energy is the 60-per-cent owner and operator of AOSP, along with Chevron Canada Limited (20 per cent) and Marathon Oil Corporation (20 per cent). The AOSP includes the Muskeg River Mine, Jackpine Mine and Scotford Upgrader.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 10 mei 2011 19:25
    Public weighs in on federal plan for commercial oil shale development in Rockies
    Associated Press
    5 May 2011 08:30
    (c) 2011. The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.

    GOLDEN, Colo. (AP) - Revising a Bush administration plan to open nearly 2 million acres of public land to potential oil shale development will only delay efforts to reduce U.S. reliance on foreign oil, Shell Exploration and Production Co. said Wednesday.
    Tracy Boyd, a Shell official, was among speakers at Bureau of Land Management public meetings in Golden on efforts to review the Bush administration plan released in 2008. About 50 people attended afternoon and night sessions.
    A similar meeting a day earlier in Rifle in western Colorado drew about 100 people.
    While some say developing oil shale could help reduce U.S. oil imports, the Government Accountability Office said in a report last year that oil shale development could have "significant" impacts on water quality and availability.
    Past studies have shown one to 12 barrels of water, or up to about 500 gallons, may be needed to produce a barrel of oil, the report said.
    Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has said the review of the 2008 oil shale plan could result in an update to account for water demands in the West and new research and technology. The BLM also plans to consider whether to prohibit development on wilderness areas, sage grouse habitat and other areas of concern.
    While Boyd said a bureau review leading to the 2008 plan was "adequate and comprehensive," other speakers raised concerns about what oil shale development could do to water, air quality, wildlife and communities.
    Companies are still years from finding a profitable way to heat kerogen in the shale to produce oil.
    "By then, most of us should be driving electric cars," said Mike Chiropolos of Western Resource Advocates. He and others contend Colorado has other forms of sustainable energy that should be xplored before heating rocks to extract oil.
    The Bureau of Land Management has said there is an estimated 1.5 trillion barrels of recoverable oil in Utah, Colorado and Wyoming.
    The West has had a frustrating history with recovery efforts. In 1982, Exxon shut down a $5 billion project, putting 2,200 people out of work. In 1991, Unocal had abandoned an effort to produce oil shale on a commercial scale near Parachute, Colo. That plant employed about 480 people.
    In 2007, the bureau issued six leases of federal land in Colorado and Utah for research on commercial oil shale recovery methods. Three more applications for leases are under review.
    Delays in efforts to boost domestic oil production will mean higher imports, and lower tax revenues generated by the oil industry, Boyd said.
    John Gale of Colorado Backcountry Hunters and Anglers questioned giving industry more access to public lands for oil shale research when they have access to private lands.
    "As a ranch kid, my mom used to say you're supposed to finish what's on your plate before you ask for more," he said.
    Curt Moore, an attorney who recently moved from the energy-rich Western Slope, said the best deposits are on public land, though. Moore also said the real threat to Colorado water is not oil
    shale development but population growth on the Front Range.
    Boyd said the U.S. needs energy, which can be developed while also managing and mitigating impacts of development. The bureau also was taking comments Thursday in Cheyenne, Wyo.
    Shell Exploration and Production is part of Royal Dutch Shell PLC.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 10 mei 2011 19:28
    Qatar Petroleum and Shell announced ...
    9 May 2011
    (c) Energy Institute, All rights reserved

    Qatar Petroleum and Shell announced in late March the first flow of dedicated offshore sour gas into the Pearl gas-to-liquids (GTL) plant located in Ras Laffan Industrial City in Qatar. Sections of the Pearl GTL plant will be started up progressively over the coming months. The Pearl project comprises two offshore platforms located 60 km off the Qatar coast, connected by subsea pipeline to what is claimed to be the largest GTL plant ever built. Once fully operational, Pearl will produce 1.6bn cf/d of gas from the North field, which will be processed to generate 120,000 b/d of condensate and natural gas liquids, and 140,000 b/d of GTL products (high quality, clean-burning oil products such as gasoil, high specification lubricants base oils, and chemicals feedstock).
  14. forum rang 10 voda 10 mei 2011 20:49
    Shell bezit meer dan helft ladingen uit Forties-veld in mei - handelaren

    LONDEN (Dow Jones)--Royal Dutch Shell (RDSA) heeft meer dan de helft van alle ladingen ruwe olie vanuit het Forties-veld in de Noordzee in mei verworven, zeggen handelaren dinsdag tegen Dow Jones Newswires.

    De prijs voor olie uit het Forties-veld, de grootste component van Brent-olie, die weer gebruikt wordt om meer dan de helft van de olie op de wereld te prijzen, steeg dinsdag omdat er geen olie beschikbaar was voor handelaren.

    Volgens handelaren is het moeilijk in te schatten hoeveel ladingen Shell in mei verzorgt, maar schatten zij dit op ongeveer 15 van de 24 ladingen.

    Shell wilde geen commentaar geven.

    In januari bouwde Hetco, een handelsmaatschappij op het gebied van energie en gedeeltelijk in bezit van de Hess Corporation (HES), aan een sterke positie in e e n derde van alle ladingen uit het Forties-veld, waardoor zorgen rezen over de manipulatie van de prijs voor Brent-olie.

    Nu Shell meer dan de helft van de ladingen uit het Forties-veld in mei heeft verworven zullen de zorgen over manipulatie waarschijnlijk terugkeren.

    Door Elco van Groningen; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5715200;

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires

  15. forum rang 10 voda 10 mei 2011 21:32
    'Akkoord over gasdeal Shell en Irak'
    10 mei 2011, 17:00 uur |
    Binnen een week tekenen de Irakese overheid en Shell eindelijk het contract voor een gasdeal ter waarde van $ 12 mrd (€ 8,35 mrd). De onderhandelingen hebben jaren geduurd.

    De Irakese onderminister van Olie, Ahmad Shamaa, heeft vandaag volgens de persbureaus Reuters en Bloomberg meegedeeld dat er 'een overeenkomst is bereikt die beide partijen tevreden stelt.'

    Shell kan nu, samen met de Japanse partner Mitsubishi, beginnen met het opvangen van gas dat vrijkomt bij de productie van olie op vier grote velden rond Basra. Dat gas wordt nu nog afgefakkeld. Irak wil het gas gaan gebruiken voor de opwekking van elektriciteit. De vraag daarnaar is in het land nog altijd groter dan het aanbod.

    Op termijn moet ook gas geëxporteerd gaan worden. Over de export ging het laatste meningsverschil. Shell en Mitsubishi wilden dit zelf ter hand nemen, maar volgens Irak was dat een zaak van het land zelf. Een ander probleem vormde het gebrek aan goede wetgeving met betrekking tot gas, ook had de regering moeite haar deel van de financiering van het project.

    De laatste versie van het contract zou nu aan de Irakese ministerraad worden voorgelegd ter goedkeuring. Het eerste, voorlopige akkoord werd al in 2008 bereikt.

  16. forum rang 10 voda 10 mei 2011 22:53
    Shell Oil moet $2,2 miljoen betalen in schikking over royalty's
    Schikking betreft onderbetalen van royalty's op Federaal beheerd aardgas

    (MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

  17. forum rang 10 voda 11 mei 2011 17:13
    Shell moet $2,2 miljoen betalen nav schikking over royalty's

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Shell Oil, de Amerikaanse dochteronderneming van Royal Dutch Shell (RDSA), heeft een schikking getroffen ter waarde van $2,2 miljoen in een geschil over royalty's verschuldigd op aardgas uit federale leasecontracten, maakt het Amerikaanse ministerie van Justitie dinsdag bekend.

    In juni 2003 heeft Shell Oil al $56 miljoen betaald in een schikking naar aanleiding van aantijgingen over het willens en wetens onderbetalen van royalty's gerelateerd aan aardgas en vloeibaar aardgas geproduceerd uit federaal beheerd gebied in de Golf van Mexico.

    De schikking dinsdag heeft betrekking op federaal beheerd gebied aan land.

    Erfgenamen van klokkeluider Harrold Wright ontvangen $572.00.

    Door Elco van Groningen; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5715200;

  18. forum rang 10 voda 11 mei 2011 17:13
    *VS: Shell mag boren in Golf van Mexico

    (MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

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